ViewBag values accessibility in mvc -

The controller in which I define a viewbag value, returns a partial view, which is the last view that is beinng returned.
This partial view is rendered to a JQuery dialog. After I close it, I return to the one before, which contains a form. In the form view (the one before the last one) I'm trying to access the viewbag value via JS function, and assign it to a hidden field in the form. So actually, I'm trying to get the viewbag value, not from the view to which I've sent the viewbag.
Is it a problem? Are viewbag values available only from the last view that has rendered?

I'm not sure if it's possible, but in any case you wouldn't normally want or need to access ViewBag outside of the view it belongs to. It seems like there would be a couple of better options.
populate the ViewBag value you need into a hidden field somewhere else in the DOM.
Since you're using JQuery dialog, consider using its callback function to pass the values you need back to the main form. See here for an example: jquery ui dialog box need to return value, when user presses button, but not working


Value from dropdown on IconTabBar empty

change view (XML) contains IconTabBar with 3 IconTabFilters, which contain input controls (input, combobox, datePicker...). These input controls have pre-filled value from OData model. On the bottom of the view is button "Save". When I click on "Save" button, in my "onSave" function I am reading values from input controls from all IconTabFilters, but only values from the input controls on the first IconTabFilter are filled. Values from the rest of the fields are empty.
When I click on all IconTabFilters (without changing values), click "Save", then I'm getting all values correctly.
Please what I'm doing wrong? Odata model contains all required values, and also IconTabFilters contain all required values. But I can't read them from input controls before clicking on all IconTabFilters.
The Controls on the tabs only get initiated when they have to be displayed. This is done to improve the felt performance of the UI.
Since you are already using model binding, you should take the values out of the model instead of the input fields.

Create Child View based on selection in Drop Down List

I am using MVC 5 and I have the following situation:
I have a drop down list on a view that changes the child view that is displayed based on the selection in the list. This needs to change on the onchange or similar event. The selections in the list are populated from a database and has the following properties:
Link ID - Int (to be used as a value for the selection (must be saved on the main view)
Link Text - What is to be displayed in the drop down list.
LinK URL - The address of the child view action (made up of different areas, controllers, and actions)
In essence, when the list changes, it must call the URL (passing the model) and return the content to a targeted placeholder div on the page
Any Ideas on where to get started on this one?
We were able to get this working using ajax to call the child view. Thanks for the pointers.

MVC 4 accessing model list on click

I have an mvc app where I pass a list to a view. In a most click, I want to be able to render the next item in the last but am having trouble figuring out how to do that efficiently. My approach originally was to use an index i but I realized that one the page is rendered, accessing my model last at i will always leaf to the same result since that item in the list is rendered on page load and can't just be accessed dynamically. Any insight to an approach for this problem?
The model can't be accessed as it's only used on the server side.
There are a few ways of solving the problem, you can use Knockout.js or similar client side view model components, once the user click on the button just render then next item from the knockout model.
Or use AJAX to retrieve the next value from the back end and then render it to the screen.
Or generate the whole screen and just hide all items from the user and then display them once the user clicks the button

binding fields in a dialog popup in my view

i have an html table in my mvc view an i am running into some real estate issues with screen space.
I think in one area of my view i am going to have a button in a column of an html table that says "Details" which, when clicked, loads up some dialog ui. what i am trying to get my head around is that i want the fields in the dialog to also be part of data binding object in the overall form which i am passing to the controller when i submit the form.
is there anything that i should be worried about or anything that you need to do special if you have a form where inside your form you have a button that create a popup with some more details elements. I am just trying to see from a data binding view if there are any issues.
also any examples of doing anything similar would be great.
So i tried doing this an ran into a binding issue. i have a follow up question with the specifics about this binding issue with jquery ui dialog here:
why does jquery ui dialog break mvc's default model binding .
There shouldn't be any issues if you are binding elements from your popup dialog to corresponding hidden elements in your main view. These hidden elements will bind correctly like any other control in your main form.
Of course, you might be POSTing the form elements from your popup form to its own controller method directly, and that is also a perfectly good approach.

What is the quickest, easiest and lowest cost way to populate a bootstrap modal form

As an example, I have a table of items with edit buttons on each item:
I want to populate an edit form in a bootstrap modal as quickly, efficiently and as easily as possible.
Currently, I have tried populating via Javascript into a partial but this is a bit bulky and doesn't suit my needs when there are specific functions, varying inputs and different ways to input data. In some of my tables, the editing functions require 500+ lines of Javascript to calculate and process a bunch of different situations.
I've also tried generating a new modal partial for each item with partial Models but in larger tables with 1000+ items, this tends to lag the page quite a bit or take a significant time to load.
I need a way to quickly populate a modal with as little code as possible. Hopefully, I'd like a globalised way to do this for any given Model.
I also need the ability to populate the form action to do a variety of different things depending on the item.
I've heard that Ajax is a possible way to do this, but as I am relatively new to web development, I am not 100% sure how to do this.
What would be incredibly useful and would solve all my issues, is a way to render the modal AFTER loading of the page and on the input of an edit button.
So page renders -> you click edit on a given item -> it then renders the edit modal. Although I don't think this is possible.
This is just an example modal form:
Currently, I have tried populating via Javascript into a partial but this is a bit bulky and doesn't suit my needs when there are specific functions, varying inputs and different ways to input data.
I've also tried generating a new modal partial for each item with partial Models
To display editing record in popup modal, we can achieve it either with JavaScript completely or mix using partial view.
If you do not want to generate/populate popup modal for editing row via 100% JavaScript client code, you can try:
1) when you click on edit button, make ajax request to controller action that accepts parameter Id of selected item
2) in that action, you can retrieve detailed and expected information of the item you want to edit based on Id, and the action would return a partial view
3) in partial view, you can render expected input fields based on your retrieved item information
4) in ajax success callback function, dynamically populate body of popup modal with returned data
Besides, this thread discussed rendering partial view as modal popup, you can refer to it.
