iPhone app Rejected with iPad 3 crash without log - ios

That's what Apple said - the app got crashed for them against iPad 3, there was no log produced:
The application crashed on the third generation iPad running iOS 5.1,
there were no crash logs produced.
What i did is that i re-signed exactly the submitted .app, installed it on all the iPods, iPhones and iPads i had (unfortunately not iPad 3 - this case was tested against the simulator).
The icons property at info.plist looks good, all the resources are in the bundle. Confusing thing is that another app with the same code but another configuration is approved. Let me stress it out - both the configuration was tested with the submitted .app files.
Any clue, shared experience or workaround ?
The current plan is to make some slight changes and resubmit the rejected app.

Apple Tech Support was able to find the crash report, no matter how they did it and why they said there's no report in the first place.
The problem was that with the accessibility turned on the UINavigationBar class called +(void)initialize on the very application startup.


app iOS accepted by Apple, crashes at launching, but works after plugging iPhone to the Mac/Xcode

We have at last a crash log : https://www.dropbox.com/s/62sq0ybyr4mhkkh/Screenshot%202015-09-02%2012.26.54.png?dl=0
It seems that a library is not loaded...
Here's what we have :
- no crash log on Xcode with a device where the app crashes at launch
- We didn't run the app via Xcode, we downloaded it via Diawi
- We plugged the iPhone on the Mac, we didn't run the app via Xcode, we just looked at the crash log (nothing to see). After we unplugged the iPhone from the Mac, the app launches perfetecly ! Besides, when we uninstall the app and install it again via Diawi, it launches perfectly again !
- So the simple fact that we plugged the iPhone to the Mac makes the app work.
Any idea ?
Below the first message
I have a serious issue with my iOS app, here's what we know :
The app has been approved on App Store
But if we download it via App Store promo codes (it's like a private beta), it crashes at launch, mostly on iOS 8.3 or below.
We had the same issue by adding UDIDs and sending the app via Diawi before the submission
We have already an app on the store (let's call it v1) and we have submitted a new version (v2) which has been a new project on Xcode.
The crash happens with people who had already the app v1 as well as people who hadn't
The crash remains even if you uninstall the v1 and install v2
We put crashlytics : impossible to get any crash report, it crashes before the init, although we can see the launch page with the logo. We tried to put a delay of 10 seconds to let crashlytics initialize, but it doesn't last untill the 10 sec
Weirdest thing : when we plug the device on Xcode to see what happens, then it works ! Impossible to see the crash again. Then, even if you uninstall and repeat the process by installing via Diawi, it will work ! As soon as you plug the iPhone on Xcode, it will always work...
Some people told us that it crashes and it works the day after.
What we did :
We updated the Pods
We changed the certificates and provisionning profiles and made it clean
We had some issues due to the Parse SDK, but we fixed it
The target is iOS 7.1
Here are the pods that we have (screenshot):
Has someone seen already such an issue ? The weirdest thing is that Apple hasn't rejected it.
Thank you for your help !
So I had exactly the same problem today with my app Macro Defense: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/macro-defense/id955086416?ls=1&mt=8
I found that by turning wi-fi off on the device, the app runs perfectly. If this is also the case with you, then my guess is that the problem lies in trying to perform some network functions in the appDelegate.
Have contacted apple support, and will repost if I get a definitive answer to this.

App crash when launching from Xcode if app already installed on device through Testflight

I'm building an iOS app for which I have Testflight set up, but now I'm running into an interesting issue where I can't properly launch the app from Xcode anymore since I registered my device to test the app through Testflight.
When I try to launch the app from Xcode, it will build fine and even launch it on my phone. However, there will be no output in the console, and a few seconds later the app will crash on my phone and I get the following error message popup in Xcode:
process launch failed: failed to get the task for process 484
If I delete the app from my phone before trying to launch from Xcode, the same thing will happen and the Testflight orange dot will still show up next to the app name on the home screen.
I have tried to change the app's version and build number, but that had no effect. I have not yet tried to unregister my device to test the app through Testflight because I would like to find a good way that facilitates both.
One way I have found to circumvent this problem is create a different app target and run the app with that which seems to work -- but I'm wondering if there is an actual solution to this problem or a better way to work around it.
Thanks in advance.
Turns out Max was on the right track - if I manually specify a non-distribution provisioning profile it will work properly by overriding the Testflight version of the app (the orange dot disappears). Not sure why "automatic" wasn't doing that for me. Thank you!

iOS enterprise distributed app terminates without any error log

I have very weird distribution scenario with the iOS app.
App works normally in simulator
App works normally on the device with developer profile (and corresponding bundle id domain.product)
When downloaded from testFairy service with valid enterprise provisioning profile app and bundle id (in form domain.beta.product) app:
Installs without error
Shows lunch screen and terminates immediately
When I connect device and check logs through Xcode -> Devices -> Show log I don't see any today's crashes, like no error happened. (this confuses me the most)
This happens on 2/2 iPhone devices that tried to run the app.
Some other infos that could maybe ring a bell to someone:
- App uses Core Data
- App uses TestFairy SDK (but it was the same without it)
- target is iOS 7.0, base SDK is Latest iOS(iOS 8.1)
- provisioning profile is set to that Enerprise Profile and signing identity is set to corresponding certs for both debug and release.
- I've removed armv7 from Targets-> Info -> Required Device capabilities as suggested on some stack overflow solutions.
Anyone experienced similar problem? What could be the cause?
I work for TestFairy, I think I can assist.
Few points:
TestFairy's distribution does not alter the IPA in any way.
When using an enterprise profile, you need to sign using (TEAM.domain.company.app) in your application-identifier. iOS 8 shouldn't let you install if the identifier does not include the TEAM.
If the app crashes immediately (with or without the Default splash screen,) it might be because you're out of memory. Does rebooting fix the problem?
Can you please paste all the logs from right before the launch, till the app exits? you can attach and send to TestFairy's support (via Contact page.) That would be helpful. Also, if you're interested, you can email support with your username and link to build, and they can try installing it on their devices and let you know what the problem was.

App testing on iPhone, where is the crash log?

I was finally able to put the app on my phone to test it but soon as I open the app, it crashes..It is written in swift. Is it even compatible on the iPhone yet? I'm currently running 7.0.4. Also is there any where I can access the crash logs? I tried to look in Devices -> Device logs, but didn't see my app in the logs.
Has anyone been able to get it working on their phone and how?
I made my own certificates and editted the info.plist to get it through xCode without dev account..but I don't think that matters
you can get crash logs using iPhone configuration utility application.
you can download it from here : http://support.apple.com/kb/dl1465
You can get the crash reports using the Xcode organizer.
Connect the device.
Open the Xcode organizer.
Select the devices tab (Xcode 5.1)
Select Devices Logs under the device.
This will also trigger the symbolication process of the crash reports, so you should see your class names, methods, filenames and line numbers a few seconds after selecting a crash report.
The top level Device Logs item will only show the crash reports of your devices, once you did the above steps to get the organizer to import the crash reports from a device.

Why does my distributed app look different than it did while debugging in xcode?

I 'completed' an app and submitted it to the app store. The app was rejected because they couldn't get the app to start. They sent me images and they look different than anything that I have seen while debugging.
I created an ad hoc .ipa and loaded it onto my device and then I was able to see the same symptoms. Some images are missing, including the 'start' button.
It does not cause a crash, so I can't use crash reports to debug the problem.
Are there certain settings that I need to modify to make sure that a distributed app and a debugged app are the same?
I am using Xcode 5.1.1 and Cocos2D.
(Some of the images that are missing are images whose zOrder I modified; I don't know if this is relevant or not).
One of the missing images is 'tower_blank.png' shown in the project navigator in the screen shot below:
I found a solution that fixed the problem. I would love to get some feedback as to whether this is a good idea or not.
Under 'Build Settings->Apple LLVM 5.1 - Code Generation->Optimization Level' I changed the Release setting from 'Fastest,Smallest' to 'None'
