Extra whitespace when rendering a text_area in Rails 3.2.3 - ruby-on-rails

I'm getting an extra white space inside the text area when rendering this HAML code.
= f.text_area :message, placeholder: "Reply"
I'm running Rails 3.2.3 and haml-rails 0.3.4 and haml 3.1.4
I have no idea why this is happening.
This is the code rendered with the extra whitespace
<textarea class="textarea" cols="50" id="idea_idea" name="idea[idea]" rows="2">

Just found a solution to this problem.
I upgraded to the "3.1.5" beta version of HAML and works fine now.
gem 'haml', :git => "git://github.com/haml/haml.git", :branch => "315"

The version you are running should have similar issues fixed, see the ActionPack Changelog linked below, it appears to contain multiple entries related to the issue.


gem rich don't apperas in Active_admin

I installed gem rich in my Rails 4.1.5 project. I'm using Active Admin. In my file of admin I have this line that calls rich:
f.input :content, :as => :rich, :config => { :height => '200px' }, :label => 'Conteúdo'
But when I open Active_admin, the rich don't appears (should appear right below the first field):
My gemfile:
gem 'rich', :git => 'https://github.com/kreativgebiet/rich.git'
In my application.rb I have this lines:
config.assets.prefix = '/lince/assets'
config.relative_url_root = '/lince'
config.action_controller.relative_url_root = '/lince'
When I try without this lines, rich works fine.
Anyone can help me? I can't understand why this not working.
rich has not been updated in years. I recommend you look at other WYSIWYG editors

Using Spree and Spree Fancy how can I customize the color scheme?

I am new to programming and this is my first Spree app. I am unable to change the color scheme of my app using Spree and Spree Fancy. I've tried following a few tutorials and docs that I've listed below but I am having difficulty implementing Deface and override. I was able to update a page using Deface app/overrides/update_footer.rb file with the following:
Deface::Override.new(:virtual_path => 'spree/shared/_footer',
:name => 'change address to boston',
:replace => "div.address",
:text => "
<div class='address'>
New Location USA
And my Gem file is
gem 'rails', '4.0.3'
gem 'spree', github: 'spree/spree', branch: '2-2-stable'
gem 'spree_auth_devise', github: 'spree/spree_auth_devise', branch: '2-2-stable'
gem 'spree_fancy', github: 'spree/spree_fancy'
Links I've tried
http://guides.spreecommerce.com/developer/deface_overrides_tutorial.html as well as the guides on assets and views.
What is the correct way to customize the colors? I hope to be able to make other changes of course once I understand the process.
Your deface override is not working because you're trying to replace content which doesn't exist in the template you're overriding.
Take a look at the source for the template here:
I'll paste it below, as it's small.
<footer id="footer" class="sixteen columns" data-hook>
<div id="footer-left" class="columns alpha eight" data-hook>
<p><%= Spree.t :powered_by %> <%= link_to 'Spree', 'http://spreecommerce.com/' %></p>
<div id="footer-right" class="columns omega eight" data-hook></div>
In your deface override, you should see it apply if you change it to override something that is in that template. For example,
:replace => "#footer-left"
If you're just looking to change some of the colours around you should override this file:
You can then redefine some of the variables listed here:
You can also style elements by applying new CSS to them, or override the existing styles with higher priority CSS selectors.

How to resolve JSON syntax errors in rails?

I started learning rails using 'Agile Web Development with Rails, 4th Edition'
rails 3.2.7 and ruby 1.9.3p448 (2013-06-27 revision 41675) [i686-linux].
When i tried to
edit an html form with
<%= f.text_area :description :rows=>6 %>
it returned an error
/media/ashku/New Volume/RoR/depot/app/views/products/_form.html.erb:19: syntax error, unexpected ':', expecting ')'
...= ( f.text_area :description :rows=>6 );#output_buffer.safe...
then i tried to change the :rows=>6 to rows: 6 but the results where the same
Discussion here suggests it as problem with JSON
controller code is given here
so how to resolve this problem ?
You have missed the comma(,) after tag name ie.(:description).
So replace your tag with following and try to run..
<%= f.text_area :description, :rows => 6 %>
You're missing a comma in between :description, and :rows.
You can use "Better Errors" gem for debugging in development env., this is a better tool to find errors in good way. read about them from http://railscasts.com/episodes/402-better-errors-railspanel?view=asciicast

Having problems while generating barcode in rails using BARBY gem

I am using:
ruby 1.8.7, rails 2.3.5
ruby gems 1.3.6
Windows 7 Home Basic 64-bit
barby 0.5.0
I'm having problems to generate barcodes for my app. I installed barby 0.5.0 and I was hoping that it would solve my problems. But everytime it generates a file, it seems that it's broken or damaged. It can't be opened. I wonder what I'm doing wrong here.
As for the stack trace, there's really no error.
Here's my code:
barcodevalue = "00000000000"
full_path = "barcode#{barcode_value}.png"
barcode = Barby::Code39.new(barcode_value)
File.open(full_path, 'w') { |f| f.write barcode.to_png(:margin => 3, :xdim => 2, :height => 55) }
render :text => "#{barcode_value}.png has been generated."
Please see this link for answer.

Rails doesn't expand the variable "count" when displays

I am developing a Rails 2.3.8 app and I stumbled upon a strange form error:
in all errors messages in any input forms, the variable count is not expanded.
As instance if I fill in the following form with a too long string (> 300 chars, I've set max=300), the form will display the message:
"is too long (maximum is {{count}} characters)" instead of:
"is too long (maximum is 300 characters)"
- form_for(#event) do |f|
= f.label :description
= f.text_area :description
= f.error_message_on :description
Do you have any ideas why this happens ?
many thanks
Redmine had this issue and they fixed it in 1.0.5.
See here for the changes:
in the message they say something along these lines:
Among 11 bug fixes, Redmine 1.0.5
solves the incompatibility with the
i18n 0.5.0 gem. The appropriate i18n
gem version (0.4.2) is now required
so i assume you need to install the 0.4.2 i18n gem :)
I was having the same issue, and installing i18n 0.4.2 solved it for me.
