Idea needed about vehicle counting by analysing the white pixels of the binary foreground image - image-processing

I am a bit new to image processing so I'd like to ask you about finding the optimal solution for my problem, not help for code.
I couldn't think of a good idea yet so wanted to ask for your advices. Hope you can help.
I'm working on a project under OpenCV which is about counting the vehicles from a video file or a live camera. Other people working on such a project generally track the moving objects then count them but instead of it, I wanted to work with a different viewpoint; asking user to set a ROI(Region of interest) on the video window and work only for this region(for some reasons, like to not deal with the whole frame and some performance increase), as seen below.(btw, user can set more than one ROI and user is asked to set the height of the ROI about 2 times of a normal car by sense of proportion )
I've done some basic progress so far, like backgound updating, morphological filters, threshoulding and getting the moving object as a binary image something like below.
After doing them, I tried to count the white pixels of the final threshoulded foreground frame and estimate whether it was a car or not by checking the total white pixels number(I set a lower bound by a static calculation by knowing the height of ROI). To illustrate, I drew a sample graphic:
As you can see from the graphic, it was easy to calculate the white pixels and checking if it draws a curve by the time and determining whether a car or something like noise.
I was quite successful until two cars passed through my ROI together at the same time. My algorithm crashed by counting them as one car as you can guess :/ I tried different approaches for this problem and similar to this like long vehicles but I couldn't get an optimum solution up to now.
My question is: is it impossible to handle this task by this approach of pixel value counting? If it is possible, what would be your suggestion? I wish you also faced something similar to this before and can help me.
All ideas are welcome, thanks in advance friends.

Isolate the traffic from the background - take two images, run high pass filter on one of them, convert the other to a binary image - use the binary image to mask the filtered one, you should be able to use edge detection to identify the roof of each vehicle as a quadrilateral and you should then be able to compute a relative measure of it.
You then have four scenarios:
no quadrilaterals - no cars
large quadrilaterals - trucks
multiple small quadrilaterals - several cars
single quadrilaterals - one car

In answer to your question "Is it possible to do this using pixel counting?"
The short answer is "No", for the very reason your quoting: mere pixel counting of static images is not enough.
If you are limited to pixel counting, you can try looking at pixel count velocity (change of pixel counts between success frames) and you might pick out different "velocity" shapes when 1 car, 2 cars or trucks pass.
But just plain pixel counting? No. You need shape (geometric) information as well.
If you apply any kind of thresholding algorithm (e.g. for background subtraction), don't forget to update the background whenever light levels change (e.g. day and night). Also consider the grief when it is a partly cloudy with sharp cloud shadows that move across your image.


Quantifying differences in an image sequence to measure activity

I'm looking for a program that will enable me to quantity the difference between images in an image sequence over time.
We are hoping to use timelapse images to measure the activity of tadpoles by comparing how the images change over time. Tracking the movement of individuals isn’t necessary. The tadpoles are dark and the background of the aquarium is light, however the background isn’t uniform and some of the decor items like dark rocks and foliage make it so that all the tadpoles aren’t visible at all times.
Basically need a program that will allow me to quantity the differences/motion detected in an image sequence (i.e 209 images) and produce data that can be exported...
Any and all suggestions appreciated!!
Your question is rather vague and you don't supply any images or real indication of what you expect as results, so my answer will not be as thorough as it might otherwise be.
You don't mention any tools you are familiar with, but my recommendation would be Python and OpenCV. Alternatives are probably scikit-image, Python Wand.
In general, when trying to detect movement across a series of images, you would:
try and work out what the background is
look for movement by sutracting, or differencing, frames from the background
clean up the difference image
identify objects - maybe by shape or size or colour
maybe track objects
produce statistics
As regards working out the background, I did an example here by finding the median pixel across all images at each location in the images. There is also an OpenCV tutorial here.
As regards cleaning up images, you can probably remove noise in the background subtraction with a small median filter, say 3x3 or 5x5 depending on the resolution of your images.
As regards detecting tadpoles, you will probably want to use OpenCV findContours() and filter by size, or colour, or circularity. There are some fairly decent tutorials on PyImageSearch. There is also an ImageMagick "Connected Component" analysis to find a tennis player that I did here.

Detecting common colors for groups of objects

I have an image with a collection of objects in K given perceived colors. Providing I extract those objects, how could I cluster them by their perceived color?
Let me give you an example. I am trying to cluster two football teams - so there will be two teams, referees and a keeper (or two, but that`s a rare situation) on the image - 3, 4 or 5 clusters.
For a human's eye, it`s an easy situation. On the picture above, we have white players, red players and a black ref. But it turns out not so easy for automatic processing.
What I have tried so far:
1) I've started working on the BGR colorspace, then tried HSV and now I am exploring CIE Luv, as I read it has unified distances describing the perceived differences between colors.
2) [BGR and HSV] taking the most common color from the contour (not the bounding box). this didn' work at all because of the noise (green field getting in the way), the quality of the image, the position of the player, etc. Colors were pretty much random.
3) [CIE Luv] Resizing all players' boxes to a common size and taking a small portion of the image from the middle (as marked by a black rectangle in the example below).
Taking the mean value of all pixels in each player's window and adding to the list (so, it`s one pixel with the mean value per player). Using K-means (with a defined number of clusters) to find out clusters on that list. This has proven somewhat successful, for the image above I have redish, white and blackish centres in the clusters.
Unfortunately, the assignment of players back to these clusters is pretty much random. I am doing that by calculating the mean color for each player like I described above and then measuring the distance to each cluster. A player might be assigned to the white cluster on one frame and to the red one on the next. Part of the problem might be that the window in the middle of the player's box will sometimes catch a number, grass or shorts, instead of the jersey.
I have already spent a considerable amount of time on trying to figure that out, grateful for any help.
I may be overcomplicating the problem since you just have 3 classes, but try training an SVM classifier based on HOG descriptors. maybe try LDA to improve speed
Some references -
1] - skip to recognition part
2] - skip to recognition part.
3] - if you want to jump into the code right away
This will always work as long as your detection is good. and can also help to identify different players based on their shirt number
(maybe more???) if you train it right
EDIT: Okkay I have another idea, based on colour segmentation since that was your original approach and require less work (maybe not? color segmentation is a pain! also LIGHTING! LIGHTING! LIGHTING!).
Create a green mask and create a threshold so you detect as little grass as possible when doing your kmeans. Then instead of finding mean, try median instead, that will get you closer to red, coz white is detected as 0 and mean just drops drastically, median doesnt. So it'll be way more robust and you should be able to sort players better (hair color and skin color shouldnt affect it too much)
EDIT 2: Just noticed, if you use the black rectangle you'll get shirt number more (which is white), gonna mess up your classifier, use original box with green masked out
EDIT 3: Also. You can just create 3 thresholds for your required colors and split them up! don't really need Kmeans in this actually. Basically you just need your detected boxes to give out a value inside that threshold. Try the median method I mentioned above. Should improve. Also, might need some more minor tweaks here and there (blur, morphology etc to improve detection)

Recommended pattern recognition technique for chess board

I'm trying to do an application which, among other things, is able to recognize chess positions on a computer screen from screenshots. I have very limited experience with image processing techniques and don't wish to invest a great amount of time in studying this, as this is just a pet project of mine.
Can anyone recommend me one or more image processing techniques that would yield me a good result?
The conditions are:
The image is always crispy clean, no noise, poor light conditions etc (since it's a screenshot)
I'm expecting a very low impact on computer performance while doing 1 image / second
I've thought of two modes to start the process:
Feed the piece shapes to the program (so that it knows what a queen, king etc. looks like)
just feed the program an initial image which contains the startup position, from which the program can (after it recognizes the position of the board) pick each chess piece
The process should be relatively easy to understand, as I don't have a very good grasp of image processing techniques (yet)
I'm not interested in using any specific technology, so technology-agnostic documentation would be ideal (C/C++, C#, Java examples would also be fine).
Thanks for taking the time to read this, and I hope to get some good answers.
It' an interesting problem, but you need to specify a lot more than in your original question in order to find an acceptable answer.
On the input images: "screenshots" is quote vague a category. Can you assume that the chessboard will always be entirely in view? Will you have multiple views of the same board? Can you assume that no pieces will be partially or completely occluded in all views?
On the imaged objects and the capture system: will the same chessboard and pieces be used, under very similar illumination? Will the same lens/camera/digitization pipeline be used?
Salut Andrei,
I have done a coin counting algorithm from a picture so the process should be helpful.
The algorithm is called Generalized Hough transform
Make the picture black and white, it is easier that way
Take the image from 1 piece and "slide it over the screenshot"
For each cell you calculate the nr of common pixel in the 2 images
Where you have the largest number there you have the piece
Hope this helps.
Yeah go with Salut Andrei,
Convert the picture into greyscale
Slice into 64 squares and store in array
Using Mat lab can identify the pieces easily
Color can be obtained from Calculating the percentage of No. dot pixels(black pixels) pixels /no. of black pixels + no. of white pixels,
If ur value is above threshold then WHITE else BLACK
I'm working on a similar project in c# finding which piece is which isn't the hard part for me. First step is to find a rectangle that shows just the board and cuts everything else out. I first hard-coded it to search for the colors of the squares but would like to make it more robust and reliable regardless of the color scheme. Trying to make it find squares of pixels that match within a certain threshold and extrapolate the board location from that.

single person tracking from video sequence

As a part of my thesis work, I need to build a program for human tracking from video or image sequence like the KTH or IXMAS dataset with the assumptions:
Illumination remains unchanged
Only one person appear in the scene
The program need to perform in real-time
I have searched a lot but still can not find a good solution.
Please suggest me a good method or an existing program that is suitable.
Case 1 - If camera static
If the camera is static, it is really simple to track one person.
You can apply a method called background subtraction.
Here, for better results, you need a bare image from camera, with no persons in it. It is the background. ( It can also be done, even if you don't have this background image. But if you have it, better. I will tell at end what to do if no background image)
Now start capture from camera. Take first frame,convert both to grayscale, smooth both images to avoid noise.
Subtract background image from frame.
If the frame has no change wrt background image (ie no person), you get a black image ( Of course there will be some noise, we can remove it). If there is change, ie person walked into frame, you will get an image with person and background as black.
Now threshold the image for a suitable value.
Apply some erosion to remove small granular noise. Apply dilation after that.
Now find contours. Most probably there will be one contour,ie the person.
Find centroid or whatever you want for this person to track.
Now suppose you don't have a background image, you can find it using cvRunningAvg function. It finds running average of frames from your video which you use to track. But you can obviously understand, first method is better, if you get background image.
Here is the implementation of above method using cvRunningAvg.
Case 2 - Camera not static
Here background subtraction won't give good result, since you can't get a fixed background.
Then OpenCV come with a sample for people detection sample. Use it.
This is the file: peopledetect.cpp
I also recommend you to visit this SOF which deals with almost same problem: How can I detect and track people using OpenCV?
One possible solution is to use feature points tracking algorithm.
Look at this book:
Laganiere Robert - OpenCV 2 Computer Vision Application Programming Cookbook - 2011
p. 266
Full algorithm is already implemented in this book, using opencv.
The above method : a simple frame differencing followed by dilation and erosion would work, in case of a simple clean scene with just the motion of the person walking with absolutely no other motion or illumination changes. Also you are doing a detection every frame, as opposed to tracking. In this specific scenario, it might not be much more difficult to track either. Movement direction and speed : you can just run Lucas Kanade on the difference images.
At the core of it, what you need is a person detector followed by a tracker. Tracker can be either point based (Lucas Kanade or Horn and Schunck) or using Kalman filter or any of those kind of tracking for bounding boxes or blobs.
A lot of vision problems are ill-posed, some some amount of structure/constraints, helps to solve it considerably faster. Few questions to ask would be these :
Is the camera moving : No quite easy, Yes : Much harder, exactly what works depends on other conditions.
Is the scene constant except for the person
Is the person front facing / side-facing most of the time : Detect using viola jones or train one (adaboost with Haar or similar features) for side-facing face.
How spatially accurate do you need it to be, will a bounding box do it, or do you need a contour : Bounding box : just search (intelligently :)) in neighbourhood with SAD (sum of Abs Differences). Contour : Tougher, use contour based trackers.
Do you need the "tracklet" or only just the position of the person at each frame, temporal accuracy ?
What resolution are we speaking about here, since you need real time :
Is the scene sparse like the sequences or would it be cluttered ?
Is there any other motion in the sequence ?
Offline or Online ?
If you develop in .NET you can use the Aforge.NET framework.
I was a regular visitor of the forums and I seem to remember there are plenty of people using it for tracking people.
I've also used the framework for other non-related purposes and can say I highly recommend it for its ease of use and powerful features.

how to remove background image and get fore image

there are two images
alt text
alt text
one is background image another one is a person's photo with the same background ,same size,what i want to do is remove the second image's background and distill the person's profile only. the common method is subtract first image from the second one,but my problem is if the color of person's wear is similar to the background. the result of subtract is awful. i can not get whole people's profile. who have good idea to remove the background give me some advice.
thank you in advance.
If you have a good estimate of the image background, subtracting it from the image with the person is a good first step. But it is only the first step. After that, you have to segment the image, i.e. you have to partition the image into "background" and "foreground" pixels, with constraints like these:
in the foreground areas, the average difference from the background image should be high
in the background areas, the average difference from the background image should be low
the areas should be smooth. Outline length and curvature should be minimal.
the borders of the areas should have a high contrast in the source image
If you are mathematically inclined, these constraints can be modeled perfectly with the Mumford-Shah functional. See here for more information.
But you can probably adapt other segmentation algorithms to the problem.
If you want a fast and simple (but not perfect) version, you could try this:
subtract the two images
find the largest consecutive "blob" of pixels with a background-foreground difference greater than some threshold. This is the first rough estimate for the "person area" in the foreground image, but the segmentation does not meet the criteria 3 and 4 above.
Find the outline of the largest blob (EDIT: Note that you don't have to start at the outline. You can also start with a larger polygon, as the steps will automatically shrink it to the optimal position.)
now go through each point in the outline and smooth the outline. i.e. for each point find the point that minimizes the formula: c1*L - c2*G, where L is the length of the outline polygon if the point were moved here and G is the gradient at the location the point would be moved to, c1/c2 are constants to control the process. Move the point to that position. This has the effect of smoothing the contour polygon in areas of low gradient in the source image, while keeping it tied to high gradients in the source image (i.e. the visible borders of the person). You can try different expressions for L and G, for example, L could take the length and curvature into account, and G could also take the gradient in the background and subtracted images into account.
you probably will have to re-normalize the outline polygon, i.e. make sure that the points on the outline are spaced regularly. Either that, or make sure that the distances between the points stay regular in the step before. ("Geodesic Snakes")
repeat the last two steps until convergence
You now have an outline polygon that touches the visible person-background border and continues smoothly where the border is not visible or has low contrast.
Look up "Snakes" (e.g. here) for more information.
Low-pass filter (blur) the images before you subtract them.
Then use that difference signal as a mask to select the pixels of interest.
A wide-enough filter will ignore the too-small (high-frequency) features that end up carving out "awful" regions inside your object of interest. It'll also reduce the highlighting of pixel-level noise and misalignment (the highest-frequency information).
In addition, if you have more than two frames, introducing some time hysteresis will let you form more stable regions of interest over time too.
One technique that I think is common is to use a mixture model. Grab a number of background frames and for each pixel build a mixture model for its color.
When you apply a frame with the person in it you will get some probability that the color is foreground or background, given the probability densities in the mixture model for each pixel.
After you have P(pixel is foreground) and P(pixel is background) you could just threshold the probability images.
Another possibility is to use the probabilities as inputs in some more clever segmentation algorithm. One example is graph cuts which I have noticed works quite well.
However, if the person is wearing clothes that are visually indistguishable from the background obviously none of the methods described above would work. You'd either have to get another sensor (like IR or UV) or have a quite elaborate "person model" which could "add" the legs in the right position if it finds what it thinks is a torso and head.
Good luck with the project!
Background vs Foreground detection is very subjective. The application scenario defines background or foreground. However in the application you detail, I guess you are implicitly saying that the person is the foreground.
Using the above assumption, what you seek is a person detection algorithm. A possible solution is:
Run a haar feature detector+ boosted cascade of weak classifiers
(see the opencv wiki for details)
Compute inter-frame motion (differences)
If there is a +ve face detection for a frame, cluster motion pixels
around the face (kNN algorithm)
voila... you should have a simple person detector.
Post the photo on Craigslist and tell them that you'll pay $5 for someone to do it.
Guaranteed you'll get hits in minutes.
Instead of a straight subtraction, you could step through both images, pixel by pixel, and only "subtract" the pixels which are exactly the same. That of course won't account for minor variances in colors, though.
