UIStoryBoard - Same ViewController/Xib, different segue path - ios

This is my scenario: I have an app with TabBar and NavigationController using storyboard. TabBar has item A and item B, both an identical UITableViewController and cells prototypes, it only fetch the info from different locations.
How can I identify from which UIStoryBoardSegue it came? Or there is a better way to do this (maybe duplicate Xib and UIViewController)?
Here a picture of my UIStoryBoard:

I was recently working on a project with the same structure and I added two tableviews. But i think it's possible to have one tableview with two different source views. You can try using a navigation controller and when you push to the table view the "back" button will bring you back to the origin.

Seems strange to have two Navigation Controllers pointing to the same Table View. Why don't you just copy the Table View in the Story Board and use the same class?


Reusing the same viewController on top of the navigationStack in swift

For my app project i have created a tableView that show a wine including, rating reviews, tasting notes and all sorts of data in each section. In the last section the user is shown two similar wines, once pushed it is the purpose to reUse the current viewController, and throw it onto the navigation stack as the user might browse another wine inside that viewController and so forth.
How would you go about, reUsing the same viewController. Since building infinite numbers of the same viewController in storyboards seems abit rookie to me. Thanks all help appreciated.
You can use Storyboards and reuse the ViewController with no problem.
In the Storyboard use the Storyboard ID in the identity inspector, Add a unique ID to the ViewController.
After that it's pretty simple, you can ether:
Instantiate the first level viewController with the segue, than once you want to add another ViewController (of the same type) with the UIStoryboard instantiateviewcontrollerwithidentifier: and give the unique id of the ViewController, and present it
You can just use the UIStoryboard instantiateviewcontrollerwithidentifier: every time you want to present the ViewController
If you want to use storyboard, there is a hack (a bit dirty).
You should add button to view controller. But not to the view of
view controller, you should add it to the top section (top bar) of
your view controller.
Then you add segue from this button to this very view controller.
Now you may use this segue from code (performSegue...)

Connecting three views to a single navigation controller (XCode 7, Swift 2)

I am unsure of how to link three Views (1 table view, one view that adds data to the table view through core data and one camera view) to the one view controller each with individual buttons.
I've tried to search to find a tutorial for linking views through the storyboard but have found none that help.
If I could have some instructions on to how I can do this (through code or storyboard) that would be much appreciated.
So if I understood it right, you wanna connect three buttons in your storyboard to open different views in storyboard. If yes, you can use this approach: Xcode 4 UIButton segue push to Table View Controller

Many to One Segue

I have a ProductDescription ViewController that gets called from a ProductTable UITableView that I have placed in many ViewControllers.
It doesn't seem very efficient to ctrl+drag a segue for each tableView in the Storyboard, as I have approx 20 of them.
How does one do this programmatically?
You have several options within UIKit to programmatically show a view controller without using a segue:
Push a view controller onto the navigation stack:
Present a view controller modally:
The real answer here is to use storyboard references. You shouldn't have the same thing in twenty different spots all trying to link to the same view controller to the point of asking this question.
So, let's create Product.storyboard, a storyboard which simply has two view controllers:
And the appropriate segue between the two controllers.
Now, everywhere else in any of your other storyboards that want to use these controllers with this relationship, simply add a storyboard reference, add a container view controller, and add an embed segue between the container view and the appropriate view controller in the product storyboard.
You can accomplish this same effect even without using storyboard references. Ultimately, the main point is to use container views and make embed segues from everywhere you need this relationship to the first of these two controllers, and then there's just a single relationship created between the two product view controllers.

Using multiple copies of the same view controller in a storyboard

I have the following setup in my app:
My initial view controller is a UITabBarController.
the tabs:
As you can see, 3 tabs contain the same viewController class, but should not contain the same view controller object - the view will display different information based on information he gets form the AppDelegate.
What I did is I created 5 UINavigationControllers, connected them to the uitabbarcontroller, then created a rootViewController segue for 3 of them to the same PostListVC View - that way I don't need to maintain 3 designs of the same view.
The problem that I get is that only the first PostListVC gets created properly ( the leftmost in the tab bar ) - the other tabs that point to a PostListVC just show a black screen.
I've tried to illustrate the way I wire-up the storyboard using a 3-tab example:
As you can see, both the upper-most and lower-most views are connected to PostListVC.
I do not know what the issue is. I assume I'm using storyboards somewhat wrongly.
Does anybody know how I can fix this?
I have created a simple, example project (Xcode 5) that illustartes this issue:
A modified version of the example, showing the problem with the offered solution:
There is no way to create different tabBarItems with this method, and there's no way to place the barItems so that they're not in a row - even if you try to chagne the order of segues.
As you said you need three different instances of PostListVC then you should create three different viewcontrollers of type PostListVC and connect each tab to its own. The class is the same but each tab gets its own instance.
I have got your example program to work BUT I don't know if the solution will work for your full project. Hopefully, it will put you on the correct track.
The solution is to have ONE (1) Navigation Controller / embedded root view but TWO (2) segues from the Tab Bar Controller. Here's the picture:
It looks like there's a problem with multiple UINavigationControllers linking to the same UIViewController. But no problem with the same UINavigationController linking to the same UIViewController provided they are instantiated separately through the UITabBarController.

how to implement multiple segues using dynamic cells in Xcode?

i have a table view with dynamic prototype cells divided into 2 different sections named "Forums" and "Threads". When i click on a tableview cell from the Forums section, i want to transit to the same page with a different data to display while if i click a cell from the Threads section, it should open a different scene. In short, two different types of transition segues from 2 different tableview sections)
Can anyone please help me with this?
Make sure the table view controller is embedded in a navigation controller.
Hook up two push segues to the table view controller (not to the cells).
Give those segues appropriate identifiers in the storyboard using the attributes inspector tab on each segue.
In -tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath: add an if statement to detect which section the row tapped was in.
In the branches of the if statement, call -performSegueWithIdentifier on your controller using the identifier of the appropriate segue .
If you need to set up anything in the view controller you're seguing to from the table view, override prepareForSegue: sender: in the table view controller.
Very helpful, it worked for me, but I had to used BOTH didSelectRowAtIndexPath AND prepareForSegue, while I was reading in other posts that this is not very good.
I read that we need to use only the prepareForSegue if we need to set up any stuff...
Do you think that I should continue with both of them?
