Custom Join table in grails - grails

I have a following domains
User (in database called usermanagement) and
Account (in another database xyz)
Its an old system so i cannot really change the architecture of the system. I have been assigned task to implement a system that a certain users can only access certain accounts. This is a classic case of many-to-many relationship but the problem lies in the fact that these two domains are in two different databases. I googled if that was possible but i realized that it was not possible. So I now am thinking of creating a custom join table to store info on which user are allowed access to which accounts. The table can have two columns 'accountId' and 'userId'. So for this, do i have to create a new domain in grails or is there any cleaver way of doing this ?
Thanks in advance.

If you create joinTable in which DB you are going to create it and how you are going handle updates in main (Account,User) tables and ceep your join table up2date ?
I think (for this case) you don't need join table, you need handle business logic in application level.
You cane have 2 Domain classes each one pointed to different dataSource(DataBase).

As I searched for solution of this, I did not find any sustainable solutions. I eventually narrowed down the probable solutions to two:
1. Create a domain table (only) using sql, some sort of patch and use hard-coded queries in grails to write and access data to and from the table.
2. Create a domain class like AccountUser having properties clientId and userId
I choose the 2nd option, I wrote some additional methods and created a service to return user and client instance and I am done ! Anyways, thanks guys.

If the databases are "visible" to each other (on the same server or there is a db link between them), you should be able to map the domain classes using the fully qualified table names ('schema.tablename') in the mapping closure.
class User {
static mapping = {
table "usermanagement.user"
static hasMany = [Account:accounts]
class Account {
static mapping = {
table "xyz.account"


Entity framework multiple DbContext in single execution

I have one master & detail in my 'db1' and there is one column named 'EntryByUserId' in master table.
User table is available in 'db2'.
When all the tables are available in one single database we can directly get user detail by using include function. But here my reference table is in another database so in my case user object will return null value. So anyone please help me to achieve this.
I have created multiple dbcontext in my project but don't know how to get this.
Below is the code we use when all tables are available in single database.
dbcontext1.tbl_Master.Include(m => m.tbl_Detail).Include(m => m.tbl_user)
One option to accommodate this cleanly, especially for something as frequently accessed as a "User" reference for something like reporting on CreatedBy or ModifiedBy tracking on rows would be to implement a view within Db2 that lists the users from Db1. Then in your main application context you can map a User entity to the view rather than a table. I would put guards in your DbContext and entities to discourage/prevent modifications to this User entity, and leave maintenance of users to a DbContext overseeing the Db1 tables.
If this is something like a multi-tenant system with a system database for authentication and separate DBs per tenant which are tracking things like CreatedBy against records, I would recommend considering a system to inspect and replicate users between the auth database and the respective tenant databases. The reason for this would be to help enforce referential integrity for the data and the user references. The issue with the view approach is that there is no constraint available to ensure that a UserId reference actually corresponds with a row in the Users table over in the other database. It can be indexed, but not constrained so you have to handle the possibility of invalid data.

rename domain class, groovy and grails reverse engineering

How do a rename a domain class while reverse engineering or after reverse engineering.
i generated class using reverse engineering in Groovy and Grails.
the domain class name was AgentTable. I want to rename it as Agent. When i renamed the domain class using IntelliJ (right click - refactor - rename), it renamed the AgentTable to Agent whereever it was used. but when i start the server (run the app), giving error
"nested exception is org.hibernate.HibernateException: Missing table: agent"
I have to do this for few domain class. is it anyway i can give an alternative name while reverse engineering the domain classes.
or after domain class was created how do i rename it without this error.
Look into your database the name of the table it created for the agent. Once you know the name of the table add the following in your new domain
static mapping = {
table "table-name-here"
While it works I would not recommend #elixir 's approach.
In my opinion the mapping is not supposed to be used for renames. This is also how I understand the official documentation.
In the example they use it to map Person onto the 'people' table, not because of a rename but because of a semantic reason. Tables are typically named after the plural form. Here is a nice answer on another question regarding this. In the project I am working on the domain object 'User' is mapped to the table 'users'. You can not use the table name 'user' as it is an SQL statement.
Assumptions and clarifications:
In my experience Grails maps the domain name to the table name after these rules (example domain name 'MyExampleDomain':
separate the domain name by capital letters (My Example Domain)
lower case all (my example domain)
replace spaces with underlines (my_example_domain)
Following this your Domain Class 'AgentTable' has a table 'agent_table' in your respective database. After your rename Grails even tells you what it wants:
nested exception is org.hibernate.HibernateException: Missing table: agent
It wants to look up values in a table called 'agent' but it can not find it. The refactor function of IntelliJ does not rename the functions, so it will miss out on the database.
Luckily we know exactly what values it wants - the values previously found in 'agent_table'.
So why create this confusion with remapping domains and table names when we could just rename the table and be done with it?
The solution:
Execute an SQL script like this on your database:
ALTER TABLE <old_domain_name> RENAME TO <new_domain_name>;
The names are of course in their "table-form".
This simply renames your table to match the expected format in Grails. When restarting everything should be fine.
However you do not need to use rename. You could also create a whole new table, build it the way the domain objects wants it to be and then migrate the data. See section 'Problems with this approach' for information on when to use what.
Problems with this approach:
As always, tinkering with information a program depends on (and even generated itself) will often have some dire consequences if you aren't careful.
For example we have to pay attention to keys. If your domain object has a relation to other objects it will hold them in the table via foreign keys. Depending on how you chose to migrate the information in the table you might have deleted these foreign keys connections. You will have to add them via a separate SQL statement. When you choose to recreate the table this will happen for sure. Renaming it should keep the keys.
Another one are column names. If you choose to rename attributes you will also have to rename the columns via SQL. You will also have to remember the foreign keys other tables might have on the table you are renaming. RENAME did this automatically for me, but you should double check.
Why you should still stick with this approach:
Remapping domain objects to the tables with old names is bound to create code smell and confusion. Do you really want to remember these mappings in your head? And more importantly: do you really expect other people to have to work with this?
The best case is if people can't even tell if this object has ever had a different name and changing the database is the best way I know to achieve this.

Designing a Database Schema - Data that is common to all users or custom made

Hi I am working on a calendar application using Ruby on Rails. Rails is database agnostic, so in development I'm using SQLite but in production I am looking to use PostgreSQL.The current obstacle that I am facing is with the way I am designing my database schema.
First I have a users table that holds information such as login info and email. Each user has_many plans.
Then I have a plans table that belongs_to users and each plan has an event it references, the date, start time, and end time.
So the plan tables would reference the events table.
Here is my issue:
I would like to have two event tables. One is custom events. The other is default events.
The default events is just a list of common events already defined so the user can already select from a list. The custom events table is a list of events created by a user that references their id.
Here is my solution:
Would it be sufficient to add a new boolean column to the plans table called "custom". And if it is true then the event_id (in plans table) will reference the custom events table, and if it is false then it will reference the default events table. Is this a valid solution and if so, how would I implement it into my Rails application?
Thank you for taking your time to read my question. I am sorry I am an idiot. I am practicing everyday to be better.
Try to not think in terms of tables first, but in terms of classes and the behavior of their instances. What would matter most in the end is not how many tables your design has, but whether the responsibilities have been correctly attributed to the different classes in your model.
In this case it looks like you need two different classes, because some events will belong_to a user and other won't. The former will be created, modified and deleted by that user, and the latter will be managed by an admin. The instances of those classes can be stored in the same table using STI (Single Table Inheritance), with a string column named 'type' to enable Rails to store the class for each instance. The UserEvent class will belong_to :user, and the DefaultEvent won't. Both classes can extend Event, which in turn extends ActiveRecord::Base.
Please let me know if you need additional clarification.

Is it possible to set a scope to a domain class?

I'd like to know if it's possible with grails to specify a scope for the domain classes.
Few words to explain how my application is working at the moment:
- database access is done through an external "module" using SQLJ. This module is user by controllers in my grails app.
- a user ask for specific information submitting forms -> request submitted to the external module -> information extracted from the database -> information loaded into grails mem DB (HSQL) -> information displayed in views.
It works fine in development environment as i'm the only one using the application. But i'm wondering how the application would behave with two or more users. I mean, do the information loaded into grails memory database will be shared between users or not? And how not to shared information requested by one user with the others?
Thanks in advance for any help about this subject.
All data in the database is shared across all users of the grails application. You would have to write a custom query to limit the data returned to a specific user. Based on your application maybe something similar to the following.
class DomainClass1 {
//fields you get from SQLJ go here
int userId
To get data into an instance of your domain class.
def domInstance=new DomainClass1()
domInstance.loadFromSQLJ() //call the SQLJ module and put it's data in the domain class
domInstance.userId=5 //assign the user associated with this info
Then when you want to display info for the user with the userId 5
def domInstance2=DomainClass1.findByUserId(5)
//Do stuff with domInstance2
It will be shared between all users.
But it depends on you, as for any other database, there must be some criteria (db column) by which you can choose only information related to current user.
In our project, we overrode domain classes' get(), list() that take into account domain aggregate root (a User or whatever), and also check all the named queries.
This leaves off all the other means of accessing instances, like findBy*(), criteria, findWhere() (though you can also override the dynamic methods), or HQL, but anyway reduces the amount of security review by 80%.
Suddenly it turned out to be OK to use DomainClass.list() in scaffolding.

add user define properties to a domain class

i have a requirement to allow the user to define some custom field in one of the system entities. do you have any suggestion/pattern/plugin that will help me add this feature to my application.
You can add a Map property to your domain class and store arbitrary data there. It's rather limited though. It will generate a table with varchar(255) keys and values, so you need to manage any type conversions yourself, e.g.
class Thing {
String name
Map extraProperties = [:]
int age = 123
def thing = new Thing(name: 'whatever')
thing.extraProperties.age = age.toString()
def thing = Thing.get(thingId)
int age = thing.extraProperties.age.toInteger()
See section "5.2.4 Sets, Lists and Maps" at for the brief online docs.
Sounds like you want your application to be an infinitely adjustable wrench that users can modify at will. Is that fair?
I don't think it's possible or desirable. Think about what happens when you add an attribute to an existing domain object in Grails. The attribute is added to the ORM mapping, which means the tables have to be modified. The UI has another text box added for data entry; the list page has another column added to its table.
There's a lot going on when you add an attribute. How will you manage multiple users modifying the app all at the same time? What happens when one user is modifying a table while another is accessing the old version?
You ask too much. I don't think it's a reasonable requirement. Grails' sweet spot is rapid development of web-based CRUD applications. I don't think that includes modification by users at runtime.
