Why is ActiveRelation returning an array when I call merge? - ruby-on-rails

I have models called User, Activity, and Task and I can do the following
> puts Activity.joins(:task).to_sql
SELECT "activities".* FROM "activities" INNER JOIN "tasks" ON "tasks"."id" = "activities"."task_id" ORDER BY date DESC
> puts User.first.shared_tasks.to_sql
SELECT "tasks".* FROM "tasks" INNER JOIN "user_tasks" ON "tasks"."id" = "user_tasks"."task_id" WHERE "user_tasks"."user_id" = 1
But when I try to merge the two, I get an array:
> puts Activity.joins(:task).merge(User.first.shared_tasks).to_sql
NoMethodError: undefined method `to_sql' for []:Array
Why is that not returning a relation? I need to put a where clause on it.
Upon further inspection, it looks likes User.first.shared_tasks is being evaluated to an array of tasks immediately. I can gett the behavior I want by adding an order call:
> puts Activity.joins(:task).merge(User.first.shared_tasks.order()).to_sql
SELECT "activities".* FROM "activities" INNER JOIN "tasks" ON "tasks"."id" = "activities"."task_id" INNER JOIN "user_tasks" ON "tasks"."id" = "user_tasks"."task_id" WHERE "user_tasks"."user_id" = 1 ORDER BY date DESC
Is there a better way to prevent that relation from being evaluated besides adding an empty order?

Whenever you call a method on a relation object that it doesn't respond to, it delegates that method to some other type of object. In the case of merge, it will be converted to an array. This is done via the ActiveRecord::Delegation module. Some methods such as each are explicitly delegated, and others such as merge are done through method_missing.
For example, if you do:
Activity.joins(:task).each { |activity| puts activity }
the relation delegates .each to an array (Enumerator), essentially doing a conversion.

Alright, I still have not figured out why User.first.shared_tasks is being immediately evaluated, but I have figured out a work around. I can just call scoped:
> User.first.shared_tasks.class
=> Array
> User.first.shared_tasks.scoped.class
=> ActiveRecord::Relation
Now when I try to do the merge:
It uses ActiveRecord::Relation#merge instead of Array#merge

For relation you can try this
puts (Activity.joins(:task) & User.first.shared_tasks).to_sql
merge helps in create a scope and it returns an array of resulted objects.


Ruby/Rails - Chain unknown number of method calls

I would like to dynamically create (potentially complex) Active Record queries from a 2D array passed into a method as an argument. In other words, I'd like to take this:
arr = [
['join', :comments],
['where', :author => 'Bob']
And create the equivalent of this:
Articles.join(:comments).where(:author => 'Bob')
One way to do this is:
But what if arr contains 3 nested arrays, or 4, or 5? A very unrefined way would be to do this:
case arr.length
when 1
when 2
when 3
# etc.
But is there a cleaner, more succinct way (without having to hit the database multiple times)? Perhaps some way to construct a chain of method calls before executing them?
One convenient way would be to use a hash instead of a 2D array.
Something like this
query = {
join: [:comments],
where: {:author => 'Bob'}
This approach is not much complex and You don't need to worry if the key is not provided or is empty
#=> "SELECT `articles`.* FROM `articles` INNER JOIN `comments` ON `comments`.`article_id` = `articles`.`id` WHERE `articles`.`author` = 'Bob'"
If the keys are empty or not present at all
query = {
join: []
#=> "SELECT `articles`.* FROM `articles`"
Or nested
query = {
join: [:comments],
where: {:author => 'Bob', comments: {author: 'Joe'}}
#=> "SELECT `articles`.* FROM `articles` INNER JOIN `comments` ON `comments`.`article_id` = `articles`.`id` WHERE `articles`.`author` = 'Bob' AND `comments`.`author` = 'Joe'"
I created following query which will work on any model and associated chained query array.
def chain_queries_on(klass, arr)
arr.inject(klass) do |relation, query|
relation.send(query[0], *query[1..-1])
I tested in local for following test,
arr = [['where', {id: [1,2]}], ['where', {first_name: 'Shobiz'}]]
chain_queries_on(Article, arr)
Query fired is like below to return proper output,
Article Load (0.9ms) SELECT `article`.* FROM `article` WHERE `article`.`id` IN (1, 2) AND `article`.`first_name` = 'Shobiz' ORDER BY created_at desc
Note-1: few noticeable cases
for empty arr, it will return class we passed as first argument in method.
It will return nil in case of error. Error can occur if we use pluck which will return array (output which is not chain-able) or if we do not pass class as first parameter etc.
More modification can be done for improvement in above & avoid edge cases.
Note-2: improvements
You can define this method as a class method for Object class also with one argument (i.e. array) and call directly on class like,
# renamed to make concise
Inside method, use self instead of klass
arr.inject(Articles){|articles, args| articles.send(*args)}

ActiveRecord pluck to SQL

I know these two statements perform the same SQL:
Using select
# SELECT `users`.`email` FROM `users`
And using pluck
# SELECT `users`.`email` FROM `users`
Now I need to get the SQL statement derived from each method. Given that the select method returns an ActiveRecord::Relation, I can call the to_sql method. However, I cannot figure out how to get the SQL statement derived from a pluck operation on an ActiveRecord::Relation object, given that the result is an array.
Please, take into account that this is a simplification of the problem. The number of attributes plucked can be arbitrarily high.
Any help would be appreciated.
You cannot chain to_sql with pluck as it doesn't return ActiveRecord::relation. If you try to do, it throws an exception like so
NoMethodError: undefined method `to_sql' for [[""]]:Array
I cannot figure out how to get the SQL statement derived from a pluck
operation on an ActiveRecord::Relation object, given that the result
is an array.
Well, as #cschroed pointed out in the comments, they both(select and pluck) perform same SQL queries. The only difference is that pluck return an array instead of ActiveRecord::Relation. It doesn't matter how many attributes you are trying to pluck, the SQL statement will be same as select
#=> SELECT "users"."first_name", "users"."email" FROM "users"
Same for pluck too
#=> SELECT "users"."first_name", "users"."email" FROM "users"
So, you just need to take the SQL statement returned by the select and believe that it is the same for the pluck. That's it!
You could monkey-patch the ActiveRecord::LogSubscriber class and provide a singleton that would register any active record queries, even the ones that doesn't return ActiveRecord::Relation objects:
class QueriesRegister
include Singleton
def queries
#queries ||= []
def flush
#queries = []
module ActiveRecord
class LogSubscriber < ActiveSupport::LogSubscriber
def sql(event)
QueriesRegister.instance.queries << event.payload[:sql]
"#{event.payload[:name]} (#{event.duration}) #{event.payload[:sql]}"
Run you query:
Then, to retrieve the queries:

Rails changes postgres SELECT * to SELECT COUNT

I am working with the RailsCast on token input and am trying to cleanup a query method for Postgres. I found this post for making my query DB-agnostic.
My method:
def self.tokens(query)
t = Language.arel_table
languages = Language.where(t[:name].matches("%#{query}%"))
if languages.empty?
[{id: "<<<#{query}>>>", name: "New: \"#{query}\""}]
:001 > Language.tokens('Ru')
(0.8ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "languages" WHERE ("languages"."name" ILIKE '%Ru%')
But if I use return instead of language =, I get the correct query:
def self.tokens(query)
t = .arel_table
return Language.where(t[:name].matches("%#{query}%"))
:001 > Language.tokens('Ru')
Language Load (0.9ms) SELECT "languages".* FROM "languages" WHERE ("languages"."name" ILIKE '%Ru%')
It's probably something obvious, but I cannot figure out why the first method is selecting count instead of all of the rows in the `languages' table db. I would really like to store the result of that query in a variable.
It's because the where is resolved as lazily as it possibly can be (not until it is absolutely needed). In your case it needs it when you:
Explicitly return
Check empty?
The reason it is doing the count, is to determine via the count whether it is empty.

ActiveRecord none? method fires query

I have this code
def evaluate(collection)
if collection.none?
The collection is an ActiveRecord::Relation object - for e.g. User.where(:name => 'Killer')
Now sometimes I also pass the Rails 4 none relation Users.none, that's why the check for none. If I do not check for none?, the call to pluck throws an arguments exception.
The problem is whenever I query any relation for none? it executes the query. See here:
> User.where(id: 1).none?
User Load (0.2ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "v1_passengers" WHERE "users"."id" = 1
=> false
> User.where(id: 1).none.none?
=> true
I do not want to execute to query just to check for none. Any workarounds?
Update: The none? method is actually array method thats why the query is executed. It's like calling to_a on the relation. What I want to know is how to figure out if the relation is a none
Found one method to do this without firing query. When you call none on a relation it appends the ActiveRecord::NullRelation to the extending_values array of the relation:
> User.where(id: 1).extending_values.include?(ActiveRecord::NullRelation)
=> false
> User.where(id: 1).none.extending_values.include?(ActiveRecord::NullRelation)
=> true
Not sure you can, there's no distinguishing feature between a Null Relation and an Actual Relation. Perhaps go down the rescue route:
rescue #add exact Exception to catch
Not exactly clean but gets round the problem

What is the difference between using .exists?, and .present? in Ruby?

I want to make sure I'm using them for the correct occasion and want to know of any subtleties. They seem to function the same way, which is to check to see if a object field has been defined, when I use them via the console and there isn't a whole lot information online when I did a google search. Thanks!
To clarify: neither present? nor exists? are "pure" ruby—they're both from Rails-land.
present? is an ActiveSupport extension to Object. It's usually used as a test for an object's general "falsiness". From the documentation:
An object is present if it’s not blank?. An object is blank if it’s false, empty, or a whitespace string.
So, for example:
[ "", " ", false, nil, [], {} ].any?(&:present?)
# => false
exists? is from ActiveResource. From its documentation:
Asserts the existence of a resource, returning true if the resource is found.
Note.create(:title => 'Hello, world.', :body => 'Nothing more for now...')
Note.exists?(1) # => true
The big difference between the two methods, is that when you call present? it initializes ActiveRecord for each record found(!), while exists? does not
to show this I added after_initialize on User. it prints: 'You have initialized an object!'
User.where(name: 'mike').present?
User Load (8.1ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."name" = $1 ORDER BY users.id ASC [["name", 'mike']]
You have initialized an object!
You have initialized an object!
User.exists?(name: 'mike')
User Exists (2.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "users" WHERE "users"."name" = $1 ORDER BY users.id ASC LIMIT 1 [["name", 'mike']]
There is a huge difference in performance, and .present? can be up to 10x slower then .exists? depending on the relation you are checking.
This article benchmarks .present? vs .any? vs .exists? and explains why they go from slower to faster, in this order.
In a nutshell, .present? (900ms in the example) will load all records returned, .any? (100ms in the example) will use a SQLCount to see if it's > 0 and .exists? (1ms in the example) is the smart kid that uses SQL LIMIT 1 to just check if there's at least one record, without loading them all neither counting them all.
SELECT COUNT(*) would scan the records to get a count.
SELECT 1 would stop after the first match, so their exec time would be very different.
The SQL generated by the two are also different.
Thing.where(name: "Bob").present?
# => SELECT COUNT(*) FROM things WHERE things.name = "Bob";
Thing.exists?(name: "Bob")
# => SELECT 1 AS one from things WHERE name ="Bob" limit 1;
They both seem to run the same speed, but may vary given your situation.
You can avoid database query by using present?:
all_endorsements_11 = ArtworkEndorsement.where(user_id: 11)
ArtworkEndorsement Load (0.3ms) SELECT "artwork_endorsements".* FROM "artwork_endorsements" WHERE "artwork_endorsements"."user_id" = $1 [["user_id", 11]]
=> true
ArtworkEndorsement Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "artwork_endorsements" WHERE "artwork_endorsements"."user_id" = $1 LIMIT 1 [["user_id", 11]]
=> true
