Marker unclickable underneath a polygon - google-fusion-tables

I have a fusion table which combines markers and polygons. Sometimes the markers are layered below a polygon and are unclickable. Is there a way to force a marker to appear ABOVE the polygon, so both are clickable?
Example table ID: 3821195
Location is Toronto, Canada. If you zoom in tight, the marker is buried below the polygon.
I've experimented with creating different tables, entering the marker first, or entering the polygon first, but in some cases (eg the table above) the marker is alway underneath the polygon. How come, and how to solve?

In the end I put the polygons in one table and the markers in another, and then stacked the layers with the polygon layer on the bottom.
This is the part of the script where the order of the layers were set:
First one listed is on the bottom. Last one listed is on the top.
Hope this helps somebody else.


QGIS sum fields of polygons that are contained within larger polygon

I have two layers which are perfectly nested. There are hundreds of SA1_2016 polygons (thin grey outline - see image attached) within each State_District polygon (thick black outline - see image attached). The SA1_2016 layer has data fields contained within it. I would like to sum up the fields for each SA1 within the State_District polygon.
If SA1 polygons have a field with the district ID they belongs : use aggregate function with 'sum' option
assuming you have two layers, one "inside" (SA1_2016) the other "outside" (State_Districts), both have an "id" and "area" fields, use the following in Field Calculator, from the outside layer, to update its area field with the sum of respective inside polygons.

Here Map : How to differentiate between two markers at same location

How can we differentiate among multiple NMAMapMarker at same location.
As we have marker.userdata property for google markers but how to manage data for markers in Here Maps.
When you are placing multiple markers at the same geo-point, they are stacked on top of the other. Since they are all at the same coordinate, only the top most one will be displayed. To enable multiple marker to be shown at the same coordinate, you will need to have some logic to slightly shift the position of markers. For example check if there is already a marker at the point, if there is an existing one, then use some logic to slightly change the coordinate value of the new marker to be added at the point.

shinobi chart gridline end in data point instead of going all the way to the top of chart

I'm drawing a chart in an iOS app and I want the gridlines to start in the x axis but end in the data point instead of extending all the way up to the top.
Is this possible?
Thanks in advance.
Disclaimer: I work for ShinobiControls
The shinobicharts framework doesn't currently support this as an out-of-the-box feature.
A workaround may exist though. You may be able to add your own gridline subviews by using the SChartAxis method pixelValueForDataValue: to work out where in the plot area coordinate space you should draw your vertical line up to for a given data point.
Once you have your coordinates there are various ways you could draw your gridlines:
Add a canvas view behind or in front of the chart (depending on what effect you want). Then use your coordinates to draw your gridlines using CoreGraphics or some other drawing technique.
Create individual UIViews that each represent a gridline using your coordinates and add these behind or in front of the chart.
One thing to be aware of with this technique is that the gridlines will not automatically update when you pan and zoom. In order to do this you will need to override one of the chart's delegate methods that notify you of range changes and update your drawn gridlines to match the new data point positions.
Another potential workaround could be to use a column series to mimic gridlines. If you create a column series and feed it the same data points as your original series this will result in columns that go up to the y-value of each data point. You could then use the property interSeriesSetPadding on SChartAxisStyle to cause the columns to appear very thin.
I hope that information is useful!

Modify interaction - How to get the segment which has been hovered

I am using openlayers-3 modify interaction to edit vector layers. When a polygon/polyline is being edited, if mouse is close to a line segment, a small circle is drawn and dragging it creates a new vertex or moves an existing vertex, depending on where on the segment I was hovering.
Now, sometimes this is very difficult to understand if I am hovering on an existing vertex, or on middle of a segment. I have thought about two solutions to the problem:
Highlight the segment I am hovering with a different style so that I
can see its edges.
When hovering on an vertex, style the small
circle with a different style.
Is there a way to achieve any of the two?
It can be done changing the interaction condition like:
var selectPointerMove_Highlight = new ol.interaction.Select({
I have an online example.

Highstock marker points do not display on line series with grouped data

Using highstock v1.2.2 I am trying to set a few red marker points on a line series with approximately 8000 points.
However, the marker points are only displayed when the data is not being grouped.
When i increase the size of my navigator and the data is grouped, the marker points are no longer displayed.
I searched the highstock api and didn't find anything helpful. All i found was this issue: Fixed issue with disappearing point markers after switching from non, that was fixed about a year ago.
I also tried to increase the turboThreshold attribute with no luck. So how can i display marker points on a large data set when the points are grouped?
You say that you set "a few" marker points. In that case, the markers will disappear when those individual points are grouped with other points, since the global option is that markers are disabled.
As an alternative, you should consider using flags for the points you want to emphasize. Or to make them look like regular point markers, you can even use a scatter series on top of the line series.
