jquery UI draggable resizable with containment does not work in ie9? - jquery-ui

The code works on Chrome and I am trying to get the code to work on ie9. It works properly with the draggable() without containment but messes up the behavior badly when containment is set to parent:
img = $("<img alt='Preview' id='preimg' src='" + data.result.url +"' />")
containment: "parent"
containment: "parent"
The parent position is set to relative. I am using jquery 1.7.2 and jquery-ui 1.8.20
Is there any workaround?
After much testing - I have found that the container size calculation for the div is not working correctly, I was able to get it to work with the resizable enabled but without actually resizing the div. As soon as I resize the draggable containment area reduces in size, resizing multiple times leads to this area becoming smaller until the drag option stops working.

I found that there are several bug reports with the jquery ui library about these issues - http://bugs.jqueryui.com/report/10?P=resizable
I was able to find a work around that I tested extensively and which should work in most situations. The key here is that you need to use a container div that is not floated and has position relative. If you need to use a floated/absolute div just create a div inside it and set the position to relative. For the code in the question the html looks like:
<div class="outer">
<div class="container">
<div id="preimage"></div>
and the css would be:
position: relative;
Since you can't drag an element when you resize and vice-versa, a safer way(to avoid some of the issues) of using the javascript would be:
containment: "parent",


angularjs ui-grid: how to display all records taking more than one html page

Im using angularjs grid: this component allaways displays only data which fits to page. Suppose I want to have all data displayed at once, even if it takes a few pages (page scrolling is needed to see all data, but without grid scroll).
How to do it?
I played with:
parameter ui.grid.autoResize
trying to overwrite default css
No result.
Did you tried adding a class to your div. I can see the grid scroll bars if I add a CSS like so. You need to change the below CSS according to your needs.
.grid {
width: 580px;
height: 500px;
And here is my ui-grid
<div class="grid" ui-grid="assetGridData" ui-grid-move-columns ui-grid-resize-columns ui-grid-selection></div>
Also it will be good if you can have a fiddle for this issue.
One hacky way to make it is to set
gridOptions.minRowsToShow = rows.length + 0.1
0.1 is needed to completely remove the vertical scrollbar of the grid. If 0.1 doesn't work for you, try a higher value like 0.2.
ui-grid-auto-resize worked in my case

Panel with Collapsible Set and Listview set to em25 too wide in 'Overlay' Mode

I have some nested recursive functions which dynamically create collapsible with listviews that are in a side panel. I found the default 17em to be too small, especially as the nested text starts to get short. So I found the styles in the css which set it and I overrode those to use 25em. This might be a bit too much after testing on some devices. However I digress.
The thing I am here to ask is why my collapsible overflows the panel when I use data-display="overlay", when I set it to 'reveal' it looks fine. I thought it might be all my nested content, so I made a fiddle with static content here: http://jsfiddle.net/LF6UR/
<div data-role="panel" id="left-panel" data-display="overlay" data-position="left" data-position-fixed="true" data-swipe-close="true" data-dismissible="true">
and I can see it is not that, perhaps there is some other CSS property for the panel that I am not aware of. There seem to be lots of niggly little settings to get to know with this framework. Hope someone out there can help because I really think 'overlay' is better than pushing my main content area.
jQM adds a negative left and right margin to collapsibles within the collapsible set. You can override the margin like this:
.ui-collapsible-set .ui-collapsible{
margin-left: 0;
margin-right: 0;
Updated FIDDLE
Also, changing your collapsible set to data-inset="true" fixes the issue.
a solution without setting collapsibles to inset...which is important because I have nested collapsibles is to simply set the 'magic' .ui-panel-inner class which JQM puts in as an 'enhancement' but which makes it a bit difficult for traditional webdevelopers to know to apply styles to their controls.
.ui-panel-inner {
/*width: 25em;*/
padding: .2em 1.2em;

jquery ui draggable element appears behind other elements?

I am using jquery ui draggable, and eventually droppable to make it possible to reorder pictures into different boxes.
When I drag a picture out of the box it appears under all the other elements once it leaves its direct container.
While googling I was able to found to add:
helper: 'clone',
appendTo: "body"
This makes it so what is being dragged appears on top of all elements, but it leaves the original copy still in the box and I do not want that.
Is there a way I can make the element stay on top of everything when being dragged? I have tried a high z-index to no avail.
Here is a jsfiddle that shows the first draggle element behind behind the second. it is not an issue the other way around.
i am not able to change the position relative on the containing divs without breaking a lot of other things.
I found a few issues with your code, I think I've worked them out and got it working.
Working Example
First fix your HTML:
<div id="container1" style="background-color:red;padding:20px">
<div class="draggableContainer">
<div class="draggable" style="background-color:blue;width:200px;height:200px;"></div>
<div class="draggableContainer">
<div class="draggable" style="background-color:yellow;width:200px;height:200px;"></div>
<div class="draggableContainer"></div>
Next You'll probably want to use the stack option:
revert: "invalid",
snap: ".draggableContainer",
stack: ".draggable"
From the API documentation:
Controls the z-index of the set of elements that match the selector, always brings the currently dragged item to the front.
Though there is an option - 'stack' existing while initiating draggables, but it is not working properly, So I have wrote a small library dragToFront playing with z-index. Following is the plunkr link
Stack wasn't working for me either. I was able to correct the z-index issue by using the appendTo property.
function setupDraggableFields($elements) {
helper: "clone",
handle: ".field-sort-handle",
appendTo: ".section-container"

-webkit-overflow-scrolling Problems With Objects Inserted Into DOM

I'm using -webkit-overflow-scrolling:touch for native scrolling capabilities on my iPad. But I've come into quite an odd problem:
I have one div with various children. If these children are big enough to create the need for scrolling, the device properly scrolls correctly, with momentum and all. However, if this div is not big enough to require scrolling, and suddenly has elements inserted into it and now does require scrolling, you will not be able to scroll the element at all.
I hope that wasn't too incredibly confusing, but if someone could shed some light on what to do in this situation, that would be fantastic. There isn't much documentation about this property out there.
EDIT: Tried testing this a lot, and it seems now it's just a generally intermittent problem. Every 1 out of 5 times or so, scrolling just fails for my entire web app, no matter the contents.
I had the same issue and it seems like assigning the CSS class after the new DOM element is added seems to work fine:
// your code to add a div to the DOM
// the div contains a scrollable div with the content class
// this is using JQuery
}, 1);
// CSS class
.overflowScroll {
overflow: hidden;
overflow-y: scroll;
-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
// The HTML for the div
// I am adding a dynamic list to the content div
// which should use the overflow scroll
<div class="panel">
<div class="header">
<div class="content"></div>

jQuery mobile listview refresh doesn't apply top/bottom corner classes

I am using jQuery Mobile with jQuery Mobile Router, to dynamically change content of listviews.
In the change handler I'm dynamically adding content to an inset listview, then calling listview('refresh') to re-apply all the styling to the new elements. It mostly works, however whilst it applies the ui-corner-all to the UL the ui-corner-top and ui-corner-bottom classes are not applied to the correct LIs so they don't get rounded corners applied.
I have prepared a live example that demonstrates the issue.
The first page is static, the second page is generated in the rounter handler which is trigger by the jqm beforepageshow event
Thanks for your help.
You just needed to force the refresh:
