dart and 3d graphics [closed] - dart

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Closed 10 years ago.
I want to know how is Dart handling or going to handle the graphics part. I know about WebGl but its written in javascript. Dart does have api for it, but would it get something of its own. A 3d library made for it.
and also in just your opinion what is the future of 3d/2d/etc on web.
I know for the fact that websites will become like apps.
I know that the technology that is eventually going to win is has to be open source otherwise a company could just take on a direction of its own.
I also think that gap between 3d graphics and 2d as is used in websites will narrow down.
And for this matter flash has the answer(meaning to make something appear you use language A and to just make it 3d you use language B, which is not correct way, as both are graphics.) but it belongs to one company.
But all other stuff like webgl, opengl,and unity is too complicated and works on very few places.
Mobiles and desktops will have same kind of graphical power, except size...which i am not sure given googles 3d glasses.
I so wanna learn flash...but not. It doesnt need to be this way to make a button you use css and html, but to make it 3d without hacking you go learn 1 tons of libraries and whole javascript.


Existing AR products to implement "markerless" Augmented Reality [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I need to develop an iPhone App that should be able to look at an empty room and place 3d objects into it (furniture). I don't mind walls of the room, in theory you could use it in open space too. Only needed thing is the ability to correctly place objects on the "floor" and to look around them.
Do you know any existing AR library for iOS that can do that? I don't want to use pre-printed images or similar. The library must be able to recognize movement of the device and to place camera (compute view matrix) accordingly without any external marker. I tried to do it by myself using CoreMotion but i just wasn't able to implement it (even if i know well 3d math and physics). I'm willing to pay for the product if there's no free alternative.

iOS, what graphics / gaming libraries / tool should I use for a kids education tool? Please discuss [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I need to improve the fun factor in my kids educational puzzle app. At the moment my app isn't fun, in fact the word puzzle makes it sound fun, but it's more of a learning tool.
So I figure, that I need to add some animation / effects. At this stage I don't know if that means sprites, I guess it may well do.
I've done no graphics programming. I am keen to delve into game programming, at least to get a taste of it, so I'd have a little experience if I ever decided to write a game.
However, my priorities here are to develop something reasonably quickly, say 20 hours roughly (I just mention that so I don't end up having to re-invent the wheel and spend 6 months on it) and my zero budget.
So I guess my question is, what graphics / game libraries should I use, which aren't going to be massively complicated to use, but give me a good grounding in game development, where I don't have to buy a game engine etc?
Well inhmo Cocos2d will do the job for you. The learning curve is not so high if you already know your way around iOS, it has a plethora of animations and a very strong community around it. Go through the documentation and ask the community for help with the type of animation effect you want to achieve. Start here

What are good ways to learn how to make better looking iPhone applications? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
So I have built an iPhone application using built in SDK controls, just wondering how I could make better looking applications like the ones displayed on http://pttrns.com/
Directions to books or tutorials would be grateful as well as any tips.
Take a look at Scoutzie. It's a website for finding mobile designers and design ideas.
Learn the art of graphics design, build your image assets, and stich them onto your views. You can do this a plethora of ways, not the least of which is custom drawing, image views, pattern colours... Alternatively, you can hire a designer like most of us do. :)
Point is, good iPhone interfaces are usually skinned by designers, or developers with design experience.
Look at good apps and try to recreate the experience. When the UI Layout etc is good, there really is not much left thanlearn how to create sophisticated animations and learn photoshop!
In addition, apple has several guides in the UI topic. Look around in the dev center, there is much to discover!

iOS OpenGL Question [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
I'm an intermediate iOS developer with a couple apps on the store with decent results, but I have an idea for a game. I even have some pretty spectacular ideas in mind for monetizing this game.
My problem is I don't know the first thing about OpenGL -- I'm reading the documentation and watching some videos, but that's a deep rabbit hole.
My question is: Am I better off rolling my own 3d engine, or using the SDKs already out there -- Unity, namely -- and how different should I expect those approaches to be?
If you're making a game, you're almost never better off rolling your own renderer. Not unless there's something special about your game rendering that you need to do that engines cannot accomplish.
Oh, and we have a site for game development questions.
While making a game, if you actually want to learn something then you should go for your own 3d engine.
If you go for others engine then yes, may be you will face less difficulties but at the same time you have to go according to their boundaries and limitations.
And OpenGL ES is an API used for rendering and graphics purposes.You need to learn OPenGL ES not whole OpenGL api. Its well documentation is available out there.
here's a [link] http://www.khronos.org/opengles/
I agree with Nicol. Your time and effort is probably better spent developing the game rather than developing, yet another, '3D engine'.
Take a look at the Unity tutorials. They'll give you an idea of the development process.
and how different should I expect those approaches to be?
Unity development is very different from OpenGL development. Unity is closer to an authoring environment.

does a good swf to exe wrapper open source exists? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I think the best part of flash is the possibility to create not squared user interfaces, so I like the idea to create desktop apps using flash. I know AIR is for that but it doesn't allow real access to OperatingSystem apis and dlls and the commercial options are kind of difficult to customize.
You can try ScreenweaverHX:
It's the Haxe-based successor of the old Screenweaver. However, it's not as simple as the old version used to be. Most likely you need to take a look to the basics of Haxe and Neko, the 2 technologies it's based on.
There's another project on top of SWHX that it's called HippoHX. It aims to "complete" SWHX providing that extra functionality you might miss (simple ActionScript APIs and a GUI). However, it's in its early stages:
DISCLAIMER: I'm the owner of HippoHX, so my point is obviously biased.
As far as I know SWHX is the only Open Source alternative at this point.
Try flajector. it's powerfull converter from flash to exe. You can to develop your application using AIR. And then you can convert it into desktop application .exe
