Match full url in backbone - ruby-on-rails

I'm looking for solution to invoke backbone action for particular route in my app.
I know that it's possible to match url like:
But what if I need to match url like:

Opt-in to the new HTML history API / pushState, e.g.:
Backbone.history.start( { pushState : true } );
Depending on your application, you may want to take other steps as well, e.g.:
Note that using real URLs requires your web server to be able to correctly render those pages, so back-end changes are required as well.


How to remove a query parameter from URL without refresh the router in Ember js

I have a website built from Ember.js. A user can access a page through URL http://..../view?showTitle=true. However I don't want to explicitly expose the parameter showTitle=true to the user (meaning user will only see http://..../view). This URL is automatically generated and serves as a redirect destination URL. So, I have to remove it manually somewhere before the page load. But I still need this value of this query parameter to query data. Is there a way to achieve that (A example would be great)? What about do it without refreshing the router?
Actually, an example of your scenario would be greater :)
There are some other ways to store data while transitioning to a route. Such as: storing the params in transition object or storing the value in a service. Create a redirection route, use beforeModel hook to grab the value from query params then do a redirection to the real route.
A working example is: ember-twiddle-1
By the way, even if you don't describe your queryParamsin your routes, you can access them via transition.queryParams. This seems a bit hacky. But it works: ember-twiddle-2 (Note: It doesn't work in the same route.)
At the setupController hook you can override the controller parameters. So you can remove the parameters from the url. ember-twiddle-3

How to use external URL as path (Rails)

I am trying to create routes within an app that I am working on like the following example:
My hope is to basically load an external page into an iframe by adding our domain to the URL. It needs to be without storing the external url in a database because I need every website accessable in this way. How can I do this?
You need a route with a wildcard like this:
get 'url/*args', to: 'your_controller#your_action'
I would suggest you namespace the route under some keyword to catch this wildcard route explicitly (hence url in the above).
You may need to tweak the route to allow periods to prevent them from becoming the format. I forget if that's true for these or not.

IE9 removes # part from URL (works on Firefox! )

I am working on an application with ASP.NET MVC Routing + AngularJS routing.
My URL lookslike:
when I breakdown this ( is handled by ASP.NET MVC routing. i.e. (Area = Request, controller = "Default", action = "Index")
(#/Search/Request/123) is handled by AngularJS routing.
This works perfectly when I am on http://localhost:8080/
The issue is when I deploy this application to
In this case, If user clicks on above link (received via email),IE 9 recognizes only (") and the server never gets (#/Search/Request/123).
We have enterprise SSO implemented on web server. SSO client intercepts http request and uses URL to redirect back to requested page after authentication.
if # fragment is not sent as part of http request url, sso is not able to redirect back to same page.
I believe this to be a common scenario/issue. I would keep changing the URL scheme as last resort. e.g. (# to !).
How to solve this?
Just found a blog that dealt with this issue exactly:
He offers two ideas:
When the page loads there simply needs to be some JavaScript that accesses the hash fragment and appends it to the redirect URL in the hidden field. Here's an example using JQuery for simplicity
$(function () {
var $redirect = $('[name="redirect"]');
$redirect.val($redirect.val() + window.location.hash);
Or, alternatively
Instead of appending the hash fragment to the hidden field value, you could avoid sending it to the server at all and simply append it to the form action URL.
$(function () {
var $loginForm = $('#loginForm');
var actionUrl = $loginForm.attr('action');
$loginForm.attr('action', actionUrl + window.location.hash);
Fragments (the part of the URL after the #) are not necessarily sent to the server-side by the browser. They are for client-side usage only (navigating to a specific location in the document, JavaScript support).
RFC 2396 section 4.1:
When a URI reference is used to perform a retrieval action on the
identified resource, the optional fragment identifier, separated from
the URI by a crosshatch ("#") character, consists of additional
reference information to be interpreted by the user agent after the
retrieval action has been successfully completed. As such, it is not
part of a URI, but is often used in conjunction with a URI.
(emphasis added)
Therefore, the URL scheme you came up with will not work reliably unless you change the # to another character. Alternatively, you could use JavaScript to transfer the information from the fragment in an input that will be reliably passed back to the server. But do note that solution will only work if JavaScript is enabled in the browser, so it is (also) not a 100% reliable solution that will work with all clients.
Either way, using a URL without a fragment is a more reliable approach and IMO a better design choice if you expect that part to be interpreted by the server.
I would remove ugly URL's from your application all together.
This article will walk you through removing ugly URL's in a project. It will also ensure that you have your RouteConfig.cs setup correctly.

Using URI-fragments in Ruby on rails routing

RoR application can generate URL such as /post/10. But now I want to create a site, which works with URI-fragments like gmail.
For example gmail uses the following URLs
I need to generate URL such as /#/post/10, where controller = "post", action = "show", id = "10".
Of course it will be good to use standard url-helpers.
According to this question everything after # is not sent to server. And if you want to handle something after # then you should use js (as #Gumbo said).
If you want to create complicated routes you can use route globbing - so this is the way to handle complicated url on server side. But if you want to generate urls you can write your own helpers. Url is nothing more than simple string.
The URI fragment is not sent to the server but only for local purpose. So you would need a client side language like JavaScript to parse the fragment and retrieve the resource.

What is the simplest way to return different content types based on the extension in the URL?

I'd like to be able to change the extension of a url and recieve the model in a different format.
e.g. if
returns a html page containing a list of products, then
would return them in a json list.
Note: I like the simplicity of the ASP.NET MVC REST SDK, it only requires about 5 lines of code to hook it in, but the format is specified as a query string parameter i.e. /products/list?format=json which is not what I want, I could tweak this code if there are no other options, but I don't want to reinvent the wheel!
I wrote a blog post that shows one possible example. It's a tiny bit complicated, but might work for your needs.
You should be able to just use routes in conjunction with the rest sdk
If you have the flexibility to drop Apache or something similar in front of your service, you can always use mod_rewrite to rewrite an external http://products/list.json into http://products/list?format=json which your framework can render more easily.
Instead of "list.json", you could choose "list/json" and use a route like
Then ProductController.List would be called, with an ID parameter of "json". The .List() action then would decide whether or not to return an HTML view or JSON content.
