What is the "Rails Way" to load templated pages - ruby-on-rails

I am just starting to pick up Ruby on Rails. I rather like it, but I ran into a roadblock. I know of two ways to solve a problem but I am curious as to what the "Rails Way" to do this is.
The Setup
I have an index page that lists project descriptions. When a user clicks on a project it brings them to the show function of the projects controller. Projects in the list are loaded from a MySQL database.
What I Want To Do
I want to be able to load project specific information on each "Project Page." This information consists of documentation, code examples, etc. Each page will have the same general template.
Way 1
Store the HTML and text in the MySQL database in a "Sections" table and load all the sections related to that project. Display each section going down the page.
Way 2 (The way I would rather do it)
Have a separate view for each project with the full documentation. Load a specific view based on the project that is loaded in the show function
Is there some third way in Rails that I am not used to thinking of since I come from using CodeIgniter?
I am completely up for adapting to what the "Rails Way" is, but I am just not sure what the proper convention for this kind of thing is.
Or is this problem a case of, it does not matter how you do it at all?
Thanks in advance.

There are many ways to do this, one of the easiest ways is to override default template.(render :action doesn’t run any code in the target action only template)
This is Way2 in your question. Example:
def show
#project = Project.find(params[:id])
if #project.has_template?
render :action => "show_#{#project.template_name}" and return
render :action => "show"
In this example directory app/views/projects should have templates for each project
with names like "show.html.erb" for default one and "show_myspecialproject.html.erb" for project with template_name "myspecialproject" , etc....
Template_name is a method that tell you if project has such or should use default, you can put any logic in this method, it can be additional column id table or just template_name can be equal to project name, or it can just check if file exist in current directory.
You can also use partial templates if you want to use show.html.erb because you have code duplications and keep your templates DRY.
This way
controller action is default
def show
#project = Project.find(params[:id])
in show.html.erb
<h1><%= #project.name %></h1>
<%= render #project.tamplate_name %>
In this example all partial templates should start with "_" ,
Ex. : "_myspecialproject.html.erb"

If each project has the same general template, I don't know what the value is of having different views.
Here's a suggestion to try on for size.
You can store the documentation, code examples, etc. in a sections table, or each type in it's own table. If you have them in a sections table, include a type field, and use different classes for each type. Let's say Documentation and CodeExample are two such classes.
Define a has_one in your Project class for each type with a :conditions option.
class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :documentation, :conditions => { :type => "Documentation" }
has_one :code_example, :conditions => { :type => "CodeExample" }
class Documentation < ActiveRecord::Base
set_table_name "sections"
belongs_to :project
If you want to organize your project show page to include the sections, you can call partials for each section type.
If you want your project show page to have a link or tab (you can implement tabs on the page using links or CSS formatted buttons) go to a show action in a controller for the section type. Using nested routes for this might be an idea you want to use.
resources :projects do
resource :documentation
resource :code_example
These are some ideas. You might take what you want from my ideas, if you don't want to do it all this way.


Rails3 Admin UI frameworks

We will soon be rewriting a 5 year old rails app, with a very unsound code foundation, from scratch in a brand new Rails 3 app with all the new hotness. The current app has a substantial custom admin UI backend which depends on now admin frameworks at all. Just some base controller classes and some somewhat useful CSS conventions. But maintaining that UI is a lot of work, especially if we want it to look half way nice.
So I'm in the market for an Admin UI framework that will make the simple stuff trivial, but without getting the way of more complex customization in both form and function.
The top contender, ActiveAdmin, seems to be very popular, and after playing with it a bit I have some concerns. It seems to declare a whole unique DSL that exists in a single ruby file. This is kind of neat, but it's also a completely different than how most other Rails apps are architected. It abstracts away the view, the helper the controller, and gives you a pure ruby DSL. It seems to me that this would get in the way of doing tricky things, more advanced custom things in our admin views. DSL's are great, until you want to do something they don't explicitly support.
Example "Resource" from my experimentation, with no controller and no view.
ActiveAdmin.register Region do
menu parent: "Wines"
show title: :name
index do
column(:zone) { |o| link_to o.zone, admin_region_path(o) }
column(:name) { |o| link_to o.name, admin_region_path(o) }
So, the questions:
Is not being based on the standard Rails MVC architecture in separate files, and the typical controller inheritance based implementation of an admin area, actually something I should be concerned about? Will it hamper extensibility in the long term?
Is the DSL in ActiveAdmin better and more flexible than I'm giving it credit for?
Should I be looking at some other framework that lends itself better to my goals of high customization?
Should I stop being lazy and roll my own?
Does the choice of Mongoid instead of MySQL as a database affect any of the above questions?
It is worth mentioning that in ActiveAdmin you can also create your own complex forms by using partials
form partial: 'my_form'
and expand controller functions with a controller block.
controller do
def edit
def index
+1 for active admin, I use it in many projects, including a cms I'm building. It indeed is more flexible than many people who are newer with it give it credit for, at the end of the day you can always do:
controller do
def custom_action
Puts "hi"
(Think that's the right syntax writing from phone so all this is off top of head)
Also, I swear by inherited resources, which active admin controllers extend, as they really force you (in a good way) into writing restful, reuse able code. Bottom line is I believe active admin is leaps and bounds ahead of the others I've tried (railsadmin and at least one other)
Sure, here is the inherited_resources documentation
And here is an example of modifying the controller directly, from my little CMS project.
ActiveAdmin.register Channel do
index do
column :title
column :slug
column "Fields" do |channel|
"#{link_to('View Fields', admin_channel_entry_fields_path(channel))} #{link_to 'Add Field', new_admin_channel_entry_field_path(channel)}".html_safe
column "Actions" do |channel|
"#{link_to('View Entries', admin_channel_entries_path(channel))} #{link_to 'Create Entry', new_admin_channel_entry_path(channel)}".html_safe
form :html => { :enctype => "multipart/form-data" } do |f|
f.inputs "Channel" do
f.input :title
f.input :display_name
f.input :image
controller do
def begin_of_association_chain
def tags
query = params[:q]
if query[-1,1] == " "
query = query.gsub(" ", "")
#tags = ActsAsTaggableOn::Tag.all
#tags = #tags.select { |v| v.name =~ /#{query}/i }
respond_to do |format|
format.json { render :json => #tags.collect{|t| {:id => t.name, :name => t.name }}}
Basically, I am using the inherited resources, begin_of_association_chain method (one of my favorite things about IR), to scope all the data within channels, or any of the admin resources that inherit from my channels resource, to the current site, without having a url like /admin/sites/1/channels -- Because I am already setting current_site based on the url the visitor enters with. -- Anyways, basically once you are inside:
controller do
puts self.inspect
Returns the actual controller itself, e.g. Admin::ChannelsController (which < InheritedResources::Base, maybe not directly but all the IH controller methods should be available at this point).

ActiveAdmin - generate link to index, with filter preset?

In an ActiveAdmin page, I would like to include a link to a list of related resources. For example, given that a
Site has_many Sections and,
Section belongs_to a Site (in my ActiveRecord models),
I would like my Site's show page to include a link to Sections within the site, which would go to the Section index page, with the Site filter preset.
Note that
I do not want to use ActiveAdmin's belongs_to function;
I don't want nested resources for a number of reasons (depth of nesting > 2, as well as usability concerns).
What I want is to generate a URL similar to the one ActiveAdmin generates if I first go to the Sections index page and then filter by Site.
The query parameter list generated by ActiveAdmin's filtering feature is pretty crazy; is there a helper method I could use to achieve this goal?
I use this syntax:
link_to "Section", admin_sections_path(q: { site_id_eq: site.id })
I worked out a reasonably satisfactory solution after poking around in meta_search for a bit. Syntax is a bit clunky, but it does the trick.
index do
column "Sections" do |site|
link_to "Sections (#{site.sections.count})", :controller => "sections", :action => "index", 'q[site_id_eq]' => "#{site.id}".html_safe
As jgshurts pointed out, the trick is identifying that q[site_id_eq] query parameter.
However, if you don't like the clunky syntax, you can also just use a path helper:
link_to "Sections (#{site.sections.count})", admin_sections_path('q[site_id_eq]' => site.id)
The UrlHelper#link_to documentation shows additional examples of this.
#auto_link(resource, content = display_name(resource)) ⇒ Object
Automatically links objects to their resource controllers. If the
resource has not been registered, a string representation of the
object is returned.
The default content in the link is returned from
You can pass in the content to display
eg: auto_link(#post, "My Link")
ActiveAdmin.register Girl do
index do
column :name do |girl|
auto_link(girl, girl.name)
column :email
column :created_at
Useful-link: http://www.rubydoc.info/github/gregbell/active_admin/ActiveAdmin/ViewHelpers/AutoLinkHelper
Note: This is tested with ActiveAdmin (v1.1.0 and 2.0.0.alpha)
Hope this works with other version as well. Please update this answer if you are sure it works with other versions you know.

Rendering polymorphic object in Rails

For people that only want the question, here it is :
Is there a way to specify the folder to look in when you call render on an object? I don't want to specify the view, only the folder to look in.
And for people that want context :
I am working on an activity stream system (something that looks like google+/facebook).
I have "Activities", which are exactly like google+ feeds (or facebook, or whatever!). So, I have a simple loop that display each activities, which are bound to one of the following object (polymorphic) : User, Group, Comment, Note.
In my view that render an activity (views/activities/_activity.html.erb), I have
<%= render activity.object %>
where activity.object is a reference to the bound object (User, Group, Note, Comment). If it's a user, it goes to views/users/_user.html.erb and renders it. For a group, views/groups/_group.html.erb.
That works just fine. However, I come to the point where the rendering of a group in my activities should not be the same rendering as in the group list page. Is there a way to specify the folder to look in when you call render on an object? So that my :
<%= render activity.object %>
would become :
<%= render activity.object, :folder => 'views/activities/' %>
Note that I don't want to specify which view directly, as I don't want to do a case for each of the possible types of objects (User, Group, Note, Comment) in the activity. I want to to have the same behaviour as of right now, which means if it finds a views/activities/_user.html.erb, it would load any user in the activities with that view instead of the one in the views/users/_user.html.erb.
I'm not aware of any folder type option, but when I do this I usually do:
<%= render "activities/#{activity.object.class.name.underscore}" %>
That would give you similar behaviour.
EDIT A good point below by Dominic, if your classes are nested in namespaces, you will have to include the appropriate structure.
module Foo
class Bar < ActiveRecord::Base
# class.name is Foo::Bar, underscored is 'foo/bar'
<%= render "activities/#{activity.object_type.underscore}" %>
# will be in
In current Rails (3.2.9), you can define a to_partial_path method on your model to tell it where to look.
For example, you can do:
class User
def to_partial_path; "user"; end
Rails will then look for _user.html.erb relative to the view from which you're calling render.
My own approach, which I extracted in polymorphic_render gem - to add suffixes for special partials, but store that partial in resource folders.
In your case views/users/_user.html.erb will have very common user representation (which probably used in users list rendering), but views/users/_user_activity.html.erb will render special partial for user activity.
And inserting that partials is very simple, just <%= polymorphic_render activity.object, :activity %>

Rails: Create a custom UI for a single specific object

I've run into a problem I'm completely unsure how to approach.
I have an app for sharing architectural photos. Users have_many Photos, and users can create Collections which also have_many Photos.
Now I have one customer who is a big name in the industry who would like to work with me to create a totally customized Collection with a very different look and feel from "regular" collections, but essentially the same functionality underneath. I'd like to accommodate this request, but I really have no idea how to do it.
Given that I already have a functioning Collection model and CollectionsController, plus all the views, I'd like to re-use as much of that as possible. So, for instance, the custom Collection needs to override the user facing :show view, but not the admin :edit view.
How would you approach something like this?
I'm trying to understand the most efficient, DRY method for creating a completely custom UI for a single record in the database. I'd be very appreciative of suggestions, including links to articles / books etc, as I haven't been able to find much in this area.
I would allow the creation of Liquid view templates associated with a User and/or Collection (if you want both - per-user templates with per-collection variations - use a polymorphic association) and of course fall back to your default view (also built with Liquid for consistency and reference) for all cases where no custom template is found.
Edit to add suggested details:
Any custom templates should be stored in the database (I would add a test/preview function so the user entering a custom template has the chance to verify their template before publishing it):
# Table name custom_templates
# id :integer
# templatable_type :string
# templatable_id :integer
# contents :text
class CustomTemplate < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :templatable, :polymorphic => true
class User
has_one :custom_template, :as => :templatable
class Collection
has_one :custom_template, :as => :templatable
In your controller action, look for a custom template:
custom_template = #collection.custom_template
custom_template ||= #user.custom_template
#custom_template = Liquid::Template.parse(custom_template.contents) if custom_template
In your view, either render the custom template or your default template partial:
<% if #custom_template -%>
<%= #custom_template.render(_hash_of_objects_to_pass_to_liquid_template_) %>
<% else -%>
<%= render :partial => 'default' %>
<% end -%>

How do I implement Section-specific navigation in Ruby on Rails?

I have a Ruby/Rails app that has two or three main "sections". When a user visits that section, I wish to display some sub-navigation. All three sections use the same layout, so I can't "hard code" the navigation into the layout.
I can think of a few different methods to do this. I guess in order to help people vote I'll put them as answers.
Any other ideas? Or what do you vote for?
You can easily do this using partials, assuming each section has it's own controller.
Let's say you have three sections called Posts, Users and Admin, each with it's own controller: PostsController, UsersController and AdminController.
In each corresponding views directory, you declare a _subnav.html.erb partial:
In each of these subnav partials you declare the options specific to that section, so /users/_subnav.html.erb might contain:
<ul id="subnav">
<li><%= link_to 'All Users', users_path %></li>
<li><%= link_to 'New User', new_user_path %></li>
Whilst /posts/_subnav.html.erb might contain:
<ul id="subnav">
<li><%= link_to 'All Posts', posts_path %></li>
<li><%= link_to 'New Post', new_post_path %></li>
Finally, once you've done this, you just need to include the subnav partial in the layout:
<div id="header">...</div>
<%= render :partial => "subnav" %>
<div id="content"><%= yield %></div>
<div id="footer">...</div>
Partial render. This is very similar to the helper method except perhaps the layout would have some if statements, or pass that off to a helper...
As for the content of your submenus, you can go at it in a declarative manner in each controller.
class PostsController < ApplicationController
helper_method :menu_items
def menu_items
['Submenu 1', url_for(me)],
['Submenu 2', url_for(you)]
Now whenever you call menu_items from a view, you'll have the right list to iterate over for the specific controller.
This strikes me as a cleaner solution than putting this logic inside view templates.
Note that you may also want to declare a default (empty?) menu_items inside ApplicationController as well.
Warning: Advanced Tricks ahead!
Render them all. Hide the ones that you don't need using CSS/Javascript, which can be trivially initialized in any number of ways. (Javascript can read the URL used, query parameters, something in a cookie, etc etc.) This has the advantage of potentially playing much better with your cache (why cache three views and then have to expire them all simultaneously when you can cache one?), and can be used to present a better user experience.
For example, let's pretend you have a common tab bar interface with sub navigation. If you render the content of all three tabs (i.e. its written in the HTML) and hide two of them, switching between two tabs is trivial Javascript and doesn't even hit your server. Big win! No latency for the user. No server load for you.
Want another big win? You can use a variation on this technique to cheat on pages which might but 99% common across users but still contain user state. For example, you might have a front page of a site which is relatively common across all users but say "Hiya Bob" when they're logged in. Put the non-common part ("Hiya, Bob") in a cookie. Have that part of the page be read in via Javascript reading the cookie. Cache the entire page for all users regardless of login status in page caching. This is literally capable of slicing 70% of the accesses off from the entire Rails stack on some sites.
Who cares if Rails can scale or not when your site is really Nginx serving static assets with new HTML pages occasionally getting delivered by some Ruby running on every thousandth access or so ;)
You could use something like the navigation plugin at http://rpheath.com/posts/309-rails-plugin-navigation-helper
It doesn't do sub-section navigation out of the box, but with a little tweaking you could probably set it up to do something similar.
I suggest you use partials. There are a few ways you can go about it. When I create partials that are a bit picky in that they need specific variables, I also create a helper method for it.
module RenderHelper
#options: a nested array of menu names and their corresponding url
def render_submenu(menu_items=[[]])
render :partial => 'shared/submenu', :locals => {:menu_items => menu_items}
Now the partial has a local variable named menu_items over which you can iterate to create your submenu. Note that I suggest a nested array instead of a hash because a hash's order is unpredictable.
Note that the logic deciding what items should be displayed in the menu could also be inside render_submenu if that makes more sense to you.
I asked pretty much the same question myself: Need advice: Structure of Rails views for submenus? The best solution was probably to use partials.
There is another possible way to do this: Nested Layouts
i don't remember where i found this code so apologies to the original author.
create a file called nested_layouts.rb in your lib folder and include the following code:
module NestedLayouts
def render(options = nil, &block)
if options
if options[:layout].is_a?(Array)
layouts = options.delete(:layout)
options[:layout] = layouts.pop
inner_layout = layouts.shift
options[:text] = layouts.inject(render_to_string(options.merge({:layout=>inner_layout}))) do |output,layout|
render_to_string(options.merge({:text => output, :layout => layout}))
then, create your various layouts in the layouts folder, (for example 'admin.rhtml' and 'application.rhtml').
Now in your controllers add this just inside the class:
include NestedLayouts
And finally at the end of your actions do this:
def show
render :layout => ['admin','application']
the order of the layouts in the array is important. The admin layout will be rendered inside the application layout wherever the 'yeild' is.
this method can work really well depending on the design of the site and how the various elements are organized. for instance one of the included layouts could just contain a series of divs that contain the content that needs to be shown for a particular action, and the CSS on a higher layout could control where they are positioned.
There are few approaches to this problem.
You might want to use different layouts for each section.
You might want to use a partial included by all views in a given directory.
You might want to use content_for that is filled by either a view or a partial, and called in the global layout, if you have one.
Personally I believe that you should avoid more abstraction in this case.
