On iPhone and iPad, can we draw anything without using drawRect? - ios

It seems that the standard way to draw dots, lines, circles, and Bezier paths is to draw them in inside of drawRect. We don't directly call drawRect, but just let iOS call it and we can use [self setNeedsDisplay] to tell iOS to try to call drawRect when it can...
It also seems that we cannot rely on
[self setClearsContextBeforeDrawing: NO];
to not clear the background of the view before calling drawRect. Some details are in this question: UIView: how to do non-destructive drawing?
How about directly drawing on the screen -- without putting those code in drawRect. For example, in ViewController.m, have some code that directly draw dots, lines, circles on the screen. Is that possible?

Without having to drop into OpenGL, the closest you can do to get around the erasure is to convert the context as an image using something like CGBitmapContextCreateImage. From there, you can retain the image in memory (or write it to disk if necessary), and then when you redraw the view, you first draw this original image into the context and then overlay it with new content.


iOS Drawing App considerations

I 'm building a medical app, which, at some point, enables the user to draw.
Because the drawing is minimal at most points, I 'd been using vectored graphics,but there is a case that a full-screen note should be drawn.
What's the most appropriate way to handle touchesMoved?
The point is basically to have antialiased lines drawn so the user can see them while drawing. But should I call
[UIView setNeedsDisplay] each time touchesMoved is called, to update the entire full screen drawing?
Or should I keep the untouched UIImage in a cache and write on a new UIImage and redraw it while drawing, then when touchesEnded is called to merge?
How would an "eraser" should be implemented then? (the background is not white; It may have a body png, in which case simply by overwriting with white won't work).
Thanks a lot.

On iOS, can something be drawn without having it done in drawRect?

Say, for an iOS app, if a user slides his finger on the screen, and then 50,000 dots are recorded. If the drawing is done for all these dots in drawRect, then next time the user touched the 50,001st dot, at the end of touchesMoved the following line
[self.view setNeedsDisplay];
will cause drawRect to run again and have all 50,001 dots drawn again. So for every 1 new dot (for any new movement of finger), all 50,001 dots will need to be redrawn and it is not an efficient method.
I tried just drawing the last dot in drawRect, and it will not "add to" the existing view, but "wipe everything out" and then draw one dot.
Is there a way to
1) draw that 1 extra dot without needing to have drawRect called?
2) or, can drawRect draw one extra dot without first wiping the whole screen out?
One approach for this would be to render into an image when the touches end, and then keep adding to the image as more paths are generated. You can store the paths in an array if you need and undo buffer or otherwise need to regenerate the drawing.
(you will need more code than this, obviously)
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(size, NO, 1.0);
CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
// do some drawing
UIImage * image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
Oh - fwiw, I have found setNeedsDisplayInRect: to be odd/buggy in iOS5. The first call to it is the full view rect, not the rect passed in as a param. At least that is what I found when I tried to use it. Maybe there is some implementation detail I overlooked.
Take a look at the method -(void)setNeedsDisplayInRect:. You can ask your view to redraw a specified rect of itself, but be careful when implementing drawRect: method -where you need to assume that the passed rect argument is just a piece of the whole rect of your view and probably your drawing logic will differ. Also you may consider the clearContextBeforeDrawing property of UIView.

iOS : need inputs in developing efficient ( performance wise ) drawing app

I have this app using which one can draw basic shapes like rectangle, eclipse, circle, text etc.
I also allow free form drawing, which is stored as set-of-points, on the canvas.
Also a user can resize and move around these objects by operating on the selection handles that appear when an object is selected.
In addition the user should be able to zoom and pan the canvas.
I need some inputs on how to efficiently implement this drawing functionality.
I have following things in mind -
Use UIView's InvalidateRect and drawRect
Have a UIView for the main canvas and for each inserted object - invalidate the correspoding rect and redraw all the objects which intersects that rect in the drawRect function of the UIView.
Have a UIView and use CALayer ?
every one keep mentioning about the CALayer , I dont have much idea on this, before I venture into this I wanted a quick input on whether this route is worth taking.
like, https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#qa/qa1708/_index.html
Have a UIImageView as canvas and when drawing each object, we do this
i) Draw the object into offscreen CGContext, basically, create a new CGContext by using UIGraphicsBeginImageContext, draw the shape, extract the image out of this CG context and use that as source of UIImageView's image property, but here how do I invalidate only a part of the UIImageView so that only that area gets refreshed.
Could you please suggest what is the best approach?
Is there any other efficient way to get this done?
Using a UIImage is more efficient for rendering multiple objects. But Using a CALayer is more efficient when moving and modifying a single object because you don't have to modify the other objects. So I think the best approach is to use a UIImage for general drawing and a CALayer for the shape that is being modified. In other words:
use a CALayer to draw the shape being added or modified, but don't draw it on the UIImage
use a UIImage to draw the other shapes
But OpenGL is still the most efficient solution, but don't bother with that if you don't have too many objects to draw.
If you want to draw polygons, you'll have to use Quartz framework, and have your drawing methods based on CALayer. It doesn't really matter which view you'll put your CALayers in, UIImageView or UIView. I'll say UIView since you won't be needing UIImageView's properties or methods for drawing.

"Regular" drawing on top of OpenGL layer

How do I implement "regular" drawing (as normally would be done in a drawRect method) on top of an OpenGL animation running in the background? My app is the OpenGL app that is the default Xcode game app template. The GLKViewController does not have a drawRect method, and when I add one, it never gets called. I tried to implement drawing code in the drawInRect method (which does exist) but I get run time errors.
So to summarize: I'd like to draw stuff (lines, paths, whatever) NOT using OpenGL, but using regular quartz primitives and display this on top of an existing 3d rendering.
To make sure drawRect is being called, you should probably go the other route: Create a standard Cocoa Touch project, alter the + (Class)layerClass method of the main view to return [CAEAGLLayer class], then start drawing with that. Note that the CAEAGLLayer documentation specifically warns against doing what you want to do:
Avoid drawing other layers on top of the CAEAGLLayer object. If you must draw other, non OpenGL content, you might find the performance cost acceptable if you place transparent 2D content on top of the GL content and also make sure that the OpenGL content is opaque and not transformed.
Check out the GLPaint project for a simple OpenGL ES project showing the layerClass override (in PaintingView.m). They use layoutSubviews and touchesBegan/Moved/Ended to do the drawing.

Shape animation in iOS

I have an UIView in which I draw many shapes. I just want to keep redrawing this view in order to make kind of an animation. I searched for animation options, but all animations looks like they only work with properties, like transform, alpha... I just want a timed animation option, and that do not block the screen, I mean, that allows the application to realize the screen was tapped. Is it possible?
It is totally possible and you have a few different ways that you can go about doing it. If you want a simple png sequence style animation you can just fill a UIImageView like this:
imageView.animationImages = myImages;
imageView.animationDuration = 3;
[imageView startAnimating];
or you can override the drawrect function in a custom UIView, set up an NSTimer to tick however frequently you want to change the animation and call setNeedsDisplay on the view to draw the next frame.
Assuming you have a bezier path that represents each shape, try looking at CAShapeLayer - this can be used to draw a path on the screen, and you can animate the position, fill colour and many other properties of it.
Have one CAShapeLayer per shape, and add them as sub layers to your main view's layer.
You need to add the QuartzCore framework to use it, but it is very straightforward and there are plenty of tutorials out there.
