using panoramaGL library in ios5 and running HelloPanorama - ios

I've been search around how to setup panoramaGL for a whole day and none of these answers my questions. emm, maybe that's because I am new to ios developing and I start with ios5 with all ARC cool features. I did find a pretty comprehensive guide at but it's a little bit out of date to me. I cannot follow this guide in xcode 4.3 with ios 5.0 sdk.
Emm, so here is the question, assuming panoramaGL and helloPanorama works perfectly fine in whatever xcode version and sdk version it is created in. Is there a way , without any code modification, I can import the library and using the api along with my app developed in ios5? Of course I don't mind some minor modification and I did dive into those code and comment all the retain or release stuff. but wired errors keep popping up. I really need help here.
If it finally turns out to be impossible to reuse it in ios5.0, I will probably need to write the whole thing line by line with my understand of the complicated panorama algorithm...
Thanks so much for the help!

It seems someone is working on another library based on panoramaGL. Works on IOS 5.

The new version of PanoramaGL 0.1 r2 was released, please check This version runs on iOS >= 4.x and supports Hotspots.
Please check HelloPanoramaGL example


Xcode editor taking too much time in compiling

I'm a newbie in Swift. I just created a new single view project in xcode9.3 and tried building it and its taking forever to compile.
Why is this so?
I have had something similar to this, and I found that restarting Xcode a few times should solve the problem.
If this doesn't work, you might want to download the latest version of Xcode. As of now, I think the latest non-beta version is 9.4.1.
Had the same issue in the past.
The swift compiler have some issues with specific code styles which makes it sometimes compile files even slower.
In the end we quit Swift as a development language and moved to React Native and back to Objective-C on iOS projects as swift became too cumbersome.
Moving forward, you might want to look at some of guides out there.
This two looks promising.
Back when I was working on swift, this was guide we were using as a guideline:
Part 1
Part 2

How to make plugin for Xcode6

I want to make plugin for Xcode6 but i don't know how to start and make that.Any one please share any link that explains this in detail for Xcode 6? I find for Xcode 4 but that method is not working for xcode6
I am the creator of IntelliPaste for Xcode.
Plugin development for Xcode is fun but will also be hard at times. There is no documentation that can be found, at least not from Apple. A lot is guess work and look at how other people's plugins are made.
To get started, I would recommend using this template. I haven't used it myself but I wished something like that was around when I got started.

Auto Rotate quit working after upgrading to MonoTouch 6

I made a project with MonoTouch 5. After upgrading to MonoTouch 6 my UIViewControllers are not auto-rotating anymore. These are hosted inside a tabviewcontroller. I get this warning:
ShouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation(MonoTouch.UIKit.UIInterfaceOrientation)' overrides obsolete member `MonoTouch.UIKit.UIViewController.ShouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation(MonoTouch.UIKit.UIInterfaceOrientation)'. Add the Obsolete attribute to ShouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation(MonoTouch.UIKit.UIInterfaceOrientation)' (CS0672)
But the method still gets called when I am debugging. The new ShouldAutorotate never gets called. Any ideas? Thanks!
There can be a few reasons. One of them is that you should be (if not already) setting the RootViewController in your AppDelegate (another link here). That was not required before iOS6.
Another one is starting to use the new iOS6 API, without keeping a fallback for earlier iOS versions. That would match your comment, i.e. works on 6.0 but not on 5.1.
Note that since you're still targeting iOS 5.x you can safely ignore the obsolete warnings. iOS 6 introduced new API to handle rotation but it will automagically fallback to the old API to keep compatibility with existing applications.
That also means that if you start using the new (iOS6 only) API then you'll need to handle the old API yourself or rotation won't work with iOS 5.x.
Honestly I think that's a testing nightmare - you're better off letting iOS handle this and keep a single code path to handle rotation. That why I strongly suggest you to keep using the older API until your deployment target minimal version becomes iOS 6.0.
I had the same issue after upgrading and I got the answer to my problem over here. Here is the heart of the problem, quoted from the link:
Application windows are expected to have a root view controller at the end of application launch
So if previously like me you have this in your FinishedLaunching(UIApplication app) method in main.cs:
Replace it with this:
window.RootViewController = mainVC;
That's it! Happy days! Rotation works again. :) At least it solved the problem for me.
I don't know whether this small thing causing the application to go wrong is Apple's fault or Monotouch/Xamarin's fault, but I think that the Xamarin team should do something about this. Surely this is something that could be detected and corrected at compile time?
Anyway. Hope this information saves other people the hours that this issue has cost me!

For iOS developers, are there many differences between XCode 4.2 (iOS5) and XCode 4.5 (iOS6)?

I'm starting to learn iOS development using this awesome course on iTunes U:
However, this course was done in Fall 2011 and is using XCode 4.2 and iOS5.
I now see that XCode 4.5 (iOS6) is out.
I just want to know if it's a good thing following this course as it's already one year old?
Or if XCode 4.2 (iOS5) and XCode 4.5 (iOS6) are so similar, that I'll just have to tweak some things a little?
I used to follow the Fall 2010 course with XCode 3.2.5 (iOS 4.2) and I stopped to start the Fall 2011... and there were so many differences that it was almost like starting over.
I just want to make sure that by investing my time in the Fall 2011 course that I'm not learning stuff I would have to learn again in iOS6.
Besides all of the other good info in the other answers, please be aware that Xcode 4.5 comes with an updated LLVM compiler that provides you with much improved Objective-C features. Working with properties is much easier. You no longer need to explicitly declare instance variables for properties nor do you need the #synthesize statement. The new compiler makes working with arrays and dictionaries easier plus it is easier to box basic types.
The good news is that any code you write with the older compiler of Xcode 4.2 will continue to work under the newer compiler (but not the other way around).
Also keep in mind that Xcode 4.6 will be out soon so using 4.2 will just put you further behind.
The Stanford course you're about to learn is great and it contains lots of subjects, both basic and advanced. I can't think of anything that's not worth learning from the course even though it's outdated - you'll just have to learn about what's new in iOS6.0 after you've come to terms with the more important foundations and basics featured in the course.
Have fun learning iOS
Regarding the differences between the various versions, I'd suggest you check out the Objective-C Feature Availability Index and the Xcode release notes. The major shift in Xcode 4.5 is the support for iOS 6, and you can see a list of those features in What's New in iOS: iOS 6
I think you'll be able to follow the Stanford class even if you're running Xcode 4.5.2 (or whatever). There are some minor differences, but most of those are just new features that you might not yet avail yourself of yet. Frankly, many (most?) of us are still deploying iOS 5 (or earlier) apps today, to ensure backwards compatibility with users with older versions of iOS on their devices, anyway, so if you focus on iOS 5 while you learn the basics, I think that's fine. So, go ahead and gain mastery of iOS 5 using that course, and when you're done, you can then go through the WWDC 2012 videos to familiarize yourself with some iOS 6 features and new Xcode features.
The only major stumbling block that leaps out at me (if you focus on iOS 5 targets) might be autolayout which is an iOS 6 feature which defaults to being turned on. To avoid confusion here, whenever creating a new storyboard or NIB, you may want to turn off "autolayout". If so, go to Interface Builder, click somewhere on the background, select the "file inspector" in the right panel, and make sure the "Use Autolayout" flag is unchecked.
For the record, they just updated the CS193P Web Site
They will make the Winter 2012-2013 course available via iTunesU:
Winter (2012-13) quarter's lectures are currently scheduled to be made
available via iTunesU. Don't expect them to appear the day after the
first lecture, however! There is some work involved to prepare and
publish them. Please be patient.
That sounds cool!

NSCollectionView on iOS

I'm developing an iPad app and I'd like to use something like the NSCollectionView on it. There are SEVERAL 3rd party libs that do that. The problem is that none of them seem to support iOS 4.x. I really need to support this version of iOS. Does anyone knows a NSCollectionView-ish control for iOS that supports iOS 4.0?
I used AQGridView ( last year in an app whose deployment target was 3.1.3 (not 3.2 as mentioned by Scott in another answer -- that's the SDK version it requires, not the deployment target) so you should be able to use it for your project.
Here's a couple of other options I am evaluating for upcoming projects:
I'm not sure what their requirements are, I've just bookmarked them for checking out. GMGridView looks nice, I like its support for full-screen paging.
This one requires ARC and so you can't use it in 4.0:
But it does look nice. Overall, right now, I think AQGridView is the best fit for you.
AQGridView Supports 3.2 or greater.
