Rails 3 Ajax file upload unsuccessful with remotipart gem - ruby-on-rails

I am having trouble with Ajax file uploading in Rails 3.0.5 Ruby v 1.8.7 using the gem 'remotipart', '~> 0.4'. I have success with the alerts showing up when I remove the if #asset.save? statement in the controller but when its there the js file isn't called. For some reason the assets are not being saved.
Any ideas?
def create
#asset = Asset.new(params[:asset])
respond_to do |format|
if #asset.save
<%= form_for #asset, :remote => true, :html => {:multipart => true}, :id => "new_asset_form" do |f| %>
<%= render :partial => 'shared/error_messages', :locals => { :target => #asset } %>
<%= f.hidden_field :company_id, :value => current_company.id %>
<%= f.file_field :asset %>
<%= submit_tag 'Add', :class => 'submit' %>
<% end %>
<%= remotipart_response do %>
// Display a Javascript alert
<% if remotipart_submitted? %>
alert('submitted via remotipart')
<% else %>
alert('submitted via native jquery-ujs')
<% end %>
<% end %>
Terminal Log:
Started POST "/assets" for at Thu May 10 14:45:40 -0400 2012
Processing by AssetsController#create as JS
Parameters: {"commit"=>"Add", "authenticity_token"=>"9TDxFQfTGrdz8gKti413FoIr1JUSwLGQQXv/tJQd+sY=", "utf8"=>"✓", "_"=>"", "asset"=>{"company_id"=>"5"}}
Company Load (0.5ms) SELECT `companies`.* FROM `companies` WHERE `companies`.`subdomain` = 'demo' LIMIT 1
User Load (0.7ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 295 AND (company_id = 5) LIMIT 1
CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 295 AND (company_id = 5) LIMIT 1
Rendered assets/create.js.erb (0.7ms)
Completed 200 OK in 182ms (Views: 8.9ms | ActiveRecord: 1.2ms)
Thanks for any help. Been stuck for hours.

Try upgrading to the latest version of Remotipart, found here: http://os.alfajango.com/remotipart/


If URL contains string?

How can I use a conditional to do one thing if :name is passed to the _form and another thing if that :name isn't passed?
With :name passed:
Started GET "/inspirations/new?inspiration%5Bname%5D=Always+trust+yourself+more+than+you+doubt+yourself" for at 2016-11-08 01:00:44 -0500
Processing by InspirationsController#new as HTML
Parameters: {"inspiration"=>{"name"=>"Always trust yourself more than you doubt yourself"}}
Without :name passed:
Started GET "/inspirations/new" for at 2016-11-08 01:16:18 -0500
Processing by InspirationsController#new as */*
User Load (0.3ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."id" = $1 LIMIT 1 [["id", 1]]
CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."id" = $1 LIMIT 1 [["id", 1]]
Inspiration Load (0.4ms) SELECT "inspirations".* FROM "inspirations" WHERE "inspirations"."id" IS NULL LIMIT 1
Rendered inspirations/_form.html.erb (4.1ms)
Rendered inspirations/new.html.erb within layouts/modal (5.9ms)
Completed 200 OK in 49ms (Views: 41.9ms | ActiveRecord: 0.7ms)
<%= simple_form_for(#inspiration) do |f| %>
<%= f.text_area :name %>
<% if params[:name].nil? %> # Should Be Triggered If No :name Is Present in URL
<% end %>
<% end %>
So for example when a URL includes a string:
But I often use a URL shortener.
Didn't work for me:
Is there a way to check if part of the URL contains a certain string
including url parameters in if statement
Try this:
<%= simple_form_for(#inspiration) do |f| %>
<%= f.text_area :name %>
<% if params[:inspiration].try(:[], :name).nil? %> # Should Be Triggered If No :name Is Present in URL
<% end %>
<% end %>
This will check :name inside params[:inspiration] only if the later is present. So, no error should occur.
You can avoid the error using fetch.
<%= simple_form_for(#inspiration) do |f| %>
<%= f.text_area :name %>
<%= f.text_area :name %>
<% name = params.fetch(:inspiration, {}).fetch(:name, nil) %>
<% if name.nil? %>
<% end %>
<% end %>

Saving multiple records with params.require in ruby

I'm trying to update multiple records. The form generates fine and submits fine and the data is sent. The records are looked up to update, but no data is ever saved. I have my controller logic, form logic and console dump below. I'm trying to duplicate what Anthony Lewis put together but I have a feeling I am not passing the right data into or defining correctly the params.require().permit() method. Thanks in advance for your help!
class ConfigController < ApplicationController
def edit
#services = Service.all
def update
params["service"].keys.each do |id|
#service = Service.find(id.to_i)
redirect_to config_url
def service_params
params.require(:service).permit(:id, :client_id, :client_secret)
Form code is:
<%= form_for :service, :url => update_config_path, :html => { :class => "form-horizontal", :method => "put", :remote => true } do %>
<% #services.each do |s| %>
<%= fields_for "service[]", s do |service_field| %>
<legend><%= s.name %></legend>
<div class="form-group">
<%= service_field.label :client_id, "Consumer Key", :class => "col-sm-2 control-label" %>
<div class="col-sm-10">
<%= service_field.text_field :client_id, :class => "form-control" %>
<div class="form-group">
<%= service_field.label :client_secret, "Consumer Secret", :class => "col-sm-2 control-label" %>
<div class="col-sm-10">
<%= service_field.text_field :client_secret, :class => "form-control" %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<%= submit_tag %>
<% end %>
Console reads:
Started PUT "/config" for at 2013-11-22 15:44:08 -0800
Processing by ConfigController#update as JS
Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "service"=>{"1"=>{"client_id"=>"testid", "client_secret"=>"testsecret"}, "2"=>{"client_id"=>"testkey", "client_secret"=>""}, "3"=>{"client_id"=>"", "client_secret"=>""}}, "commit"=>"Save changes"}
Service Load (0.3ms) SELECT "services".* FROM "services" WHERE "services"."id" = $1 LIMIT 1 [["id", 1]]
Unpermitted parameters: 1, 2, 3
(0.1ms) BEGIN
(0.1ms) COMMIT
Unpermitted parameters: 1, 2, 3
Service Load (0.2ms) SELECT "services".* FROM "services" WHERE "services"."id" = $1 LIMIT 1 [["id", 2]]
Unpermitted parameters: 1, 2, 3
(0.1ms) BEGIN
(0.1ms) COMMIT
Unpermitted parameters: 1, 2, 3
Service Load (0.2ms) SELECT "services".* FROM "services" WHERE "services"."id" = $1 LIMIT 1 [["id", 3]]
Unpermitted parameters: 1, 2, 3
(0.1ms) BEGIN
(0.1ms) COMMIT
Unpermitted parameters: 1, 2, 3
Redirected to http://localhost:3000/config
Completed 302 Found in 6ms (ActiveRecord: 1.1ms)
I found a solution, but perhaps it isn't the best. Let me know if someone has a better idea and I'd be happy to try it!
In the solution I updated my controllers update action and the service_params.
I passed id to service_params and called fetch method on the require method to get the correct params. I noticed that in the console it read Unpermitted parameters: 1, 2, 3 when it was saving each record indicating the params were an array and I also noticed in #Vijay's solution he tried to narrow down the params as well. After some Googling and console logging I came up with the code below.
def update
params["service"].keys.each do |id|
#service = Service.find(id.to_i)
redirect_to config_url
def service_params(id)
params.require(:service).fetch(id).permit( :client_id, :client_secret )
What do you think?
Try this...
params.require(:service).permit( id: [ :client_id, :client_secret ] )
Your strong parameters line should be
params.require(:service).permit( [:id, :client_id, :client_secret ] )
This permits arrays of values
Try this one and it will work.
Let me know if you get any issue
def service_params
params.require(:service).map do |_, p|
p.permit(:id, :client_id, :client_secret)
Please try:
def update
Service.update(service_params.keys, service_params.values
def service_params
params.permit(service: [:client_id, :client_secret]).require(:service)

Create Action Doesn't Insert - Rails 3

I'm creating a profile that is associated with a member id based on Devise authentication.
When creating the profile, the values aren't inserted into the database.
Routes file.
resources :troopers do
resource :trooper_profile
Trooper model
has_one :trooper_profile
Trooper Profile model
belongs_to :trooper
Trooper Controller #create action
def create
#trooper = current_trooper
#profile = #trooper.build_trooper_profile(params[:profile])
respond_to do |format|
if #profile.save
format.html { redirect_to(trooper_trooper_profile_path, :notice => 'Profile was successfully created.') }
format.html { render :action => "new" }
Profile Form
<%= form_for #profile, :url => trooper_trooper_profile_path(#trooper) do |f| %>
<%= f.label :first_name %><br />
<%= f.text_field :first_name %><br /><br />
<%= f.label :last_name %><br />
<%= f.text_field :last_name %><br /><br />
<p><%= submit_tag "Create Profile" %></p>
<% end %>
Server output
Started POST "/troopers/1/trooper_profile" for at 2011-05-20 13:04:01 +1000
Processing by TrooperProfilesController#create as HTML
Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"LhT6b4xu5bIJ5kwhS74L7dpaGbuR5BTdirh9AziD+Ew=", "trooper_profile"=>{"first_name"=>"Robert", "last_name"=>"", "commit"=>"Create Profile", "trooper_id"=>"1"}
Trooper Load (0.5ms) SELECT "troopers".* FROM "troopers" WHERE ("troopers"."id" = 1) LIMIT 1
TrooperProfile Load (0.3ms) SELECT "trooper_profiles".* FROM "trooper_profiles" WHERE ("trooper_profiles".trooper_id = 1) LIMIT 1
Rendered trooper_profiles/_form.html.erb (11.7ms)
Rendered shared/_head.html.erb (1.6ms)
Rendered shared/_menutop.html.erb (1.2ms)
Rendered trooper_profiles/new.html.erb within layouts/application (18.5ms)
Completed 200 OK in 109ms (Views: 22.5ms | ActiveRecord: 0.8ms)
I've got this same setup in another application and can't see why this isn't working.
Change the following...
#profile = #trooper.build_trooper_profile(params[:trooper_profile])
It appears the parameters being passed are :trooper_profile
trooper_profile"=>{"first_name"=>"Robert", "last_name"=>"", "commit"=>"Create Profile", "trooper_id"=>"1"}
However, you're referencing :profile
If it's rendering the new view, then the profile isn't saving - perhaps it's a validation error? Does TrooperProfile require a last name (blank in your example)?

Loading a template via Ajax - Error

I have this form that I want to load via AJAX into the video show view:
<%= form_for #video, :url => {:action => "update"}, :remote => true do |f| %>
<div class="field">
<%= f.text_field :topic_names, :class => "topic_field" %>
<%= f.submit "Add Topic" %>
<% end %>
I have this link in the video show view that when clicked, I want it to render the form:
<%= link_to "Add Topics", new_topicable_path(#topicable, :format => :js), :remote => true, :id => 'edit_topics_link' %>
I put the form in topicables/new.html.erb and I have topicables/new.js.erb file which has:
$("<%= escape_javascript render(:file => 'topicables/new.html.erb') %>").insertAfter('.topic_holder');
Now when I click the link, I get an error in my logs. This is what my logs show:
Started GET "/topicables/new.js" for at Sat Apr 02 03:58:52 -0700 2011
Processing by TopicablesController#new as JS
Rendered topicables/new.html.erb (0.7ms)
Rendered topicables/new.js.erb (2.6ms)
Completed in 15ms
ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `model_name' for NilClass:Class):
1: <%= form_for #video, :url => {:action => "update"}, :remote => true do |f| %>
2: <div class="field">
3: <%= f.text_field :topic_names, :class => "topic_field" %>
4: </div>
app/views/topicables/new.html.erb:1:in `_app_views_topicables_new_html_erb___1876131309_2172772700_0'
app/views/topicables/new.js.erb:1:in `_app_views_topicables_new_js_erb__1367015167_2172792200_0'
Rendered /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-3.0.4/lib/action_dispatch/middleware/templates/rescues/_trace.erb (1.1ms)
Rendered /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-3.0.4/lib/action_dispatch/middleware/templates/rescues/_request_and_response.erb (92.5ms)
Rendered /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-3.0.4/lib/action_dispatch/middleware/templates/rescues/template_error.erb within rescues/layout (98.9ms)
What's going on? How can I fix this error to make the AJAX rendering of the form work?
This is basically telling you that #video is not defined. If that's the case you can either define it in your new method or use :video which creates a new instance variable rather than looking for one in the page context. Then you can handle the find and update in the update method.
Edit: jQuery load method
$("#target").load("/topicables/new #new_topicable");

Rails 3 - Using form Params in a controller's Update?

I have the following form:
<%=form_for [:project, #permission], :url => { :action => "update" } do |f| %>
<% roles = Role.all %>
Role: <%= f.collection_select :role_id, roles, :id, :name, :prompt => true %>
<%=f.submit "Send Request" %>
<%=f.hidden_field :user_id %>
<% end %>
In my controller I have:
def update
#permission = Permission.find_by_user_id(params[:user_id])
** What I want to do is update the role_id,,,, so I need the above to find the permission record... Problem is,,, params[:user_id] is coming back null?
Am I missing something? thanks
Here is the error and request params, which show the vars are there?
Started POST "/projects/3/permissions/useronproject" for at Thu Oct 14 12:17:12 -0700 2010
Processing by PermissionsController#update as HTML
Parameters: {"commit"=>"Send Request", "authenticity_token"=>"KJ2C20MzTJ8VQV0NiNzOr357QKV5hWjeuazOBcS5iPU=", "utf8"=>"✓", "id"=>"useronproject", "permission"=>{"role_id"=>"1", "user_id"=>"11"}, "project_id"=>"3"}
User Load (0.3ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE ("users"."id" = 1) LIMIT 1
Permission Load (0.1ms) SELECT "permissions".* FROM "permissions" WHERE ("permissions"."user_id" IS NULL) LIMIT 1
see - user_id is NULL?
user_id is further down the params hash. Try:
