autocomplete showing self.element.propAttr error - jquery-ui

I am using Jquery ui Autocomplete.But it show error autocomplete showing self.element.propAttr error.
this is my ajax code
url: "persons.xml",
dataType: "xml",
success: function( xmlResponse ) {
var data = $( "person", xmlResponse ).map(function() {
return {
value: $( "name", this ).text()
$( "#birds" ).autocomplete({
source: data,
minLength: 0
I am using xml for response but that doesnot seem to be the problem it seems some function in javascript is deprecated.
Can anyone give me any solutions for this?

Add this lines in front of your statement:
propAttr: $.fn.prop || $.fn.attr

I was facing this problem when refactoring my javascript and found that the problem was I removed jquery.ui.core.js, and instead was using only jquery-ui-1.9.1.custom.min.js.
I created this file using the Download Builder at the Jquery UI website with everything checked. Correct me If I am wrong but jquery-ui-1.9.1.custom.min.js should have contained all the javascript necessary to run all the jquery ui addins (in this case autocomplete was failing).
Adding the reference back to jquery.ui.core.js fixed the bug.


jquery mobile 1.4 not updating content on page transition

From the index page, a user clicks a navigation link, the data attribute is passed via ajax, the data is retrieved from the server but the content is not being updated on the new page.
Been stuck for hours, really appreciate any help!
$('a.navLink').on('click', function() {
var cat = $(this).data("cat");
url: 'scripts/categoryGet.php',
type: 'POST',
dataType: "json",
data: {'cat': cat},
success: function(data) {
var title = data[0][0],
description = data[0][1];
Im getting the correct responses back on both console logs, so I know the works, but neither divs categoryTitle or categoryDescription are being updated. I've tried .trigger('refresh'), .trigger('updatelayout') but no luck!
This was not intended to be an answer (but I can't comment yet.. (weird SO rules)
You should specify in the question description that the above code IS working, that your problem occurs WHEN your playing back and forth on that page/code aka, using the JQM ajax navigation.
From what I understood in the above comment, you're probably "stacking" the ajax function every time you return to the page, thus getting weird results, if nothing at all.
Is your example code wrapped into something ? If not, (assuming you use JQM v1.4) you should consider wrapping it into $( 'body' ).on( 'pagecontainercreate', function( event, ui ) {... which I'm trying to figure out myself how to best play with..
Simple solution to prevent stacking the ajax definition would be to create/use a control var, here is a way to do so:
var navLinkCatchClick = {
loaded: false,
launchAjax: function(){
if ( !this.loaded ){
ajaxCall: function(){
// paste you example code here..
this.loaded = true;

Jquery: How to clear an element before appending new content?

This is my jquery code
url: "PopUpProductDetails.aspx",
cache: false
}).done(function (html) {
The first time, it works just fine. It display the content of the PopUpProductDetails.aspx page. But, after that, If I click again, I get twice the same content, and so forth. I believe the problem is that I need to clear the dialog element first, before appending new content.
How do I do that?
.append() appends html to the end of existing html string, use .html() to replace what's currently inside of #dialog.
Inside the function clear the dialog first and then fill up with the content
url: "PopUpProductDetails.aspx",
cache: false
}).done(function (html) {
You can use .empty() first, then use .append() in one line :)
like this:
url: "PopUpProductDetails.aspx",
cache: false
}).done(function (html) {
in case you need to clear the dialog first use .empty() which is faster than .html("")
see Jquery Difference .html("") vs .empty()

Redirect jQuery Mobile page on form submit in

I'm trying to build a simple prototype of an app and I cannot seem to get JQM to change to either an internal or external page with $.mobile.changePage($('#page2')) or $.mobile.changePage('page2.html').
I have successfully binded the form submit to the button, but when clicking (tapping), it changes the same page. After a second click/tap, it redirects.
$("#fd-login button#login-fd-submit").on('click', function(e) {'login-fd-submit clicked');
For a "local" page in your "src" directory:
$("#fd-login button#login-fd-submit").on('click', function(e) {'login-fd-submit clicked');
forge.file.getLocal('page2.html', function(file) {
}, function(err) {
If you are using a jQuery object instead, then its mostly likely not and need to see more code.
It seems that $(element).on("click", function() {}); doesn't work for this. $(element).live("click", function() {}); works perfectly.
Try using:-
$("#fd-login button#login-fd-submit").on('tap', function(e) {
e.stopImmediatePropagation();'login-fd-submit clicked');
Update: Changed to use tap event.

bind a jquery plugin to ajax loaded content

I've used sortable/portlet jquery ui plugin on my website. I load some boxes after the page is loaded via ajax. but they don't look like the boxes appears at the page load time. I know the problem loading via ajax and bind issue. But how can I solve it?
You're ajax call has a success method which you can use to bind to elements that have been dynamically added.
For example you could do
url: 'ajax/test.html',
success: function(data) {
$(".column").sortable({ connectWith: ".column", cursor: 'crosshair' });

Jquery UI Autocomplete: is "value" required?

I am using jQuery UI's autocomplete with a remote data file. It works but it's slow. My JSONP is over a meg of 'value' junk characters and I'd like to minimize that. Here is the format:
[{"value": "Aaronsburg, PA"},
{"value": "Abanda, AL"},
{"value": "Abbeville, AL"}]
How do I get jQuery UI's Autocomplete to accept a remote data file of the form:
{["Aaronsburg, PA", "Abanda, AL", "Abbeville, AL"]}
["Aaronsburg, PA", "Abanda, AL", "Abbeville, AL"]
jQuery UI Autocomplete can take any format of data. You have complete control the rendering of the list but in this case I think it might just work.
This demo (albeit with a local source) seems to work as expected.
If you need more control you can tailor the renderItem function to suit any data format:
var searches = [{
desc:'foo foo',
desc:'bar bar',
desc:'baz baz',
$(function() {
dataType: 'json',
source: searches
.data('autocomplete')._renderItem = function(ul, item) {
return $('<li></li>')
.data('item.autocomplete', item)
Or there is an example on the jQuery site using remote JSONP as a source and customizes the label and value needed to populate the list.
Well, the only way I can think of to do this is by using php with fopen and fread, then format the data.
