weka AdaBoost does not improve results - machine-learning

In my bachelor thesis I am supposed to use AdaBoostM1 with a MultinomialNaiveBayes classifier on a text classification problem. The problem is that in most cases, the M1 is worse or equal to the MultinomialNaiveBayes without boosting.
I use the following code:
AdaBoostM1 m1 = new AdaBoostM1();
m1.setClassifier(new NaiveBayesMultinomial());
So I don't get how the AdaBoost would not be able to improve the results? Unfortunately, I couldn't find anything else about that on the web as most people seem to be very satisfied with the AdaBoost.

AdaBoost is a binary/dichotomous/2-class classifier and designed to boost a weak learner that is just better than 1/2 accuracy. AdaBoostM1 is a M-class classifier but still requires the weak learner to be better than 1/2 accuracy, when one would expect chance level to be around 1/M. Balancing/weighting is used to get equal prevalence classes initially, but the reweighting inherent to AdaBoost can destroy this quickly. A solution is to base boosting on chance corrected measures like Kappa or Informedness (AdaBook).
As M grows, e.g. with text classification, this mismatch grows, and thus a much stronger than chance classifier is needed. Thus with M=100, chance is about 1% but 50% minimum accuracy is needed by AdaBoostM1.
As base classifiers get stronger (viz. no longer barely above chance) the scope for boosting to improve things reduces - it has already pulled us to a very specific part of the search space. It is increasingly likely to have overfitted to errors and outliers, so there is no scope to balance a wide variety of variants.
A number of resources on informedness (including matlab code and xls sheets and early papers) are here: http://david.wardpowers.info/BM A comparison with other chance-corrected kappa measures is here: http://aclweb.org/anthology-new/E/E12/E12-1035.pdf
A weka implementation and experimentation for Adaboost using Bookmaker informedness is available - contact author.

It's hard to beat Naive Bayes on text classification. Furthermore, boosting was designed for weak classifiers with high bias and that's where boosting performs well. Boosting decreases bias but increases variance. Hence if you want the combo AdaBoost + Naive Bayes to outperform Naive Bayes you have to have a big training data set and cross the border, where enlarging of the training set doesn't further increase Naive Bayes's performance (while AdaBoost still benefits from the enlarged training data set).

You may want to read the following paper which examines boosting on Naive Bayes. It demonstrates that boosting does not improve the accuracy of the naive Bayesian classifier as much is usually expected in a set of natural domains:
Hope it provides a good insight.


using random forest as base classifier with adaboost

Can I use AdaBoost with random forest as a base classifier? I searched on the internet and I didn't find anyone who does it.
Like in the following code; I try to run it but it takes a lot of time:
estimators = Pipeline([('vectorizer', CountVectorizer()),
('transformer', TfidfTransformer()),
('classifier', AdaBoostClassifier(learning_rate=1))])
'vectorizer__ngram_range': [(1,2),(1,3)],
'vectorizer__min_df': [5],
'vectorizer__max_df': [0.7],
'vectorizer__max_features': [1500],
'transformer__use_idf': [True , False],
'transformer__norm': ('l1','l2'),
'transformer__smooth_idf': [True , False],
'transformer__sublinear_tf': [True , False],
'classifier__algorithm': ("SAMME.R","SAMME"),
I tried with the GridSearchCV, I added the RF classifier into the AdaBoost parameters.
if I use it would the accuracy increase?
No wonder you have not actually seen anyone doing it - it is an absurd and bad idea.
You are trying to build an ensemble (Adaboost) which in itself consists of ensemble base classifiers (RFs) - essentially an "ensemble-squared"; so, no wonder about the high computation time.
But even if it was practical, there are good theoretical reasons not to do it; quoting from my own answer in Execution time of AdaBoost with SVM base classifier:
Adaboost (and similar ensemble methods) were conceived using decision trees as base classifiers (more specifically, decision stumps, i.e. DTs with a depth of only 1); there is good reason why still today, if you don't specify explicitly the base_classifier argument, it assumes a value of DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=1). DTs are suitable for such ensembling because they are essentially unstable classifiers, which is not the case with SVMs, hence the latter are not expected to offer much when used as base classifiers.
On top of this, SVMs are computationally much more expensive than decision trees (let alone decision stumps), which is the reason for the long processing times you have observed.
The argument holds for RFs, too - they are not unstable classifiers, hence there is not any reason to actually expect performance improvements when using them as base classifiers for boosting algorithms, like Adaboost.
Short answer:
It's not impossible.
I don't know if there's anything wrong with doing so in theory, but I tried this once and the accuracy increased.
Long answer:
I tried it on a typical dataset with n rows of p real-valued features, and a label list of length n. In case it matters, they are embeddings of nodes in a graph obtained by the DeepWalk algorithm, and the nodes are categorized into two classes. I trained a few classification models on this data using 5-fold cross validation, and measured common evaluation metrics for them (precision, recall, AUC etc.). The models I have used are SVM, logistic regression, random Forest, 2-layer perceptron and Adaboost with random forest classifiers. The last model, Adaboost with random forest classifiers, yielded the best results (95% AUC compared to multilayer perceptron's 89% and random forest's 88%). Sure, now the runtime has increased by a factor of, let's say, 100, but it's still about 20 mins, so it's not a constraint to me.
Here's what I thought: Firstly, I'm using cross validation, so there's probably no overfitting flying under the radar. Secondly, both are ensemble learning methods, but random forest is a bagging method, wheras Adaboost is a boosting technique. Perhaps they're still different enough for their combination to make sense?

Why does different batch-sizes give different accuracy in Keras?

I was using Keras' CNN to classify MNIST dataset. I found that using different batch-sizes gave different accuracies. Why is it so?
Using Batch-size 1000 (Acc = 0.97600)
Using Batch-size 10 (Acc = 0.97599)
Although, the difference is very small, why is there even a difference?
EDIT - I have found that the difference is only because of precision issues and they are in fact equal.
That is because of the Mini-batch gradient descent effect during training process. You can find good explanation Here that I mention some notes from that link here:
Batch size is a slider on the learning process.
Small values give a learning process that converges quickly at the
cost of noise in the training process.
Large values give a learning
process that converges slowly with accurate estimates of the error
and also one important note from that link is :
The presented results confirm that using small batch sizes achieves the best training stability and generalization performance, for a
given computational cost, across a wide range of experiments. In all
cases the best results have been obtained with batch sizes m = 32 or
Which is the result of this paper.
I should mention two more points Here:
because of the inherent randomness in machine learning algorithms concept, generally you should not expect machine learning algorithms (like Deep learning algorithms) to have same results on different runs. You can find more details Here.
On the other hand both of your results are too close and somehow they are equal. So in your case we can say that the batch size has no effect on your network results based on the reported results.
This is not connected to Keras. The batch size, together with the learning rate, are critical hyper-parameters for training neural networks with mini-batch stochastic gradient descent (SGD), which entirely affect the learning dynamics and thus the accuracy, the learning speed, etc.
In a nutshell, SGD optimizes the weights of a neural network by iteratively updating them towards the (negative) direction of the gradient of the loss. In mini-batch SGD, the gradient is estimated at each iteration on a subset of the training data. It is a noisy estimation, which helps regularize the model and therefore the size of the batch matters a lot. Besides, the learning rate determines how much the weights are updated at each iteration. Finally, although this may not be obvious, the learning rate and the batch size are related to each other. [paper]
I want to add two points:
1) When use special treatments, it is possible to achieve similar performance for a very large batch size while speeding-up the training process tremendously. For example,
Accurate, Large Minibatch SGD:Training ImageNet in 1 Hour
2) Regarding your MNIST example, I really don't suggest you to over-read these numbers. Because the difference is so subtle that it could be caused by noise. I bet if you try models saved on a different epoch, you will see a different result.

Balanced corpus for Naive Bayes Classifier

I'm working with sentiment analysis using NB classifier. I've found some information (blogs, tutorials etc) that training corpus should be balanced:
33.3% Positive;
33.3% Neutral
33.3% Negative
My question is:
Why corspus should be balanced? The Bayes theorem is based on propability of reason/case. So for training purpose isn't it important that in real world for example negative tweets are only 10% not 33.3%?
You are correct, balancing data is important for many discriminative models, but not really for NB.
However, it might be still more beneficial to bias P(y) estimators to get better predictive performance (since due to various simplifications models use, probability assigned to minority class can be heaviy underfitted). For NB it is not about balancing data, but literally modifying the estimated P(y) so that on the validation set accuracy is maximised.
In my opinion the best dataset for training purposes if a sample of the real world data that your classifier will be used with.
This is true for all classifiers (but some of them are indeed not suitable to unbalanced training sets in which cases you don't really have a choice to skew the distribution), but particularly for probabilistic classifiers such as Naive Bayes. So the best sample should reflect the natural class distribution.
Note that this is important not only for the class priors estimates. Naive Bayes will calculate for each feature the likelihood of predicting the class given the feature. If your bayesian classifier is built specifically to classify texts, it will use global document frequency measures (the number of times a given word occurs in the dataset, across all categories). If the number of documents per category in the training set doesn't reflect their natural distribution, the global term frequency of terms usually seen in unfrequent categories will be overestimated, and that of frequent categories underestimated. Thus not only the prior class probability will be incorrect, but also all the P(category=c|term=t) estimates.

Is there any classifier which is able to make decisions very fast?

Most classification algorithms are developed to improve the training speed. However, is there any classifier or algorithm focusing on the decision making speed(low computation complexity and simple realizable structure)? I can get enough training dataļ¼Œand endure the long training time.
There are many methods which classify fast, you could more or less sort models by classification speed in a following way (first ones - the fastest, last- slowest)
Decision Tree (especially with limited depth)
Linear models (linear regression, logistic regression, linear svm, lda, ...) and Naive Bayes
Non-linear models based on explicit data transformation (Nystroem kernel approximation, RVFL, RBFNN, EEM), Kernel methods (such as kernel SVM) and shallow neural networks
Random Forest and other committees
Big Neural Networks (ie. CNN)
KNN with arbitrary distance
Obviously this list is not exhaustive, it just shows some general ideas.
One way of obtaining such model is to build a complex, slow model, then use it as a black box label generator to train a simplier model (but on potentialy infinite training set) - thus getting a fast classifier at the cost of very expensive training. There are many works showing that one can do that for example by training a shallow neural network on outputs of deep nn.
In general classification speed should not be a problem. Some exceptions are algorithms which have a time complexity depending on the number of samples you have for training. One example is k-Nearest-Neighbors which has no training time, but for classification it needs to check all points (if implemented in a naive way). Other examples are all classifiers which work with kernels since they compute the kernel between the current sample and all training samples.
Many classifiers work with a scalar product of the features and a learned coefficient vector. These should be fast enough in almost all cases. Examples are: Logistic regression, linear SVM, perceptrons and many more. See #lejlot's answer for a nice list.
If these are still too slow you might try to reduce the dimension of your feature space first and then try again (this also speeds up training time).
Btw, this question might not be suited for StackOverflow as it is quite broad and recommendation instead of problem oriented. Maybe try https://stats.stackexchange.com/ next time.
I have a decision tree which is represented in the compressed form and which is at least 4 times faster than the actual tree in classifying an unseen instance.

In machine learning, what are things you can do to limit the number of required training samples?

In many applications, creating a large training dataset can be very costly, if not outright impossible. So what steps can one take to limit the size that is needed for good accuracy?
Well, there is a branch of machine learning specifically dedicated to solve this problem (labeling datasets is costly) : semi-supervised learning
Honestly, from my experience, the computation is quite horrendously long and the results pale in comparison with fully labeled datasets... But better train on a large unlabeled dataset rather than with nothing!
Edit : Well, I first understood the question as "Labeling a dataset is expensive" rather than "The size of the dataset will be small no matter what"
Well, among other things, I would :
Tune my parameters with the leave one out cross validation. The most computationnaly expensive, but the best one.
Choose algorithms that have a rather quick convergence. (You need a comparison table, which I do not have right now)
Need very good generalization properties. Linear combinations of weak classifiers are quite good in this case. kNN (k nearest neighbours) are extremely bad.
Bias the "generalization" parameter. Most algorithm consist in a compromise between generalization (regularity) and quality (is the training set well classified by the classifier?). If your dataset is small, you should bias the algorithm toward generalization (after tuning the parameters with cross validation)
