iOS: Tapku Calendar: Need to select multiple dates - ios

I've been checking the Tapku Calendar code for a bit and searched and read all the relevant questions and responses here however none seem to really offer the correct solution to the problem: How to select multiple dates, either programmatically or by tapping. Just a simple blue tile over two adjacent dates would make me happy :-) The post below seems to have a similar question however the answer does not work. The place in the code is not hit unless the month changes - not exactly what I am looking for. What would be great is a higher-level implementation of selectDate: that would select multiple dates. But just the right place to tweak in the library would be a great place to start is anyone is more familiar with the code. Much appreciated.
iOS: Tapku calendar library - allow selecting multiple dates for current month

So after a bit of stepping through code, I have this rudimentary method using a hammer. I adopted most of the code from TKCalendarMonthView.m->selectDay:day method. The method I created basically creates a new TKCalendarMonthTiles object and fills in the details and then adds subviews onto the main TKCalendarMonthTiles object (self). I tag the subviews so I can first get rid of them if they exist at the beginning of the method as I only want to select one additional day (you could leave the subviews attached if you want them to remain in the UI). I don't track the dates or store them or anything however this meets my needs.
The idea is to simply create a view with the correct tile image you want to use and one that contains the text label of the actual "date" like "14" then add those views as subviews to self. The borrowed code does all the calculations for "where" that date tile resides in the grid, so the view is drawn at the correct location. Code:
- (void)markDay:(int)day {
// First, remove any old subviews
[[self viewWithTag:42] removeFromSuperview];
[[self viewWithTag:43] removeFromSuperview];
int pre = firstOfPrev < 0 ? 0 : lastOfPrev - firstOfPrev + 1;
int tot = day + pre;
int row = tot / 7;
int column = (tot % 7)-1;
TKCalendarMonthTiles *deliveryTile = [[TKCalendarMonthTiles alloc] init];
deliveryTile.selectedImageView.image = [UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile:TKBUNDLE(#"TapkuLibrary.bundle/Images/calendar/MyDateTile.png")];
deliveryTile.currentDay.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d",day];
if(column < 0){
column = 6;
CGRect r = deliveryTile.selectedImageView.frame;
r.origin.x = (column*46);
r.origin.y = (row*44)-1;
deliveryTile.selectedImageView.frame = r;
deliveryTile.currentDay.frame = r;
[[deliveryTile selectedImageView] setTag:42];
[[deliveryTile currentDay] setTag:43];
[self addSubview:deliveryTile.selectedImageView];
[self addSubview:deliveryTile.currentDay];
} // markDay:
I call this method at the end of TKCalendarMonthView.m->selectDay:day as well as at the end of TKCalendarMonthView.m->-reactToTouch:down. Limited testing so far so good. Off to figure out why the timezone setting keeps thinking its tomorrow (I am in Pacific time zone).
Cheers, Michael


(Adobe Animate ActionScript) how can iRemove specific Symballl's from the stage using name, arry, and lib()?

I'm super frustrated with this.
first for you to understand my code - My goal here is for the user to get randomly selected word appear to them in a way that every letter sits inside of a box.
Then if the user clicks on a button called "Pick a word", another word will be selected and the correct number of boxes will appear.
I have an array of words like this:
var word_group_1 = ["abolsh", "absorbent", "betrayal", "frutish", "commensurate", "eonfident", "zite"]
I'm using this function to select a random word from that array then splice it.. works perfectly:
function random_word_genereator() {
random = randomNumber(0, word_group_1.length);
//putting the chosen word from array in the chosen word variable
chosen_word = word_group_1[random]
//after we used the chosen word were removing it from the away
word_group_1.splice(random, 1)
//splitting the chosen word into an array
chosen_word_letters_arry = chosen_word.split("")
in a button click of "pick a word"- I'm creating 5 instances of a Movieclip I have in my library (just a blue box to put text in it) with text in at like this:
function create_boxes(e)
//to know which word has been displayed to the user//
for (i=0;i<chosen_word.length;i++){
cell_boxes = new lib.cell_box();
cell_boxes.x=(xlocation * i) + 50
cell_boxes.y = 80;
output = new createjs.Text();
everything works fine on the first click As You Can View Here.
The word being selected and displayed on the stage
my problem is when I'm clicking Again on the button "pick a word"
its not deleting the correct number of boxes.
I'm putting visible false to the boxes which holds the "Old word" (the one I need to delete)
but As you can se here After I click again its getting messed up.
sometimes its's working, switches from 12 letter word, to a 4 one.
but it should be luck. I'm dying to get this to WORK! its for my school project.
Please help me!
Easy answer that will plug and play into your code:
//to know wichh word has been displayed to the user//
for (i = 0; i < stage.numChildren; i++) // Loop through all children of the stage
if (stage.getChildAt(i) is lib.cell_box) // Checks if the child is a lib.cell_box
stage.removeChildAt(i--); // Removes child from stage and decrements i
for (i=0;i<chosen_word.length;i++){
Original answer (cleaner code, some restructuring):
It's best to break this kind of logic down into steps.
var boxes:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
boxes.y = 80;
function createBoxes(word:String):void {
// Remove boxes first
while (boxes.numChildren > 0)
// Add boxes
for each(var c:String in word.split("")) {
var box:Box = new Box(c);
box.x = boxes.width + 50;
Then set the text inside a Box class.

How to select a Column series Bar in code

I have a bar graph chart working and I can select bars by tapping them.
In -sChart:seriesAtIndex: of my ShinobiChart datasource I have implemented:
SChartColumnSeries *series = [[SChartColumnSeries alloc] init];
series.detectTapsOutsideBar = YES;
series.selectionMode = SChartSelectionPoint;
Which is working well. What I want to do now is to be able to select a specific bar based on the index of the data behind it. How do you do this? I have looked on the chart, the series but cannot find any method to select a column.
Also for extra points :) I need to ensure at least one column is always selected.
I tried adding the following code:
for (int index = 0; index < self.chartView.series[0].dataSeries.dataPoints.count; index++)
SChartDataPoint *point = (SChartDataPoint *)self.chartView.series[0].dataSeries.dataPoints[index];
if (lapIndex == index)
point.selected = YES;
point.selected = NO;
Seemed to have no effect at all. I also tried re drawing the chart.
In the end I removed that code and called -reloadData and -redrawChart on the chart and then set selected in the datasource. This is working.
DISCLAIMER I am a developer at ShinobiControls.
We have recently changed our data point selection API which shall be coming up in our next release to make this a bit clearer.
Currently, you have to loop through your series' data points via the "dataSeries.dataPoints" array. Then cast the point you pulled off the array from type id to SChartDataPoint and set the selected property on that point.
Or if you want to select a data point when your chart initially draws, you can just set the selected property of the SChartDataPoint object you return in the SChartDatasource method "dataPointAtIndex:".
To make sure only one point is selected at a time you can set the "togglePointSelection" BOOL property to NO. Setting this property to YES means you can select more than one point at a time.

Records are slight shifted on date plot created using coreplot library

Here is a necessary code snippets,
X axis label formatter,
NSDateFormatter dateFormatter = new NSDateFormatter();
dateFormatter.DateFormat = "dd/MM";
var timeFormatter = new CPTTimeFormatter(dateFormatter);
timeFormatter.ReferenceDate = NSDate.FromTimeIntervalSinceNow(0);
x.LabelFormatter = timeFormatter;
Delegate method of getting records,
public override NSNumber NumberForPlot(CPTPlot plot, CPTPlotField forFieldEnum, nuint index)
if (forFieldEnum == CPTPlotField.ScatterPlotFieldX)
return new NSNumber((index + 1) * 86400);
Debug.WriteLine("{0}", Data[(int)index].Rate);
return Data[(int)index].Rate;
See attached screenshot for result looks like. You can see that markers are not aligned to X axis. First data point should display on “01/01” but it is displaying just before it. Same for all other points.
Let me know if anybody wish to look at any other part of code. I just need direction or clue what could lead to this record shifting. I have already looked at sample code provided in coreplot but didn't get any clue on this.
Ranges are as below,
plotSpace.XRange = new CPTPlotRange(NSNumber.FromDouble(0).NSDecimalValue, NSNumber.FromDouble(86400 * 9).NSDecimalValue);
plotSpace.YRange = new CPTPlotRange(NSNumber.FromDouble(-1).NSDecimalValue, NSNumber.FromDouble(9).NSDecimalValue);
Also tried,
var space = graph.DefaultPlotSpace as CPTXYPlotSpace;
space.ScaleToFitPlots(new CPTPlot [] { dataSourceLinePlot });
Edit: Graph setup code
The problem is with the ReferenceDate for the time formatter. It is being initialized with the current date and time, so the offset will vary throughout the day depending on when the setup code runs. There are several ways to make an NSDate object that corresponds to a fixed time of day. The most straightforward is by using NSDateComponents.
Several of the Core Plot example apps, including the "Date Plot" demo in the Plot Gallery app, use this technique to generate reference dates.
Also, the automatic axis labeling policy doesn't work well with dates. It's picking tick locations that fall on "nice" numbers of seconds between ticks, but that doesn't correspond to even numbers of days. You should use the fixed interval policy (the default) or one of the ones that let you provide the tick locations directly.

trying to add number to number allready saved on label

So I have a TextField integer that needs to be added to a label.
For example when I type 20, it appears in the label and when I save it and come back it's still there, so far so good right, i got this part down.
Now lets say I come back and want to add another amount to whats already there, to the 20. how exactly would I go about doing it?
I used the NSUserDefaults to load/save the data but when I go to update the label I get stuck when trying to use my variables, say: currentValue, valueToAdd and valueTotalAfterAddition.
You have to get the intValue of the text, and then add whatever number. Example
int currentValue = textField.text.intValue;
int valueToAdd = 10; //change this to whatever you need
int valueTotalAfterAddition = currentValue + valueToAdd;
label.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d", valueTotalAfterAddition];

Calling web service on Scrolling UITableView

Totally Confused !!!...
I have one web-service that accepts the pageNumber as Parameter and gives me some records as JSON response. (This service basically implements the functionality of Paging for Silverlight version.) I want to load these pages one by one when user scrolls the UITableView (means Load the next 20 entries (or second page) when user scrolls).
My Problem :
How and Where to call this service and How to calculate pageNumber ?
I searched about this but didn't get any Satisfied answer.
What I found is :
How to call web service after each certain number of data received and load it into table view
Load more data from a web service when the user scrolls the UITableView
how to add elements to tableview on scrolling iphone?
I would love to here your responses in Objective-C Language.
Any Suggestions ?
Take one integer set it to 0. Now Used Pull to refresh functionality (Pull To refresh exmaple).
Now in API side you have to set the two extra parameter like pagenumber and pageSize
At very first time you call API with pageNumber=0 and pageSize=20
Now when you pull the table then you have a particular method in which you have to call the API with pageNumber++ and pageSize=20 again and whatever you get in the response add into your NSMutableArray. If you found nothing then remove pull to refresh option
I solved my Question with this Code :
- (void)scrollViewDidScroll:(UIScrollView *)scrollView
CGPoint offset = scrollView.contentOffset;
CGRect bounds = scrollView.bounds;
CGSize size = scrollView.contentSize;
UIEdgeInsets inset = scrollView.contentInset;
float y = offset.y + bounds.size.height - inset.bottom;
float h = size.height;
float reload_distance = 10;
if(y > h + reload_distance)
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setInteger:lastPageNumber forKey:#"PageNumber"];
// Call the method.
Hope, it will be helpful for future Visitors.
To make an infinite scroller, you need to know when to start fetching the new items. There are many ways to do this, but the best place is to hook into the UITableViewDelegate's methods. When cellForRowAtIndexPath: is called, check if the row is the last in your data store. If it is, make the call for the new data, then append it to the old data and refresh your view. You can also hook into the table views scroller to see when it it X percent scrolled to the bottom to make this call.
In .h :
int lastPageNumber;
In .m :
In cellForRowAtIndexPath delegate method
int rowNum =indexPath.row;
//call webService
