Ruby on Rails with Backbone - authentication - ruby-on-rails

I'm looking to write a single-page web application using RoR for the backend and Backbone (amongst other things) for the front-end. As with most things, the app will require the user to sign in (authentication easily handled with RoR and the database), but I'm confused as to how I would go about performing tasks with Backbone that require authentication. Because everything's client-side, it seems to me that I can't pass, for example, the user's ID to the backend as that'd be easy for somebody to discover.
Basically, how do I replicate a session-based authentication mechanism with Backbone?

Maybe this post can help you User Authentication with Rails and Backbone.js

You probably want to look into token authentication: How use token authentication with Rails, Devise and Backbone.js?
Basically, you send login data and receive an authentication token that you then use in all subsequent ajax calls.
Users discovering their token isn't really an issue: they can log in and have legitimate access to the information.


Best authentication strategy for Ruby on Rails API only server (with ActiveAdmin)

I have a project where I want to develop the frontend in Next.js (requests based on fetch API from JS) and the backend in RoR and I am having a hard time to get the User authentication to work. I have researched and found four possible solutions:
Sessions and cookies
I have tried to implement some of them but i always end up getting a server error on client requests at some point. I would like to know if anyone has any resources where I can get to know more about and learn more about it so I can implement such authentication in my project.
If I could take advantage of devise would be even better, since I already have it setup for ActiveAdmin (wanna use the admin dashboard)
Thanks a lot in advance.
I used to use devise, but have since moved to AWS Cognito which handles everything for you and is customizable as needed. You might look into it.

When do you need to use JSON Web Token authentication in Rails?

I have a Rails app using Vue.js for some front-end components. I use Devise for authentication, but since some of my Vue components make JSON requests to my backend, should I be using something like JWT authentication? I'm confused about when Devise is enough and when some type of JSON web token authentication becomes necessary.
If you are developing a Single Page Application, maybe you need a JWT. The user must login once at the beginning, after login you will have a Json Web Token, and the next requests need to use the token in order to authenticate.
You can take a look a devise-jwt gem, to implement these feature.

How to make common authentication between 2 server - Rails & Django

the service I'm developing consists of chrome extension & web application.
For it I'm trying to create 2 server:
web application server (build by Rails)
API server(build by Django) to receive requests from chrome extension and process user data.
Those application use same database, same user information.
My question is how to authenticate users -- in Rails app, users can sign-up and sign-in via form. But in API server, how to authenticate users?
One solution might be JWT authentication, user get JWT token from Rails server and send token to Django server, and Django server authenticate by JWT authorization.
Is that best practice -- or simply sending username & password is better then this?
I honestly believe that attempting to combine these two web platforms is not the best idea. You can read feedback from a similar question here, but basically attempting to combine rails with Django will lead you down a serious rabbit hole where both Rails and Django are going to be expecting to handle the authentication. You can potentially use a different, more simple Python framework, but I think you can potentially achieve the same overall goal with a single Rails application.
If project specifications require Django, then you can potentially try the latter option of username & password to do a database read, and then manually create a JWT functionality. I think it would be really really difficult though to use many of the built in, or even open source solutions, that Django provides, which is why Django could be overkill.

API only Ruby on Rails 5 implementing OAuth2 (preferably with devise and doorkeeper)

I want to make a JSON API with Rails 5 that will feed an angular app and possibly later mobile apps. I do not want to include any html in the rails application. I typically use devise to handle user creation and authentication in regular rails apps. I would like to implement an OAuth2 compliant flow so I found a gem called doorkeeper.
I like devise as it handles the sending of a confirmation email and password reseting, etc. I would like doorkeeper to keep my app OAuth2 compliant.
My issue is that the OAuth2 documentation says to try to not use the password grant type but I cannot find a better alternative method for a site being served by the same server the API is coming from. Should I require a CSRF token only for the OAuth route to acquire the access token to ensure the request is coming from the site? Should I use the CSRF token from within the angular app the entire time in conjunction with the access token?
Also should I have devise handle the sending of the access token? How would that work in the other flows besides password grant? I would also have to edit devise to only accommodate JSON requests and to respond in kind.
Also I would like to implement a JWT however I still think it best to have the token linked to a session ID, I know the kind of defeats the purpose of the JWT but I think its beneficial to use the JWT in order to accommodate native apps.
I am sure this is not an uncommon thing to want to set up nowadays but I have yet to find a solid walkthrough connecting devise, doorkeeper, and an API only setup. Has anyone experienced and implemented a something like this?

Rails Devise token and cookie session at same time

I have a rails web which has been using cookie session authentication (devise) from its beginning. Now, we are developing an ionic mobile application which uses the API available from the rails application.
I have considered to use JWT or token authentication for this new application but I can't find a way to combine both authentication methods, cookie and JWT. Also, both applications have different requirements. For example, in the web a user can have concurrent sessions only if he/she has a certain role. On the opposite, in the mobile application it is possible to have concurrent session without any restriction.
I have reading a lot trying to figure how to combine both methods but I can't find the way. Maybe I should consider to use only one of the methods (JWT) or use another approach (doorkeeper).
Finally I have found a solution. According to refaelos and Zac Stewart, I have combined devise with JWT gem, using the last as a new strategy for the first. By this way, when I don't use JWT tokens, devise will choose the default strategy (database_authenticatable in my case). Otherwise, it will use JWT strategy.
However, when the user is not authenticated and make a post request to Session#create to get the credentials, the strategy chosen by devise/warden is database_authenticatable. In order to avoid this, I needed to add a new parameter to the request but only for this case because, as I said, when the token appears in the request, the new strategy is selected.
See also:
An Introduction to Using JWT Authentication in Rails
