I have created a class which has 10 customised Buttons which are added to VFM ..
But when i go from 1st button to another its disappears and when i go on the last button it reappears
When i am on the 1st button and press two times the Up button from keyboard it disappears and then again reappears when i change to 2nd button ??
What's the problem with it
and vice versa happpened to the last button
when i added the button to the HFM
The code which i use is in this link
By setting UIButton().menu, a menu can be shown when tapped.
And a menu is shown when long pressed, too.
I want to execute some another action (for example, change text) when tapped, and show a menu when long pressed.
How to show a menu only when long pressed, like Safari's show tabs button on the right bottom of the screen?
In Safari, tabs are shown when show tabs button is tapped, and a menu is shown when show tabs button is long pressed.
btn.showsMenuAsPrimaryAction = false
I would like to be able to present actions on the row of a TableView (as described in the topic "Swipe to Delete and the More button") from its left and when the table enters edit mode, and not based on a swipe gesture.
The question "In iOS 8, how to add Row Action Buttons to the left side of a UITableViewCell" discusses this topic and presents a relevant picture, however this action is initiated by a swipe, where I would like it to be initiated when entering edit mode by tapping an Edit button.
When binding the edit mode to an Edit button in the navigation bar (on the left) with
self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = self.editButtonItem()
then tapping the Edit button will by default shift the row and present a rounded delete button on the left:
Is there a simple way to replace this rounded button with square buttons such as Delete and More (swiping the row should not trigger anyting) ?
Thank your very much.
This just started happening with iOS 9.
I have a CNContactViewController that displays a contact for the user to edit and save. I also have toolbar buttons at the bottom of the screen by calling setToolbarItems.
The problem is that when the user taps "Add To Existing Contact", the toolbar buttons stay on the screen and cover the bottom of the contact list that shows up, so the last contact on the list can't be tapped.
Similarly if "Share Contact" is tapped, the toolbar buttons cover most of the "Cancel" button, so the word Cancel can't be read and it's hard to tap.
Is there a notification I can use to know when to hide the toolbar buttons?
I have a view with 2 text box's for id and password. When the user tries to enter fields, view will move up and the keyboard will pop up. After clicking 'NEXT' pointer moves to the second text box, and when DONE is clicked everything goes back to normal position. Everything is working perfect until here.
But what's happening is, when i click on the little keyboard icon in the very bottonm right of the keyboard, keyboard is disappearing but the view stays in the same position and doesn't animate down.
I have the code for animating based on the initial position of the view
//Condition to execute when the keyboard is initially clicked
if (_pagerView.frame.origin.y == _pagerFrame.origin.y)
//Condition to execute when the 'Done' Button is clicked
if (_pagerView.frame.origin.y != _pagerFrame.origin.y)
What i need is, the view to come down to normal position when the little keyboard is clicked.Thanks
I have a button that has a custom view that I share between several view controllers for a rightbarbutton item on the navigationitem. Sometimes the button doesn't appear, but is clickable. This button is created programmatically (not in IB).
In one case where I pop the view controller that it is invisible on (by clicking the back button) and then push it again (by putting the button that creates it), then the button shows up again.