Unable to get UIAutomation iOS UILabel value - ios

I am trying to get the value "HELLO" of the UILabel shown in the iPad simulator.
I have enabled accessibility and have set the label as "Label Access".
But when I call target.logElementTree(), both the name and value are set to "LabelAccess" and as far as the apple docs say, the value field should contain the string that is set (in this case "Hello").
Does anybody know a fix for this?
PS: I am using the latest iOS SDK and Xcode.
Apple Stack Exchange

I think you encountered a UIAutomation bug that exists since forever.
Easiest way to get around this bug is to set the accessibilityValue to your text in code.
Something like this.
NSString *valueString = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d", value];
self.label.text = valueString;
self.label.accessibilityValue = valueString;
Helps those people that use Voice Over too ;-)

thanks for the workaround. Doesn't look like this bug has been fixed.
Came across this while writing Appium test for the iOS app. The element found by the driver somehow only contains accessibilityLabel and accessibilityIdentifier but not the actual text that's shown on the screen.
<XCUIElementTypeStaticText type="XCUIElementTypeStaticText" value=<accessibilityLabel> name=<accessibilityIdentifier> label=<accessibilityLabel> .../>
Has someone found if this issue has been logged with apple?
EDIT: Refer to this answer and the comment underneath. https://stackoverflow.com/a/11411803/4725937
Basically need to use [accessibilityValue]: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/uiaccessibilityelement/1619583-accessibilityvalue for accessible components for the display text to show up as XCUIElementTypeStaticText.value in the page source.
For eg:
someUILabel.accessibiityLabel = "This is used for voice-over"
someUILabel.accessibilityValue = "This is displayed text"


MSMessage message.senderParticipantIdentifier.uuidString not converting to name

I'm in the final stages of an iMessage extension and have one last lingering issue that I thought was a problem with the simulator but now I have the app working on test devices it's not resolved itself.
When I create a message caption the following code works to change the partipipantIdentifer into their name:
layout.caption = "$\(conversation.localParticipantIdentifier.uuidString)"
However when viewing the message at the recipient's end this code:
self.titleLabel.text = "$\(self.message!.senderParticipantIdentifier.uuidString) sent:"
doesn't display the senders name it just displays their UUID string. What am I missing to convert the sender UUID to their name? Does anyone know if this is this possible or not?
The "$(participantIdentifier)" syntax only works within MSMessageLayout. When setting the UILabel.text you can only get the uuid.

iOS UITest error when try to select picker element

I'm trying to select an element of picker, the picker has Accessibility = picker_station, why can I do ? is something wrong ? or I need to use other code.
let app = XCUIApplication()
app.pickers["picker_station"].pickerWheels.element.adjust(toPickerWheelValue: "Aberdeen")
xcode error is:
Testing Failure - Internal error: unable to find current value '1 of 152' in possible values
You are using it correctly, but the adjust(toPickerWheelValue:) method is buggy, as discussed here: https://forums.developer.apple.com/thread/16104
I agree with Oletha this seems to remain an unfixed bug in the framework.
We could fix the issue at least temporarily by calling
before calling
pickerWheel.adjust(toPickerWheelValue: "Value")
Otherwise we received the same crash.
After you displayed picker wheel on screen, you can update the value by:
app.pickerWheels.element.adjustToPickerWheelValue("Updated row value")

VoiceOver accessibility label for Touch ID

I am trying to ensure that the iOS app that I am working on is accessible and am trying to implement VoiceOver to ensure this.
One strange thing that I cannot find any help for is when the Touch ID view is displayed (in my case for signing into the app). VoiceOver pronounces ID as a word and not I.D.
I have tried implementing the accessibility attributes to both NSString and the LAContext object but neither seem to change what is read out by VoiceOver. Code snippets below:
LAContext *context = [[LAContext alloc] init];
[context setIsAccessibilityElement:YES];
[context setAccessibilityLabel:#"TEST 2"];
NSError *error = nil;
NSString *label = #"Please authenticate your ID using the Touch ID";
[label setIsAccessibilityElement:YES];
[label setAccessibilityTraits:UIAccessibilityTraitStaticText];
[label setAccessibilityLabel:#"TEST"];
showingTouchID = TRUE;
if ([context canEvaluatePolicy:LAPolicyDeviceOwnerAuthenticationWithBiometrics error:&error]) {
[context evaluatePolicy:LAPolicyDeviceOwnerAuthenticationWithBiometrics
reply:^(BOOL success, NSError *error) {
The output from VoiceOver with or without context having the accessibility attributes is always the label text.
All help greatly appreciated :)
You should definitely not change the accessibility label just to make VoiceOver pronounce things correctly (i.e. do not try "hack" the label pronounciation). The reason is that VoiceOver does not have speech output only; it has also braille output where blind users expect to read things exactly letter-by-letter as they are written (i.e. see exactly all the spaces, capital/small letters, etc.) If you did e.g. write "I D" instead of "ID", then while VoiceOver would pronounce it perhaps correctly (in the specific version of iOS), blind users, after also reading "I D" on a braille display might think that that is how it is actually written and appear let's say non-professionally when they would then use this wrong spelling in written exchanges with other people.
The correct way to deal with this, albeit without giving you an immediate solution, is:
File a bug with Apple about pronounciation of the specific word with the specific voice in the specific language (e.g. "Expected pronounciation: [aj'di:]" vs. "Actual pronounciation: [id]")
File a bug with Apple to request the ability to customize pronunciation only (i.e. where you would leave the accessibility label intact and correct, but specify to the voice how it should pronounce certain part of the text), and where this customization could be done for each language individually by the translator translating the strings (because wrong pronunciation is language-specific) - also see the next point.
If you can reword, try different word than the problematic one (which seems not applicable in case of "Touch ID" which is a set term). But this is a hack too, as that solves only the English original and does not care about translations where the rewording might on the contrary potentially complicate the pronunciation.
Sorry for the bad news.
Finally, here, both on iOS 8.4.1 and iOS 9.0.2, VoiceOver with default US English iOS voice, at least on this webpage, pronounces "ID" in "Touch ID" as [ajdi:], not [id].
You can try this for a quick work around: Just give space between I and D
NSString *label = #"Please authenticate your ID using the Touch ID";
label.accessibilityLabel=#"Please authenticate your I D using the Touch I D";
Also please note that you can only set accessibility to UIElements and you cannot set it to general variables. It doesn't make sense to set accessibility label for LAContext and to NSString.
YOu need to set the accessibility label to UILabel or the element which you give the NSString to.
Starting with iOS 11, you can set the element's accessibilityAttributedLabel and use the UIAccessibilitySpeechAttributeIPANotation key (Swift: NSAttributedString.Key.accessibilitySpeechIPANotation) to specify the pronunciation for a range of the attributed string.
See "Speech Attributes for Attributed Strings" for other tools you can use to tweak how VoiceOver reads your text.

UITest in Xcode 7: How to test keyboard layout (keyboardType)

I am currently exploring the new UITest library in Xcode, and I want to test if the keyboard that pops up upon clicking inside a UITextView has the proper type (in this case it should be .PhonePad).
I don't think this is feasible with the default XCUIElement and XCUIElementAttributes (which are still a bit blurry to me concerning their actual meaning), and I don't really understand how and what I am supposed to extend in order to be able to test this.
Any help would be greatly appreciated ! :)
Below code I am using for testing the Phone number and password validation check.
let app = XCUIApplication()
let tablesQuery = app.tables
tablesQuery.cells.containingType(.StaticText, identifier:"Login Using").buttons["Icon mail"].tap()
tablesQuery.textFields["Phone Number"].tap()
tablesQuery.cells.containingType(.SecureTextField, identifier:"Password").childrenMatchingType(.TextField).element.typeText("ooo")
tablesQuery.staticTexts["Login Using"].swipeUp()
tablesQuery.cells.containingType(.Button, identifier:"Login").childrenMatchingType(.SecureTextField).element.typeText("eeee")
I hope this will be useful for you.

How to find that current Blackberry device support Hindi(or Gujarathi) or not?

Hi blackberry developers,
I am implemented one application targeted to OS6 and above.
Here i am loading url which is contain some Indian (Gujarathi) language into the browserField.
Here My problem is that text displaying some devices correctly but not all.
it is showing text properly in Bold 9780 OS6, But Tourch 9800 OS7 is not showing properly.It is showing only Rectangular Boxes.
So i need to know that is my devise support gujarathi language are not first.
I am using some code to get list of available languages
Locale []loc1=Locale.getAvailableInputLocales();
for(int i=0;i<loc1.length;i++)
System.out.println("=====1: "+loc1[i].getLanguage()+"======"+loc1[i].getDisplayLanguage());
RichTextField rh1=new RichTextField("ISO: "+loc1[i].getLanguage()+"==name: "+loc1[i].getDisplayLanguage(),Field.FOCUSABLE);
String []loc2=Locale.getISOLanguages();
for(int i=0;i<loc2.length;i++)
System.out.println("=====2: "+loc2[i]);
RichTextField rh2=new RichTextField("ISO: "+loc2[i],Field.FOCUSABLE);
in both cases it is displaying as attachment.
And strange thing is that in both array's i am not finding any language named as "Gujarathi" or "gu(ISO code)". But perfectly displaying data on my 9780 but 9800 not showing.
So Here i want to know what is the reason behind this ?
1) If suppose my devise is supporting "Gujarathi" Language then why it is not showing it's name in Locale.getISOLanguages(); or Locale.getAvailableInputLocales();?
2)How can we know that current device can support required language language?
I also tried using desktop-manager--->Applications------->available languages even here also i am not finding anything related to indian languages
I need to give answer to Client that what is the reason behind this ?
I goggled for 12Hrs. But no use So i decided that you are my only hope?
Try Checking Localization Demo
