Problems od special characters with sfWidgetFormDoctrineChoice in Symfony - symfony1

I'm using sfWidgetFormDoctrineChoice to get a list of languages from a MySql database. The list is in spanish language. All languages with special characters like for ex. Árabe looks OK (it got the tilde), but I'm getting the wrong representation (A!rabe) using the widget.
How can I resolve this?
Thanks in advance.

This is probably an encoding problem: verify that the list of languages registered in your database has the same encoding than the page where you display the widget.
But why don't you use the sfWidgetFormI18nChoiceLanguage widget ?


What is si=a or si=fc, etc in my soundcloud link? [duplicate]
The URL above was created occasionally by me.
A normal URL to me has one question mark while all parameters are distinct. So in my opinion, this URL is abnormal.
What seems weird to me is that it still works and my browser has no complaint about it.
Would anyone explain it to me?
The first ? indicates the query component. The query component is terminated by the first following #, or the end of the URL.
So, this is the query component of your URL:
Within the query component, it’s perfectly fine to use ? characters, they don’t have any special meaning there (list of all allowed characters in the query).
While parameters in the query typically are in the name=value format, separated by &, this is just a convention (it’s what the encoding type application/x-www-form-urlencoded in HTML forms produces). Site authors can use whatever format they want.

How to replace Mandrill's *| |* symbols?

Is there any chance to replace the mandrill's *| |* symbols?
The CMS i'm using (MODX) has its own symbols to enclose the tags, eg: [[+ ]]
The case is that I also have "read on web" link, where the page on the web needs to generate dynamic content as well.
I have googled and searched on but still no luck.
Any hint will be appreciated.
You wouldn't be able to use different symbols in your emails - those are how Mandrill's system recognizes merge tags and to replace them in the HTML and/or text of your email. You'd need to convert any placeholders you have or want for the email to that format, so you can pass the data to Mandrill as expected. If it's going to mirror what you're putting on the web, then you probably just want to have something that transforms strings, for example, to convert your CMS tags to Mandrill tags specifically for the emails.
I just figured it out.
I need to replace it right before it is sent.
More or less, this is the code.
Hopefully it's useful for anyone else.

Any problems with using a period in URLs to delimiter data?

I have some easy to read URLs for finding data that belongs to a collection of record IDs that are using a comma as a delimiter.
I want to know if I change the delimiter from a comma to a period. Since periods are not a special character in a URL. That means it won't have to be encoded.
Are there any browsers (Firefox, Chrome, IE, etc) that will have a problem with that URL?
There are some related questions here on SO, but none that specific say it's a good or bad practice.
To me, that looks like a resource with an odd query string format.
If I understand correctly this would be equal to something like:
Since your filter is acting like a multi-select (IDs instead of search fields), that would be my guess at a standard equivalent.
Browsers should not have any issues with it, as long as the application's route mechanism handles it properly. And as long as you are not building that query-like thing with an HTML form (in which case you would need JS or some rewrites, ew!).
May I ask why not use a more standard URL and querystring? Perhaps something that includes element class (/reports/search?name=...), just to know what is being queried by find. Just curious, I knows sometimes standards don't apply.

Rails escape all URLs

In Rails, I'd like to be able to escape all my URLs using link_to across the board. What is the best way to do this?
Currently, the permalinks are stored in UTF-8. e.g. it's stored as: 水-water
I'm running Spree, so I would like to avoid overriding all the template files with CGI.escapes to achieve the same thing.
Other considerations:
Store the Escaped url in the permalinks column? (params encodes it to UTF-8 and then the sequel can't find it because it was stored in the DB as escaped)
Thanks in advanced!
Nevermind, link_to already escapes the UTF-8 properly. It was the browser already interpreting it making me perceive it as unescaped.
Using a Raw HTTP Viewer such as:
Helped see that.

How to disable UTF character (punctuation) escaping when creating XML using default to_xml with Rails?

Given a rails models column that contains
"Something & Something Else" when outputting to_xml
Rails will escape the Ampersand like so:
<MyElement>Something & Something Else</MyElement>
Our client software is all UTF aware and it would be better if we can just leave the column content raw in our XML output.
There was an old solution that worked by setting $KCODE="UTF8" in an environment file, but this trick no longer works, and was always an All or Nothing solution.
Any recommendations on how to disable this? on a case by case basis?
It does not matter if the client software is UTF-8-aware. An ampersand cannot be used unescaped in XML. If the software is supposed to also be XML-aware, then any content that includes ampersands is not allowed to be kept "raw".
This is nothing to do with Unicode (or "UTF"). Ampersands in XML must be escaped, otherwise it isn't XML, and no XML software will accept it. If you're saying you want the escaping disabled, then you're saying you don't want the output to be XML.
