Is it possible to add dynamic jQuery tabs using KnockoutJS Templates? - jquery-ui

I'm trying to build a dynamic display in a web page. The site is built in ASP.NET MVC 3, but I'm not sure if this matters...
Essentially, I have a base "_Editor.cshtml" page which uses partials to render the specific editor content in my display using query parameters. Consider an editor for a chart (line chart vs. bar chart).
<div id='tabs'>
<li><a href='#queryTab'>Define Query</a></li>
<!-- ko template: 'tabNames' -->
<!-- /ko -->
<li><a href='#themeTab'>Styles and Themes</a></li>
<div id='queryTab'>
<!-- configure db connection, tables, fields, etc... (not important) -->
<!-- ko template: 'tabContent' -->
<!-- /ko -->
<div id='themeTab'>
<!-- show various style options here (not important) -->
<script type="text/javascript">
var vm = { /* define my model here */ };
#if (Model.EditorType == ChartTypes.Bar) {
} else if (Model.EditorType == ChartTypes.Line) {
<script id="tabNames" type="text/html">
<li>Bar Chart Tab!</li>
<!-- I could have many more tab names here -->
<script id="tabContent" type="text/html">
<div id="barChartTab">
<h1>Add controls for bar chart configuration</h1>
<!-- I would create a div for each tab name above here -->
<script id="tabNames" type="text/html">
<li>Line Chart Tab!</li>
<script id="tabContent" type="text/html">
<div id="lineChartTab">
<h1>Add controls for line chart configurations</h1>
Sorry for the lengthy code drop (it took a long time to write it all here, so have mercy on me). :) I wanted to make sure that my problem was understood because of the way I'm building my editors using custom partials. Perhaps it's cludgy, but it works for the most part...
Really, everything works great except for the tab content. The tab rendering appears to be happening before I'm able to bind my view model to the UI. When the 'ko.applyBindings()' method is called, the tab shows up on different tabs.
Has anybody tried to do this? Has anybody had success? I've created a jsfiddle to show a simple scenario to show exactly what I'm talking about:
Thanks for any help!

I actually got it working with your example, your content template was just structured incorrectly. It was missing the <div> tags.
If you modify this for your example, just remember that the div id needs to match the link's ref. You can throw both of these values into your viewmodel, to allow for multiple custom tabs.


Change template content at runtime

I want to build Polymer element that generates a list output
<polymer-element name="polymer-list>
<template id="my-repeat" repeat="{{item in listData}}">
<!-- use content here -->
<!-- some fix dummy content to see how this is handled -->
<div id="div_{{item['item']['index']}}">{{item['item']['index']}}</div>
<content id="content" select="*"></content>
<script type="application/dart" src="polymer_list.dart"></script>
and I want to move the elements provided by <content select="*"></content> inside the <template id="my-repeat"> tag (at the position of <!-- use content here -->) when the polymer-list is initiated (ready, attached, ...).
My polymer-list should be used like
<polymer-list id="list" data="{{data}}" on-polymer-select="{{selectAction}}">
<div class="header">{{item['index']}}</div>
<div class="item {{item['selected']}}">Index: {{item['index']}}</div>
As result both <div>s should be repeated for each item in data by the <polymer-list> element.
I tried
var listContent = ($['content'] as ContentElement).getDistributedNodes();
var t = ($['my-repeat'] as TemplateElement);
listContent.forEach((n) => t.append(n.clone(true));
// listContent.forEach((n) => t.content.append(n.clone(true)); // didn't work either
as result I get
<!-- ... -->
<template id="my-repeat" repeat="{{item in listData}}">
<div class="header"></div>
<div class="item">Index: </div>
<div id="div_0">0</div>
<div id="div_1">1</div>
<div id="div_0">2</div>
<!-- ... -->
The fix dummy content is repeated normally but the dynamically added elements are placed inside a document-fragment but not repeated.
Any hint about manipulating the HTML at <!-- use content here --> at runtime would be great.
Unfortunately you can insert you content only one time as specified in specification (
Insertion points let you reordered or selectively omit rendering the host's children, but they will not cause something to be rendered multiple times. Tree order dictates when each of these elements takes a pass at selecting the children. Once the child is selected to be rendered at one insertion point, it can't be claimed by another one, which is why the details-open decorator only renders the summary once.

jquery mobile horizantal radio buttons in knock out template binding

I am trying to bind jquery mobile horizantal radio buttons using knock out teplate binding.
The fielsset in template looks like
<fieldset data-role="controlgroup" data-bind="attr: {id:QuestionID+'_fld'},template: {name:'optionTemplate', foreach: OptionList}">
and the option template looks like
<script type="text/x-jquery-tmpl" id="optionTemplate">
<input type="radio" data-bind="attr: { id:OptionID+'_radio',value:OptionID, name: QuestionID+'_rd'}, checked:$parent.OptionId" />
<label data-bind="text:OptionText, attr: {id:OptionID+'_optn', for : QuestionID+'_rd' }"> </lable>
I have tried
Here my problem is that the mobile css is not applying to the fiedset.
You must do this after the template has built your page or during the page initialization event, something like this:
$(document).on('pagebeforeshow', '#pageID', function(){
Page content can be enhanced ONLY when content is safely loaded into the DOM.
Second this do NOT mix refresh functions with trigger create. Either one or the other. Trigger create is used to enhance whole content, and it should NOT be used on single elements. No point in restyling whole page every time you add new content.
Basically you only want to use:
or if first line throws an error:
But I would advise you to only use this line after everything has been appended:
where #contentID is an id of your div data-role="content" object. Or in case you are not using content div, only data-role="page" div then use this:
where #pageID is an id of your page.
To find out more about marku enhancement of dynamically added content take a look at this answer.

Partial View Based Web Site - Asp.Net MVC 4

I'm working on a project and i have to deal with some unusual design for me. My goal is to work with 2 different simultaneous work area. Left one should change its value between 2 different partial view. The second one (mid and right area), should change its views independently from the left one.
So, at the end, i end up with 2 different divs, left and right one and Jqueryiu Tab plugin... after clicking one of the tabs i load the partial view inside it.
<div id="conteudo">
<div class="container-abas-laterais">
<div id="abas-laterais" style="width: 100%; height: 100%">
<div class="container-abas">
<div id="abas">
<div class="container-abas-conteudo">
<div id="aba-1">
<p>Conteúdo da aba um.</p>
<div id="aba-2">
<p>Conteúdo da aba dois.</p>
<div id="aba-3">
<p>Conteúdo da aba três.</p>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () { $("#abas").tabs(); });
$(function () { $("#abas-laterais").tabs(); });
Well, the partial views loaded directly from the tabs clicks worked really well, just as i wanted... the problem is the ones that those initial views should also call... i need to keep all the views and functions inside those divs... it should act like an iFrame.. wah, sometimes, what i do in left one should take place in right one...
So i wanted to know some tips or ways to achieve this kind of behaviour in mvc. Please, if my idea is confuse or not well detailed, just let me know...
Thanks for the help.
If I am interpreting you correctly: that you want to load up the second set of tabs based on those links in the first set? If so, it would be something like this for your links:
#Ajax.ActionLink("Requerimentos", "Requerimento", "AcessoRapido", null, new AjaxOptions{ UpdateTargetId = "aba-1", OnSuccess = "changeTabs(1)" }, null)
And the action that link invokes will need to return a PartialView as your action result. Then on a successful return, you will see that it's calling a function on success where you can change the tab to the one you want.
function changeTabs(index){
$("#abas").tabs("select", index);
If all the assumptions are correct, don't forget that you will need to include unobtrusive ajax in your page and also the correct key in your web.config:
<add key="UnobtrusiveJavaScriptEnabled" value="true" />
<script src="/Scripts/jquery.unobtrusive-ajax.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
Forgive me if I have misinterpreted your question. I hope this helps.

properly using jQuery Mobile event handling in version 1.7.1

I am at my wits end with jQuery Mobile events. I do not understand them, despite following the docs to the T. I am using the following code to initialize my pages. The problem is that some seem to fire multiple times and occasionally when I go back to a page nothing will appear, as though .live pageinit simply doesn't fire at all. I am quite confused. Is pageinit the way to go? is .live best practice? Do I need to clean up after myself and use something like pagehide to remove stuff from the DOM? Please help me understand. Thanks!
// page number 1
includes and stuff
<div data-role="page" data-theme="a" id="dashboardPage">
$('#dashboardPage').live('pageinit',function() {
// somewhere in here a page transition to anotherPage.html (not necessarily the id of the new page in the <div data-role-"page data-theme...> declaration
$.mobile.changePage("anotherPage.html",{transition : "slide"});
// page number 2
includes and stuff
<div data-role="page" data-theme="a" id="specialsPage">
$('#specialsPage').live('pageinit',function() {
You could try something like this:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./css/jquery.structure-1.1.0.min.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./css/" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./css/" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="./js/jquery-1.7.1.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="./js/"></script>
<!-- PAGE 1 -->
<div data-role="page" data-theme="a" id="dashboardPage">
// INITIALIGE PAGE 1 - dashboardPage
alert( '"initializing" page 1: dashboardPage');
HERE YOU ARE AT PAGE 1 (dashboardPage)!!!<br><br>
CLICK HERE TO GO TO PAGE 2 (specialsPage)
<!-- PAGE 2 -->
<div data-role="page" data-theme="a" id="specialsPage">
// INITIALIGE PAGE 2 - specialsPage
alert( '"initializing" page 2: specialsPage');
HERE YOU ARE AT PAGE 2 (specialsPage)!!!<br><br>
CLICK HERE TO GO TO PAGE 1 (dashboardPage)
Hope it helps.
When using JQuery mobile you should consider you have a single page which content is updated dynamically. You do not navigate from one page to the other as you normally would.
Because of this, any code present in a page you navigate to with JQM simply be ignored (tyr changing the header of page number 2, and navigate to this page from page number 1 with changepage, you will not see any difference).
Because of that, all your js code should be directly available within the page in which your user will arrive.
If you add the following code in the scripts of page 1, you will proeperly detect the initialization of of page2 when it is loaded with changepage.
alert( '"initializing" page 2: specialsPage');
An important thing to keep in mind is that you user might also directly access your page2, which means that all the code should also be available for page 2. Because of this I would strongly recommend including all your code in a js file referenced in the headers of all your page, and NOT directly in script tags within your pages.

Loading HTML-Page with jQuery mobile

Basically I want to "outsource" some of the content pages into single .html files. The pages are located at the same server and should be loaded normally by a link:
<li>Link1<span class="icon"></span></li>
The content of the link1.html page:
<!-- page -->
<div data-role="page" class="pages" id="link1">
<!-- header -->
<div data-role="header"> Menu
<div class="headerlogo"></div>
<!-- /header -->
<div data-role="headerimage" class="headerimage"><img src="images/headerimages/bild1.jpg" /></div>
<div data-role="content">
<!-- /content -->
<!-- /page -->
When I am clicking on the link in the menu, the content is shown fine. But the URL is changed in a way that may cause troubles.
What I want is:
But what I get is:
So the problem is, that if someone tries to reload the page, he/she only gets the content of link1.html without all js/css things.
What I am doing wrong?
You'll need to include the jquery mobile code in the head of link1.html and every other external file if you're going to take this approach.
Edit - This may actually achieve what you're trying to do.
$(document).on('mobileinit', function () {
$.mobile.pushStateEnabled = false;
Make sure the event handler is placed before jQuery Mobile is loaded.
