Code sign error in iOS app - ios

I got an ios app, whe i trying to build it on device, XCode shows me this error:
Code Sign error: The identity 'iPhone Developer' doesn't match any valid, non-expired certificate/private key pair in the default keychain
Any ideas? What is the reason?

Except for the provisioning profile, you need also the private key/certificate exported from the keychain of the creator of the provisioning profile.

Look here
You will have to buy a development certificate in order to run your developments on your device.
Of course you can use the simulator free of charge.

To get a valid certificate - you need the user that issued the development certificate for this app to export the certificate files physically from his Mac. This means opening Keychain Access, right clicking the certificate and selecting "Export...". Then when you get this certificate, just open it and it will be added to your chain.

I just delete all profiles from Key-chain. And the create new profiles in


iPhone has denied the launch request - On provision profile

A company that I am developing a project for, gave me a .mobileprovision file and a .p12 certificate to add APNS to their project. As long as I've added their provision profile to my project in XCode, XCode keeps saying "iPhone has denied the launch request." when I try to build project on my physical device.
I've tried deleting certificate Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certification Authority, and adding another user account to mac but non of them worked. Only when I disabled Debug executable, the app launched successfully, but it's not a solution because I need to debug the app.
Should I tell them to add my device UDID to their account's devices on
You've been given an Adhoc distribution provisioning profile, which don't allow the debugger to attach (they're missing the get-task-allow entitlement), as they're for use when you distribute your app for testing, not local development.
If you need to debug, they'll have to supply you with a development p12 certificate and a matching provisioning profile.
You are trying with Development Profile vs Distribution Profile?
Distribution Profile:
With AdHoc Distribution profile, you can't debug any app it should be used for distribution only.
Development Profile:
If you didn't add your device UDID to the provisioning profile, you can try to do that and re-generate the provisioning profile and download it.
In Keychain Access, you will get to know which profile you received from the team,
gave me a ".mobileprovision" file and a ".p12" certificate
That seems like a red herring. I would suggest ignoring both of those. If they want you to work on their app, they simply make you a team member. Done! Your own dev center membership is then sufficient to debug on device.

Profile doesn't include certificate

Using Xcode 9.1, after building an iOS app, I try to archive it.
But I get the following error message:
Provisioning profile "MyAppProfile" doesn't include signing
certificate "iPhone Developer: My Name (X1YZ2AB3CD)".
What is the simplest way to solve this?
Open key chain in your mac and check your development certificate...I think your certificate is expired using which you have created your Provisioning profile..thats why it is showing "MyAppProfile" doesn't include signing certificate.
1.To solve this issue go to your developer account and download the latest development certificate and add it to keychain and remove all expired certificates from keychain.
2.This issue also comes when you have multiple developer accounts in your keychain and the expired developer certificate name is same as that of active developer certificate. After removing the expired certificates, you must restart Xcode to let it reload the remaining certificates.
Try enabling automatic signing. It will take care these things mostly.
The reason for this error is you may have chosen a developer certificate(which the provisioning profile doesn't intended to use with) for distributing/release build.
I have just encountered the same problem. What fixed it for me is to go to the xcodeproj file>Select the correct build target>Build settings>Code signing identity>select the correct identity for the build configuration (If you didn't change it in the edit scheme screen, it would be "Release" for archiving).

No code signing identities found

When I try to create a new Xcode project named Twitter Searches I get the following error. However if I use a different name I am able to build the project with no errors. What does this mean?
No code signing identities found: No valid signing identities (i.e. certificate and private key pair) matching the team ID “(null)” were found
You have to log into and register an app identifier and create a Certificate for it, then create and download a Development provisioning profile. The bundle identifier of the app has to match between your Developer account and Xcode.
if you want to run on real device(iPhone,iPad),you need certificate and provisioning profile,if you don't have them you can run on simulator. to get these certificate and provision profile you have to buy member ship program from
to know more about this follow the link How to enrol IOS developer account
Edit :
Now with the new xcode 7 we can run our app on our device freely without any certificates and provisioning profiles.

can't resolve "valid identity is not found"?

I'm trying to develop my first iOS App on my mac (OS 10.8), the application contains a push notification service. I followed the below steps to create my App ID:
Give a name to the APP ID
Set the Bundle ID.
Check the Push Notification checkbox
Create App ID
Generate a certificate, by uploading the request created by key chain access, then downloading and installing it on key chain access, exporting into .p12 file.
Create Provision Profile, Download and install on my Xcode organiser (XCode 4 updated version) and on my device to test.
The project work well on the simulator (except get the token and that's normal). However when installing the provisioning profile on the Xcode Organizer it gave me :"valid identity is not found".
Checked and tested Many Solutions:
Delete Cert from Dev Center and Key Chain Access.
Delete Provision profile recreate it.
Install provision profile directly from Xcode.
Delete Created Keys from key chain and create new ones.
Many suggestion has been provided:
Your Keychain is missing the private key associated with your iPhone Developer or iPhone Distribution certificate.
Your Keychain is missing the Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Intermediate Certificate.
Your certificate was revoked or has expired.
Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) or Certificate Revocation List (CRL) are turned on in Keychain Access preferences
None of the above fixed the problem.
Would you please provide a solution for this problem and thank you in advanced.
i had discover my problem. i work in a company and there is my partner have generate the developpements certificate on his own mac. i work on a different mac. so what i need, he must export the key and the certificate from his key chain access and give it to me.
that's it.
beginner's problem :d
First of all make sure your Bundle Identifier match with the bundle Identifier included in the provisioning profile. And you have correctly added your iPhone's UDID to the developer account under devices and then add the bundle identifier and device to the provisional profile. Also make sure you have requested the certificate from your own Mac and then installed the certificate after downloading it from the developer account. And there will be a key under your certificate.
Many things may go wrong, so simply try these steps, even if you've done them before.
Make sure your Bundle identifier is the same at both in Xcode and in iTunes Connect, it's a good practice to fill it manually instead of Xcode's template, as it IS case-sensitive.
Check that your testing device's UDID is listed on the Devices list at
Create a new provisioning profile with a new unique name, for your app's bundle ID, make sure, again, that it's the same bundle ID (case sensitive) and make sure you have your newly-added device UDID (or the existing one if you had it correct before) in on the provisioning profile. Take a note of the developer certificate that the provisioning profile is bound to.
Download the newly created provisioning profile AND the development certificate that the provisioning profile is for. Clean your project's build folder (open Product menu from the menu bar, press and hold down the option button on your keyboard, and select 'Clean Build Folder...', exit Xcode.
Open both your provisioning profile and certificate. One should open in Xcode, the latter, in Keychain access.
In Keychain access, make sure you have the private key to your non-expired, non-revoked developer certificate. (if not, you need to either find its private key (e.g. in another keychain or in another Mac. It should be on the Mac that the CSR is created on, or if none are available, revoke it and create a new certificate, and start over this process)
In Xcode, make sure you are using the provisioning profile, NOT overriding it (e.g. you've selected a different value under 'Debug' or 'Release' options by mistake).
In Xcode, make sure you are using the correct development certificate (the one that is bound to the provisioning profile) and not overriding it under Code-signing identity section's Debug or Release, or in 'Any iOS SDK' sub-item underneath them. If everything worked, Xcode should offer you the correct certificate for your provisioning profile.
Your project should build. Seriously, I can't think of anything else.

Cant archive ios app

I tried to archive app for ios devise. But archivation failed.
Xcode show me: Code Sign error: The identity 'iPhone Developer' doesn't match any valid, non-expired certificate/private key pair in the default keychain
What happened? How to archive app for testing app on ios devise?
This is one of XCode's rare error messages that is actually descriptive and precise. You can break the message down a bit and make a little more sense of it.
The identity 'iPhone Developer' ...
This suggests that you are trying to use your developer profile to make an archive when you should be using your distribution certificate and provisioning profile.
Have a look at this page. (Apple login is required) if you don't have a distribution profile.
... doesn't match any valid, non-expired certificate/private key pair in the default keychain.
Even if you are using your distribution certificate (I don't think this is the case based on the first part of the message but if you are sure it is your distribution certificate and it's just badly named, please continue). Go to Keychain Access and check that your iPhone distribution certificates (and any other relevant certificates) haven't expired.
If it's neither of these, go to Organizer and check that your provisioning profiles haven't expired either.
