Populate a Partial View on page load - asp.net-mvc

Im developing an MVC project and im using Ajax for displaying a list of shifts.
Here's my parent page, shifts.chtml:
#model UI.ViewModels.ViewModelShiftList
#Ajax.ActionLink("View All Shifts", "AllShifts", "Shifts",
new AjaxOptions
HttpMethod="GET", //default
InsertionMode= InsertionMode.Replace, //replace
<div id="searchResults">
heres the controller action for the above page:
public ActionResult Shifts()
ViewModelShiftList viewModel = new ViewModelShiftList
Shifts = _shiftService.GetShifts().ToList()
return View(viewModel);
Should I not be able to send the viewmodel produced here into the partial view? Or do I have to create another action for the partial view? If so, what is the correct way to send an action to the controller of a partialview?
The error im gettin is at this point:
// cannot impilicty convert type void to object

This was a simple fix...I needed to add curly brackets like so..
#{Html.RenderPartial("_shiftlist", Model);}


Adding a dropdown list outside or RenderBody call

I have a .NET MVC project with Razor views and I would like to implement search functionality that consists of a dropdown list, a text box and a search button.
The problem is that I would like to implement this search snippet in my _Layout.cshtml file outside of the #RenderBody() call. This means that the search functionality would be accessible on every page (it would be located at the very top right corner).
I'm trying to find out what is a good way of implementing this. I can get it to work but it would involve adding same code (do get dropdown values) to all controllers and actions.
ViewBag.States = new SelectList(db.States, "Id", "Name");
Is there a better way to implement this? It feels very repetitive to do it this way.
You can have a child action method which returns the partial view needed for your header and call this action method in your layout.
Create a view model for the properties needed.
public class AllPageVm
public int SelectedItem { set; get; }
public List<SelectListItem> Items { set; get; }
Now create an action method in any of your controller. Mark this action method with ChildActionOnly decorator.
public class HomeController : Controller
public ActionResult HeaderSearch()
var vm = new AllPageVm()
Items = db.States
.Select(a => new SelectListItem() {Value = a.Id.ToString(),
Text = a.Name})
return PartialView(vm);
Now in the HeaderSearch.cshtml partial view, you can render whatever markup you want for your search header. Here is a simple example to render the dropdown. You may update this part to include whatever markup you want (Ex : a form tag which has textbox, dropdown and the button etc)
#model AllPageVm
<label>Select one state</label>
#Html.DropDownListFor(a => a.SelectedItem, Model.Items, "Select")
Now in your layout, you can call this child action method
<div class="container body-content">
#Html.Action("HeaderSearch", "Home")
<p>© #DateTime.Now.Year - My ASP.NET Application</p>
Make sure you are calling PartialView method from the HeaderSearch child action method instead of View method. If you call View method, it will recursively call the same method and you will get a StackOverflow exception

How can I save form data between pages asp.net mvc?

I have a long form that's been split up into separate pages using partial views. I want to save the data entered into one partial view form when the user clicks to go to the next patial view form. Then have it so that when they come back to the previous view then the data entered will be there.
So what i need is to post the data to a controller.
Although what I am using for the partial view is:
#Ajax.ActionLink("Job Information", "JobInformation", new AjaxOptions { InsertionMode = InsertionMode.Replace, UpdateTargetId = "jobForm"})
When they click the action link it takes them to the next page (partial view)
So how can i submit the form when they click the action link?
how can i submit the form when they click the action link?
i need is to post the data to a controller.
Instead of using AJAX ActionLink use AJAX BeginForm as shown below. Lets say you have a model like below, to populate a dropdownlist.
public class DDLModel
public List<SelectListItem> Items { get; set; }
public string SelectedValue { get; set; }
Then you have controller to display this model -
#model MVC.Controllers.DDLModel
ViewBag.Title = "Index";
<script src="~/Scripts/jquery-1.10.2.min.js"></script>
<script src="~/Scripts/jquery.unobtrusive-ajax.min.js"></script>
#using (Ajax.BeginForm("Submit", "Ajax", new AjaxOptions { UpdateTargetId = "SellerWebSettings" }, new { id = "form1" }))
#Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.SelectedValue, Model.Items, "DDL")
<input type="submit" value="Click" />
<div id="SellerWebSettings">
In the above form, you have a AJAX BeginForm() which would make a AJAX all to another controller action which will return a PartialView. The model will also be forwarded to the partial view, as shown below -
public ActionResult Submit(DDLModel model)
return PartialView("MyPartial",model);
And the partial view is as follows -
#model MVC.Controllers.DDLModel
#DateTime.Now - #Model.SelectedValue
So when we select the Dropdownlist item and click on the button, we have following output -

Post a form with multiple partial views

I'm currently trying to post a form composed of two strongly typed views. This question is similar but it doesn't have an answer:
MVC 3 Razor Form Post w/ Multiple Strongly Typed Partial Views Not Binding
When I submit form the model submitted to the controller is always null. I've spent a couple of hours trying to get this to work. This seems like it should be simple. Am I missing something here? I don't need to do ajax just need to be able to post to the controller and render a new page.
Here's my view code:
#using (Html.BeginForm("TransactionReport", "Reports", FormMethod.Post, new {id="report_request"}))
ViewContext.FormContext.ValidationSummaryId = "valSumId";
#Html.ValidationSummary(false, "Please fix these error(s) and try again.", new Dictionary<string, object> { { "id", "valSumId" } });
#Html.Partial("_ReportOptions", Model.ReportOptions);
#Html.Partial("_TransactionSearchFields", new ViewDataDictionary(viewData) { Model = Model.SearchCriteria });
Here's the code in the controller:
public ActionResult TransactionReport(TransactionReportRequest reportRequest)
var reportInfo = new List<TransactionReportItem>();
if (ModelState.IsValid)
var reportData = _reportDataService.GetReportData(Search.MapToDomainSearchCriteria(reportRequest.SearchCriteria));
if (reportData!=null)
reportInfo = reportData.ToList();
return View(reportInfo);
return View(reportInfo);
The partial views themselves are pretty irrelevant since all they are doing is biding and displaying their models.
Partials are not the way to go here. You are looking for EditorTemplates, these are made for what you want. This case, your properties will be nicely bound to your model (that you will submit).
Your main View will have this form (note that you only have to use EditorFor instead of Partial; in this case, you probably will need to put that viewData parameter in the ViewBag or so):
#using (Html.BeginForm("TransactionReport", "Reports", FormMethod.Post, new {id="report_request"}))
ViewContext.FormContext.ValidationSummaryId = "valSumId";
#Html.ValidationSummary(false, "Please fix these error(s) and try again.", new Dictionary<string, object> { { "id", "valSumId" } });
#Html.EditorFor(model => model.ReportOptions);
#Html.EditorFor(model = Model.SearchCriteria });
Now you only have to drag your partials to the folder ~/Shared/EditorTemplates/ and rename them to match the model name they are the editor templates for.
In the ~/Shared/EditorTemplates/ folder, make a new "view", example "SearchCriteria.cshtml". Inside, put as "model" the type of class you which to create an editor template for. Example (example class has properties Name and OtherCriteria):
#model MyNamespace.SearchCriteria
<!-- Note that I also use EditorFor for the properties; this way you can "nest" editor templates or create custom editor templates for system types (like DateTime or String or ...). -->
<li>#Html.LabelFor(m => m.Name): #Html.EditorFor(m => m.Name)</li>
<li>#Html.LabelFor(m => OtherCriteria): #Html.EditorFor(m => m.OtherCriteria</li>
Some good reading about them:
You should add prefix to the PartialView's fields. That will let binding data correctly.
So instead:
#Html.Partial("_ReportOptions", Model.ReportOptions);
#Html.Partial("_ReportOptions", Model.ReportOptions, new ViewDataDictionary { TemplateInfo = new TemplateInfo { HtmlFieldPrefix = "ReportOptions" }})
I agree with #Styxxy and #Tony, Editor Templates are the better solution. However, your problem is that that you are feeding a sub-model to the partial views. Thus, when the partial view renders it doesn't know that it's part of a larger model and does not generate the correct name attributes.
If you insist on using Partials rather than Editor Templates, then I suggest only passing the Model to the partials, then having each partial do Model.Whatever.Foo and it will generate the correct name attributes for binding.
Try using EditorTemplates instead of Partials http://coding-in.net/asp-net-mvc-3-how-to-use-editortemplates/.
#Html.Partial("_ReportOptions", Model.Contact, new ViewDataDictionary()
TemplateInfo = new TemplateInfo()
HtmlFieldPrefix = "Contact"
#Html.Partial("_TransactionSearchFields", Model.SearchCriteria, new
TemplateInfo = new TemplateInfo()
HtmlFieldPrefix = "SearchCriteria"

Ajax.Actionlink, partial and webgrid issue

I have the following issue.
My url structure is like this:
In my controller i have the following:
public PartialViewResult LoanRefresh(string id)
PeopleModel p = new PeopleModel();
return PartialView("_LoanHistory", p.getPersonLoanHistory(id));
In my view i have:
#Ajax.ActionLink("Refresh", "LoanRefresh", new { id = Model.IdentityCode }, new AjaxOptions { HttpMethod = "POST", UpdateTargetId = "loanHistory", LoadingElementId = "Loading" }, new { #class = "button" })
<div id="loanHistory">
#Html.Partial("_LoanHistory", Model.Loans)
When run the Ajax.ActionLink it gets the data back ok and it updates the div, but the url of the sort links on the webgrid then change their address to:
i need to stay as:
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Well #Nick, that's because your action name is LoanRefresh and not Refresh. To do that you will probably have to do some routing or even redirect your LoanRefresh results to an action named Refresh.
Try setting ajaxUpdateContainerId to an object that is specified in the partial view, rather than an object in the view from which the partial view is originally called. The sort URLs should work correctly then.

asp.net MVC partial view controller action

I'm very new to web app development and I thought I would start with recent technology and so I'm trying to learn asp.net as-well as the MVC framework at once. This is probably a very simple question for you, MVC professionals.
My question is should a partial view have an associated action, and if so, does this action get invoked whenever a normal page uses RenderPartial() on the partial view?
While you can have an action that returns a partial view, you don't need an action to render a partial view. RenderPartial takes the partial view and renders it, using the given model and view data if supplied, into the current (parent) view.
You might want an action that returns a partial view if you are using AJAX to load/reload part of a page. In that case, returning the full view is not desired since you only want to reload part of the page. In this case you can have the action just return the partial view that corresponds to that section of the page.
Standard mechanism
Making use of partial view within a normal view (no action needed)
...some html...
<% Html.RenderPartial( "Partial", Model.PartialModel ); %>
...more html..
Ajax mechanism
Reloading part of a page via AJAX (note partial is rendered inline in initial page load)
...some html...
<div id="partial">
<% Html.RenderPartial( "Partial", Model.PartialModel ); %>
...more html...
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
$('#someButton').click( function() {
url: '/controller/action',
data: ...some data for action...,
dataType: 'html',
success: function(data) {
Controller for AJAX
public ActionResult Action(...)
var model = ...
if (Request.IsAjaxRequest())
return PartialView( "Partial", model.PartialModel );
return View( model );
The accepted answer is completely correct, but I want to add that you can load your partial view using jQuery load. Less configuration needed, if you don't want to consider concurrency.
I was able to achieve something similar with this logic.
Within the .cshtml
#Html.Action("ActionMethodName", "ControllerName");
Within the controller
public ActionResult ActionMethodName()
var someModel = new SomeModel();
return PartialView("SomeView.cshtml", someModel);
And that's it.
If you need to pass values from the .cshtml to the action method then that is possible to.
The answer is no. But sometimes you need some controller action behind a partial view. Then you can create an actionMethod wich returns a partial view. This actionMethod can be called within another view:
#Html.Action("StockWarningsPartial", "Stores")
The actionmethod can look like:
public ActionResult StockWarningsPartial()
return View("StockWarningsPartial", warnings);
and the view 'StockWarningsPartial.cshtml' starts with:
Layout = null;
to make it not render your surrounding layout again.
public ActionResult GetStateList(int country_id)
List<stateDTO> stateList = new List<stateDTO>();
stateList = bll.GetState(country_id);
ViewBag.sList = new SelectList(stateList, "state_id", "State_Name");
return PartialView("DisplayStates");
