formtastic-bootstrap installation - ruby-on-rails

I just installed the formatastic-bootstrap gem for Ruby on Rails and Twitter Bootstrap. Per the readme file, I added *= require formtastic-bootstrap to application.css, I created a file called config/initializers/formtastic.rb whose contents are Formtastic::Helpers::FormHelper.builder = FormtasticBootstrap::FormBuilder, and I ran bundle install. When I try to start my rails server now, I get the following error.
`': cannot load such file --
formtastic/helpers/buttons_helper (LoadError)
What am I doing wrong here? Thank you in advance for the help!

According to this latest version of formtastic is not compatible with formtastic-bootstrap. Try older version gem 'formtastic', " ~> 2.1.1"


Getting error cannot load such file -- dry/types/compat/form_types (LoadError) while updating bundle in my project

Getting error
/home/sachin/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.4/gems/activesupport- `require': cannot load such file -- dry/types/compat/form_types (LoadError)
While trying 'bundle update' in one of my project.
i have gem 'dry-validation' in my Gemfile
please let me know what is causing this issue because before bundle update it was working fine but now i can not start my rails project.
After commenting the below code it's working fine.
require 'reform/form/dry'
Reform::Form.class_eval do
include Reform::Form::Dry
I'm not entirely sure what versions of the gems you are using but this might be your problem.
I used the following in my gemfile, to solve the issue i had. Hopefully version 2.3.0 will be released soon.
gem 'reform', github: 'trailblazer/reform', branch: 'v2.3.0.rc2'
Also as a side note, when using 'dry-validation' make sure NOT to use the gem reform-rails as stated in the readme

Issues with foundation-rails gem

I've generated a brand new rails app. I am using ruby version 2.3.3 and rails version 5.1.0 rc. Following the instructions on github:
1) I've added the foundation-rails gem to the gemfile
2) I've run the bundle install command
3) Run the rails g foundation:install command
4) Added the following import to my application.scss file:
#import "foundation_and_overrides";
5) Added the following statement to my application.js file:
//= require foundation
and the following statement to the my application.js file which is automatically generated by the install process:
$(function(){ $(document).foundation(); });
6) After generating a simple home controller with the index action to start building the application I run the server and I get the following error:
Any help ? I'm trying and trying. Cannot sort out the issue.
I don't know which foundation gem you are using but I would suggest to fetch this kind of gems from
You can check the below url for the installation and usage of zurb-foundation v6 gem.
I hope it helps.

Error when loading caldav-icloud gem

I have installed the caldav-icloud gem. Then I've required it in my environment.rb
require "caldav-icloud"
But if I do rails s I get this error:
/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0/gems/activesupport- `require': cannot load such file -- caldav-icloud (LoadError)
How can I solve it?
To make any gem available to your Rails app, you have to add it to the Gemfile like this:
gem "caldav-icloud"
It is not enough to just install it.
This answer goes into a bit more detail what bundler and the Gemfile do and why this is required.

How to add require 'zip/zip' and 'zip' in Gem file

I have two ruby files where one file is using "require 'zip/zip'" with rubyzip version '0.0.9' and other "require 'zip'" with rubyzip version 1.1.7. If use them separately(alone) its working fine.If i combine i am getting error like "no such file to load — zip/zip". How can i solve this?
My Ruby version : 1.9.3
Rails version : 2.3.14
The zip-zip is gem so you can write it in Gemfile. The zip however is an Array method, so you can use it without having to require.

Ruby error: cannot load such file -- rest-client

I am using Ruby on Rails 4.
I am trying to
require 'rest-client'
in my controller so that I can parse the login information I am getting from a form and send it to an API.
I can verify that the gem is installed and is also in my Gemfile on the application root.
However, it is still throwing the "cannot load such file -- rest-client " when I try to require the file in my controller.
I have googled the error and most of the answers I saw were either the gem wasn't installed, wasn't in the Gemfile, or a combination of both those. Neither is the situation here.
Is my controller unable to access the rest-client gem for some reason? I have to use rest-client because it is required in the API.
This is the line I used to install the gem:
gem install rest-client
This is the homepage of the gem:
Which just redirects you to
I should also note that it works fine when I wasn't using the code in a Rails project but just running the commands in the Terminal.
Assuming you're using (since you didn't specify), your require line should be
require 'rest-client'
according to the README. Also, make sure you restart your rails server after adding the gem to your Gemfile and running bundle.
Run the following command in your terminal:
gem install rest-client
and use require 'rest-client'. No need to change to rest_client.
in my case, none of the solutions in this thread worked
what did work, was to add the gem directly in the Gemfile:
gem 'rest-client'
after closing the rails server, exiting rails console and running bundle install,
I opened again the rails console and this time require 'rest-client' worked flawlessly
For me it was an issue with bundle (which I thought I had installed). Spoiler alert, I didn't, and this is how I fixed it. I'm on a Mac running OS X Yosemite and my terminal version is Darwin Kernel Version 14.3.0:
gem install bundler
sudo gem install bundler
If you get something along the lines of the following error:
ERROR: While executing gem ... (Gem::FilePermissionError)
You don't have write permissions for the /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0 directory.
Finally, change your require line from:
require 'rest-client'
require 'rest_client'
Then run your code!
First ensure you have installed gem 'rest-client', ~> 1.8.0 on your gem file. Run bundle install and then require 'rest_client'. This worked for me.
Try require 'rest_client', instead of require 'rest-client'
