Workaround for Mobile Web App Credits Bug? - ios

Two related questions. First: does this repro for you or is it something local on my iPhone?
Second, anyone have workaround for that bug? Now that FB Credits are required for mobile web apps on the platform this is an absolutely critical thing for us to find a workaround for.

Facebook posted a reply in the bug report stating that this is a known issue.
This is a known issue, and we have a workaround for it:
Instead of calling FB.login, please set document.location to redirect
directly to the /dialog/oauth endpoint with your own page as the
redirect_uri, and that will redirect back to the page the user came


Bug with Instagram API Login - This page could not be loaded

Since few days I have problems with the API instagram. Instagram sending this error page after the user has entered this login information.
"This page could not be loaded. If you have cookies disabled in your browser, or you are browsing in private mode"
Do you know why ? How to do ? Need help
On webapp authentication... the problem is related to instagram platform. I found that the problem arise only if your browser don't have the instagram cookie "ig_cb" set. This is set when you accept cookie policy on The workaround is to go on instagram and accept cookie policy then go back to your social auth and proceed.
This happens for both mobile and desktop users (browser).
Being a block on instagram login process... I guess there's no definitive solution other than wait for instagram bug fix.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but we also had this problem, which flagged on the Facebook Dev page:
They have looked into the problem, as a number of us have had this exact issue too. It is only affecting EU user, as our US users are logging in and signing up without problems, and it seems that Facebook are refusing to look into it - their Instagram Platform API forum has already stopped accepting issues.
In terms of what we have learnt since last week, we think:
It is likely GDPR related
Not all apps have been affected, Bumble does not have this problem but Tinder does
It is happening with both the old Platform API and Graph API, according to a developer who has already migrated to Graph.
No one seems to know anything!
So it seem's it is in fact a cookie issue on mobile. When a user goes to sign in on mobile view, the 'accept cookie' message that typically appears on web doesn't appear. However, when the error screen pops up, if you click 'Log in' in the top right, it will redirect you to the web view, which lets you accept the new terms and conditions. Then, once you direct back to mobile the cookie seems to have been saved and you can now login. This has worked for us on iOS so far, but not Android, and we still haven't come up with a work-around yet.
This bug has now been fixed.
Thank you all for your comments, individual input, and patience while we worked to address this issue for everyone.
I am happy to report that this particular issue with Instagram login should now be resolved, but if you are still seeing any issues related to this fix, please let us know on this report only.

Linkedin authentication request error

so I'm implementing the option to login with your linkedin account, but I find that sometimes you will get a request error saying:
Request Error
We’re sorry, there was a problem with your request. Please make sure you have cookies enabled and try again.
Or follow this link to return to the home page.
So I did some digging and I found that this error pops up if you don't have a certain cookie from linkedin called JSESSIONID. This is only created when you go to, but not my extension authentication page. Anyone have an explanation and a solution?
Here is a work around:
link to an approved solution
it provides a java implementation, and they point out it is more about the version of the library you are using.
hopefully it helps.

Facebook - This must be a valid privacy policy url

I have an MVC site that users Facebook to log-in users.
When trying to approve the Facebook app, the only field I can't get to be satisfied
is the
Privacy Policy URL field. I get the following error:
Can't seem to figure out what's wrong. The page is public and can be accessed without authentication.
It contains non-english text (hebrew).
Does the page content needs to comply to some structure ?
Have you looked at this? Facebook privacy policy error
You may have missed one of the requirements.
As WizKid says, it's was probably a temporary issue. Suddenly it just works.
The problem seemed to be just the fact that a previously fetched request for the same URL was not authorised by my server at that time. May be the same might have happened to you too.
Solution: Just fetch the URL of Privacy Policy again using Facebook's URL Debugger. That's the thing between you and your peace of mind.

Twitter authentication/login issue

Does anyone know how to fix this issue? I keep on getting this error from Twitter when I try to login on our app. This was happening since May 23, 2013.
Whoa there! The request token for this page is invalid. It may have
already been used, or expired because it is too old. Please go back to
the site or application that sent you here and try again; it was
probably just a mistake.
I also saw some users experiencing this issue in this link
Thanks a lot!
Just throwing it out there. Have you tried resetting the keys in your application management page? Or recreate your access token? (Unless the "Reset keys" option does this also).

Facebooker params empty

I am trying to connect facebooker and authlogic using this
I was having problems so began to debug the facebooker gem code. I realized that no params are getting set using the facebook login that have anything to do with facebook. I can push the facebook login button, it brings up the facebook window as it should and I accept/sign into facebook. Then in facebooker/rails/controller.secure_with_facebook_params! I print out params, this is what shows:
authenticity_token<pulled out token number>actioncreatecontrollerperson_sessions
person_sessions is the name of my user_sessions. Not sure if this makes a difference though...
This is it. Clearly there should be other parameters here. I checked to make sure that my application numbers are all OK with facebooker.yml (although honestly I don't understand why that would matter as I'm not yet making a facebook app, just want to use connect).
Any ideas?? I would be SOOOO thankful if someone could help me out... any clues would be useful!
Argh I think I finally figured it out! Since I don't have an app yet then set_asset_host_to_callback_url in facebooker.yml should be set to false. However, after this is done, you have to close browser as it seems to store previous session. Now to fix my next problem!
I had this same issue, my problem was that I had set a Site Domain on my application settings page on Facebook itself... I wasted lots of time fiddling with my code and my settings in my rails app when it was a facebook setting all along. Big up to Alex Neth on the authlogic google group in the end. So what I had was
Application ID 150132505999999
Application Secret e7fb8001d80e99999999999999999999
Site URL http:// localhost:3000
Site Domain localhost
and what I should have had was
Application ID 150132505999999
Application Secret e7fb8001d80e99999999999999999999
Site URL http:// localhost:3000
Site Domain
duh, probably an obvious one but I hope this helps someone out somewhere.
(I've had to break up the site url there for spam issues on this site)
