How to go from a single view to a tab bar view - ios

need some help here
My problem is, my app starts with a single view, it shows a menu made with buttons that takes me to different places, one of this places is another kind of menu, but this menu is a tab bar menu, so the thing is, I made a new file with its .xib, I added the tab bar controller, and i Linked all the sections of my tabs with its viewcontrollers...
this means that I have my first menu ready, I have my view controllers ready, I have my menu on the tab bar ready....
so my problem is...
how can I go from my single view (the first view that I see and that doesnt include a tab bar), to the new screen with tab bar controller in it after pressing a button???
help me please
Note: I'm using XCode 4.2 and I'm not working with storyboards (requirements of the app)

You have three options to show your viewController content :
1.using presentModalViewController:
2.add the viewController view as a subView to the current viewController. in your case : [singleViewController.view addSubView:tabBarViewController.view];
3.or if your simple ViewController is the navigation root viewController you can push other viewControllers to its navigation stack. (as #roronoa zorro described).

You might have added all the next viewControllers on the taBarController so if you have want to tabbar on to next screen you simplr have to push the tabbarcontroller on the navigationcontroller.
[self.navigationController pushViewController:TabBarControllerObj];


Why is the navigation bar not appearing in the Simulator?

In my application that I am building, I set up a navigation controller to control navigation through the app. I created a Root View Controller.
I linked that Root View Controller to another View Controller using a show segue. Now the View Controller displays the navigation bar with the Large Titles turned off in the storyboard.
Even though it is showing up in the storyboard when I click the plus button, the navigation bar is not showing up in the Simulator. Does anybody know why?
Here is the complete Storyboard (Navigation Controller on the left - Root View Controller in the middle - Add View Controller on the right).
If someone could help me with this that would be amazing. Thank you.
You can retrace the steps and see where it went wrong:
1: Create a new single page app. Remove the VC and add TableVC. Set as root VC.
2: Select TableVC, Editor -> Embed in navigation controller.
3: Add tab bar item to the added navigation bar of the TableVC.
4: Create another VC and control drag from tab bar item to the VC (a push segue).
Hi!Have you linked the Storyboard with ViewController like picture?That could be one reason.

Changing tabs on Tab Based Application Pushes UI Elements Down

I have a tabbed based iOS application. The fourth tab is linked to a UINavigationController. When I navigate to the home tab from the fourth tab, the UI elements of the home tab are pushed down. However, if I rotate the phone to landscape and then back to portrait, everything has moved up and is in the correct place.
In Storyboard, I set the top bar to none. I have the UINavigationBar hidden in the fourth tab/view controller before I navigate to the home tab.
Why would it be that the rotation fixes the constraints? How can I fix the UI elements such that they are not pushed down in the first place?
Here is a screen shot of my storyboard:
Your question doesn't really make sense. A 4th tab would not be embedded in a navigation controller. Instead, the 4th tab would link to a navigation controller. When you first select that tab you'd see the root view controller and it's navigation bar item. If you pushed a new view controller it would get pushed onto the navigation controller in tab 4. If you switch to one of the other tabs then the navigation controller will be swapped away and it's navigation bar will no longer be visible. Swap back to tab 4 you'll see it again, complete with it's navigation bar.
I created a sample app in order to confirm what I'm describing, as I haven't used tab bar controllers a lot, and not in quite a while I can upload the project if you really need to see it. It only contains a couple of lines of code (to implement the button on the navigation controller's view controller that creates and pushes a new view controller.)

Why Tab bar is going to hide when Push to another View in objective c

I am using TabBarController with four tabs in my applicatin. In the second Tab I'm using PageViewcontroller. PageViewController contains Five pages. Where the first Page view contains the button. On button click we can navigate to another view. When we navigate to another view, the tab is going to hide.
But I don't want to hide the Tab bar.
Anyone can please help to resolve this problem.
In order to make UITabBar visible in all the screens of your app you need to take UINavigationController for all the tabs, UINavigationController will be the viewControllers with relational segue and UINavigationController's root view controllers will be your initial controllers which you want to show on Tabs
Below is the screenshot of how you design it using your storyboard
And here is how it works
Deselect Hide bottom bar on push as below :
Or programatically :
yourViewController.hidesBottomBarWhenPushed = NO;

Corrupted UINavigationController with embedded UITabBarController

My app is based around a UINavigationController. On some screens I have a UITabBarController embedded within. When I go to a screen with the tab bar everything works fine on the first tab. (each tab is a UITableViewController) I can tap a cell of the table view and it'll take me to the next page by correctly pushing it onto my nav controller. If I go to another tab it loads the table view fine, but if I tap a cell to take me to another view I get this error:
Nested push animation can result in corrupted navigation bar
Finishing up a navigation transition in an unexpected state. Navigation Bar subview tree might get corrupted.
It pushes on the next page, but then if I attempt to press the back button on the nav bar the app will crash.
How could I go about fixing this? I looked at multiple other responses to similar problems, but none of them have helped me with this.
It would be really helpful if you share your code.
However this may be helpful for you:
while using tab bar , you should try that every single tab has its own navigation controller and use individual navigation controller to move to specific viewcontrller of specific tab. I know its hard to understand like this..
For e.g in app del you have your main navigation controller using which you push to next view controller ,say "SecondViewController".
Now this second one has got one tab bar with 4 tabs tab1,tab2,tab3,tab4. now each tab can have any no of view controllers associated with them. For e.g on tab1,you move to another screen and again from there to next screen and so on.
So to manage them there should be separate navigation controllers like,tab1nav,tab2nav,tab3nav,tab4nav.
tabBarController.viewControllers = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:"tab1nav".....and so on all nav, nil];
Now depending in which tab you are, use that tab's navigation controller to move to next screen of that tab or move back.
If you have viewDidAppear function,
Remember to put [super viewDidAppear:animated]; inside the function.

Tab bar disappears when trying to go back from new view

I am very new to Xcode and have encountered an issue with my app. I am trying to create a tab bar app. On one of the tabs I have a button that brings the user to a different ViewController. I want to have it so the user can select a button that would return them to the tab that had the button. I tried to set up an action from the button to the previous view (the tabbed screen), however the tab bar disappears. I hope this is makes sense.
Here is a link to a screenshot...
Easiest way to do this is to place a UINavigationController as the root view controller of the TabBarController. You can do this in storyboard by simply ctrl+dragging from the tabbar controller to the navigation controller and adding it as a relationship.
Here's an example using storyboards:
The next step is to set the third controller (in this case the table view controller) to your player view controller class.
Then, you can use the default back button and animation that comes with the navigation controller. If you prefer to hide the navigation bar at the top of the screen, then you can use your custom back button to call
[self.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES];
You can also choose custom animations / segues, etc. but using a navigation controller to help you navigate screens is probably the simplest approach.
