show refreshing icon on ios app - ios

how to change refresh button to a refreshing icon? Like when the app is updating, there is a pop up windows in the center of app with animated refreshing icon

Sounds like you're asking for a modal activity indicator. The one that people most commonly use is MBProgressHUD.


What Is This Top Indicator View Called And Can You Use It?

The screenshot below shows the top indicator view displayed while the Apple Map app is tracking user location and when you take a screen recording on your iOS device. What is this top indicator view called? Also, can we create and display this view from our own custom apps? For example, if my app is tracking user location, can I display a green version of this view while my app is running in background? If so, how do you access it?
No. You cannot affect what the user sees on the home screen (except to badge your icon).
If your app is tracking user location, the user is notified of that fact by the system; there is nothing for you to do. If you have Always authorization, it would be nice to set the location manager's showsBackgroundLocationIndicator to true, but that's all you can do.

Hide the screenshot in multitasking switcher only in particular cases

Chase bank's iOS app is showing blank view hiding apps details when double tap the home button from the app. And when you login inside the app and touchID alert appears the apps view is not hidden by blank view.
So far I can hide app details by showing image loaded on applicationWillResignActive but it makes app hide it's details while touchID alert comes up.
I've checked similar questions on SO like this or this. Also here. But there is no answer to my question. How to replicate Chase bank's app behavior? How not to hide app details with touchID alert, but have them hidden when double tapped the home button?
I know it's an old question but couldn't find a valid answer to this exact question. So here's my solution.
create a instance variable for blocker view
init blocker view only once when it's necessary (I did it on applicationWillResignActive)
add blocker view as subview to the window at applicationDidEnterBackground
remove blocker view at applicationWillEnterForeground
The app delegate's applicationWillResignActive is the right place where you put a black or whatever view you want to show when the app is being moved to background. You need to add the desired UIView on Window object. Also you need to remove that view when the app becomes active again.

Is it possible to control the "back to" button?

Is it possible for my app to hide the "back to" button that iOS inserts in the top of the screen?
Other than grabbing the name of your app, no there isn't a way to take over that button.
Its created by the system anytime one app opens another. It grabs just the bundle display name from the sending app. Tapping on it is outside of your application.
You can listen for didResignActive and other AppDelegate callbacks to adjust your app probably. But changing its behavior or keying on it specifically isn't possible.

iOS Multitask App Switcher Custom Image

im developing an iOS App and i would like it to behave like PayPal when the user double taps the home button.
For those who dont know the PayPal app displays a custom image when the app is displayed on the multitask switcher but it doesnt when a notification arrives or when the user pulls the notifications bar.
My issue comes when implementing this, im using the event applicationWillResignActive to display my custom image (as applicationEnteredBackground is not called for this). But this method is called on events on which i dont want the app to display the image (such as notifications, calls, pulling the top bar, etc).
Is there any way of setting this image only when the home button is double tapped?
Thank you!
From what I see, PayPal doesn't cover the viewport with a custom image immediately – when I double tap the Home button, it remains rendered normally until I do something else – but most probably on applicationDidEnterBackground:. After switching to Home screen or another application, the PayPal preview becomes covered.
On the other hand, my mobile banking application does that immediately when applicationWillResignActive: is triggered.
These are AFAIK the only two approaches you can achieve.

Can I make my iphone app use only a portion of the screen

I was hoping to create a small windowed screen when the home button is pressed. It would keep a portion of the app process open while another app isn't open.
So say I had music playing on the app and when the home button gets pressed the screen would be windowed or shrunk and just displayed over the main screen (kind of like the little help button that can be moved around). Would using widgets in IOS 8 work?
When the user presses the Home button, the app goes to background, and that's it. You can't customize that action.
You only get a notification that the user closed the app so that you can save your app state or data for the next launch.
