MongoDB Mongoid delete value from array - ruby-on-rails

I have mongodb document like this and want to remove one element form unpublished array
which is in resource_well
"_id": ObjectId("4fa77c808d0a6c287d00000a"),
"production_status": "Unscheduled",
"projected_air_date": null,
"published": false,
"resource_well": {
"published": [
"unpublished": {
"0": ObjectId("4fa795038d0a6c327e00000e"),
"1": ObjectId("4fa795318d0a6c327e00000f"),
"2": ObjectId("4fa795508d0a6c327e000011"),
"3": ObjectId("4fa796f48d0a6c327e000013")
"segment_status": "Draft",
Code in controller
segment = Segment.find(params[:segment_id])
# segment.resource_well[params['resource_well_type']].class => Array
# segment.resource_well[params['resource_well_type']].inspect => [BSON::ObjectId('4fa795038d0a6c327e00000e'), BSON::ObjectId('4fa795318d0a6c327e00000f'), BSON::ObjectId('4fa795508d0a6c327e000011'), BSON::ObjectId('4fa796f48d0a6c327e000013')]
Not able remove an element form array

Your ODM (or ORM) provides associations for you so that you can take advantage of having the ODM manage the links for you. So you should use the associations, otherwise you risk hanging yourself. Just make sure to specify the relationship correctly, and use the generated method named by the association and its methods, e.g. resource_well.unpublished <<, resource_well.unpublished.delete. The following models and tests work for me. The inconvenience is that the delete method on the association takes an object, e.g., other.delete(object) and not a string or conditions, so if you start with a string, you have to supply an object in order to delete it. Note that other.delete_all(conditions) or other.where(conditions).delete_all remove both actual documents as well as the association, which is not what you were looking for. Anyway, hope that this helps.
class Segment
include Mongoid::Document
field :production_status, type: String
field :projected_air_date, type: Date
field :published, type: Boolean
field :segment_status, type: String
embeds_one :resource_well
class ResourceWell
include Mongoid::Document
embedded_in :segment
has_and_belongs_to_many :published, :class_name => 'Resource'
has_and_belongs_to_many :unpublished, :class_name => 'Resource'
class Resource
include Mongoid::Document
field :name, type: String
require 'test_helper'
class Object
def to_pretty_json
class SegmentTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
def setup
test 'resource_well unpublished delete' do
res = (0..3).collect{|i| Resource.create(name: "resource #{i}")}
seg = Segment.create(
production_status: 'Unscheduled',
projected_air_date: nil,
published: false,
resource_well: res[0..2]),
segment_status: 'Draft')
seg.resource_well.unpublished << res[3] #just an append example
puts seg.to_pretty_json
id = res[0]['_id'].to_s
puts "id: #{id}"
resource_obj = Resource.find(id)
puts "resource: #{resource_obj.inspect}"
Rails.logger.debug("delete: #{resource_obj.inspect}")
puts Segment.find(:all).to_pretty_json
# Running tests:
"_id": "4fa839197f11ba80a9000006",
"production_status": "Unscheduled",
"projected_air_date": null,
"published": false,
"resource_well": {
"_id": "4fa839197f11ba80a9000005",
"published_ids": [
"unpublished_ids": [
"segment_status": "Draft"
id: 4fa839197f11ba80a9000001
resource: #<Resource _id: 4fa839197f11ba80a9000001, _type: nil, name: "resource 0">
"_id": "4fa839197f11ba80a9000006",
"production_status": "Unscheduled",
"projected_air_date": null,
"published": false,
"resource_well": {
"_id": "4fa839197f11ba80a9000005",
"published_ids": [
"unpublished_ids": [
"segment_status": "Draft"
Finished tests in 0.016026s, 62.3986 tests/s, 0.0000 assertions/s.
1 tests, 0 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips

{_id : ObjectId("4fa77c808d0a6c287d00000a")},
{ $unset : { "resource_well.unpublished.1" : 1 }}
This will remove element [1] of the array.
Also you can read how to implement it using mongoid:


Rails permit nested attribute

I am working on rails 6 with ruby-2.6.5 and i am working on the API. I am using nested attributes for my order as follows:-
# frozen_string_literal: true
module Api
module V1
class OrdersController < Api::V1::ApiApplicationController
before_action :validate_token
def create
order = OrderInteractor.create(order_params, #user_id)
render json: { 'message' => 'Order Placed' }, status: :ok
def order_params
.permit(:user_id, :address_id, :total_price, :payment_status,
:order_number, :delivery_time_slot,
%i[price quantity order_detail_status product_id
order_number variant_id],
%i[payment_data payment_id])
Api Request:-
"data": {
"attributes": {
"order": {
"address_id": "82",
"delivery_time_slot": "5:00 PM - 8:00 PM(Today)",
"order_details_attributes": [{
"price": "76.0",
"product_id": "46",
"quantity": "4",
"variant_id": "47"
}, {
"price": "9.9",
"product_id": "30",
"quantity": "1",
"variant_id": "29"
"payment_details_attributes": [{
"payment_data": {
"data": {
"nameValuePairs": {
"razorpay_payment_id": "pay_HiHceX2p6450Wa",
"org_logo": "",
"org_name": "Razorpay Software Private Ltd",
"checkout_logo": "",
"custom_branding": false
"paymentId": "pay_HiHceX2p6450Wa",
"userContact": "+916494949494",
"userEmail": ""
"total_price": "354"
"type": "orders"
While placing order i am getting the error Unpermitted parameter: :payment_data but it's working fine for the order_details. Please help me to fix it? I also tried the below ways to fix it but nothing worked:-
payment_details_attributes: %i[:payment_data payment_id]) and `payment_details_attributes: ['payment_data', 'payment_id'])`
Your payment_data is a complex object, rather than the scalars that are found in your order_details_attributes
You will need to add more to the permitted parameters, I believe the simplest solution would be:
payment_details_attributes: [payment_data: {}]
This should accept all parameters under payment_details_attributes, but it would also permit any other keys as well. You may want to be more strict and only allow the parameters specified above, in which case you could do:
payment_details_attributes: [
payment_data: {
data: {
%i[razorpay_payment_id org_logo org_name checkout_logo custom_branding]
:paymentId, :userContact, :userEmail
which should restrict the parameters to just the format used in your example.
A few other notes:
You have %i[payment_data payment_id] in your original sample, but there is no payment_id in your payload. The attribute in the sample is paymentId, and on top of that, it is an attribute of the payment_data, not the payment_details_attributes
you wouldn't use %i and a colon, the %i is a shorthand for creating an array of ruby symbols, so %i[:payment_data payment_id] would create the array [:":payment_data", :payment_id] (note the extra colon at the beginning of payment_data)
Lastly, I haven't tested my code above, so there could be a syntax or other error, but hopefully this points you in the right direction.

Custom json on rails 5 api only, using to_json

I am working on a rails 5 api only. I can get all the data that i want, but i would like to customize the output.I tried some solutions, but couldn't find it yet.
This is my portfolio controller:
def show
render json: #portfolio.to_json(
:only => [:title],
:include => {
:cryptos => {
:only => [],
:include => [
{:radarcrypto => { :only => [:ticker, :price] }},
this is the output
title: "Portfolio 1",
cryptos: [
radarcrypto: {
ticker: "BTC",
price: "190919.85",
radarcrypto: {
ticker: "ETH",
price: "12220.18",
But i would like something like that:
title: "Portfolio 1",
ticker: "BTC",
price: "190919.85",
ticker: "ETH",
price: "12220.18",
this are my models
class Portfolio < ApplicationRecord
has_many :cryptos
class Radarcrypto < ApplicationRecord
has_many :cryptos
class Crypto < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :portfolio
belongs_to :radarcrypto
I already tried to use without success:
class Radarcrypto < ApplicationRecord
ApplicationRecord.include_root_in_json = false
I don't know if there is a better solution to this customization, if would be better to use the views, json.jbuilder for example. thanks.
It's not possible to include a collection of objects as a value to a key without wrapping them in an array in JSON. (source (W3Schools))
It is possible, on the other hand, to have a collection of objects, but each one would have to have its own unique key. So the response could be shaped as such:
title: "Portfolio 1",
cryptos: {
BTC: {
ticker: "BTC",
price: "190919.85",
ETH: {
ticker: "ETH",
price: "12220.18",
(A different key is going to have to be used if more than one radarcrypto can have the same ticker)
I'm not sure how that would be achieved using the to_json options (e.g. include and only). You could probably do it manually by doing:
def show
portfolio = {};
portfolio['title'] = #portfolio.title
portfolio['cryptos'] = {}
#portfolio.cryptos.each do |crypto|
radarcrypto = crypto.radarcrypto
portfolio['cryptos']["#{radarcrypto.ticker}"] = {
'ticker': radarcrypto.ticker,
'price': radarcrypto.price
render json: portfolio.to_json
Side note
A gem such as Jbuilder may be a good candidate if nested shaping of JSON responses is done in multiple controllers.

Ruby On Rails - DB Structure for saving CRUD operation parameter/payload

What I want
I want to make a form to save "CRUD operation Infomation itself" in my database.
①create new row {"name": "Tom", "price": 200}
②find a row WHERE {"age": 30}
③delete row WHERE {"name": "John"}
④update the row WHERE {"name": "Ted"} SET {"price": 300}
My idea
To realize above, I created two models.
t.string :crud_type # this should be one of CRUD ("create", "read", "update", "delete")
t.string :target_database
t.integer :crud_operation_id # reference
t.string :key
t.value :value
CrudOperation has many CrudOperationParameter-s.
My models seem to work well EXCEPT crud_type is "update".
like that
①create new row {"name": "Tom", "price": 200}
id: 1
crud_type: "create"
target_database: "XXXX"
crud_operation_id: 1
key: "name"
value "Tom"
**Another CrudOperationParameter**
crud_operation_id: 1
key: "price"
value "200"
But when it comes to registering the CrudOperation with update type, the problem occurs.
④update the row WHERE {"name": "Ted"} SET {"price": 300}
id: 1
crud_type: "update"
target_database: "XXXX"
crud_operation_id: 1
key: "name"
value "Ted"
**Another CrudOperationParameter**
crud_operation_id: 1
key: "price"
value "300"
Since CrudOperationParameter has only key-value column,
I cannot identify that this CrudOperationParameter is for WHERE clause or SET clause in UPDATE Statement.
Could you teach me better DB schema to save these kinds of data?
What you have is basically a half-baked version of the Entity Attribute Value pattern (or anti-pattern depending on who you are asking).
If I really had to I would set it up as:
class CrudOperation < ApplicationRecord
has_many :crud_operation_parameters
accepts_nested_attributes_for :crud_operation_parameters
enum crud_type: {
create: "create",
read: "read",
update: "update",
delete: "delete"
# Convenience setter that maps a hash of attributes
# into a an array of key value attibutes suitible for `accepts_nested_attributes_for`
# and sets the nested attributes
# #return [Array]
def parameters=(hash)
self.crud_operation_parameters_attributes = do |key, value|
key: key,
value: value
class CrudOperationParameter < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :crud_operation
# 1. create new row {"name": "Tom", "price": 200}
crud_type: :create,
parameters: {
name: "Tom",
price: 200
# 1. create new row {"name": "Tom", "price": 200}
crud_type: :update,
parameters: {
name: "Tom",
price: 200
I mentioned that its a half baked attempt since you're lacking the Attribute table where you would normalize the definitions of attributes and store stuff like type information. Your solution instead has a string column with tons of duplicates that can become denormalized.
But modern RDBMS systems have column types such as JSON, JSONB and HSTORE which can be used instead of EAV to store data which does not fit a given schema.
Unlike EAV you don't have to store all the attributes in a single column type (usually a string) and typecast or create a bunch of attribute tables to store different types of attributes (such as StringCrudOperationParameter and FloatCrudOperationParameter).
With JSONB on Postgres I would set it up as:
# rails g model crud_operation crud_type:string payload:jsonb conditions:jsonb
class CrudOperation < ApplicationRecord
enum crud_type: {
create: "create",
read: "read",
update: "update",
delete: "delete"
# 1. create new row {"name": "Tom", "price": 200}
crud_type: :create,
payload: {
name: "Tom",
price: 200
# 2. find a row WHERE {"age": 30}
crud_type: :read,
conditions: {
age: 30
# 3. delete row WHERE {"name": "John"}
crud_type: :delete,
conditions: {
name: "John"
# 4. update the row WHERE {"name": "Ted"} SET {"price": 300}
crud_type: :update,
conditions: {
name: "John"
payload: {
price: 300

Rails permit nested array

I am trying to use accepts_nested_attributes_for in conjunction with a has_many association and having a lot of trouble...
Here is a simplified version of my user.rb:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :user_permissions
accepts_nested_attributes_for :user_permissions
My user_permission.rb:
class UserPermission < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
And my users_controller.rb:
class UsersController < ApiController
def update
#user.assign_attributes user_params
render partial: 'user', locals: { user: #user }
render json: {errors: #user.errors}.to_json, status: 500
def user_params
params.require(:user).permit(:first_name, :last_name, user_permissions_attributes: [ :user_id, :resource_id, :can_read, :can_update, :can_create, :can_delete ])
I am referencing this rails documentation on how to use accepts_nested_attributes_for with Strong Parameters.
However, when I 'puts user_params' from inside the users_controller this is all I see (no reference to the user_permissions):
{"first_name"=>"Joe", "last_name"=>"Shmoe"}
Here is an example of JSON I am submitting to the server (via angular $resource):
"id": 10,
"first_name": "Joe",
"last_name": "Shmoe",
"user_permissions": [
"organization_resource_id": 20,
"user_id": 10,
"can_update": true,
"can_read": true
"organization_resource_id": 21,
"user_id": 10,
"can_create": true,
"can_read": true
Which returns this JSON:
"id": 10,
"first_name": "Joe",
"last_name": "Shmoe",
"user_permissions": [],
I am fairly confident this is an issue in my rails layer, but just for reference here is the angular User.js service I created to perform this RESTful interaction with the server:
angular.module('slics').service('User', [
'$resource', function($resource) {
return $resource('/api/users/:id', {
id: '#id'
}, {
update: {
method: 'PUT',
isArray: false
Really not sure what I am missing here. It does not seem like it should be this difficult to submit nested attributes... but the more research I do the more I realize this does seem to be a pretty common Rails frustration.
Please feel free to comment if any additional context/information would be useful to include in my problem description to help troubleshoot this problem and I would be happy to provide it!
Strong params expects user_permissions_attributes, and you're submitting user_permissions.
Strong params is separate from accepts_nested_attributes_for (in fact, it has nothing to do with it), so however you define your require!/permit calls is exactly how your attributes should be submitted.
ProTip: To save you some future frustration, if you plan on updating through accepts nested attributes, you probably want to permit :id as well.
Well, you post an array of hashes, not a hash.
So this code
user_permissions_attributes: [ :user_id, :resource_id, :can_read, :can_update, :can_create, :can_delete ]
will permit such structure
"id": 10,
"first_name": "Joe",
"last_name": "Shmoe",
"user_permissions_attributes": [
"organization_resource_id": 20,
"user_id": 10,
"can_update": true,
"can_read": true
Try to whitelist all params at "user_permissions"
user_permissions_attributes: []
Or check out this article, to learn how to build advanced whitelists with StrongParams
user_permissions_attributes: [ :user_id, :id, :can_read, :can_update, :can_create, :can_delete ]) permit :id and submitting hashes with index value..
JSON format submitting to the serve
"user": {
"id": 10,
"first_name": "Joe",
"last_name": "Shmoe",
"user_permissions": {
"0": {
"id": 20,
"user_id": 10,
"can_update": true,
"can_read": true
"1": {
"id": 21,
"user_id": 10,
"can_create": true,
"can_read": true

ElasticSearch + Tire searching only on id field

I've looked everywhere but nothing can help me. And I can't figure out what is the problem.
my model
class Article
include Mongoid::Document
include Mongoid::Timestamps
include Tire::Model::Search
include Tire::Model::Callbacks
mapping do
indexes :_id, :index => :not_analyzed
indexes :title
indexes :body
def to_indexed_json
"articles": {
"article": {
"properties": {
"$oid": {
"type": "string"
"body": {
"type": "string"
"title": {
"type": "string"
} 'love' gives no results,but there are Article with title "love", I've tried to build many requests but nothing works.
all times the same results:
"hits"=>{"total"=>0, "max_score"=>nil, "hits"=>[]}}
But If I type: "cbc267c955464f22d72a0100" it gives me article with title: "love"
So it seems to me that tire create indexes only on ID field, regardless mapping indexes on model.
When I recreate indexes
=> "articles"
=> true
my mapping becomes:
"articles": {
"article": {
"properties": {
"$oid": {
"type": "string"
module BSON
class ObjectId
def as_json(*args)
def to_json(*args)
After implementing this initialize, all seems to work fine
I too encountered such problems while using tire. After deleting the index, you can try Article.create_elasticsearch_index and Article.tire.index.import Article.all.
The _source field in your indexed document should have title,id and body included in it, which should make it available for search.
Anyways, tire is getting retired as elasticsearch gem has now been released.
