UIView beginAnimations is too fast on custom property - ios

I subclasses UIButton to create my own UIRoundButton. I'm trying to animate a custom property called radius. It does change, but it does immediately. I tried to increase the animation duration until 5000 but the animation is still happening in a millisecond.
Here is the code:
UIRoundButton *tempItem = [self.buttons objectAtIndex:currentElement];
[tempItem setInnerColor:UIColorFromRGB(0xcdcdcd)];
currentElement = currentElement + 1;
UIRoundButton *tempItem2 = [self.buttons objectAtIndex:currentElement];
[tempItem2 setInnerColor:UIColorFromRGB(0xff0000)];
[UIView beginAnimations:#"ToggleViews" context:nil];
[UIView setAnimationDuration:5000];
tempItem.radius = 20;
tempItem2.radius = 40;
[UIView commitAnimations];
Any idea?

Implicit view animations don't work on custom properties. You have to do this at the CALayer level if you want this kind of behavior.


Why is UIViewPropertyAnimator not starting?

When I try to animate using UIViewPropertyAnimator the animation doesn't start:
animator = [[UIViewPropertyAnimator alloc] initWithDuration:duration
_overlayView.frame = newOrigin;
[animator startAnimation];
but when I animate view with same arguments values (duration and newOrigin) using UIView method:
[UIView animateWithDuration:duration animations:^{
_overlayView.frame = newOrigin;
everything works fine.
I tried: UIViewPropertyAnimator method: runningPropertyAnimatorWithDuration, but it's not starting either.
Values of variables: duration - about 2 seconds and newOrigin - has new value of view's frame.origin.y
I want to have ability to stop animation eventually, so I need to have animator object at hand.
What do I miss?

UITextField hidden while keyboard is showing

In my app I've this login screen:
Above the first test field I've an image, the configuration in Interface Builder is the follow:
Now when I tap on the UITextField they should move up otherwise in iPhone 4/4s the field will be covered by keyboard.
Now I'm using the following code:
-(void)textFieldDidBeginEditing:(UITextField *)textField {
[UIView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL];
[UIView setAnimationDuration:0.35f];
CGRect frameView = self.view.frame;
CGRect frameImage = self.imageViewLogo.frame;
CGRect frameTextFieldUsername = self.textFieldUsername.frame;
CGRect frameTextFieldPassword = self.textFieldPassword.frame;
CGRect frameButtonLogin = self.buttonLogin.frame;
frameView.origin.y = -100;
frameImage.origin.y = -100;
frameTextFieldUsername.origin.y = -100;
frameTextFieldPassword.origin.y = -100;
frameButtonLogin.origin.y = -100;
[self.view setFrame:frameView];
[self.imageViewLogo setFrame:frameImage];
[self.textFieldUsername setFrame:frameTextFieldUsername];
[self.textFieldPassword setFrame:frameTextFieldPassword];
[self.buttonLogin setFrame:frameButtonLogin];
[UIView commitAnimations];
When I try to run the app in simulator or on a real device the view scrolls up of 100 but the image, the text fields and button doesn't scrolls up... I thought that the problem depend on the constraints, can you help me to fix this issue?
Thank you
The way in which you are trying to do this will get you in trouble. As you are giving hardcoded values of frame.
Try to use keyboard avoiding library it's the better and safer way of doing it.
-(void)textFieldDidBeginEditing:(UITextField *)textField {
[UIView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL];
[UIView setAnimationDuration:0.35f];
CGRect frameView = self.view.frame;
CGRect frameImage = self.imageViewLogo.frame;
CGRect frameTextFieldUsername = self.textFieldUsername.frame;
CGRect frameTextFieldPassword = self.textFieldPassword.frame;
CGRect frameButtonLogin = self.buttonLogin.frame;
frameView.origin.y = -100;
// no need of changing frames of TextFields inside the View, Just change the y-padding of View
[self.view setFrame:frameView];
[UIView commitAnimations];
reduce the y-padding to -120 and check
Hope this helps thanks
If your views are set up to use AutoLayout, changing frame will do nothing.
You should subscribe to UIKeyboardWillChangeFrameNotification and perform your changes there. In case of constraints you would update the constrains constants here and the call -setNeedsUpdateConstraints on the superview.
You have to figure out if the keyboards is appearing or disappearing at all if you want to support external keyboard.
Otherwise you can listen for UIKeyboardWillShowNotification and UIKeyboardWillHideNotification
For auto up the textFields while keyboard comes not need to use the thirdParty Classes.
Create a static tableView and design each textFields and button in each static cells.
TableView automatically handle the auto up textFields while keyboard comes.
Hi the simple and easy trick for doing it is :-
Take outlet of top constraint of username or email id textfield in your class and on textfield did begin editing delegate decrease the constraint's constant value so it will goes up when u select the textfield and at textField did end editing delegate again set constraint's constant value to previous one so it will reset on previous position.
eg:-Assuming you set Top Constraint value in Storyboard is 150
-(void)textFieldDidBeginEditing:(UITextField *)textField {
_topConstraint.constant = 10.00;
[UIView animateWithDuration:0.5f animations:^{
[self.view layoutIfNeeded];
-(void)textFieldDidEndEditing:(UITextField *)textField {
_topConstraint.constant = 150.00;
[UIView animateWithDuration:0.5f animations:^{
[self.view layoutIfNeeded];
Hope it will help you.

Moving origin back to original position

Today, I am trying to get a view to return to its default origin after a cancel. I am using two VCs to do this. One is a footer controller in a tableview, and the other is a modal view, which is presented after the first animation. Whenever I try to go back from the modal view, the origin is still the same one after I did the first animation. Here is the code I am using:
[UIView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL];
[UIView setAnimationDuration:0.25];
NSLog(#"%f", self.view.frame.origin.y);
self.view.frame = CGRectMake(0,-368,320,400);
[UIView commitAnimations];
self.tdModal2 = [[TDSemiModalViewController2 alloc]init];
// [self.view addSubview:test.view];
[self presentSemiModalViewController2:self.tdModal2];
[UIView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL];
[UIView setAnimationDuration:0.25];
NSLog(#"%f", self.view.frame.origin.y);
self.view.frame = CGRectMake(0,368,320,400);
[UIView commitAnimations];
And in the modal view:
[self dismissSemiModalViewController:self];
FooterViewController *foot = [[FooterViewController alloc]init];
self.footer = foot;
// self.footer.view.frame = CGRectMake(0,35,320,400);
[self.footer moveBack];
I give the following recommendations, they may be good for you.
Note 1, AffineTransform
If the translation is always to the same point and always with the same measure, I'd recommend using CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation(<#CGFloat tx#>, <#CGFloat ty#>) instead of modifying the view's frame. This method specifies how much x and y points will the view move.
In that way, returning the view to the original position is as simple as doing view.transform = CGAffineTransformIdentity.
Both of these inside their respective animation block of course.
Note 2, Using CGPoint to move the origin
If you just move the origin of the view then the recommendation is to make:
CGRect hiddenFrame = self.view.frame;
hiddenFrame.origin.y -= 736;
self.view.frame = hiddenFrame;
CGRect hiddenFrame = self.view.frame;
hiddenFrame.origin.y = -368;
self.view.frame = hiddenFrame;
CGRect hiddenFrame = self.view.frame;
hiddenFrame.origin = CGPointMake(0,-368);
self.view.frame = hiddenFrame;
The same for the move back. It's more code but it's more understandable.
Note 3, UIView animation block
You should use the new blocks:
[UIView animateWithDuration: 0.25 animations: ^(void) {
//animation block
There are other blocks with more methods as delay, completion blocks, etc.
Option, Delegate or reference passing
When you create your modal controller, pass the reference of the current controller:
self.tdModal2 = [[TDSemiModalViewController2 alloc]init];
self.tdModal2.delegate = self;
You should declare that property in the TDSemiModalViewController2.h. Either by declaring the #class FooterViewController to avoid crossed imports; by making a protocol and declaring the property as id<myModalProtocol>, FooterViewController should then implement the protocol with the method moveBack; Or just declare the property as id and call [self.delegate performSelector: #selector(moveBack)].
Then in the cancel method, simply do:
[self dismissSemiModalViewController:self];
[self.delegate moveBack] //or performSelector.. in the third option case

ios 7 - UIView animate method with delay is not delayed

I'm currently testing new iOS 7 views controller transition.
What i want is a custom modal presenting transition that present your next view cut into several strip from top off screen. Each strip should appear after an incremental delay to give the desired effect.
So my code looks like this :
- (void)presentModalWithContext:(id<UIViewControllerContextTransitioning>)context
UIView *inView = [context containerView];
UIView *fromView = [context viewControllerForKey:UITransitionContextFromViewControllerKey].view;
UIView *toView = [context viewControllerForKey:UITransitionContextToViewControllerKey].view;
NSTimeInterval stripTime = 1.0;
NSTimeInterval stripDelay = 1.0;
NSInteger stripCount = 10;
CGFloat stripHeight = toView.frame.size.height / stripCount;
for (NSInteger i = 0; i < stripCount; i++)
CGFloat offsetY = i*stripHeight;
CGRect snapRect = CGRectMake(0, offsetY, toView.frame.size.width, stripHeight);
UIView *view = [toView resizableSnapshotViewFromRect:snapRect afterScreenUpdates:YES withCapInsets:UIEdgeInsetsZero];
CGRect stripRect = CGRectMake(0, -(stripCount-i)*stripHeight, snapRect.size.width, snapRect.size.height);
view.frame = stripRect;
[inView insertSubview:view aboveSubview:fromView];
NSTimeInterval interval = stripDelay*(stripCount-i);
[UIView animateWithDuration:stripTime delay:interval options:0 animations:^{
CGPoint center = view.center;
center.y += stripCount*stripHeight;
view.center = center;
} completion:^(BOOL finished) {
if (i == stripCount-1)
[context completeTransition:YES];
I've already checked initial and final position of each strip and already is OK. My interval variable is also properly set at each loop.
But it seems that this is not delayed at all. All strips are moving together, giving the impression that the complete view is moving.
A quick look to basic log shows that all animations are performed at the same time :
2013-09-20 01:11:32.908 test_transition[7451:a0b] complete
2013-09-20 01:11:32.909 test_transition[7451:a0b] complete
2013-09-20 01:11:32.910 test_transition[7451:a0b] complete
2013-09-20 01:11:32.910 test_transition[7451:a0b] complete
2013-09-20 01:11:32.911 test_transition[7451:a0b] complete
2013-09-20 01:11:32.911 test_transition[7451:a0b] complete
2013-09-20 01:11:32.912 test_transition[7451:a0b] complete
2013-09-20 01:11:32.912 test_transition[7451:a0b] complete
2013-09-20 01:11:32.913 test_transition[7451:a0b] complete
2013-09-20 01:11:32.913 test_transition[7451:a0b] complete
Do someone is able to spot what's wrong here ?
It seems this is the following line that cancel the delay of any animations, even if those are not concerning the view being snapshotted :
UIView *view = [toView resizableSnapshotViewFromRect:snapRect afterScreenUpdates:YES withCapInsets:UIEdgeInsetsZero];
If i set the parameter afterScreenUpdates to NO, the view snapshot is null and i get the following error log :
Snapshotting a view that has not been rendered results in an empty snapshot. Ensure your view has been rendered at least once before snapshotting or snapshot after screen updates.
How do i render the view before snapshotting ? I tried [toView setNeedsDisplay] but with no success ...
Here's a solution.
Although this question is 2 years old, it's still a pertinent one as it still exists on iOS9. I realize it miiight not be as much help to the asker seeing it's been 2 years, but I only just came across this. So here's a solution.
When you want to transition between view controllers, you're probably gonna be using an Animator Object to run your custom UIView block animation code. This might be sophisticated with multiple animation blocks and some using a delay value. But if during your transition you want to capture or screenshot a portion of something (whether it's by UIView.drawViewHierarchyInRect, UIView.snapshotViewAfterScreenUpdates, or UIView.resizableSnapshotViewFromRect), using any of these methods will disengage the delays in your animation. For the last 2 methods, if you pass false for afterScreenUpdates, then it won't disengage the delays, but it also won't capture anything; it has to be true to capture something, but setting it to true will disengage your delay.
Using any of these methods will disengage the delay in your animation block, and generally mess things up. If you tell UIKit the transition is gonna be 3 secs and you have an animation block (UIView.animateWithDuration...) that has a 2 sec delay and 1 sec animation, if your delay gets disengaged then the animation runs instantly and the transition lasts just 1 sec, which throws UIKit out of sync and stuff gets generally messed up cuz it was expecting it to be 3 secs.
Here's a solution:
Say you're transition from view controller A to view controller B. In your Animator Object's code file (an object that inherits from NSObject and conforms to UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning protocol), you put your animation code in the animateTransition(transitionContext: UIViewControllerContextTransitioning) { ...} delegate method. If you're transitioning from VC A to VC B, say you want to screenshot something from VC B, and show it and do something with it during the transition. One way that works perfectly, is to use the drawViewHierarchyInRect method in View Controller B's viewDidLoad method, to capture and store the image (or create a UIImageView from that image and store the UIImageView) in an instance property of View Controller B. You need to use the drawViewHierarchyInRect method and not any of the other two because those require the content to be visible on screen (i.e. already rendered); the drawViewHiearchyInRect method captures offScreen content, even if it's not added to the view.
As soon as you commence a transition, the 'to view controller' gets initialized and it's viewDidLoad gets called. So in your transition animation code, you can grab the image you screenshotted (or the imageView) by referring to the view controller's property and do whatever you want with it in your transition. Your delays will not be disengaged.
Main Point: Don't screenshot stuff during the transition. Instead, put the screenshot code in the viewDidLoad of the view controller, and store its output in an instance variable and refer to that in your transition.
Hope this helps, I only just came across this problem today and just came across a solution.
After working on your code for a bit, and comparing it to mine, where the delay parameter was honored correctly, I still can't figure out why yours doesn't work. In any case, I found another way that does work. I break the animation into two parts. In the first part, I create the slices of the view using your code, add them to the inView, and also to a mutable array. In the second part, I call the animation block recursively, with no delay, until the last strip is displayed. One limitation to this approach, is that each strip animation has to complete before the next one begins (since the next one is called from the completion block), so you don't have independent control over the duration and delay. Anyway, here is what I did. In the presenting view controller, I just do this:
-(IBAction)presntBlue:(id)sender {
BlueViewController *blue = [self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:#"Blue"];
blue.modalTransitionStyle = UIModalPresentationCustom;
blue.transitioningDelegate = self;
[self presentViewController:blue animated:YES completion:nil];
-(id <UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning>)animationControllerForPresentedController:(UIViewController *)presented presentingController:(UIViewController *)presenting sourceController:(UIViewController *)source {
RDPresentationAnimator *animator = [RDPresentationAnimator new];
animator.isPresenting = YES;
return animator;
And in the RDPresentationAnimator class, I have this:
#interface RDPresentationAnimator () {
NSInteger stripCount;
CGFloat stripHeight;
NSMutableArray *stripArray;
#implementation RDPresentationAnimator
- (NSTimeInterval)transitionDuration:(id <UIViewControllerContextTransitioning>)transitionContext {
- (void)animateTransition:(id<UIViewControllerContextTransitioning>)context {
UIView *inView = [context containerView];
UIView *toView = [context viewControllerForKey:UITransitionContextToViewControllerKey].view;
stripCount = 10;
stripHeight = toView.frame.size.height / stripCount;
stripArray = [NSMutableArray new];
for (NSInteger i = 0; i < stripCount; i++)
CGFloat offsetY = i*stripHeight;
CGRect snapRect = CGRectMake(0, offsetY, toView.frame.size.width, stripHeight);
UIView *view = [toView resizableSnapshotViewFromRect:snapRect afterScreenUpdates:YES withCapInsets:UIEdgeInsetsZero];
CGRect stripRect = CGRectMake(0, -(stripCount-i)*stripHeight, snapRect.size.width, snapRect.size.height);
view.frame = stripRect;
[inView addSubview:view];
[stripArray addObject:view];
[self animateStrip:stripCount - 1 withContext:context];
-(void)animateStrip:(NSInteger) index withContext:(id <UIViewControllerContextTransitioning>) context{
[UIView animateWithDuration:ANIMATION_TIME animations:^{
UIView *view = stripArray[index];
CGPoint center = view.center;
center.y += stripCount*stripHeight;
view.center = center;
} completion:^(BOOL finished) {
if (index >0) {
[self animateStrip:index - 1 withContext:context];
[context completeTransition:YES];
I thought I'd add another answer that does give you the independent control over the stripTime and stripDelay. I never did find a way to make it work using the new UIViewControllerContextTransitioning methods. This way uses normal UIView animations, followed by a no animation presentViewController. This method should work correctly in either portrait or landscape orientation (notice that I use self.view.bounds to calculate stripHeight and snapRect, so that those values will be correct for either orientation).
#interface ViewController () {
NSInteger stripCount;
CGFloat stripHeight;
NSMutableArray *stripArray;
#implementation ViewController
-(IBAction)presntBlue:(id)sender {
BlueViewController *blue = [self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:#"Blue"];
[self animateView:blue];
-(void)animateView:(UIViewController *) toVC; {
UIView *toView = toVC.view;
toView.frame = self.view.bounds;
[self.view addSubview:toView];
NSTimeInterval stripDelay = 0.2;
NSTimeInterval stripTime = 1.0;
stripCount = 10;
stripHeight = self.view.bounds.size.height / stripCount;
stripArray = [NSMutableArray new];
for (NSInteger i = 0; i < stripCount; i++) {
CGFloat offsetY = i*stripHeight;
CGRect snapRect = CGRectMake(0, offsetY, self.view.bounds.size.width, stripHeight);
UIView *view = [toView resizableSnapshotViewFromRect:snapRect afterScreenUpdates:YES withCapInsets:UIEdgeInsetsZero];
CGRect stripRect = CGRectMake(0, -(stripCount-i)*stripHeight, snapRect.size.width, snapRect.size.height);
view.frame = stripRect;
[self.view addSubview:view];
[stripArray addObject:view];
[toView removeFromSuperview];
for (NSInteger i = 0; i < stripCount; i++) {
NSTimeInterval interval = stripDelay*(stripCount-i);
UIView *view = stripArray[i];
[UIView animateWithDuration:stripTime delay:interval options:0 animations:^{
CGPoint center = view.center;
center.y += stripCount*stripHeight;
view.center = center;
} completion:^(BOOL finished) {
if (i == 0){
[self presentViewController:toVC animated:NO completion:nil];
Added note:
In the animateView: method, I add the toView to self.view,, and then remove it after making the strips. I do this to make sure it works correctly in portrait and landscape -- if I omit those two statements, there's a slight glitch in the landscape animation when the animation finishes. If I have those two lines in, I occasionally get a glitch at the beginning where you can see the whole toView for a brief flash. I don't know why this only happens occasionally, and I haven't updated my phone yet, so I don't know if this happens on the device as well.

'UIView' may not respond to 'addSubview:withAnimation:'

I got this warning:
'UIView' may not respond to 'addSubview:withAnimation:'
The line of code which produce that warning is this:
[self.masterView addSubview:self.detailImage withAnimation:def];
And my relevant code is like this:
ExUIViewAnimationDefinition *def = [[ExUIViewAnimationDefinition alloc] init];
def.type = ExUIAnimationTypeTransition;
def.direction = ExUIAnimationDirectionMoveUp;
[self.masterView addSubview:self.detailImage withAnimation:def];
[def release];
I looked on the UIView documentation, i thought addSubview may be deprecated, but it still like this.
Does any one know how to solve this warning? Thanx in advance.
addSubview is a method UIView will respond to. addSubview:withAnimation: is not a method UIView will respond to.
If you want to add a subview with a fade or something like that, try this:
self.detailImage.alpha = 0.0;
[self.masterView addSubview:self.detailImage];
[UIView animateWithDuration:0.3 animations:^{
self.detailImage.alpha = 1.0;
To add a subview to a parent, call the addSubview: method of the parent view. This method adds the subview to the end of the parent’s list of subviews.
To insert a subview in the middle of the parent’s list of subviews, call any of the insertSubview:... methods of the parent view. Inserting a subview in the middle of the list visually places that view behind any views that come later in the list.
[self.masterView addSubView:self.def];
[def release];
This helped me to animate subview by sliding out from down of border of parent view
-(void) addAnimatadView:(UIView *) animatedView toView:(UIView *)aView {
CGRect frame = animatedView.frame;
float origin = frame.origin.y;
frame.origin.y = aView.frame.size.height;
[animatedView setFrame:frame];
[aView addSubview:animatedView];
frame.origin.y = origin;
[UIView animateWithDuration:0.4 animations:^{[animatedView setFrame:frame];}];
Just change frame origins as you want to reach free sliding
