ScrollView or TableView as the cell for a horizontal Table view - ios

I am aiming for a kind of horizontal table view where each cell (let's now saw column) is also a scrolling area.
Apple discourages you to use a scroll view inside a table view cell however since my table view will be rotated I think it could work out.
Has anyone tried this before and if so would you recommend how I am proposing to do this or would you suggest using some kind of custom view / grid framework out there ?
Quick doodle of the idea:


XCode - Vertical TableView Carousel Style Scroll

I currently have a table view populated with a series of posts. What I am trying to achieve is to manipulate the table view scroll so that there is always one table view cell centred in the table view. I'd also like this to have some form of scroll snap, similar to a vertical carousel in which the centred / focused cell has a maximum alpha and original size, and the cells visible above and below are smaller and have a lower alpha. I have attempted using scroll target offset but with no luck. I am mainly struggling with the mathematics of the function.
The image below demonstrates what I am trying to achieve.
What I am looking for at the very least is a push in the right direction in regards to how I can manipulate the table view scroll to have this type of carousel function.
EDIT: Is it possible to achieve this with Paging in the Table View?

Best design for a floating view that will follow a tableview's center cell, instagram video search table

I need to implement a view that will contains details about a table view cell. This view will be floating right above the center cell of a table view and should automatically re-assign itself to a new center-cell upon scrolling of the table.
My current approach is inserting this view to the table view as a subview and then adding constraints to it with respect to the center cell as you scroll and the center cell is changed. But I've been having some issues with the constraints (sometime's breaking) probably due to the fact that I am adding subviews to the table.
I would appreciate any other possible solutions to this or guidance, thanks!
What I am trying to accomplish is something similar to the Instagram's video discovery table

horizontal scrolling for each section in a table view

I want to implement a UICollectionView with multiple sections which each section scrolls horizontally and independently like the attached image
I suggest you to use UITableView with customized UITableViewCells with UIScrollView as subview on its contentViews.
There are many samples, for example here
You can use multiple UICollectionViews in table cells. The tableView will scrolls vertically and The collection views can be configured to scroll horizontally by setting particular set of properties which will restrict them to scroll vertically, and they will only scroll horizontally. One constraint to consider is it is much more difficult to do animations that need to move from one table cell to another and you can't use a neat single change of collection view layout to animate all the items in your table view. But if these constraints aren't a problem then this is a relatively easy solution. I also tried it once. It worked for me. Hope that it works for you as well.

How to implement those tables please

I have to implement the tables below
I know I can use custome cell with two labels but any idea how to implement the overall shape with the vertical and horizontal labels
Maybe set up a regular view controller. Then add a collection view, make the cell very large. In that collection view cell add a label on the side (this will become the light blue box). Then right next to it add a table view with sections. The header would be the red and dark blue area.
This would work, but you need the flexibility of starting as a view controller, and doing the collection and table view through delegates
Your question is too broad and cannot be answered in such form.
It's a customized UITableView created by Subclass-ing the UITableViewCell.
Check these tutorials and third-party controls:
Horizontal TableView

Imitate the combined horizontal and vertical scrolling in the iOS iTunes store

I'm trying to create a screen similar to that in the new iTunes store:
That is, a grid that's scrollable both horizontally and vertically.
The first approach I've tried involved creating a UITableView (for the vertical rows) and, within each UITableViewCell of that UITableView, another UITableView that's rotated 90 degrees.
This seems to work visually but I'm not able to scroll vertically. I believe the gesture recognizers from the subview tables are preventing the gesture recognizers from the parent table view from receiving touch events.
Basically, the rows scroll horizontally but not vertically.
The next approach I've thought then is to create UISrollViews for each row but I was wondering if there's something I've missed?
Has anyone else encountered this issue in the past?
I have done something similar to what you have with table view inside a table view, I made the rotated 90° table view the parent instead. I think I also had to turn off scrolling for one table views when scrolling is detected in the other table view, and visa-versa.
If your trying to target below iOS 6.0, ruling out using the UICollectionView, I would try using GMGridView:
It's very complete and has many features. It also has horizontal paging support which may achieve what you are looking for.
You should have a look at UICollectionView.
Never tried to build something like that but... Idea :
One tableview, n-cell, each cell embed a scrollView wich can contains, n-subviews.
