Rails: Refactoring restful controller specs: Why don't people do it? - ruby-on-rails

Like most rails folks my restful controllers stick to a very consistent pattern, and any changes are rarely more than an extra line or two.
I like to test (using RSpec) fairly thoroughly, and that includes assigns, responds, redirects etc in controller tests.
The thing is, 75% of my controller specs follow the exact same pattern, and an obvious step seems to be to refactor them into a method/set of methods that I can call from each spec....either with a single (for example) 'restful_controller_specs' call, or individual 'restful_index_specs', 'restful_show_specs' etc for actions if the resource isn't completely standard.
And yet, when looking at other people's projects, from what I can see nobody else really seems to do that.
So in short, am I missing a good reason as to why not to agressively refactor restful controller specs?

I think most rails developers have learned programming by learning rails, which is not the ideal way to learn how to program, so things like refactoring are not a concept they have learned or encountered. Many people don't realise that files like config/routes.rb and db/migrate/* are just ruby code, and you can add loops and arrays and classes and subclasses into them as you need, just like any ruby program.
To all the rails coders out there: learn ruby! learn it well! It's a real programming language! Rails is made entirely of ruby.


Rails generic controller and views

I've been looking at Administrate source code and would like to know if it's a good practice or not the use of a generic controller and what implications it would have, like code complexity, performance degradation, etc.
Sometime ago, there was a gem inherited_resources that provide this feature, but since Rails 3.0 or 3.1 has been said we no longer need them.
So, since I have some very simple models (with only two or three fields) I could create a generic view and controller to manipulate them and save a lot of lines of "duplicated" code. Although I'm afraid, by avoiding repetition I could be creating another monster.
I've been looking for a Rails way to do this, but failed, so I would thanks some advice.
Note: I'm not looking to implement or use an admin dashboard, but use in my application instead
All Rails admin-panel implementations will make you hurt when you will try to make something more complex than stupid simple CRUD-application. I recomend you not to use such solutions. I had experiece in usage three different Rails's admin-panels and all of them had bad design and a lot of limitations. They are hard to mantain and extend their functionality.

Rails - How to overcome repetitive REST controllers

I've finally started making a Rails app from scratch and I'm getting the hang of it, but the only problem is that making all the models/controllers is getting really repetitive and totally throwing the whole DRY concept out of the window as I'm basically copying controllers and renaming them/adding/disabling fields. I have:
etc and the first three need to pretty much have the same layout and CRUD. Is the only way of not having to manually create all of the actions/views each time scaffolding? If so, what other things does scaffolding generate that I need to be aware of. I've been cautious of using it in the past because I wanted to know how my application worked in the tutorials.
In my opinion scaffolding is not for new rails programmers, it should only be used after you figured out rails yourself and with a criticizing approach. It may generate whole files that you have no need, define unneeded routes etc...
You can have a look at the full details of what scaffold creates here
As for the repetitive controllers you are making I could suggest using the gem InheritedResources which eliminates a lot of this duplication (at least while you are at the basic CRUD controller operations)
InheritedResources sets the basic controller index/show/destroy/create/edit actions for you, all you have to do is to inherit from it using:
class ProjectsController < InheritedResources::Base
In case you have to, you can override actions by defining them yourself.
It's an excellent point. You generally want to keep your controllers as thin as possible, and certainly thinner than what the scaffolding gives you.
The way I like to think of the scaffolding is that it's good to use for your first feature in a new Rails app as an example of the current best practices and things you might want to know about. After that, however, write your controllers yourself, and factor out any duplication.
For additional ideas, you might want to read/watch...
Objects on Rails
Hexagonal Rails
Architecture the Lost Years

Is there anything like Grails taglibs for Ruby on Rails?

I have a few months of experience with Ruby on Rails and really loved it from the beginning on. Now, for work, I was asked to code in Grails and although I first had some objections, I now think it's a very decent framework.
One thing that really impressed me in Grails are Taglibs because they make frontend modularity so much easier.
I would really like to do something with Rails.
Is there anything like Taglibs for Rails?
If not, what are the best practices for accomplishing this kind of view modularity (and, in essence, making my life easier)?
You can build your own helpers and the views can access those helpers. Take as an example formtastic, which provides extra methods/tags to build forms.
Strictly speaking, formtastic is a rails plugin, but it follows the same principles.

How to document a rails application?

I just started to document a rails application. I know this is actually done by rdoc, so I followed some rdoc guides regarding syntax and so on, but I got stuck when I tried to describe attributes of models, validations and the relationship between models, mostly because these things are part of ActiveRecord. So I wonder if there is some guide or a good practice regarding how to document a rails application or if there is something I'm missing?
I know that I could put all of this in the class description, but I wonder if there is a way more closely tied to the declaration itself (has_many, validates_presence_of, etc.) and what about the attributes?
I personally prefer YARD - http://yardoc.org , as it does a better job in documenting IMHO.
I don't know if there's a specific handler for Rails available, but it's quite easy to write one - http://yardoc.org/guides/extending-yard/writing-handlers.html
A good example might be the attribute handler - part of the yard gem:
Remember your tests are part of the documentation (for developers), particularly if you are using Cucumber where scenarios are easy to read. If you keep your methods very short and there is a test method with a descriptive name e.g. "should set the users name" I find I typically don't need comments on the method.
Validations or other parts of Rails I would not document. Part of being a Rails developer is understanding how these work, I think it is a fair assumption that another maintainer of your code reading it down the road will know validations, or other things built in to Rails. By that same logic, if you can use features of the framework or happy paths (not deviate much) with [documented] third party code, a lot of the documentation will be written for you.

Does a "vertical" framework for RoR make sense?

I have been spending some time creating what I called a framework.
It was aimed at the creation of quiz likes games. It was supposed to have two players syncronized and present them a question to solve, etc.
I would like it to be fully customizable so I tried to develop components that can be put in or out of the pages. In the end the elements became slim ruby methods to add a whole bunch of Javascript and CSS to the pages.
Still the Javascript needs to connect to Ruby so methods supporting it are created but they will only be present when the component is present. Some components depend on one another making everything overly complex.
And after this attempt I wonder, is there is not a better and easier way to make a framework aimed to one kind of application on RoR? Or is the concept flawed or RoR in some way flawed?
Ruby on Rails is a framework on its own accord and is "opinionated software". This means that the writers of Rails looked at what would make most sense for creating a web application to them. Many people support the original developers views and so use Rails for their projects as well.
I think your concept of creating a quiz is a good one, but first you need to understand the rails stack. Depending on what you need exactly, you can create either an engine, plugin or whatever.
What I have seen a lot is that you specify what you need in your controller. (How you do that is up to you). All that information is stored in a class variable and transferred to the view where you can render everything you need with some helpers. The hard part is making it all generic enough to be reusable.
But, maybe Rails isn't the right tool for you. Maybe you need something more lightweight like Merb or even Sinatra.
There is no 'flaw' in Rails. Rails is not the 10**1000-in-one tool Java is. It's a framework that tries to do one way very good in a particular way. I think Rails can be the right tool for you, but you need to be skilled enough to wield the tool :)
