Rufus Scheduler not running - ruby-on-rails

I want to do something simple with the gem rufus-scheduler:
but, i can't get it to work.
I have a regular rails app. I created a .rb file:
# test_rufus_scheduler.rb
require 'rubygems'
require 'rufus/scheduler'
scheduler = Rufus::Scheduler.start_new '1s' do
puts "hello world"
Then, when I try ruby test_rufus_scheduler.rb, nothing happens. Am i doing it right? gem list shows rufus-scheduler.

If your script exits right away please try to add
at the end. Please note that it's different when running the script stand alone and via rails. See the README for detailled information.

Add the below lines to your apache2 config and restart your apache2 server
RailsAppSpawnerIdleTime 0
PassengerMinInstances 1

Found a solution to this here (which also is in sync to Ajet's answer above).
Production servers require a bit of additional setup. On most production web servers, idle Ruby processes are killed. In order for Rufus to work, you'll need to stop this from happening. For Passenger/Nginx you can copy the following code below to your nginx.conf config file for your website after the line that says passenger_enabled on;.
passenger_spawn_method direct;
passenger_min_instances 1;
passenger_pool_idle_time 0;


start thinking sphinx on rails server startup

I have a chain of nginx + passenger for my rails app.
Now after each server restart i need to write in terminal in project folder
rake ts:start
but how can i automatize it?
So that after each server restart thinking sphinx is automatically started without my command in terminal?
I use rails 3.2.8 and ubuntu 12.04.
I can not imagine what can i try ever, please help me.
How can i do this, give some advices?
What I did to solve the same problem:
In config/application.rb, add:
module Rails
def self.rake?
def self.rake=(value)
#rake = !!value
In Rakefile, add this line:
Rails.rake = true
Finally, in config/initializers/start_thinking_sphinx.rb put:
unless Rails.rake?
# Prope ts connection "test", :populate => true
rescue Mysql2::Error => err
puts ">>> ThinkingSphinx is unavailable. Trying to start .."
(Replace MyApp above with your app's name)
Seems to work so far, but if I encounter any issues I'll post back here.
Obviously, the above doesn't take care of monitoring that the server stays up. You might want to do that separately. Or an alternative could be to manage the service with Upstart.
If you are using the excellent whenever gem to manage your crontab, you can just put
every :reboot do
rake "ts:start"
in your schedule.rb and it seems to work great. I just tested on an EC2 instance running Ubuntu 14.04.
There's two options I can think of.
You could look at how Ubuntu manages start-up scripts and add one for this (perhaps in /etc/init?).
You could set up monit or another monitoring tool and have it keep Sphinx running. Monit should boot automatically when your server restarts, and so it should ensure Sphinx (and anything else it's tracking) is running.
The catch with Monit and other such tools is that when you deliberately stop Sphinx (say, to update configuration structure and corresponding index changes), it might start it up again before it's appropriate. So I think you should start with the first of these two options - I just don't know a great deal about the finer points of that approach.
I followed #pat's suggestion and wrote a script to start ThinkingSphinx whenever the server boots up. You can see it as a gist -
We're using Capistrano for deployment to Ubuntu 14.04, and you may need to modify the path and user name to match your server setup. Otherwise, all you need to do is
Put this script into /etc/init.d/thinking_sphinx
Confirm that the script works: calling /etc/init.d/thinking_sphinx start on the command line should start ThinkingSphinx for your app, and /etc/init.d/thinking_sphinx stop should stop it
Tell Ubuntu to run this script automatically on startup: update-rc.d thinking_sphinx defaults
There's a good post on called making scripts run at boot time that has more details.

Detect if application was started as HTTP server or not (rake task, rconsole etc)

I'm using EventMachine and Monetarily to start e TCP server along with my rails application. This is started from config/initializers/momentarily.rb.
My problem is that it starts also when I run rake tasks, like db:migrate. I only want it to start when when I start the HTTP server. Environments won't help, since both the server start and rake tasks are under Development environment. Is there a way of knowing that the application is running the HTTP server as opposed to anything else? Note that is not only rake tasks, the EM starts also if I run the rails console, which is again something not desirable for my case.
unless File.basename($0) == "rake" && ARGV.include?("db:migrate")
# you are not in rake db:migrate
There's not a great way of doing this that I know of. You could copy newrelic's approach (check discover_dispatcher in local_environment.rb) which basically has a list of heuristics used to detect if it is running inside passenger, thin, etc.
For passenger it checks
for thin it checks
if defined?(::Thin) && defined?(::Thin::Server)
Set an environment variable in file, and use it anywhere in the code to detect if it's executed using a rails server command only.
For e.g.
ENV['server_mode'] = '1'
And using it somewhere as:
File: config/environment.rb { infinite_loop! }.join if ENV['server_mode'] = '1'
Reference: Answer
Maybe you can implement a switch in the initializer based on ARGV?
Something like:
if ARGV.join(' ').match /something/
# your initializer code here
Don't start that other server from an initializer. Create a daemon in script/momentarily and start it from within your app.
After your application launches, you could have it shell out to check ps. If ps shows that the HTTP server is running and the running HTTP server has the same pid as your application (check the pid by inspecting $$), then you could launch the TCP server.
In addition to a great answer by Frederick Cheung above, there can be some other "footprints" in actual process environment. Eg. Phusion Passenger adds certain variables to ENV such as:
Web servers typically can also set SERVER_SOFTWARE variable eg.:
SERVER_SOFTWARE=nginx/1.15.8 Phusion_Passenger/6.0.2

How to detect if a rails app is running under Unicorn?

I need to setup a connection to an external service in my Rails app. I do this in an initializer. The problem is that the service library uses threaded delivery (which I need, because I can't have it bogging down requests), but the Unicorn life cycle causes the thread to be killed and the workers never see it. One solution is to invoke a new connection on every request, but that is unnecessarily wasteful.
The optimal solution is to setup the up the connection in an after_fork block in the unicorn config. The problem there is that doesn't get invoked outside of unicorn, which means we can't test it in development/testing environments.
So the question is, what is the best way to determine whether a Rails app is running under Unicorn (either master or worker process)?
There is an environment variable that is accessible in Rails (I know it exists in 3.0 and 3.1), check the value of env['SERVER_SOFTWARE']. You could just put a regex or string compare against that value to determine what server you are running under.
I have a template in my admin that goes through the env variable and spits out its content.
Unicorn 4.0.1
env['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] => "Unicorn 4.0.1"
rails server (webrick)
env['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] => "WEBrick/1.3.1 (Ruby/1.9.3/2011-10-30)"
You can check for defined?(Unicorn) and in your Gemfile set: gem :unicorn, require: false
In fact you don't need Unicorn library loaded in you rails application.
Server is started by unicorn command from shell
Checking for Unicorn constant seems a good solution, BUT it depends very much on whether require: false is provided in the Gemfile. If it isn't (which is quite probable), the check might give a false positive.
I've solved it in a very straightforward manner:
# `config/unicorn.rb` (or alike):
# `config/environments/development.rb` (or alike):
# Log to stdout if Web server is Unicorn.
if ENV["UNICORN"].to_i > 0
config.logger =
You could check to see if the Unicorn module has been defined with Object.constants.include?('Unicorn').
This is very specific to Unicorn, of course. A more general approach would be to have a method which sets up your connection and remembers it's already done so. If it gets called multiple times, it just returns doing nothing on subsequent calls. Then you call the method in after_fork and in a before_filter in your application controller. If it's been run in the after_fork it does nothing in the before_filter, if it hasn't been run yet it does its thing on the first request and nothing on subsequent requests.
Inside config/unicorn.rb
Define ENV variable as
worker_processes 3
timeout 90
and then this variable ENV['RAILS_STDOUT_LOG'] will be accessible anywhere in your Rails app worker thread.
my issue:
I wanted to output all the logs(SQL queries) when on the Unicorn workers and not on any other workers on Heroku, so what I did is adding env variable in the unicorn configuration file
If you use unicorn_rails, below code will help

Rails 3: how to detect if the application is running in server mode for multiple different environment?

I have an app that runs on multiple servers:
- locally on dev machines
- on heroku
- on a specific server with Passanger on Nginx
I am trying to launch a particular code (loading some REDIS keys) that is only required if the web server is launched.
I have done quite a bit of digging, and the nicest solution I found was to execute my code in an initializer with:
if defined?(Rails::Server)
#my code
This works well locally, but it seems that Rails::Server never gets defined either on Heroku or Passanger.
I need a solution that works in every case, please help, this is really important.
ps: I am running Rails 3.0.4, Ruby 1.8.7
Putting code in your file might be a more robust way of detecting server mode across different types of servers (Unicorn/Passenger/Rails::Server/etc).
e.g., in rails-root/
# This file is used by Rack-based servers to start the application.
# ADD this line and read the value later:
ENV['server_mode'] = '1'
require ::File.expand_path...
What about?
config.serve_static_assets = ( defined?(Mongrel) || defined?(WEBrick) ) ? true : false

How to deploy resque workers in production?

The GitHub guys recently released their background processing app which uses Redis:
I have it working locally, but I'm struggling to get it working in production. Has anyone got a:
Capistrano recipe to deploy workers (control number of workers, restarting them, etc)
Deployed workers to separate machine(s) from where the main app is running, what settings were needed here?
gotten redis to survive a reboot on the server (I tried putting it in cron but no luck)
how did you work resque-web (their excellent monitoring app) into your deploy?
P.S. I posted an issue on Github about this but no response yet. Hoping some SO gurus can help on this one as I'm not very experienced in deployments. Thank you!
I'm a little late to the party, but thought I'd post what worked for me. Essentially, I have god setup to monitor redis and resque. If they aren't running anymore, god starts them back up. Then, I have a rake task that gets run after a capistrano deploy that quits my resque workers. Once the workers are quit, god will start new workers up so that they're running the latest codebase.
Here is my full writeup of how I use resque in production:
I just figured this out last night, for Capistrano you should use san_juan, then I like the use of God to manage deployment of workers. As for surviving a reboot, I am not sure, but I reboot every 6 months so I am not too worried.
Although he suggest different ways of starting it, this is what worked easiest for me. (Within your deploy.rb)
require 'san_juan'
after "deploy:symlink", "god:app:reload"
after "deploy:symlink", "god:app:start"
To manage where it runs, on another server, etc, he covers that in the configuration section of the README.
I use Passenger on my slice, so it was relatively easy, I just needed to have a file like so:
require 'resque/server'
run \
"/" =>
For my VirtualHost file I have:
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot /var/www/
<Location />
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Resque Workers"
AuthUserFile /var/www/
Require valid-user
Also, a quick note. Make sure you overide the resque:setup rake task, it will save you lots of time for spawning new workers with God.
I ran into a lot of trouble, so if you need any more help, just post a comment.
Garrett's answer really helped, just wanted to post a few more details. It took a lot of tinkering to get it right...
I'm using passenger also, but nginx instead of apache.
First, don't forget you need to install sinatra, this threw me for a while.
sudo gem install sinatra
Then you need to make a directory for the thing to run, and it has to have a public and tmp folder. They can be empty but the problem is that git won't save an empty directory in the repo. The directory has to have at least one file in it, so I made some junk files as placeholders. This is a weird feature/bug in git.
I'm using the resque plugin, so I made the directory there (where the default is). It looks like Garrett made a new 'resque' directory in his rails_root. Either one should work. For me...
cd MY_RAILS_APP/vendor/plugins/resque/
mkdir public
mkdir tmp
touch public/placeholder.txt
touch tmp/placeholder.txt
Then I edited MY_RAILS_APP/vendor/plugins/resque/ so it looks like this:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'logger'
$LOAD_PATH.unshift File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/lib')
require 'resque/server'
use Rack::ShowExceptions
# Set the AUTH env variable to your basic auth password to protect Resque.
Resque::Server.use Rack::Auth::Basic do |username, password|
password == AUTH_PASSWORD
Don't forget to change ADD_SOME_PASSWORD_HERE to the password you want to use to protect the app.
Finally, I'm using Nginx so here is what I added to my nginx.conf
server {
listen 80;
root /home/admin/public_html/seoaholic/current/vendor/plugins/resque/public;
passenger_enabled on;
And so it gets restarted on your deploys, probably something like this in your deploy.rb
run "touch #{current_path}/vendor/plugins/resque/tmp/restart.txt"
I'm not really sure if this is the best way, I've never setup rack/sinatra apps before. But it works.
This is just to get the monitoring app going. Next I need to figure out the god part.
Use these steps instead of making configuration with web server level and editing plugin:
#The steps need to be performed to use resque-web with in your application
#In routes.rb
ApplicationName::Application.routes.draw do
resources :some_controller_name
mount Resque::Server, :at=> "/resque"
#That's it now you can access it from within your application i.e
#To be insured that that Resque::Server is loaded add its requirement condition in Gemfile
gem 'resque', :require=>"resque/server"
#To add basic http authentication add resque_auth.rb file in initializers folder and add these lines for the security
Resque::Server.use(Rack::Auth::Basic) do |user, password|
password == "secret"
#That's It !!!!! :)
#Thanks to Ryan from RailsCasts for this valuable information.
