Microsoft Ad Control - Black box when launching app - windows-phone-7.1

I am implementing Ad Control into a WP7 app. When I launch the application, a black ad box appears for a second or two then disappears or it changes showing the ad.
I do not want the black box to be shown.


Xamarin - Android white screen when opening external app

Related to this question but seems to be not related to ComposeEmail
Xamarin - White screen on ComposeEmail
If I open an external app and return to the first app, I will have a white screen. No lifecycle events are triggered.
When I push the back button I will be brought to the login screen. App doesn't fully crash as the debugger stays attached. But no errors are shown

How to show app in a small size on home screen in iOS?

I am using swift to build a mobile app. I see some Android apps support showing in a smaller size on top-right on the home screen. I wonder how I can acheive this on iOS. Does it require any kind of permission?
Below is a screenshot about YouTube app show on the top-right of the homescreen.
The only comparable thing in iOS is for videos on an iPad — not every iPad supports it. It's called Picture In Picture.

iOS banner notification

I noticed recently a banner notification on my iPhone I haven't seen before. I can't find description of these banners, for example here. Here they are:
First of them appears when an app goes in background. Tap on the banner shows the app again.
The second appears when I create a Hotspot and tap on it shows Hotspot settings.
So, my questions are:
What are these banners?
Why they have different colors?
How can I create the same banner in my own app?
The blue banner is there if the "personal hotspot" feature is turned on, and some other device is using the shared internet connection.
The red banner is shown for example if an app that is not currently in the foreground is accessing the microphone.
Both banners are provided by the operating system and are not customizable by app developers. These banners can sometimes make problems when your app is not prepared to re-layout its views as a result of this banner appearing or disappearing. Therefore, you can simulate this banner in the iOS-simulator by pressing CMD-Y (XCode6 iOS Simulator => Hardware => Toggle In-Call Status Bar).
Furthermore, these banners are not really "notifications", they are more like status hints that provide a visual cue to the user that the phone is in an exceptional state (red=microphone access, green=a phone call is in progress, blue=personal hotspot is in use.)

Is there any possibility of showing home screen as background while the app loads my transparent launch image?

I am trying to show the home screen or springboard in the background of launch image.
But what I actually get is in iOS 7
and in iOS 6.1
Is there any possibility of showing home screen or springboard in background while launching the app?
You can't do it. And any home screen screenshot you bundle with your app is never going to match a users actual home screen. As you've seen iOS covers the home screen when an app is launched even if you don't provide a launch image, and if you provide an incorrectly shaped one your app will be rejected at submission.
Just make a launch image as recommended by apple, with a minimal version of your interface on it. It's not a "splash screen" or an opportunity to shove your logo in the users face.
The best you can do is take a screen shot of your home screen and then use that image as the start up image, you can't do anything dynamic to that image because that image is what the OS shows whilst loading you app, i.e. before your app has a chance to start running.

iOS: How to prevent the splash screen from showing when the app goes into background to make a call?

The app that I'm working on is automatically showing the splash screen only when it goes into background to make a call.
The other functions of going out of the app and becoming active again does not "activate" the splash screen. For example, going out of the app into an external website, phone map or another application and coming back into the app will show user the previous state and does not show the splash screen.
Is this something that can be controlled by the app side or is this an iOS feature that apple automatically handles when a phone call is made?
I have managed the leaks on the app side and all is good now so it can't be anything to do with memory management on the app side. Is there anything else that can be done indirectly so that the splash screen will not show?
The launch image is not a "splash screen". The launch image is used to prevent show a black screen while the app is loaded, and you should use it with an in-app screen which gives the feeling of a quick launch. If you don't show the launch image, you will get a black screen.
So, as workaround, my suggestion is that you take an static snapshot of your App, something generic (like the background and toolbars) and use it as launch images. This will give the appearance that the app start immediately, without "splash image". This is what Apple apps do, you can see this in apps like Stocks or Settings.
You see?. The left screen is how your launch image should look.
Check this Apple documentation iOS Human Interface guidelines to understand this subject.
Good luck!
