Handling Exceptions in MVC JSON Controller Action - asp.net-mvc

I'm looking for the best approach at handling errors in a controller when returning a JSON result.
Firstly, what would be the best practice if I get an unhandled exception in my controller and I'm returning JSON? I'm thinking 400 or 500 error? Client checks the status and does whatever.
I'm playing with a FilterAttribute and an IExceptionFilter but I can't get the OnException function to call. I've got the attribute applied to a controller action.
Any ideas why that might not be calling?
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Method, Inherited = false, AllowMultiple = false)]
public sealed class AjaxHandleErrorAttribute : FilterAttribute, IExceptionFilter
// This is never called !!!
public void OnException(ExceptionContext filterContext)
if (filterContext == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("filterContext");
if (filterContext.Exception != null
&& !filterContext.ExceptionHandled)
filterContext.HttpContext.Response.StatusCode = 400;
filterContext.HttpContext.Response.StatusDescription = "Error processing request";
public class MyController : Controller
public MyController(IMyRepository repo)
public ActionResult GetSomeJson(int anId)
throw new System.Exception();

You should decorate your controller with that attribute or in your global.asax.cs you need to add
public static void RegisterGlobalFilters(GlobalFilterCollection filters) {
filters.Add(new AjaxHandleErrorAttribute());
and your OnException method will be called.


Retrieve Response HTTP Status Code from ActionFilterAttribute

If I throw an unhandled exception in my controller, the filterContext-->HTTPContext-->Response always returns 200-OK.
public class HomeController : Controller
public ActionResult Index()
throw new Exception("some error");
return View();
How do I retrieve the actual status from the filterContext in ActionFilterAttribute, or can I?
public class LogAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
public override void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext filterContext)
filterContext.Response?.StatusCode.ToString() ?? "<null>"
should give you what you're looking for.
A better option is to check the Exception field. If all you need to know is if there was an unhandled exception going up the stack...

Automatic C# MVC Error Handling

I've got this code.
public ActionResult Index()
ReceiptModel model = new ReceiptModel();
model = new ReceiptModel(context);
catch (BussinessException bex)
ModelState.AddModelError("Index", bex.MessageToDisplay);
return View("Index");
return View(model);
BussinesException ir returned from database and then displayed for user. I have to put on every controller method try-catch statement, which is a bit tedious. Is there any easier way how to handle these exceptions?
P.S. All other exceptions are handled with HandleExceptionAttribute
I used Floradu88 approach. So Now i have something like this.
public sealed class HandleBussinessExceptionAttribute : HandleErrorAttribute, IExceptionFilter
public override void OnException(ExceptionContext filterContext)
filterContext.Controller.TempData["UnhandledException"] = filterContext.Exception;
filterContext.ExceptionHandled = true;
filterContext.Result = new ViewResult
ViewName = this.View,
TempData = filterContext.Controller.TempData,
ViewData = filterContext.Controller.ViewData,
and on Controller action i put
[HandleBussinessExceptionAttribute(Order = 2, ExceptionType = typeof(BussinessException), View = "Login")]
i also tried in exception handler:
filterContext.Result = new RedirectToRouteResult(new RouteValueDictionary(filterContext.RouteData));
and then handle error in action with ModelState.IsValid but values to action comes null. So for now i use first approach. When i have a bit more time i'll try to fix second approach.
Please read the documentation on this part:
Too much content to be posted here:
public class NotImplExceptionFilterAttribute : ExceptionFilterAttribute
public override void OnException(HttpActionExecutedContext context)
if (context.Exception is NotImplementedException)
context.Response = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.NotImplemented);
And your controller:
public class ProductsController : ApiController
public Contact GetContact(int id)
throw new NotImplementedException("This method is not implemented");
According to this post, Create a custom binder and put the model in TempData:
public class AppBinder : DefaultModelBinder
protected override void OnModelUpdated(ControllerContext controllerContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
base.OnModelUpdated(controllerContext, bindingContext);
controllerContext.Controller.TempData["model"] = bindingContext.Model;
Register it in global.asax:
ModelBinders.Binders.DefaultBinder = new AppBinder();
Create a BaseController and override the OnException:
protected override void OnException(ExceptionContext filterContext)
filterContext.ExceptionHandled = true;
this.ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, filterContext.Exception.Message);
filterContext.Result = new ViewResult
ViewName = filterContext.RouteData.Values["action"].ToString(),
TempData = filterContext.Controller.TempData,
ViewData = filterContext.Controller.ViewData
All Actions int The Controllers which inherited from this base controller will show their unhandled exceptions their own view in validation summery (remember to have
in page). it works for me, hope works for you too!

AllowAnonymous not working with Custom AuthorizationAttribute

This has had me stumped for a while. None of the commonly encountered similar situations seem to apply here apparently. I've probably missed something obvious but I can't see it.
In my Mvc Web Application I use the Authorize and AllowAnonymous attributes in such a way that you have to explicitly open up an action as publicly available rather than lock down the secure areas of the site. I much prefer that approach. I cannot get the same behaviour in my WebAPI however.
I have written a custom Authorization Attribute that inherits from System.Web.Http.AuthorizeAttribute with the following:
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Method, Inherited = true, AllowMultiple = true)]
public class MyAuthorizationAttribute : System.Web.Http.AuthorizeAttribute
I have this registered as a filter:
public static void RegisterHttpFilters(HttpFilterCollection filters)
filters.Add(new MyAuthorizationAttribute());
This all works as expected, actions are no longer available without credentials. The problem is that now the following method will not allow the AllowAnonymous attribute to do it's thing:
public class HomeController : ApiController
[GET("/"), System.Web.Http.HttpGet]
public Link[] Index()
return new Link[]
new SelfLink(Request.RequestUri.AbsoluteUri, "api-root"),
new Link(LinkRelConstants.AuthorizationEndpoint, "OAuth/Authorize/", "authenticate"),
new Link(LinkRelConstants.AuthorizationTokenEndpoint , "OAuth/Tokens/", "auth-token-endpoint")
The most common scenario seems to be getting the two Authorize / AllowAnonymous attributes mixed up. System.Web.Mvc is for web apps and System.Web.Http is for WebAPI (as I understand it anyway).
Both of the Attributes I'm using are from the same namespace - System.Web.Http. I assumed that this would just inherit the base functionality and allow me to inject the code I need in the OnAuthotize method.
According to the documentation the AllowAnonymous attribute works inside the OnAuthorize method which I call immediately:
public override void OnAuthorization(HttpActionContext actionContext)
Any thought's would be really appreciated.
Has anyone encountered this problem before and found the root cause?
In the AuthorizeAttribute there is the following code:
private static bool SkipAuthorization(HttpActionContext actionContext)
Contract.Assert(actionContext != null);
return actionContext.ActionDescriptor.GetCustomAttributes<AllowAnonymousAttribute>().Any()
|| actionContext.ControllerContext.ControllerDescriptor.GetCustomAttributes<AllowAnonymousAttribute>().Any();
Include this method in your AuthorizeAttribute class then add the following to the top of your OnAuthorization method to skip authorization if any AllowAnonymous attributes are found:
if (SkipAuthorization(actionContext)) return;
bool skipAuthorization = filterContext.ActionDescriptor.IsDefined(typeof(AllowAnonymousAttribute), true)
|| filterContext.ActionDescriptor.ControllerDescriptor.IsDefined(typeof(AllowAnonymousAttribute), true);
private static bool SkipAuthorization(AuthorizationContext filterContext)
Contract.Assert(filterContext != null);
return filterContext.ActionDescriptor.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(AllowAnonymousAttribute), true).Any()
|| filterContext.ActionDescriptor.ControllerDescriptor.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(AllowAnonymousAttribute), true).Any();
Soruce: http://weblogs.asp.net/jongalloway/asp-net-mvc-authentication-global-authentication-and-allow-anonymous
In my case, none of the above solutions worked.
I am using .Net Core 3.1 with a custom IAuthorizationFilter and I had to do the following:
public void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationFilterContext context)
if (context.ActionDescriptor.EndpointMetadata.OfType<AllowAnonymousAttribute>().Any()) return;
Using MVC 5
Steps to overcome this issue:-
1. Update your Anonymous attribute of WebAPI project and make it like
Now go to your custom attribute class and write the code
public override void OnAuthorization(System.Web.Http.Controllers.HttpActionContext filterContext)
if (filterContext == null)
throw new UnauthorizedAccessException("Access Token Required");
if (filterContext.ActionDescriptor.GetCustomAttributes<AllowAnonymousAttribute>().Any())
if (filterContext.Request.Headers.Authorization != null)
var response =
if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
throw new UnauthorizedAccessException();
throw new UnauthorizedAccessException("Access Token Required");
Using C#6.0
Create a static class that extends the ActionExecutingContext.
public static class AuthorizationContextExtensions {
public static bool SkipAuthorization(this ActionExecutingContext filterContext) {
Contract.Assert(filterContext != null);
return filterContext.ActionDescriptor.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(AllowAnonymousAttribute), true).Any()|| filterContext.ActionDescriptor.ControllerDescriptor.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(AllowAnonymousAttribute), true).Any();
Now your override filterContext will be able to call the extension method, just make sure they are in the same namespace, or include the proper using statement.
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Method, Inherited = true, AllowMultiple = true)]
public class AuthorizeCustomAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute {
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext) {
if (filterContext.SkipAuthorization()) return;// CALL EXTENSION METHOD
Here is a solution for ASP.NET Core 2+ and ASP.NET Core 3+.
Add it into IAsyncAuthorizationFilter implementation:
private static bool HasAllowAnonymous(AuthorizationFilterContext context)
var filters = context.Filters;
return filters.OfType<IAllowAnonymousFilter>().Any();
And check like this:
public async Task OnAuthorizationAsync(AuthorizationFilterContext context)
I must be using a different version of the .net framework or web api but hopefully this helps someone:
bool skipAuthorization = actionContext.ActionDescriptor.GetCustomAttributes<AllowAnonymousAttribute>().Any() || actionContext.ActionDescriptor.ControllerDescriptor.GetCustomAttributes<AllowAnonymousAttribute>().Any();
if (skipAuthorization)
public class MyAuthorizationAuthorize : AuthorizeAttribute, IAuthorizationFilter
public override void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationContext filterContext)
if (filterContext.HttpContext.Request.IsAuthenticated)
bool skipAuthorization = filterContext.ActionDescriptor.IsDefined(typeof(AllowAnonymousAttribute), true) ||
filterContext.ActionDescriptor.ControllerDescriptor.IsDefined(typeof(AllowAnonymousAttribute), true);
if (skipAuthorization) return;
else filterContext.Result = new HttpUnauthorizedResult();

ASP.NET MVC: Controller.HandleUnknownAction 404 or 405?

I'm overriding ASP.NET MVC's Controller.HandleUnknownAction(string actionName) method. It's being called when an action is not found and also when an HTTP method is not allowed. How can I distinguish between the two? I'd like to return a 404 when and action is not found and 405 when a method is note allowed.
The simplest way I can think of is to create custom action filter. This will allow you to return http status code result if method is not allowed
public class HttpPostFilterAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
if (!(filterContext.RequestContext.HttpContext.Request.GetHttpMethodOverride().Equals("post", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)))
filterContext.Result = new HttpStatusCodeResult(405);
Or better, create more generic version of it, much like AcceptVerbsAttribute
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = true)]
public sealed class AllowMethodsAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
public ICollection<string> Methods
private set;
public AllowMethodsAttribute(params string[] methods)
this.Methods = new ReadOnlyCollection<string>(methods);
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
string httpMethodOverride = filterContext.HttpContext.Request.GetHttpMethodOverride();
if (!this.Methods.Contains(httpMethodOverride, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
filterContext.Result = new HttpStatusCodeResult(405);
And use it like
public ActionResult Index()
ViewBag.Message = "Welcome to ASP.NET MVC!";
return View();
Customizing attribute to take HttpVerbs as parameter is up to you.

replacement for try catch(MyEx ex) in each action

I need something that would work like this:
public ActionResult Ac()
try {
catch(MyException ex)
but without putting try catch in each action method
You want to annotate your classes with HandleErrorAttribute - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.web.mvc.handleerrorattribute.aspx.
If the functionality of the built in handler above isn't sufficient then you can define your own class which implements IExceptionFilter - the OnException method takes an ExceptionContext object with Result and HttpContext properties you can use to control the outcome, something like:
public class MyHandleErrorAttribute : FilterAttribute, IExceptionFilter
public void OnException(ExceptionContext filterContext)
Exception e = filterContext.Exception;
// Do some logging etc. here
if (!filterContext.ExceptionHandled && filterContext.HttpContext.IsCustomErrorEnabled)
ViewResult lResult = ...
filterContext.Result = lResult;
filterContext.ExceptionHandled = true;
filterContext.HttpContext.Response.StatusCode = 500;
filterContext.HttpContext.Response.TrySkipIisCustomErrors = true;
Use Exception Filters for exception handling.
How about
[HandleError(ExceptionType = typeof(MyException ), View = "MyErrView"))]
public ActionResult Ac()
but with a custom HandleError Attribute that handles the type of exceptions you are targeting. This SO question should give you a good start.
