How to offer files in ruby on rails with authentification? - ruby-on-rails

My problem is, I upload files to my server, and atm the uploaded files are located under an asset directory, but I don't want all users grant the access to the files, but if the file is located under an asset directory, all users can download them etc.
But if a user want to alter his file, then he should get access to them f.e. with js (think that i use js as an editor).
Can someone help me?

I hope you use Paperclip gem. Read this post about protected file download:


how to have assets other than js and css files in rails

I have some object files which I want to have them in my JS codes I put them under app/assets/3d-models and when I try to get a link to it I use:
<%= asset_path("3d-models/splits2/xxx.obj") %>
But the output is /3d-models/splits2/xxx.obj which obviously the 404 NOT FOUND is the result(i.e the asset not found, the wrong link!)
How can I get an access link to a file other than common files used in rails' assets?
You can have different assets. Just place them into assets folder and link to them correctly.
Rails are using assets pipeline. This is a concept, which provides a better way to serve some static files to a website. In Rails it is implemented by Sprockets gem. Please read more here.
You can also have other static files directly in public folder and link to those files anywhere from your app. This will not be included in assets pipeline.
If you use assets_path helper method, then there is a fingerprint added to a file so the URL to the file is different then.
Please check this section.

Rails file upload: upload a folder

I work on Rails project and client asked if I can add 'upload a folder' feature to simple file upload system that we have now. Currently it attaches files to model and then displays them on a page for download. Pretty basic.
But I can't figure out how can I handle folder uploads, with every folder having it's own content. Is there any pre-made gems that can help accomplish that?
We use Paperclip at the moment, but I don't mind migrating to Carrerwave or some other gem that would
UPDATE I see that I was unclear about my needs. I need an upload system that could handle folders. Something like this.
In Dropbox I am able to upload both files and folders. How can I make my uploaders accept folders and then display them alongside regular attached files?
you can solve it by using the interpolation of paperclip where you can create or naming the folder dynamically for the same you need to do like below
specify the path into model which you wanted always
:path => ":folder/:id_:filename"
and specify the private method in same model or using globally specify in initializer
Paperclip::interpolates :folder do |attachment, style|

how can I upload and download files in rails application

I am new to rails and i am making an application which will upload a file(text), and then after some processing on the file, i want to download it and delete the original file. Also specify if there is some online source on this.
You can use a file input just like any other rails form input.

Precompiling assets that are created by model

I have a question relating to how precompiled assets are utilized in a production environment. What about general file attachments as a part of the model? For example, I have the model "Event". You can have n attachments to the model, and they can be any file you want. Typically they are either image files or PDF files, but they can also be Excel files for example. These files are to be displayed as links to the user and the user can click the link to open the file. The attachment files are stored in the /assets directory in the following manner, alongside the standard assets:
Now as I understand it, when I run the precompile method, Sprockets generates gzipped/MD5'ed versions of the files to be do I deal with these attachment files? If I run the precompile method, everything gets gzipped...but when I add/remove attachments further down the road through the web interface, some will be gzipped and others won't. What's the best way to deal with this?
I gave up trying to figure out a way around it and just set all the attachments as well as paperclip attachments to be physically put in the /public directory. From my vantage point, this removes the benefit of compressed assets, but whatever.

Directory to store cached files in Rails?

I am generating some large files in my Rails application. Fortunately, they only need to be generated once. I would like to save these files to disk so that I don't have to generate them again.
Which directory in my Rails application is the most appropriate place to put application generated files?
If security of the files is not an issue you can put them in a subdirectory of public (for example, public/assets) which in your deploy script is symlinked to a directory in shared/public so that when you redeploy the files are retained.
If security is an issue, the solution is similar, though you would not want the directory to be web accessible. Instead you would use a controller to control access and serve up the files with send_file.
