I create a simpe gem wich include a install generator, generator works fine but now I want to test it using rspec, I foud this gem, and try to test my generator, my spec code is:
require 'genspec'
require 'rosalie'
describe :install_generator do
it "should generate model" do
subject.should generate("message.rb")
rosalie is the name of may gem, now when I run it I got an error:
/stuff/work/my_projects/rosalie/lib/rosalie/engine.rb:2:in `': uninitialized constant Rosalie::Rails (NameError)
my engine.rb code is:
module Rosalie
class Engine < Rails::Engine
initializer "rosalie.models.messageable" do
ActiveSupport.on_load(:active_record) do
include Rosalie::Models::Messageable
anybody can help me with this problem?
You have to load your code before you include it somewhere.
Either require or autoload your main file.
Here is an example from my gem.
You need add these code in your spec_helper.rb, and require the spec_helper in each spec.
require File.expand_path("../dummy/config/environment", __FILE__)
require 'rspec/rails'
Rails 6.0.0.beta3
rspec 3.8.0
I've just installed rspec-rails on my Rails app. I ran rails g rspec:install and it generated spec/spec_helper.rb, spec/rails_helper.rb and .rspec
The only thing I changed was uncommenting the suggested settings in spec_helper
I'm using gruf to run a gRPC server, instead of a normal HTTP server.
I've also installed gruf-rspec intending to use that to test my gruf controllers.
My gruf controller is at app/rpc/controllers/users_controller.rb following the gruf documentation. Also the compiled protobuf file is at app/rpc/users_services_pb.rb
This is the class signature of the controller:
require 'users_services_pb'
require_relative 'permission_helper'
class UsersController < Gruf::Controllers::Base
bind ::Sil::Rev79::Users::Service
My problem is that in my test the described_class is nil
Here is my test
# spec/rpc/users_contollers_spec.rb
require 'rails_helper'
require 'users_services_pb'
RSpec.describe 'UsersController' do
describe 'list_users' do
it 'succeeds' do
expect(described_class).not_to be_nil
The test fails.
Why is described_class nil and how can I fix this?
Remove the quotation marks. It shouldn't be a string.
Rspec.describe UsersController do
# insert code
I'm trying to use this line in a minitest test that uses capybara, poltergeist, and phantomjs:
bip_select(#gs, :goal_id, Goal.first.name)
This is a helper that best_in_place offers to simulate a user choosing a value from a field. I've read a few questions elsewhere on StackOverflow where other developers who are using RSpec have added this line to their spec_helper.rb file:
config.include BestInPlace::TestHelpers
I've tried adding this line to my test_helper.rb file and I've tried adding it to the test in question. But I'm still getting the error
NoMethodError: undefined method `bip_select' for #<GoalStudentsPoltergeistEditTest:0x00000006d85148>
Thank you in advance for any insight.
To get the method definition available in your integration tests, edit test_helper.rb to include the lines referring to Best in Place (other lines left for context):
require File.expand_path('../../config/environment', __FILE__)
require 'rails/test_help'
require 'best_in_place/test_helpers'
# ...
class ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
include BestInPlace::TestHelpers
Why do i require minitest/autorun instead of test/unit for generating unit test
require 'test/unit'
class Brokened
def uh_oh
"I needs fixing"
class BrokenedTest < Minitest::Test
def test_uh_of
actual = Brokened.new
assert_equal("I'm all better now", actual.uh_oh)
Running the above code, interpreter raise warning
You should require 'minitest/autorun' instead
Your code example will end in a NameError: uninitialized constant Minitest.
You have two possibilities:
Use test/unit in combination with Test::Unit::TestCase or
use require 'minitest/autorun' in combination with Minitest::Test.
test/unit is deprecated and it is recommended to use minitest (MiniTest is faster and smaller).
If you switch the test gem you must change perhaps some more things:
replace require "test/unit" with require "minitest/autorun"
replace Test::Unit::TestCase with with Minitest::Test
There is no assert_nothing_raised (details)
assert_raise becomes assert_raises.
perhaps some other issues
You may use require 'minitest' instead require 'minitest/autorun' - you will get no syntax error, but there is also no test execution. If you want to execute tests, you must call them on your own (see minitest-a-test-suite-with-method-level-granularity)
I've got some work to do refactoring a mailer class. I don't want to spend all my time loading rails and waiting to see if tests are passing. I'd like to just not include spec_helper and speed up my tests.
How do I just include ActionMailer?
I tried this:
require 'action_mailer'
but I stil end up with this error:
uninitialized constant ActionMailer (NameError)
Any ideas?
I'm using MiniTest, and the following works fine for me. You may be able to extrapolate from this, or provide some more info in your question.
require 'minitest/autorun'
require 'mocha'
require "minitest-matchers"
require 'action_mailer'
require "email_spec"
require File.expand_path('../../../../app/mailers/my_mailer', __FILE__)
class MyMailerTest < MiniTest::Unit::TestCase
include EmailSpec::Helpers
include EmailSpec::Matchers
def test_it_is_sent_from_me
email = MyMailer.refund_processed(42)
email.must be_delivered_from("me#example.com")
In my Rails app I've added the following files:
The contents of lib/presenters/foo_presenter.rb is something like:
module Presenters
module FooPresenter
def self.render
# do stuff
The contents of lib/presenters/foo_presenter/bar.rb is like:
module Presenters
class FooPresenter::Bar
def baz
# do stuff
The contents of spec/lib/presenters/foo_presenter/bar_spec.rb is like:
require 'spec_helper'
module Presenters::FooPresenter
describe Bar do
# some tests
Then I have a spec file in spec/models/baz_spec.rb:
require 'spec_helper'
describe Baz do
it 'works' do
(The contents of app/models/baz.rb is not relevant to this issue)
The problem is when I run rspec spec/models/baz_spec.rb it works fine without spork, but when spork is running, I get an error like:
NameError: undefined method `render' for Presenters::FooPresenter:Module
I traced through the code a bit and noticed that when rspec loads spec/lib/presenters/foo_presenter/bar_spec.rb it causes Rails to autoload lib/presenters/foo_presenter/bar.rb and so at that point Presenters::FooPresenter::Bar is loaded, but then when baz_spec.rb runs, lib/presenters/foo_presenter.rb has never been loaded and thus the exception. But this only happens if spork is running. The quick fix was to require 'foo_presenter' in a file in config/initializers, but is there a cleaner solution that doesn't need the explicit require? My guess is the issue here is that Rails doesn't autoload lib/presenters/foo_presenter.rb because Presenters::FooPresenter has already been defined by bar_spec.rb.
A co-worker and I were faced with this problem today and we eventually found we needed Spork to reload the classes on every run. We used the each_run() method to do this:
Spork.each_run do
Dir[Rails.root.join("app/classes/**/*.rb")].each {|f| require f}