How to use Admob Phonegap plugin with iOS - ios

I'm using this Admob plugin for Phonegap running on iOS like this:
// move banner to make it appear
And it's actually working. The problem is that this is causing my app to consume a lot memory, and the app to crush when on a device according to the Apple crash report I got from iTunesConnect.
Can you help me in understanding how to use this plugin?

Are you using the deletBanner: method anywhere? I think there may be a memory leak there possibly. The plugin looks like it removes the adBanner property from its superview and nil's it out, but I think it may need to also:
Set the delegate for adBanner to nil
Release the adBanner (you can double-check this by seeing what the retain count of the adBanner is). I think UIViewController's dealloc automatically calls removeFromSuperView: but deleteBanner: probably wouldn't do that?


iOS 10 UIKit Zombie Crash, Worked Fine in iOS 7-9

We've got an app that's fairly large now, and we recently upgraded to iOS 10. In doing so, a new bug was introduced, and we're at a loss for how to solve it.
The crash itself occurs during a call to layoutIfNeeded(). However, the crash does not occur unless the layoutIfNeeded() call is contained inside a UIView.animateWithDuration() block. No amount of weak referencing, delays, or dispatch calls seems to have any effect. The same crash can be triggered during a call to [super viewWillTransitionToSizeWithTransitionCoordinator].
"An Objective-C message was sent to a deallocated 'Bubble' object (zombie) at address: 0x10924f030."
Enabling Zombies shows that we have a Release call going to one of our UIView subclasses, which we've named Bubble. Nothing too special there, some layout constraints and a gesture recognizer.
The Instruments app hasn't helped much, nor has the new visual memory debugger in Xcode 8 (though it is awesome, surprisingly little documentation on the feature).
I've included a screenshot of Zombies during the crash here. While I know the retain count can be misleading, there are certainly some confusing points to the trace, and we could really use some help diagnosing this.
Again, this code worked fine before iOS 10. We've been unable to find any notes from Apple about underlying changes to UIKit that may have had an effect.
Some more brief info: [Bubble cleanBubbles] simply iterates over the subviews of any view passed in, and removes the subview if its a Bubble class.
Apologies on certain violations of naming conventions, I'm sure there's plenty to criticize!

What's causing the massive changes in autorotation in 8.1 compared to 8.0.2?

I'm coding a video processing app and was just about to submit it to the app store when ios 8.1 came out. I updated my iPhone as well as XCode and all hell broke loose. In my simple single viewcontroller interface nothing is rotating anymore except for the statusbar, which also doesn't get automatically hidden anymore in landscape mode...
I figured it was because I was using the deprecated willAnimateRotationToInterfaceOrientation: for what little custom rotation actions I had, so I implemented traitCollectionDidChange: and viewWillTransitionToSize: to specs instead. However viewWillTransitionToSize never gets called in my app and traitCollectionDidChange: is only called once, at startup. The device simply isn't telling the app that the device has rotated.
After googling I've also tried using name:UIDeviceOrientationDidChangeNotification. At least my selector does get called for that one but I don't know how to manually handle all rotation.
My didFinishLaunching... and viewDidLoad are very simple. alloc UIWindow, storyboard, set my viewcontroller from there, make it rootviewcontroller, makekeyandvisible. All based on one of Apple's AVFoundation demo apps.
Then in didload I add some subviews and a toolbar etc, nothing out of the ordinary and obviously it did work on 8.0 and 8.0.2 on all kinds of devices as well as the 7.1 simulator etc. Still runs flawlessly on my iPad with 8.0.2... Reason I haven't posted any code is I'm 100% sure everything is correct on that end.
Main weird thing is I can't seem to find anyone with this problem.
No errors in console or elsewhere either.
Does anyone have any idea of what might be causing this? I didn't think a point release would make such massive differences and again, no one else seems to be having this. Could it be an issue/bug in the actual storyboard file?
And, mainly, since I can get rotation notifications through UIDeviceOrientationDidChangeNotification, how do I manually handle all rotation/resizing stuff? I have been looking all over for answers but to no avail and am out of time to spend on this project currently :(
alloc'ing UIWindow will be the problem.
First, Make sure your navigation controller (or whatever you're using) is set as "Initial View Controller" in your storyboard.
Secondly, in your AppDelegate.m file, remove any references to UIWindow and rootViewController that appear in application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions. In my case, removing the following two lines fixed my issues.
self.window = [[UIWindow alloc] initWithFrame:[[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds]];
[self.window makeKeyAndVisible];
You also don't need to set the window's rootViewController if using storyboards.
They're simply not needed when using storyboards, but until 8.1 there was never any harm using them. It took my 2 days to figure this out, so hopefully it will help you and others too.

iOS5 Custom Window rotation issue

So I'm creating and showing a custom window in my iOS app because I'm writing a dynamic alert view that also functions like a growl/toast alert. It works AWESOMELY in ios6 (Hopefully I can open source this baby and you can all check it out)
But anyway, when I run this in ios5, the window that my alerts exist on doesn't seem to rotate with the device/simulator. No matter what, my custom window stays in portrait mode.
The UIWindow is just a UIView subclass, so there's no nice 'shouldRotate' delegate method.
I'm kinda stumped on why this is happening in ios5 but not 6. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated ^_^
My window has a rootviewcontroller, which I completely forgot about. I just needed to implement
- (BOOL)shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)toInterfaceOrientation{
return YES;
To get it to work.
It's usually not recommended two use multiple instances of UIWindow in one iOS app. The only valid reason to do so is to support external screens. You should use a UIView instead, ideally managed by a UIViewController.
I assume, (since you didn't provide any code, I can only assume) the reason why your window doesn't 'rotate' is, that it's simply not getting any notifications about device rotation. Only the keyWindow receives them by default.
I would highly recommend to redesign your app to use a properly managed UIView instead. If you desperately don't want that for some reason, you would have to register your instance of UIWindow to receive the UIDeviceOrientationDidChangeNotification and then (in the handler) evaluate what the new orientation is and change the window's frame accordingly (plus maybe other things that need to be done in response to the orientation change)

iOS 6 iAd property and methods deprecated

Since iOS 6 release, there are some iAd properties and methods that are deprecated like :
So what's the best way to implement iAd now on both orientation ? Should we now resize the banner view frame manually ?
I have my application only support Landscape mode(should work for Portrait mode also), and have iAd showing up on the top of the application. And to make this work with ios6 I had to do this:
In Monotouch
storesAdBannerView = new ADBannerView();
storesAdBannerView.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleWidth;
For objc (which I dont use), I think it might be
[storesAdBannerView setAutoresizingMask:UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth]
It seems that landscape ads are somewhat phased out.
It need further confirmation, as I could not find any Apple document regarding that change.
I sAw 2 workaround there : Tested the first solution:
easy temporary solution – you can quickly get your app to compile again by using a cheap cheat, add explicitly #import to the files where you are accessing currentContentSizeIdentifier and the size name constants. That should get you going until you alter your app to use the new auto-layout features.
It works ok on xcode 4.5 (banner test ok).

Is it possible that NSZombie doesn't point out EXC_BAD_ACCESS with ARC?

i'm currently working on an ios project with some people, one of us decided to use ARC in a part of the app.
Unfotunatly, we are currently experiencing some crashes when coming back from background.
Here are the steps we follow to crash the application, we perform them with the ios-simulator:
start the application
get on a ViewController A (coded with ARC)
get on a ViewController B (not coded with ARC -to be honest i don't
know if it's relevant-)
put the application in background.
simulate a memory warning (thx to the simulator)
start again the application, we'll be on the ViewController B
go back on the Viewcontroller A
the application crashes pointing the main function with an
We did try to use NSZombieEnabled to YES, but when we do it, the application doesn't crash and keeps running perfectly, so we wonder if it might be possible that NSZombieEnabled doesn't work well with ARC?
if anyone could give me a quick and clear insight about ARC and NSZombieEnabled that would be apreciated, i think i know how all of it works, but apparently i must be missing something.
Thanks anyway for your help and time.
Better than using the NSZombieEnabled, you should Profile the project, and use the Zombie instrument. When you do the same thing it should stop and say "zombie messaged", where you can click an arrow to see the class that is a zombie, and where it was allocated/deallocated.
I don't think the crash has to do with ARC, instead in viewDidUnload you are deallocating something, and then not setting a reference to nil - when you come back it tries to use the invalid reference.
Probably you would be better off if everything used ARC as it really helps to cure issues like this (the bug is very likely in the non-ARC code).
