How to inline css when using the rails asset pipeline - ruby-on-rails

Instead of having the page include a style tag with a link where to get the css from, which I could add to my view using rails' stylesheet_link_tag helper method, I want to have the css inline directly inside the page.
This is what I came up with so far:
But I can't find any rails' helper method which gives me the physical path of an asset - physical_asset_path is just a dummy method invented by me.
Anybody knows how to get the physical path of an asset when using rails 3.2.x?
Is there an easier/ better way to get stylesheets - from css files inside the common rails assets paths - inline?
Use case: most email clients don't access external sources (like css, images) without user confirmation. So to get the emails properly displayed I need to embed the CSS inside the emails' HTML.

Rails.application.assets.find_asset('email').to_s will return the compiled asset as a string.

Use premailer or premailer-rails3
Joe's Nerd Party say:
We also used the Premailer gem to automatically inline the linked
stylesheet in the email views. Our email layout looks something like:
= stylesheet_link_tag 'email'
%style{:type => "text/css"}
#media all and (max-width: 480px)
width: auto !important
max-width: 600px !important
... and so on for the mobile code
Email body here.
Lots of tables.
We include a stylesheet in the HTML. Premailer downloads it, processes
it, and inserts the css rules inline in the HTML.
The #media rules need to be inline in the email layout, since
Premailer can’t handle those being in a separate css file yet.
We use premailer-rails3 to integrate Premailer into Rails 3.
Unfortunately, we found a bunch of bugs in premailer and
premailer-rails3. Our forks of the projects are at and The forks fix some
encoding bugs, remove some weird css processing stuff done by
premailer-rails3, allow premailer to not strip out embedded
rules in the email layouts, and some other things.
We also found a bug in sass-rails, where you can’t embed image-urls in
inline sass code. See
Premailer-rails3 hooks into ActionMailer when the email actually being
delivered, not just generated. When running tests, email is not
actually sent, so the premailer-rails3 hooks don’t get ran during
tests. I haven’t spent the time to see if it’s possible to get the
premailer processing to run during tests, but that would be a nice
thing to do.
Also, our forks on premailer-rails3 assume that you want premailer to
go out and actually download the linked CSS files. It should be
possible to use the Rails 3.1 asset pipeline to get the processed css
without downloading it. A very special thanks goes to Jordan Isip who
did the super annoying job of making sure the emails look great in all
the different clients out there. Writing that CSS/HTML did not look
Roadie appears to be a better option. Thanks to Seth Bro for pointing it out.

(Sorry this answer is in html, not HAML… but that shouldn't be a problem for HAML fans)
I found this question when looking for a way to inline Sass compiled as css into html for creating html email templates.
Combining the above advice, I used the following code in the head of my html page:
<style type="text/css">
<%= Rails.application.assets['path/to/sass/file'].to_s.html_safe %>
This code compiles Sass as CSS and then inserts the css into a <style> tag. The html_safe ensures that any quotes (' and ") or angle brackets (> and <) used in the css are not escaped.
The path/to/sass/file is the same as you would use when creating a stylesheet link tag:
<%= stylesheet_link_tag 'path/to/sass/file', :media => 'all' %>

Rails.application.assets['asset.js'] will work only in local environment, as rails asset compilation is disabled in both production and staging environment.
Rails.application.assets_manifest.find_sources('asset.js').first.to_s.html_safe should be used to inline css when using rails asset pipeline.

Can't add comment to Seth Bro's answer. You better use #[] instead of #find_asset:
Re "asset will not be compressed". It's not true. It will be compressed if you have compressors enabled (in rails config):
Rails.application.configure do
# ...
config.assets.css_compressor = :sass
config.assets.js_compressor = :uglify
Notice, that by default this is enabled in production environment (config/environments/production.rb).

Had the same problem, solved it using #phlegx's answer to a similar issue in Premailer.
For an environment-safe solution you need to use
(Rails.application.assets || ::Sprockets::Railtie.build_environment(Rails.application)).find_asset('email.css').to_s
I've packaged it into a helper in my app:
# app/helpers/application_helper.rb
# Returns the contents of the compiled asset (CSS, JS, etc) or an empty string
def asset_body(name)
(Rails.application.assets || ::Sprockets::Railtie.build_environment(Rails.application)).find_asset(name).to_s

I was trying to inline css for use in google amp compatible pages with rails. I found the following helper from vyachkonovalov which was the only thing for me working in production and locally.
Add the following to the erb template:
<style amp-custom>
<%= asset_to_string('application.css').html_safe %>
And the helper to ApplicationHelper. It works perfectly locally and in production.
module ApplicationHelper
def asset_to_string(name)
app = Rails.application
if Rails.configuration.assets.compile
controller.view_context.render(file: File.join('public/assets', app.assets_manifest.assets[name]))

tl;dr (without Roadie):
= render template: '../assets/stylesheets/email_responsive.css'
For actually applying the CSS as inline styles, I recommend roadie-rails (which is a Rails wrapper for Roadie). It also has other neat features like absolutizing hrefs, srcs etc.
A usage combining both inlined (email.scss) and non-inlined (email_responsive.css) stylesheets, both residing in app/assets/stylesheets:
-# This will be inlined and applied to HTML elements.
-# Note that you need to include this in your asset config, e.g.:
-# Rails.application.config.assets.precompile += %w(... email.css)
-# (You need to list it as `email.css` even if it's actually `email.scss`.)
= stylesheet_link_tag 'email'
-# E.g. for media queries which can't be inlined - yeah, some iOS devices support them.
-# This will not be inlined and will be included as is (thanks to `data-roadie-ignore`).
-# `template:` marks it as a full template rather than a partial and disables `_` prefix.
-# We need to add the extension (`.css`) since it's non-standard for a view.
%style(type="text/css" data-roadie-ignore)
= render template: '../assets/stylesheets/email_responsive.css'

You can use this:
Rails.root.join('public', ActionController::Base.helpers.asset_path("email.css")[1..-1]).read.html_safe


In Rails, how can I include a style sheet from the asset pipeline as a <style> tag?

Everyone knows how to use stylesheet_link_tag to link to a stylesheet, but I would like to actually include an entire stylesheet in a page itself. (No, this is normally not a great practice, but it makes sense in this context.)
stylesheet_include_tag does not exist, and a co-worker who is a much bigger bad-ass at Rails than I am says there isn’t a simple way.
Is it actually possible to make use of the asset pipeline and still embed the contents of a CSS or JavaScript file (compiled from Sass or CoffeeScript!) into a .haml view? How?
Added for clarity:
I’d like for my layout to be able to include something like:
= stylesheet_link_tag "base"
= stylesheet_embed_tag "page-specific-styles/foo"
And have this generate output HTML along these lines:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/base.css" />
<style type="text/css">.foo { color: red; }</style>
It’s possible to use Sass within Haml if you set your initalizer correctly, but I cannot seem to #import "foo" from this context, where foo.css.sass is a stylesheet in the asset pipeline. Note that #import "compass" (assuming you have the compass gem) does work.
This looks like (haml):
#import "foo"
Rails gives an error that "foo" cannot be found, even though it claims to be looking in app/assets/stylesheets (which is where foo.css.sass lives).
So, this feels closer, but still not quite there.
from :
in haml
=raw YourApp::Application.assets.find_asset('foo.css').source
I believe this requires asset compilation in production, which can be pretty costly.
If I understand your question correctly, you could add your CSS code to a normal Ruby view file (as a partial), say styles.html.erb.
And then add that to your page upon any condition you want, I think it's the simplest way of looking at it.

Is there something like stylesheet_url on Rails 3.1?

I want to use application.css on my email templates, but I can't find a way to make the stylesheet_link_tag helper to include the full url of the stylesheet so email clients can render properly.
By default, stylesheet_link_tag only adds the relative path, so, I want to know if there is a way to either tell stylesheet_link_tay to use the url, or a helper that returns the url to the stylesheet.
This is for Rails 3.1, by the way
Rails 3.1 uses asset pipeline. If you are using asset pipeline then you need to mention those assets in you application.css. For example in application.css
* *application.css
*= require scaffold
*= require pagination
*= require_self
*= require_tree.
In the above scaffold and pagination should be under rails_root/app/assets/stylesheets ditrectory. For more info check this out
Or if asset pipeline is not your issue then check this railcast for HTML Email.
You may consider that the <link rel=stylesheet> isn't supported by the mayor providers like Hotmail, Gmail and Yahoo:
The best option that you have is using <styles> tags in your body or header; or even uglier, using the inline styles, that is supported by most of the email clients today.
Google Mail, in particular, looks for STYLE anywhere in the email and (helpfully) deletes it. And don’t bother to use CSS LINK to a stylesheet. Google Mail, Hotmail, and other email software ignore, modify, or delete these external references to a stylesheet.
you can specify the full path of your assets by using
config.action_controller.asset_host = ""
in your environment config file
And you better be careful with the images URL inside CSS files, I have to move everything
to this way to use existing code, check
specially with this part:
2.2.2 CSS and Sass
When using the asset pipeline, paths to assets must be re-written and sass-rails provides -url and -path helpers (hyphenated in Sass, underscored in Ruby) for the following asset classes: image, font, video, audio, JavaScript and stylesheet.
image-url("rails.png") becomes url(/assets/rails.png)
image-path("rails.png") becomes "/assets/rails.png".
The more generic form can also be used but the asset path and class must both be specified:
asset-url("rails.png", image) becomes url(/assets/rails.png)
asset-path("rails.png", image) becomes "/assets/rails.png"

Rails with backbone-rails: asset helpers (image_path) in EJS files

I have a Rails 3.1 app that uses the codebrew/backbone-rails. In a .jst.ejs template, I would like to include an image, like so:
<img src="<%= image_path("foo.png") %>"/>
But of course the asset helpers are not available in JavaScript.
Chaining ERB (.jst.ejs.erb) does not work, because the EJS syntax conflicts with ERB.
Here is what I know:
The asset helpers are not available in the browser, so I need to run them on the server side.
I can work around the problem by making the server dump various asset paths into the HTML (through data attributes or <script> and JSON) and reading them back in JS, but this seems rather kludgy.
Is there a way to somehow use the asset helpers in EJS files?
There is a way, actually, to chain a .jst.ejs.erb file, although it's fairly undocumented, and I only found it through looking at the EJS test cases. You can tell EJS to use {{ }} (or [% %] or whatever else you want) instead of <% %>, and then ERB won't try to evaluate your EJS calls.
Make sure to require EJS somewhere in your code (I just included gem 'ejs' in my Gemfile), and then create an initializer (I called it ejs.rb) that includes the following:
EJS.evaluation_pattern = /\{\{([\s\S]+?)\}\}/
EJS.interpolation_pattern = /\{\{=([\s\S]+?)\}\}/
Then just make sure to rename your templates to .jst.ejs.erb, and replace your existing <% %> EJS-interpreted code with {{ }}. If you want to use something other than {{ }}, change the regular expressions in the initializer.
I wish there were an option in Sprockets to handle this through the config rather than having to explicitly include EJS, but as of the moment, there's no way to do that that I know of.
I can see two ways. Neither are great.
When you say <%%= variable %> then this is rendered by ERB as <%= variable %>, so you could double percent escape everything but the asset_tags and that would survive the trip through one ERB pass on the way to EJS.
If you find that too gross...
How about making a different javascript file, with an ERB extension, that defines your asset paths? And then use the asset pipeline to require that.
So say assets.js.erb defines something like:
MyAssets = {
'foo': <%= image_path("foo.png") %>,
And then require this somewhere near the top of your manifest. And then reference the globals however that works in EJS.
For those willing to try HAML instead of EJS: Using haml-coffee through haml_coffee_assets has worked well for me as well.
You can have the following in a .hamlc.erb file:
%img(src="<%= image_path('foo.png') %>")
(It still doesn't give you routing helpers though, only asset helpers.)
Ryan Fitzgerald was kind enough to post a gist of his JavaScript asset helpers (which get precompiled with ERB):
You can use corresponding Javascript helper via the following gem:
Finally (after installing and configuring) you will be able to use it like this:
<img src="<%= asset_path("foo.png") %>"/>

No pics in my PDF created with PdfKit on heroku

I've an app which works fine in development and on my current production server.
I want to move it to FREE heroku (basic config: 1 dyno, 1 worker).
Unfortunately, the pdf generation (using PdfKit) is ok BUT without the pictures defined in my CSS.
I've followed a lot of tips including:
Found a workaround but I am still eager to know a better option:
I duplicated my view: one dedicated for html, another for pdf.
I removed all css using pics and put it in a separate file, included only in the view dedicated for html
finally, I inserted the css in the view dedicated to the pdf:
.foo { background-image:url(<%= Rails.root %>/public/images/bar.png) }
Very Ugly but works so please tell me if you've better
It's probably an issue with the way the url's are specified in the css. As I recall, they should be file system absolute paths. What does your css look like?
Here is how I answered my needs with:
Just one single view file
Just one css file
The trick was to pass the proper base_url to the css file dynamically, given I expected a pdf or html.
I decided to use LESS. Style compiles css in a different manner, given the base-url I provide in the DOM. This base-url is generated by a helper.
Here were my steps:
changed my style.css to style.less
Added to my view:
<%= stylesheet_link_tag "style.less", :rel => "stylesheet/less" %>
<script id="base_url" type="text/javascript" data="<%= assets_path %>"></script>
<%= javascript_include_tag "less.min.js" %>
In my helper:
def assets_path
if request.fullpath.include? ".pdf"
and in my style.less:
#base_url: `document.getElementById('base_url').getAttribute('data')`;
.foo { background-image:~"url(#{base_url}/bar.png)" }

How do I create dynamic CSS in Rails?

what is the best/most efficient way of creating dynamic CSS with Rails. I am developing an admin area on a site, where I would like a user to be able to customize the style of their profiles(Colour mostly), which will also be saved.
Would you just embed ruby script in the css file?
Would you need to change the file extension from css?
In Rails 3.1, you can have your stylesheets pre-processed by erb.
Now let's say you have some dynamic styling called dynamic.css.scss.erb (the .erb at the end is important!) in app/assets/stylesheets. It will be processed by erb (and then by Sass), and as such can contain stuff like
.some_container {
<% favorite_tags do |tag, color| %>
.tag.<%= tag %=> {
background-color: #<%= color %>;
<% end %>
You can include it like any stylesheet.
How dynamic should it be?
Note that it will be only processed once, though, so if the values changes, the stylesheet won't.
I don't think there is a super efficient way to do have it completely dynamic yet, but it is still possible to generate the CSS for all requests. With this caveat in mind, here's a helper for that in Rails 3.1:
def style_tag(stylesheet)
asset = YourApplication::Application.assets[stylesheet]
clone =, asset.logical_path, asset.pathname, {})
content_tag("STYLE", clone.body.html_safe, type:"text/css")
Here's how to use it:
First, copy the above helper in app/helpers/application_helper.rb.
You can then include it in your page as follows:
<% content_for :head do %>
<%= style_tag "dynamic.css" %>
<% end %>
The rest of your page.
Make sure that your layout uses the content :head. For example, your layout/application.html.erb could look like:
<%= yield :head %>
I found this out thanks to this post.
You can use ERB with CSS, you just need to render css in the controller. However, for such a heavily requested resource, I do not recommend generating this every time. I would store the users stylesheet in memcached or redis, and recall from it when the page loads, rather than rerendering the file each time. When they update their style, you can expire the cache, just make sure it gets rebuilt when the page renders.
There has been a lot of development over the years, and I recently figured out how to do what this question is asking. And since it has been about 9-10 years since someone has answered this, I thought that I would put in my 2 cents.
As others have said, it is not good practice, and thus can not be done, to put ruby code directly into the CSS file as the CSS is precompiled and is not able to be dynamically changed within the file.... BUT, it can be dynamically changed outside the file!
I will need to give a quick synopsis of CSS variables in case future readers do not know how to use them.
CSS has the use of variables within its coding language to make it easier to change a lot of elements at one time. You put these variables at the top of the CSS file in a root section. Like this:
:root {
--primary: #0061f2;
--secondary: #6900c7;
Now, anytime you want to style an element one of those colors, you can simply put var(--variableName) like this:
color: var(--secondary);
background-color: var(--primary);
.h1 {
color: var(--primary);
You can see how it would then be much easier to change the variable in the root section and thus change all other instances within the CSS.
Now for the dynamic Ruby part.
In the <head> section of your application file (or in the case of this question the file that holds the template for the admin's dashboard), you will need to redeclare the CSS variables with your dynamic variables and mark them as important. For example, let's say that you allow your user to choose primary and secondary colors for their dashboard and they are stored in the user's profile called like: user.primary_color and user.secondary_color. You will need to add this to your <head> section:
--primary: <%= user.primary_color %> !important;
--secondary: <%= user.secondary_color %> !important;
This !important tag will override the variables found in the CSS file thus dynamically allowing the user to change the CSS and view of their dashboard and have it remain persistent (as the values are saved in their profile).
I hope that this helps future developers.
Happy Coding!
Currently there is a lot of options to generate dynamic css in rails.
You can use less css - is an extension to CSS with extra features.
Gem Less css for rails provides integration for Rails projects using the Less stylesheet language in the asset pipeline.
If you are using twitter bootstrap you may check this out less rails bootstrap.
Also you can use one more CSS extension language Sass for generating CSS. Here is a Saas rails gem.
Check out Dynamic CSS in Rails and Render Rails assets to string blog posts and article about Asset Pipeline
Related SO questions:
Best way to handle dynamic css in a rails app
Dynamic CSS in Rails asset pipeline, compile on fly
Rails: change CSS property dynamically?
I just built this for another site. I have a controller action and a view that pulls color values out of the database, then renders a customized CSS based on the current user's account. To optimize, I am using the built in Rails page caching, which stores a copy on disk and serves it as a static asset. Nice and fast.
Here's an example from the ERB code
#header { background: <%= #colors["Header Stripe Background"] %>; border: 1px solid <%= #colors["Header Stripe Border"] %>; }
#header h1 {color: <%= #colors["Headline Color"] %>; }
#header p a { background: <%= #colors["Control Link Background"] %>; color: <%= #colors["Control Links"] %>;}
#header p a:hover {background: <%= #colors["Control Link Hover"] %>; text-decoration:underline;}
This solution defines some constants in config/site_settings.rb, which can then be used throughout the Rails application, as well as for automatically generating the CSS files whenever the Rails app starts and the CSS input files have been modified..
