Rails app with no databse and continually updated models - ruby-on-rails

I'm wondering what the best way to go about developing a rails application with the following features:
All of the data comes from a SOAP request to a 3rd party
A background task will make this soap request every ~10s
The background task will parse the response and then update an ActiveRecord model accordingly
The data isn't written to a database at all, if the app fails, when we start it back up the data will come from the soap request again
Users will make a request to the app which will simply show data in the model (i.e. from the soap request).
The idea is to avoid making the SOAP request for every single user as the data won't change that frequently. Not using a database avoids reading and writing of data that only ever comes from the request anyway.
I imagine that all of this can be completely quite simply with a few gems but I've had a bit of trouble sorting through what meets my requirements and what doesn't.

I'm not sure what benefit you're getting from using ActiveRecord in this case.
Perhaps consider some other type of persistance for the SOAP calls?

If the results form the WebService are really not changing, I would recommend the Rails caching mechanism. Wherever in your Rails app, you can do:
Rails.cache.fetch "a_unique_cache_key" do
... do your SOAP request and return the result
This will do the work within the block just once and fetch its result from the rails cache store in the future.
The cache store be of various types (one of which is the memcache store). I usually go with the file store for medium traffic sites, but you may choose another:


Caching an HTTP request made from a Rails API (google-id-token)?

ok, first time making an API!
My assumption is that if data needs to be stored on the back end such that it persists across multiple API calls, it needs to be 1) in cache or 2) in a Database. is that right?
I was looking at the code for the gem "google-id-token". it seems to do just what i need for my google login application. My front end app will send the google tokens to the API with requests.
the gem appears to cache the public (PEM) certificates from Google (for an hour by default) and then uses them to validate the Google JWT you provide.
but when i look at the code (https://github.com/google/google-id-token/blob/master/lib/google-id-token.rb) it just seems to fetch the google certificates and put them into an instance variable.
am i right in thinking that the next time someone calls the API, it will have no memory of that stored data and just fetch it again?
i guess its a 2 part question:
if i put something in an #instance_variable in my API, will that data exist when the next API call comes in?
if not, is there any way that "google-id-token" is caching its data correctly? maybe HTTP requests are somehow cached on the backend and therefore the network request doesnt actually happen over and over? can i test this?
my impulse is to write "google-id-token" functionality in a way that caches the google certs using MemCachier. but since i dont know what I'm doing i thought i would ask.? Maybe the gem works fine as is, i dont know how to test it.
Not sure about google-id-token, but Rails instance variables are not available beyond single requests and views (and definitely not from one user's session to another).
You can low-level cache anything you want with Rails.cache.fetch this is put in a block, takes a key name, and an expiration. So it looks like this:
Rails.cache.fetch("google-id-token", expires_in: 24.hours) do
#instance_variable = something
If the cache exists and it is not past its expiration date/time, Rails grabs it from the cache; otherwise, it would make your API request.
It's important to note that low-level caching doesn't work with mem_store (the default for development) and so you need to implement a solution with redis or memcached or something like that for development, too. Also, make sure the file tmp/cache.txt exists. You can run rails dev:cache or just touch it to create it.
More on Rails caching

Is there a canonical pattern for caching something related to a session on the server?

In my Rails app, once per user session, I need to have my server send a request to one of our other services to get some data about the user. I only want to make this request once per session because pinging another service every time the user makes a request will significantly slow down our response time. However, I can't store this information in a cookie client-side. This information has some security implications - if the user has the ability to lie to our server about what this piece of information is, they can gain access to data they're not authorized to see.
So what is the best way to cache or store a piece of data associated with a session on the Rails server?
I'm considering using Rails low-level caching, and I think it might even be correct:
Rails.cache.fetch(session.id, expires_in: 12.hours) do
I know that Rails often has one canonical way of doing things, though, so I want to be sure there's not a built-in, officially preferred way to associate a piece of data with a session. This question makes it look like there are potential pitfalls using the approach I'm considering as well, although it looks like those concerns may have been made obsolete in newer versions of Rails.
Is there a canonical pattern for what I'm trying to do? Or is the approach I'm considering idiomatic enough?

How can I create a lock for concurrency across different requests (on a process-based webserver)

I have a rails app that people can send data to in the query params of a url. The rails app then validates the correctness of the data and creates a json reponse listing any detected errors. The validation itself is done by checking the data against a set of rules that live in a github repo.
Ideally I'd like to update my local copy of this repo once a day. In order to prevent complications I'd like any requests that come in while this update takes place to back off for a few seconds.
What's the best way to communicate to the incoming requests that an update is currently occuring? I'm using a process based webserver (unicorn), so memory mutexes don't seen like the right answer :(.

Rails application design: Queueing, Resque, Background Services, and Redis

I am designing a Rails app that takes in requests, uses data within the request to call a 3rd party web service, process the reply and then sends out a response to the original requestor and also issues a PUT request to yet another service.
I am trying to wrap my head around how to design this Rails app as it's different from the canonical Rails structure.
The objects are Lists and Tasks. Each List has many Tasks, and each Task belongs to a List.
The request I would get is something like:
In this example I am requesting tasks from 2/12/2012 to 2/14/2012 with a high priority in List #1
I would then issue a 3rd party web service call like this:
As you can see some processing was done on the data (id was changed in this case)
The results are then sent back to the requestor and to another web service via PUT.
My question is, how do I set up the Rails app to handle these types of behaviors? How does the controller structure change? This looks like a good use case for queues, how do I distribute multiple concurrent requests among queues?
For one thing I don't need data persistence (data can be discarded after the response is sent out) and also data structure design is simplified. (I don't think I need ruby objects, simply dictionaries or hashes representing these would be lighter weight and quicker to implement)
So I broke down the work flow of the app into these components
Parse incoming request
Construct 3rd part web service request
Send 3rd party request
Enqueue a worker to process the expected response
Process the response once it arrives
Send the parsed result back as a response
Which of the standard ruby controllers handle each of these steps? What are the models needed besides Lists and Tasks?
You should still use a database because passing data to Resque is messy. Rather, you should store it in the database and then pass the id to the workers, fetch the data, commit any new data or delete the record. It's really up to you but this method is cleaner. You can also use a push service like faye to let the user know when the processing is complete.
If you expect to have many concurrent requests, I would recommend Sidekiq as it's less of a memory hog. Having 4-5 resque workers can already suck up about 512 MB. The controller structure should not change. Please comment on anything you need clarified and I'll be happy to update my answer.
You would want to use a separate database store, such as Postgres. Not sure if it's important what models you need, but essentially this is what should be happening.
In your controller, create a Request object which contains the query params you want to query this 3rd party service with. Then enqueue a job to be handled by Sidekiq/Resque, let's call this ThirdPartyRequest and pass in the id of the Request object you just created as an argument. Then render a view here showing the Request object. Let's say that Request#response is still empty cause it hasn't been processed yet, so let the user know it's still processing.
A worker then handles your job ThirdPartyRequest. ThirdPartyRequest should then fetch the Request object and obtain the query params needed to contact the third party service. It does that then gets a Request. Update the Request object with this Request then save it.
class ThirdPartyRequest
def self.perform(request_id)
request = Request.find(request_id)
# contact third party service
request.response = ...
The user can continually refresh his page to check on his/her Request object. Once it gets updated with the response, they will know its completed. If you want the page to refresh automatically, look into faye/juggernaut/private_pub or a SaaS solution like Pusher.

Syncing multple requests (user actions) with Backbone and Rails

The problem resides on building an architecture with Backbone and Rails
that handles syncing multiple actions to the server.
Assume the model is define on both Rails and Backbone.
I have an update and destroy operations on a model and I need them to synced
with the server on a user action (button click). On another part of the webapp,
these actions on this same model are synced on the moment they
made (easy, just send a restful ajax http request).
But in the first case, I can't really figure out an easy, stateless and atomic/transactional
save of the several actions (requests) the user took.
Sending multiple requests to the server makes the save non-atomic and a bit of non stateless.
Sending one big request with the actions formatted makes parsing on the server necessary.
So, is there another better solution?
If you want multiple updates, on different resources, as one atomic transaction, that is not REST.
So, of course, you will have to orchestrate the parameters and the requests in Rails. (but it's not about parsing, since you'll send JSON, more about creating a format for the aggregated parameters and figuring out what to do on the Rails side).
A nice way to handle multiple requests at once is at https://github.com/railscasts/414-batch-api-requests
