Adding search to our Rails 3 App - ruby-on-rails

What would be the best way to implement a searchability feature in the site header of our Rails 3 App?
We have users that can follow each other, and we are receiving feedback in large volumes that a search bar would be a highly advantageous addition to our app.
Thanks guys, in advance.

Hi scud bomb,
There are couple of good gems in the market for implementing searchability feature.
the most commonly used gems
sunspot + solr (
acts_as_indexed (
thinking-sphinx (
But i would say Sunspot is the best option.Basically sunspot is a ruby library that interacts with the solr search engine for powerful searching.
there is good blog on this topic have a look.

My favorite is sunspot: The documentation is very clear. There's even a RailsCast for it to help you out:


How to get most popular post with Ruby on Rails?

Is there a gem that implements "most popular" functionality for ActiveRecord / Ruby on Rails.
I have a model Article, and I would like to retrieve the most popular / most read articles, using my Google Analytics data.
I have written this in PHP from scratch and was wondering if there is a plugin/gem for Rails available.
Thank you,
You can search rubygems here
There are a lot of gems that can integrate with google analytics.
I found this gem to do most of what I need.

Useful site for searching popular rails plugin

I was used to use acts_as_paranoid for logical deletion. But it doesn't support latest rails version. I want to search popular plugin for it. And not only for logical deletion, for user authentication (Devise), file upload (paperclip) and so on.
Does anyone know the useful site for searching popular rails plugin?
Thank you!
I think it's what you are looking for

Setting up search page and filter (similar to ecommerce)

I'm building my first rails app and I'm trying to build the search page on an ecommerce type site. The idea is the model pulls all the data from the database according to the filter that is checked or selected on the view such as (category, sub-category, price, date, etc.)
I've watched railscasts on elasticsearch, solar, etc. They seem like they'd each work in this scenario but are they overkill? I'm just not sure what is the quickest and most scalable way to set up this search. I've read a little about the has_scope gem which seems like it would be one way but I can't find a good tutorial or documentation on has_scope. Can someone point me in the right direction for creating this search page? Should I build it out with has_scope, solar, or elasticsearch?
In my own experience solr is the best search technology I've come across. It provides a feature called faceting which is what you are describing. You can read about it on their wiki here:
The best solr gem I've come across is sunspot. It has a very easy to use DSL for interfacing with solr from a Rails app and hooks in to active record very easily. Take a look at their github project page. I think that will answer your question.

What is the best way to implement a "Find a Store" feature in Rails?

I will be implementing a search feature on a project to allow a user to find the nearest store based on driving time given a input physical address. I would prefer showing a Google maps of the closest dealers. I am using PostgreSQL 8.4.x with Rails 2.1. Can anyone recommend a good solution (Ruby gem, Maps API such Google, PostGIS database, etc)? Thanks, Chirag
I generally use Geokit:
Or Geokit Rails 3:
Then of course, I use my gem gmaps4rails
Haven't really done anything like that before, but these resources should be quite useful :

Ruby on Rails Blog

Does anybody know a basic plugin/gem that will allow me to quickly set up a blog in Rails.
I would like it to have a WYSIWYG editor that allows image upload and basic editing.
All the Google results I checked out were tutorials to creating a blog in Rails.
I'm not looking to roll out my own solution, I'm looking for something that was already made, like Wordpress, but for Rails.
Try using Mephisto
PS: Search for "rails blog engine" in Google and you will find many other hits.
Mephisto and typo used to be the mainstream, but there are many new kids on the block these days.
