Rails 3 render partial without reloading images - ruby-on-rails

I have a view 'edit.html.erb' which renders a partial.
<div id="exerciseslist"><%= render 'exerciseslist' %></div>
Inside 'edit.js.erb', I have the following line which reloads the partial each time something is updated.
$('#exerciseslist').html('<%= escape_javascript(render("exerciseslist")) %>');
The partial is a table with a bunch of items including images for each one and some buttons. All that is changing in the partial is the button. If a submit is successful, the button toggles state indicating that it has been added.
It's working fine, the problem is I don't like the way the images flash as the request happens, the items are also inside a scrollable section which looses it's state each time.
Is there a good way to just load the state of the buttons without rendering the full partial? Or is there a simple way to stop the client requesting the images each time?
I have done some reading and found pjax and backbone.js, are either of them a good way or is there a simpler rails way to do this?

Without seeing code, it's hard to be sure, but I think it could be done with just Rails. Instead of re-rendering the exerciseslist partial on submission, you could write an AJAX request to handle submission of the new data and on success, have the callback change the button state, rather than reload the partial.


doing a updated edit form

I am doing a module using modal windows, where in the index I am showing all the records, saving data, editing and deleting everything using ajax. Pressing the respective buttons in the row of each record opens the modal window depending on the button. But I would like to press the "edit" button to send the log id to the controller, search the data and return it in the modal window. To send the id to the controller should I place a form on each button?
A traditional non-AJAX edit button that you would typically see in a Rails index page would look something like this:
<td><%= link_to 'Edit', edit_thing_path(thing) %></td>
You would need to do three things to AJAX-ify this:
change the link_to so that it sends an AJAX request instead,
get the things_controller#edit method to respond with JSON,
write some JS that picks up the JSON response from the server, and populates it in the modal's form.
An alternative approach, which might be easier, would be to use UJS as recommended by the Rails core team. In this case:
change the link_to to request a JS response
change the controller's edit method to respond by rendering a JS file
build a JS file that renders the modal server, side, and then replaces the current modal in your HTML with the newly-built modal form, and then
reveal the modal in the page
Have a look here in the Rails Guides (for Rails v4.2).
To do that I really like to use Best In place its supper simple to use and implement.
there is also a video on how to use it, its a bit old 302-in-place-editing

Displaying flash message in portion of page that is otherwise not updated

I'm looking to display my flash messages in a portion of the page that is otherwise not always in a partial that gets updated.
In other words, I may submit a form that updates a partial via ajax. But I want to display the flash message in a portion of the page that is outside of that partial.
I could have some javascript in every single necessary js.erb file to update the flash partial, but that seems crazy. Is there a more simple way of going about this?
I don't have to necessarily use flash messages either if something custom would work better.
You can do it the low-tech way by using a :remote call on your form that, when executed, will inject some HTML back into your page from a partial of your choosing.
It's pretty easy to do in a .rjs view:
page['flash'].html(render(:partial => 'flash'))
You can also do it in a .js.erb view using jQuery:
$('#flash').html("<%= escape_javascript(render(:partial => 'flash')) %>");
I tend to think the .js.erb method is a lot more ugly, but we all have our preferences.

Perodic AJAX calls

I have a page where I want to do an AJAX call and possibly render a partial every 30 seconds or so. Now, I know how to do this with jquery AJAX, doing an AJAX call and passing in the path, but it doesn't seem like the Rails way.
I say this because the result is that the main view does not show you the entire structure of the page. When you render a partial, you at least see the partial's positioning inside the document, if you render a partial via AJAX, you have to read the javascript code to know that it's there.
Is there a more unobtrusive (for lack of a better word) way to do this?
When I need to do something like this, and want the partial block to be positioned, I include a container div that I then render the AJAX call into. That was I can position the partial prior to it actually being rendered.

Creating ajax-enabled subform with "Edit" button

I am looking for the best way to create ajax enabled subforms from items in a list with MVC 3. A static list of values should be generated, but with an "edit" link/button next to every item, to toggle inline edits.
I did follow the tutorial at this link
http://blog.janjonas.net/2011-07-24/asp_net-mvc_3-ajax-form-jquery-validate-supporting-unobtrusive-client-side-validation-and-server-side-validation [1]
However it is based on the form edit fields always being visible
I'd like to show a static list with field values, but let the user activate an edit field by clicking "edit" (e.g. button)
I did modify the example at [1] by creating a default partial view with a form with submit button only. When posting the data by ajax the edit form will show. It looks like it is working, (I only need to hide validation errors on the first POST - which does not send real data).
An even better solution would probably be to leave out all forms in the static view, just have a single css class button/link next to each item, and let jquery fetch the relevant view for the clicked item. I am not sure how to do that with MVC 3+jQuery though.
Another update:
I discovered Ajax.Actionlink, which did exactly what I wanted!
I found out how to do it, and it turned out to be real simple!
I created two partial views.
One for rendering each static item. I used used Ajax.ActionLink with InsertionMode "replace", and set the parent of the item as the target
The second for rendering the form. Here I used Ajax.Beginform with similar options.
On successfully saved data, I returned the static view, on failure, I returned the partial view with the ajax form again.
I'm happy I found a MVC-centric way to do it (although it is fun creating custom stuff with jQuery)
It sounds like you need an inline editing plugin for jQuery. I would try jEditable. I have not used it myself but appears to have extensive docs.
this entry might help: code + video + explanation ;)

can link_to lead to rendering sth?

i want to render a partial within a view. so that when button MORE is clicked everything stays the same just additional characters are shown. in my case the whole article.
<%= #article1.content[0..300] + "..." %>
<%= link_to "more", ....... %>
i dont know what the right methot would be. somehow i have to explain to rails that when button more is clicked it shows me the whole article. maybe i shouldn't use method link_to ..
thank you in advance for your replys
What you're looking for is link_to_remote or link_to_function.
link_to_remote will be fetching the rest of the article from your controller and replacing/appending to a DOM element with a partial via RJS. This allows you to minimize unnecessary data being sent, and facilitates handling users that have javascript disabled.
With link_to_function, the entire article will be served when the page is loaded, but the everything beyond the first 300 characters will be hidden by CSS. This is easier to set up but sends a lot more data, it also relies on the user having javascript enabled.
Without looking at the source the average user probably couldn't distinguish between the two methods.
Which choice you go with is up to you. Sorry, I haven't got time to provide code examples, but the internet is full of them.
try link_to_function, use truncate for part and insert hidden tag with full text, switch them using javascript in link_to_function
