escapeshellarg() has been disabled for security reasons - upload

When I want to upload anything in any form I see the Warning: escapeshellarg() has been disabled for security reasons message on my site. What can I do to fix this?
My framework is codeigniter final version.
Here is the full warning:
A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Warning
Message: escapeshellarg() has been disabled for security reasons
Filename: libraries/Upload.php

The # operator will silence any PHP errors the function could raise. You should never use it!
Remove the escapeshellarg string from the disable_functions in php.ini file
Ask your host provider to remove Remove the escapeshellarg string from the disable_functions in php.ini file if you don't have an access to the php.ini file
make your own escapeshellarg. The function only escapes any single quotes in the given string and then adds single quotes around it.
function my_escapeshellarg($input)
$input = str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $input);
return '\''.$input.'\'';
and do something like this:
// $cmd = 'file --brief --mime ' . escapeshellarg($file['tmp_name']) . ' 2>&1';
$cmd = 'file --brief --mime ' . my_escapeshellarg($file['tmp_name']) . ' 2>&1';
But what is best is to extend the Upload.php library and override the _file_mime_type function instead of changing on the core of CodeIgniter so that you will not lose it if you ever want to update CodeIgniter.
Helpful links:

$cmd = 'file --brief --mime ' . #escapeshellarg($file['tmp_name']) . ' 2>&1';
Open Upload.php file from system/libraries folder and put # in front of escapeshellarg($file['tmp_name']) at line 1066
and second thing upload this file under application/libraries folder that will be better, other wise no problem, you can replace system's Upload.php file.

Remove the escapeshellarg string from the disable_functions at php.ini* file
Ask your hosting provider to remove the string above if you don't have an access to the php.ini* file
Change hosting provider which allows the running of the escapeshellarg function.
from this website:

Another simple way to solve this issue is just move your application from development to production:
Open index.php in your application root and change
define('ENVIRONMENT', 'development');
define('ENVIRONMENT', 'production');


How to fix internal link issues when publishing a Docusaurus site on GitLab pages

In my Docusaurus project my internal links work on my local environment, but when I push to GitLab they no longer work. Instead of replacing the original doc title with the new one it adds it to the url at the end (''). I looked over my config file, but I do not understand why this is happening.
I tried updating the id in the front matter for the page, and making sure it matches the id in the sidebars.json file. I have also added customDocsPath and set it to 'docs/' in the config file, though that is supposed to be the default.
id: "process-designer-overview"
title: "Process Designer Overview"
sidebar_label: "Overview"
# Process Designer
The Process Designer is a collaborative business process modeling and
design workspace for the business processes, scenarios, roles and tasks
that make up governed data processes.
Use the Process Designer to:
- [Add a Category](add-a-category.html)
- [Add a Process or Scenario](Add%20a%20Process%20or%20Scenario.html)
- [Edit a Process or Scenario](Edit%20a%20Process%20or%20Scenario.html)
I updated the add a category link in parenthesis to an md extension, but that broke the link on my local and it still didn't work on GitLab. I would expect that when a user clicks on the link it would replace the doc title in the url with the new doc title ('') but instead it just tacks it on to the end ('') and so the link is broken as that is not where the doc is located.
There were several issues with my links. First, I converted these files from html to markdown using Pandoc and did not add front matter - relying instead on the file name to connect my files to the sidebars. This was fine, except almost all of the file names had spaces in them, which you can see in my code example above. This was causing real issues, so I found a Bash script to replace all of the spaces in my file names with underscores, but now all of my links were broken. I updated all of the links in my files with a search and replace in my code editor, replacing "%20" with "_". I also needed to replace the ".html" extension with ".md" or my project would no longer work locally. Again, I did this with a search and replace in my code editor.
Finally, I ended up adding the front matter because otherwise my sidebar titles were all covered in underscores. Since I was working with 90 files, I didn't want to do this manually. I looked for a while and found a great gist by thebearJew and adjusted it so that it would take the file name and add it as the id, and the first heading and add it as the title and sidebar_label, since as it happens that works for our project. Here is the Bash script I found online to convert the spaces in my file names to underscores if interested:
find $1 -name "* *.md" -type f -print0 | \
while read -d $'\0' f; do mv -v "$f" "${f// /_}"; done
Here is the script I ended up with if anyone else has a similar setup and doesn't want to update a huge amount of files with front matter:
# Given a file path as an argument
# 1. get the file name
# 2. prepend template string to the top of the source file
# 3. resave original source file
# command: find . -name "*.md" -print0 | xargs -0 -I file ./ file
file_name=$("basename" -a "$filepath")
# Getting the file name (title)
heading=$(grep -r "^# \b" ~/Documents/docs/$
# Prepend front-matter to files
id: $title
title: $heading1
sidebar_label: $heading1
echo "$TEMPLATE" | cat - "$filepath" > temp && mv temp "$filepath"

Lua io.write() not working

I am using a luvit Lua environment to run my lua code through my control panel. I am looking to write to a .txt file, but with the simple code that i am running, its not working.
The reason I wish to write to a .txt file is to log notices from my Discord Bot I am working on in the Discordia library.
I have a folder called MezzaBOT. In this file i have a write.lua file and also a log.txt file. I have this simple code in my write.lua file:
I then run in my command promt with Luvit environment:
>luvit Desktop\mezzabot\write.lua
I don't get any errors but the log.txt file continues to stay empty. Am I missing a line in my code, or do i need to access log.txt differently?
edit: my new code is the following
file ='log.txt')
file:write('hello', '\n')
and it is not making a new line for each time with \n
edit B:
Ok, i found my problem, its creating a log.txt in my C:\Users\PC.
One other problem is when writing, its not making a new line with the \n. Can someone please help me?
Lua, by default, opens files in read mode. You need to explicitly open a file in write mode if you want to write to it (see manual)
file ='log.txt', 'w')
file:write('hello', '\n')
Should work :)

Set Owner+Access-rights with

In a lua-script (for Domoticz # Raspberry) I apply the following script-segment to generate an htm-file and to put it in the designated folder.
Line02text till Line30text are variables which are dynamically filled elsewhere in the lua-script.
file ="/home/pi/domoticz/scripts/lua/XXXXX.htm", "w+")
-- Opens a file named XXXXX.htm (stored under the designated sub-folder of Domoticz)
-- in append mode
-- write lines to opened file
file:write(Line02text .. "<br>")
file:write(Line03text .. "<br>")
file:write(Line29text .. "<br>")
file:write(Line30text .. "<br>")
file:close() -- closes the open file
All seems OK, because the htm-file appears as planned.
Next steps would be to copy the file to different folder, open in browser, etc..
But Owner of the htm-file is 'root' and Permission is 0640.
For further application Owner should be different, and Permission e.g. 777.
Trying manual change or use of chmod results in report 'Permission denied' by server.
How to set (as result of the lua-script) different Owner and other Permission for the htm-file?
Lua's target is to be as portable as possible, and ownership/permissions management is very os-specific. There's no embedded functions to handle that.
You'll need to expose some native function that will do what you need with files' permissions. Or use some already existing library for that, like maybe lua-fs: (

How to prevent vim from setting current directory

Recently my vim will change current directory no matter what I do. I'm using spf13 distribution and when I am in a rails app root directory and did vi, my pwd will be correctly in app root directory. But once I open some file, any file, it will change the pwd to abosolute/path/to/myrailsapp/app/assets/stylesheets,
When I don't have let g:spf13_no_autochdir = 1 in my .vimrc, vim will change the pwd to current file directory; When I do, it will change to the stylesheet directory whenever I open a file.
I'm also using rails.vim installed. Here is the related code inside my .vimrc
if !exists('g:spf13_no_autochdir')
autocmd BufEnter * if bufname("") !~ "^\[A-Za-z0-9\]*://" | lcd %:p:h | endif
" Always switch to the current file directory
What I want: the pwd always stay in absolute/path/to/myrailsapp/, no changing to the stylesheet directory automatically whenever I open a file.
Actually I just found and had a look at the plugin. I assume this is it:
Around line 75 you can see:
" Most prefer to automatically switch to the current file directory when
" a new buffer is opened; to prevent this behavior, add the following to
" your .vimrc.before.local file:
" let g:spf13_no_autochdir = 1
So just add that last line (without the comment-marker quote) to your .vimrc and you'll get rid of the automated directory change.
I note that neither method in my other answer would have worked, because the plugin author for whatever reason decided not to use the built-in option, and also not to put their autocmd in a group. Naughty, naughty!
I solved this according to Ben's second answer.
spf13 loads configuration files in order as follows.
.vimrc.before - spf13-vim before configuration
.vimrc.before.fork - fork before configuration
.vimrc.before.local - before user configuration
.vimrc.bundles - spf13-vim bundle configuration
.vimrc.bundles.fork - fork bundle configuration
.vimrc.bundles.local - local user bundle configuration
.vimrc - spf13-vim vim configuration
.vimrc.fork - fork vim configuration
.vimrc.local - local user configuration
if !exists('g:spf13_no_autochdir') check is done at (7), so let g:spf13_no_autochdir = 1 should be loaded before that.
I put it in .vimrc.before.local, and it works as expected.
There are two ways this could be happening.
The most likely, is that this "spf13" configuration includes set autochdir. To find out whether this is the case, start up Vim normally, and type :verbose set autochdir? and press Enter. This should tell you IF autochdir is set and WHICH FILE set it to that value.
If autochdir is set, then you only need to set up a VimEnter autocmd, or stick a file in ~/.vim/after/plugin, to turn it off again after spf13 loads.
If autochdir is NOT set, then probably an autocmd is setting your directory for you. If there is a plugin option in SPF13 to turn it off, then do that. If not, you'll need to find where in the plugin the directory is getting changed. If you're lucky, the autocmd will be in an augroup by itself, and you can then remove that autocmd with :au! GroupName. This command can be in the same places; a VimEnter autocmd, or a file in ~/.vim/after/plugin.

get and save path to php.ini file

Is it possible to get the path to the php.ini file with a php script and save this path to a variable? I know I can call phpinfo() to find out the path, but it prints a lot of info and I only need the path to php.ini file and no output at all. Thank you in advance.
Sure, there are two functions related to what you would like to do. The first one is exactly what you're looking for, the second one shows the bigger picture that there can be more than one ini file:
php_ini_loaded_fileDocs - Retrieve a path to the loaded php.ini file.
php_ini_scanned_filesDocs - Return a list of .ini files parsed from the additional ini dir.
Next to that, mind the gap with .user.ini files, they don't show up in php_ini_scanned_files nor phpinfo.
You could exec("php -i | grep php.ini"), and grab that output.
Or you could use outputbuffering (ob_start()), run phpinfo(), get the contents of the outputbuffer (ob_get_contents()) and search trough that (preg_match) to find the php.ini file...
This works on the command line, might also work for the CGI:
ob_start(); phpinfo();
if ( preg_match( '#>(.+)/php.ini#', ob_get_clean(), $matches ) ) {
echo 'php.ini location: ' . trim( $matches[1] ) . '/php.ini';
