Toolbar icon height issue with Firefox on linux - firefox-addon

Am using the following code to attach a panel to a toolbar button.
<toolbarpalette id="BrowserToolbarPalette">
<toolbarbutton id="test-toolbar-button"
class="toolbarbutton-1 chromeclass-toolbar-additional"
<panel class="test-panel" id="test-panel" position="after_end" onpopupshown="" width="643px" >
<iframe id="test-panel-iframe" src ="chrome://url.html"
style="height:568px;width:343px;border:none;padding-left:3px;background-color:white;" >
As per the documentation we need to specify two icons for Firefox toolbar button - 16x16 and 24x24
This is the CSS am using,
#test-toolbar-button {
list-style-image: url("chrome://test-24.png");
-moz-image-region: rect(0px 24px 24px 0px);
#test-button:hover {
#test-toolbar-button[disabled="true"] {
-moz-image-region: rect(0px 48px 24px 24px);
toolbar[iconsize="small"] #test-toolbar-button
list-style-image: url("chrome://test-16.png");
-moz-image-region: rect(0px 16px 16px 0px);
But the toolbar height increases since its having a down arrow which indicates its a panel attached to the toolbar button, there by screwing the whole toolbar.
Screenshot of the sample is attached.
Can anyone help me out of this.

-moz-box-orient: horizontal !important;
This worked . Thanks #WladimirPalant


Ionic2 footer toolbar text doesn't take up full width on IOS

I have a footer toolbar on my ionic2 app that has a center-aligned text, but the text only seems to take the center 50% or so of the width of the toolbar and then cuts off with an ellipses (see image). The width seems to correspond to the same width of the text allowed for the header toolbar (which I've grayed out in the image). Is there a way to override this and make the text take up the full space? So far I've only noticed this issue on an iPhone 6, although I haven't tried that many devices.
<ion-content class="no-scroll">
<ion-tabs [selectedIndex]="mySelectedIndex">
tabs omitted..
<ion-toolbar color="{{threatLevelColor}}">
<ion-title *ngIf="threatLevel" text-center>
Security Threat Level: {{threatLevel.level}}
You can apply below SCSS change only for iOS platform.
your-page {
.padding-0 {
padding-left: 0;
padding-right: 0;
<ion-toolbar color="{{threatLevelColor}}">
<ion-title *ngIf="threatLevel" text-center class="padding-0">
Security Threat Level: {{threatLevel.level}}

Md-button in side nav is offset when it is below a certain width

I am using materials Md-button's in a md-side-nav and this button is offset when it it 4 characters long. I inspected the css of these two button and the only thing that is different is the origin transform
Codepen: click toggle right nav to see the effect.
<md-button ng-click="close()" class="md-primary">
<md-button ng-click="close()" class="md-primary">
Solution was to add this to the menu, as when wrapping the button with an the text is centered
a {
text-align: left;

Print only jQuery UI Dialog Content

I have a modal form, which opens on click of button. it contains text I want to print.
I have hidden every other elements in print.css except the div which contains my print data.
when I press ctrl + p it shows only the data I wanna print, just as I wanted it to be, but it does not fit the printing A4 page. text is positioned in left top corner of paper and part of it (right side) is hidden.
I tried every possible style in print.css to make the content fit printable area, but nothing changes :( could anyone please help?
Use something like:
#media screen {
.printable { display: none; }
.non-printable { display: block; }
#media print {
.printable { display: block; }
.non-printable { display: none; }
and set margin for your page in the print state.
Also check my answer and jsFiddle here

Customizing Header in Default Theme of JQuery Mobile App

I'm working on a JQuery Mobile app. I need to enlarge the font used for the title text. Whenever I enlarge the text size, the height of the ui-header bar grows. I do not want it to grow. Instead, I want the ui-header to stay the same size of the default ui-header. I just want to enlarge the text size. Currently, I have the following:
.t1 { color: blue; font-size:24pt; font-weight:normal; }
.t2 { color: white; font-size:24pt; font-weight:normal; }
<div data-role="header" data-position="fixed">
<h1><span class="t1">My</span><span class="t2">App</span></h1>
How do I change the font size without making the header grow?
You also have to modify .ui-header .ui-title rule changing top and bottom margin values. For example:
.ui-header .ui-title {
margin: 0 30% 0;

jquery mobile - forcing panel open on wider screens

I've been trying to test my jquery mobile app on multiple devices. I currently have a panel that is opened via swipe or clicking on a 'menu' button.
However, on wide screens, the app just looks funky. WAY too wide. I understand this is meant for mobile, but, why not format it for ipads/surface/androids as well?
To do this, I'd like to shorten the width by requiring the panel to be open at all times when the width exceeds a specific value.
I've dug through the documentation, and the closest thing I found was:
class="ui-responsive-panel" from the following link:
After adding it to my page header, I noticed that I can't 'swipe' the menu away when the window is wide. When I shrink the window (either on a pc browser, or by rotating the device), it can be swiped.
Is anyone familiar with this, and willing to shed some light?
I'm facing the same problem. I want the panel to stay open when the user turns the device in landscape mode (tablets) or if the window is wider than a specific width at the very beginning.
Unfortunately I did not find any solutions and the jQuery Mobilele example for responsive panels in this case.
So I found a way by using some javascript but I'm not happy with this solutions since a pure CSS solution with media queries would be nicer.
However, here is my "workaround" solution.
<script type="text/javascript">
window.onresize = function (event) {
if (window.innerWidth > 800) {
window.setTimeout(openPanel, 1);
if (window.innerWidth < 800) {
window.setTimeout(closePanel, 1);
function closePanel() {
function openPanel() {
$( "#mypanel" ).on( "panelcreate", function( event, ui ) {
if (window.innerWidth > 800) {
if (window.innerWidth < 800) {
So if the window inner width is higher than 800, the panel opens; if it is lower than 800 it closes. Furthermore the window.onresize function is required to provide the same functionality in case the user turns the device from portrait mode to landscape mode.
Hope it helped. But I'm still looking for a better solution ;)
I found a css-only solution for that issue that is much simpler.
In the media query for your responsive panel #media (min-width:55em){...} add/overwrite the following css classes:
.ui-panel-closed { width: 17em; }
.ui-panel-content-wrap.ui-body-c.ui-panel-animate.ui-panel-content-wrap-closed{ margin-left:17em; }
The second class might be different to yours depending on the swatch you are using; in this case it is "C". However, just take the content wrap class that wraps all your header,content, footer area.
In my example I used a panel with data-display="reveal" data-position="left" If you want it appearing on the right hand side just change margin-left:17em to margin-right:17em
If you want the panel to behave like "overlay", just forget about the second class i posted...
Best regards
I am facing the problem right now and I found the solution of mJay really useful. However it would be great to use media queries instead, something like this perhaps:
#media (min-width:35em){
.ui-panel-close { width:30em; }
Below is my "CSS" solution. What you need to know: mnuMenu is the id of the panel that I want to always have visible on the left side of the screen and lnkMenu is the id of the a tag for the button which normally shows the panel on smaller screen widths.
#media all and (min-width: 900px)
visibility: visible;
position: fixed;
left: 0;
float: left;
width: 300px;
height: 100vh;
background: none;
-webkit-transition: none !important;
-moz-transition: none !important;
transition: none !important;
-webkit-transform: none !important;
-moz-transform: none !important;
transform: none !important;
-webkit-box-shadow: none;
-moz-box-shadow: none;
box-shadow: none;
display: none;
margin-left: 325px;
