Why use "self" to access ActiveRecord/Rails model properties? - ruby-on-rails

Throughout my application self. is not necessary to refer to a User's name. name works fine.
Why does the following code require self to work as intended?
class User< ActiveRecord::Base
before_save :validate_name
def validate_name
if self.name.nil? || self.name.empty?
self.name= "Mr. No Name"
By the way, I know that validates_presence_of can be used to prevent the save, but I want to save with a default if no name is given.
Rails 3.0.7.

Often the use of self is to force Ruby to recognize that as a method call and not mis-interpret it as a variable. Without prior knowledge of a method called day=, then day = "x" looks to Ruby like a variable assignment. self.day = "x" is always a method call.
The reason this is trouble is because the name and name= methods are added dynamically after the User class file has been parsed. The first thing Rails does when using a model is make methods for the associated database fields, but this happens after your user.rb file is parsed.


Is there a more idiomatic way to update an ActiveRecord attribute hash value?

Given a person ActiveRecord instance: person.phones #=> {home: '00123', office: '+1-45'}
Is there a more Ruby/Rails idiomatic way to do the following:
person_phones = person.phones
person_phones[:home] = person_phones[:home].sub('001', '+1')
person.update_column :phones, person_phones
The example data is irrelevant.
I only want to sub one specific hash key value and the new hash to be saved in the database. I was wondering if there was a way to do this just calling person.phones once, and not multiple times
Without changing much behaviour:
person.phones[:home].sub!('001', '+1')
There are a few important differences here:
You modify the string object by using sub! instead of sub. Meaning that all other variables/objects that hold a reference to the string will also change.
I'm using save instead of update_column. This means callbacks will not be skipped and all changes are saved instead of only the phones attribute.
From the comment I make out you're looking for a one liner, which isn't mutch different from the above:
person.tap { |person| person.phones[:home].sub!('001', '+1') }.save
You can use the before_validation callback on your model.
Like this:
class Phone < ApplicationRecord
validates :home, US_PHONE_REGEX
before_validation :normalize_number
def normalize_number
home.gsub!(/^001/, '+1')
Note: I haven't tested this code, it's meant to show an approach only.
If you're looking to normalize also an international number, evaluate if the use of a lib like phony wouldn't make more sense, or the rails lib https://github.com/joost/phony_rails based on it.
since the comment clarify you only want to change the values of the hash in one like you can use Ruby's method transform_values!:
phones.transform_values!{|v| v.gsub(/^001/, '+1')}

Rails associated models with a method of the same name

I'm working with a massive legacy code base, so I am looking for advice concerning this particular issue, please, not suggestions of better high-level implementations.
A simplified version of what I'm working with:
class Order < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :line_items
#other stuff
def balance
#some definition
class LineItem < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :order
#other stuff
module Concerns
module LineItems
module Aggregates
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
def balance
#some other definition
Order has a method called 'balance,' and a module of LineItem also has a method called 'balance.' It seems that most of the time (in most places in the code base), when specific_line_item.balance is called, it used the method definition under the LineItem module, but there are a couple of places where it instead calls the method from Order.
Is there any way in Ruby/Rails to specify on method call which of these two I'd like to use? OR is there probably something else going on here because Ruby doesn't have method overloading, so the problem I'm describing here isn't possible?
All relevant cases where either method is called are coming from a line_item (i.e. specific_line_item.balance), so I would think it would always choose the method closer to home, rather than making the associative jump and calling Order's 'balance' method without being told to.
Thanks for the responses! It seems I wasn't clear enough with my question. I understand the difference between
and that the balance method being called is the one defined within the class for that object. In the situation I'm describing, I observed, in the actual live app environment, that at a place in the code where
was called it output not the result that would be computed by the LineItem 'balance' method, but the one from the Order class.
So I had hoped to learn that there's some ruby quirk that might have an object call an associate's method of the same name under some conditions, rather than it's own. But I'm thinking that's not possible, so there's probably something else going on under the covers specific to this situation.
Firstly, ActiveRecord::Concern can change a lot of behaviour and you've left out a lot of code, most crucially, I don't know where it's being injected, but I can make an educated guess.
For a Concern's methods to be available a given object, it must be include'd in the object's class's body.
If you have access to an instance of the Order object, at any point you can call the balance method:
order = Orders.last # grab the last order in your database
order.balance # this will call Order#balance
And if you have the Order then you can also get the LineItem:
order.line_items.first.balance # should call the Concerns:: LineItems::Aggregates#balance
You can open up a Rails console (with rails console) and run the above code to see if it works as you expect. You'll need a working database to get meaningful orders and balances, and you might need to poke around to find a completed order, but Ruby is all about exploration and a REPL is the place to go.
I'd also grep (or ag or ack) the codebase looking for calls to balance maybe doing something like grep -r "(^|\s)\w+\.balance" *, what you want to look for is the word before .balance, that is the receiver of the "balance" message, if that receiver is an Order object then it will call Order#balance and if it is a LineItem object then it will call Concerns:: LineItems::Aggregates#balance instead.
I get the feeling you're not familiar with Ruby's paradigm, and if that's the case then an example might help.
Let's define two simple Ruby objects:
class Doorman
def greet
puts "Good day to you sir!"
class Bartender
def greet
puts "What are you drinking?"
Doorman and Bartender both have a greet method, and which is called depends on the object we call greet on.
# Here we instantiate one of each
a_doorman = Doorman.new
a_bartender = Bartender.new
a_doorman.greet # outputs "Good day to you sir!"
a_bartender.greet # outputs "What are you drinking?"
We're still using a method called greet but the receiver is what determines which is called.
Ruby is a "message passing language" and each "method" is not a function but it's a message that is passed to an object and handled by that object.
How to use concerns in Rails 4

Is it better practice to use attribute_name or self.attribute_name when accessing within model

For a User model with columns :first_name and :last_name, what is the best way to write the full_name method. Both seem to work.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
def full_name
first_name + last_name
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
def full_name
self.first_name + self.last_name
I've looked at the SO posts below but am not sure
Why isn't self always needed in ruby / rails / activerecord?
This is because attributes/associations are actually
methods(getters/setters) and not local variables. When you state
"parent = value" Ruby assumes you want to assign the value to the
local variable parent.
Somewhere up the stack there's a setter method "def parent=" and to
call that you must use "self.parent = " to tell ruby that you actually
want to call a setter and not just set a local variable.
When it comes to getters Ruby looks to see if there's a local variable
first and if can't find it then it tries to find a method with the
same name which is why your getter method works without "self".
In other words it's not the fault of Rails, but it's how Ruby works
Why isn't self always needed in ruby / rails / activerecord?
Why use “self” to access ActiveRecord/Rails model properties?
"Often the use of self is to force Ruby to recognize that as a method
call and not mis-interpret it as a variable. Without prior knowledge
of a method called day=, then day = "x" looks to Ruby like a variable
assignment. self.day = "x" is always a method call.
The reason this is trouble is because the name and name= methods are
added dynamically after the User class file has been parsed. The first
thing Rails does when using a model is make methods for the associated
database fields, but this happens after your user.rb file is parsed."
Why use "self" to access ActiveRecord/Rails model properties?
Camp 1: Convention over configuration. Also, self.first_name will not work for private accessors.
Camp 2: You know what's what at a glance, whereas you might forget what methods you have without the explicit receiver.
In the end, it's an opinion question, so I'm voting to close. However, food for thought:
bbatsov style guide:
Avoid self where not required. (It is only required when calling a self write accessor.)
GitHub style guide (based on bbatsov style guide):
Avoid explicit use of self as the recipient of internal class or instance messages unless to specify a method shadowed by a variable.

Rails 4: Create object only in a factory method?

Going to simplify a bit here, but assume an app that has Users and UserRecords. A User must have one or more UserRecords. I want to limit the creation of UserRecords to a method in User, namely #create_new_user_record.
In other words, I don't want to allow UserRecord.new or UserRecords.create anywhere else in the application. I need to control the creation of these records, and perform some logic around them (for example, setting the new one current and any others to not current), and I don't want any orphaned UserRecords in the database.
I tried the after_initialize callback and checking if the object is new and raising an error there, but of course I do need to call UserRecord.new in User#create_new_user_record. If I could somehow flag in #create_new_user_record that I am calling new from that method, and pick that up in after_intialize, that would work, but how?
I might be over thinking it. I can certainly create a that method on User, and just 'know' to always call it. But others will eventually work on this app, and I will go away and come back to it as some point.
I suppose I could raise the error and just rescue from it in #create_new_user_record. Then at least, if another develop tries it elsewhere they will find out why I did it when they pursue the error.
Anyway, wondering what the Rails gurus here had to say about it.
super method is what you are looking for. Though you'll need some workaround (maybe simple check for value of option only you know about) to fit your needs
class User < ActiveRecord:Base
def .new(attributes = nil, options = {})
if option[:my_secret_new_method]
super # call AR's .new method and automatically pass all the arguments
Ok, here's what I did. Feel free to tell me if this is bad idea or, if it's an ok idea, if there's a better way. For what it's worth, this does accomplish my goal.
In the factory method in the User model, I send a custom parameter in the optional options hash defined on the new method in the API. Then I in the UserRecord#new override, I check for this parameter. If it's true, I create and return the object, otherwise I raise in custom error.
In my way of thinking, creating a UserRecord object any other way is an error. And a developer who innocently attempts it would be lead to explanatory comments in the two methods.
One thing that's not clear to me is why I need to leave off the options hash when I call super. Calling super with it causes the ArgumentError I posted in my earlier comment. Calling super without it seems to work fine.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
def create_new_user_record
# do fancy stuff here
user_record = UserRecord.new( { owner_id: self.id, is_current: true }, called_from_factory: true )
class UserRecord < ActiveRecord::Base
def UserRecord.new(attributes = nil, options = {})
if options[:called_from_factory] == true
raise UseFactoryError, "You must use factory method (User#create_new_user_record) to create UserRecords"

Is there any built-in way to automatically enforce a type/class on an instance variable in Ruby?

I'm working with Ruby and Rails, so any Rails extension of Ruby should be fine too.
I'm wondering if there's a way to effectively force a type on instance variables (rather, their setters and getters) that's easier than manually defining them.
The class method attr_accessor and the like don't enforce a type. I noticed for instance that Rails' ActiveRecord::Base class does automatic casting on setters. It knows from the database that a particular active record variable is an integer, and setting it with #record.integer_variable = '1' automatically casts the argument and allows further access through #record.integer_variable # => 1.
Is there a way to tap into this?
I could write my own getters and setters as class methods, but if smarter folk have already done the heavy lifting, I'd rather not have to trust myself.
I don't know if there's already something about it, but you can solve this problem with just a few lines of meta-programming:
module EnforceTypes
def attr_accessor_of_type(name, type)
send :define_method, name do
send :define_method, "#{name}=" do |v|
raise ArgumentException unless v.is_a? type
instance_variable_set("##{name}", v)
class MyClass
extend EnforceTypes
attr_accessor_of_type :some_string, String
Of course you can make it a little smart by changing the 2nd emitted method, performing some conversions, etc.
Here's a nice reference: http://www.raulparolari.com/Ruby2/attr_accessor
And remember, almost anything that you can do by manually copy-and-pasting lots of code, can be solved with meta-programming.
