How to create new EC2 instance in AutoScaling group? - ruby-on-rails

I want to create EC2 instance in autoscaling group. I want to do it manually using Ruby SDK. I haven't find any parameter to pass a name of AutoScaling Group name in amazon-ec2 Docs. Can anybody tell me that how to do it?

You can't manually create an instance other than be updating the autoscaling group and increasing the desired number of instances by 1. Specific instances can be terminated with TerminateInstanceInAutoScalingGroup.
You can also call ExecutePolicy to call a pre-existing autoscaling policy. I don't think you can trigger a cloud watch alarm from the API (other than by injecting sufficient amount of metric data to trigger the alarm (which you might not be able to do for non-custom metrics))


AWS ECS restrict to only one container instance

I want to only ever run one instance of my container to run at a given time. For instance say my ECS container is writing data to an EFS. The application I am running is built in such a way that multiple instances can not be writing to this data at a given time. So is there a way to make sure that ECS never starts more than one instance. I was worried that when one container was being torn down or stood up that two containers may end up running simultaneously.
I was also thinking about falling back to EC2 so that I could meet this requirement but did want to try this out in ECS.
I have tried setting the desired instances to 1 but I am worried that this will not work.
Just set min, desired and maximum number of tasks to 1.

Jenkins connect to AWS instances dynamically

I have one question regarding Jenkins and connecting it to AWS instances.
I have a Jenkins server/ master node and I want it to connect to my AWS instances which are created & destroyed by an Auto Scale Group that they belong to.
I checked ec2 and ec2 fleet plugins and even though they do what I need, to connect to each (currently) existing instance and create a slave for it, they both intervene with the creation/ termination of the instances as well as with my Auto Scale Group settings.
I simply want Jenkins to connect to my instances, do some CI/CD stuff there and that's about it.
I don't want Jenkins to either create or terminate any of my instances.
I can do that with static instances, by using their ip's but I can't seem to find a way to do that with dynamically created instances.
Any ideas on how to work around that?
Thank you!

Prevent multiple cron running in nest.js on docker

In docker we have used deploy: replicas: 3 for our microservice. We have some Cronjob & the problem is the system in running all cronjob is getting called 3 times which is not what we want. We want to run it only one time. Sample of cron in nest.js :
async runBiEventProcessor() {
const calculationDate = new Date()
Logger.log(`Bi Event Processor started at ${calculationDate}`)
How can I run this cron only once without changing the replicas to 1?
This is quite a generic problem when cron or background job is part of the application having multiple instances running concurrently.
There are multiple ways to deal with this kind of scenario. Following are some of the workaround if you don't have a concrete solution:
Create a separate service only for the background processing and ensure only one instance is running at a time.
Expose the cron job as an API and trigger the API to start background processing. In this scenario, the load balancer will hand over the request to only one instance. This approach will ensure that only one instance will handle the job. You will still need an external entity to hit the API, which can be in-house or third-party.
Use repeatable jobs feature from Bull Queue or any other tool or library that provides similar features.
Bull will hand over the job to any active processor. That way, it ensures the job is processed only once by only one active processor.
Nest.js has wrapper for the same. Read more about the Bull queue repeatable job here.
Implement a custom locking mechanism
It is not difficult as it sounds. Many other schedulers in other frameworks work on similar principles to handle concurrency.
If you are using RDBMS, make use of transactions and locking. Create cron records in the database. Acquire the lock as soon as the first cron enters and processes. Other concurrent jobs will either fail or timeout as they will not be able to acquire the lock. But you will need to handle a few cases in this approach to make it bug-free and flawless.
If you are using MongoDB or any similar database that supports TTL (Time-to-live) setting and unique index. Insert the document in the database where one of the fields from the document has unique constraints that ensure another job will not be able to insert one more document as it will fail due to database-level unique constraints. Also, ensure TTL(Time-to-live index) on the document; this way document will be deleted after a configured time.
These are workaround if you don't have any other concrete options.
There are quite some options here on how you could solve this, but I would suggest to create a NestJS microservice (or plain nodeJS) to run only the cronjob and store it in a shared db for example to store the result in Redis.
Your microservice that runs the cronjob does not expose anything, it only starts your cronjob:
const app = await NestFactory.create(
await app.init();
Your WorkerModule imports the scheduler and configures the scheduler there. The result of the cronjob you can write to a shared db like Redis.
Now you can still use 3 replica's but prevent registering cron jobs in all replica's.

Setting node selector for spring cloud dataflow task and stream deployments on kubernetes

We want to fix all our spring cloud dataflow task and stream deployments to a particular set of nodes.
I have this working manually for a sample task eg
task launch test-timestamp --properties "deployer.*.kubernetes.deployment.nodeSelector=env:development"
(this wasn't obvious as the documentation here seems to imply the key is just nodeSelector not deployment.nodeSelector)
This correctly adds the node selector into the pod yaml for kubernetes.
But I want this to be set automatically ie using task.platform.kubernetes.accounts.default properties in the SCDF server config.
Ive tried:
task.platform.kubernetes.accounts.default.deployment.nodeSelector: env:development
task.platform.kubernetes.accounts.default.nodeSelector: env:development
but neither seem to work. What is the correct way to configure this?
Same question for stream deployments via skipper.
Also how do I set this up for scheduled tasks?
Sorry that you've had to try a few options to get to the bottom of finding the right deployer property that actually works.
In general, from SCDF's Shell/UI, the deployer token is a short-form for property. It's a repetitive thing to supply when you have more deployer properties to configure in a stream/task, so we have a short-form for that reason.
However, the nodeSelector is not a deployer-level property with a default, though. It is only available as a deployment level property, so that means, it is only available as an option for a per deployment basis.
To put it differently, it is not available as an option for "global" configuration, so that's why task.platform.kubernetes.accounts.default.deployment.nodeSelector: env:development is not taking into account. Same also is true for Streams through Skipper, as well.
It can be improved, though. I created spring-cloud/spring-cloud-deployer-kubernetes#300 for tracking - feel free to subscribe to the notifications. Both Streams and Tasks should then be able to take advantage of it as a global configuration. Once the PR is merged, you should be able to try it with SCDF's 2.2.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT image.
As for the K8s-scheduler implementation, we do not have support for nodeSelectors yet. I created spring-cloud/spring-cloud-scheduler-kubernetes#25 - we could collaborate on a PR if you want to port the functionality from K8s-deployer.

Single cron job across multiple AWS EC2 images

We have Ruby on Rails application running on EC2 and enabled autoscaling feature. We have been using whenever to manage cron. So new instances with an image of the main instance created automatically on spikes and dropped when low traffic. But this also copies cron jobs as well to newly created instances.
We have a specific requirement where we want to limit cron to a single instance.
I found a gem which looks like handing this specific requirement but I am skeptical about it, reason being it is for elastic beanstalk and no longer maintained.
as a workaround, you can have a condition within the cron specifying that the cron job should execute based on a condition that would elect a single instance among your autoscaling group. e.g have only the oldest instance running the cron, or only the instance having the "lowest" instance ID, or whatever you like as a condition.
you can achieve such a thing by having your instances calling the AWS API.
As a more proper solution, you maybe could use a single cronified lambda accessing your instances? this is now possible as per this page
Best is to set scale in protection. It prevents your instance being terminated during scaling events.
You can find more information here on AWS
