Preserve external changes in CouchDB with CouchRest Model - ruby-on-rails

I'm using couchrest_model to manage some DBs in Rails. So far, it worked like a charm, but I noticed that if I PUT some data via HTTP request, CouchRest Model doesn't seem to realise that the changes are made, so it wipes off the whole record. Of course, I can see the changes in Futon, but not in Rails. When I enter the console, the previously saved instance is just not there.
Of course, I could use HTTP all the way, but I'd really like to make use of validations and other goodies that are available in ActiveRecord class.
Is there any chance that I can make these two guys work together?
If you think/know that this approach will work with any other CouchDB Ruby/Rails gem, please, do tell! =)
I've mentioned CouchRest Model because IMO it's the most up-to-date and advanced gem out there.

I realised that this one was so damn easy, it's just that I was using the wrong tool (apart from being a proper n00b). AFAICT, it's not possible to use CouchRest Model solely to carry out persistent operations on CouchDB backend. All external calls that alter the database record(s) in certain way will somehow "remove" that record from ActiveARecord. Instead, you'd probably like to use CouchPotato, since it supports persistent operations.
I'll be glad to give checkmark if anyone comes up with vaguely better idea that this one.


Ruby on Rails How do I cache partial data from external source in an ActiveRecord model

This is my first question, so please let me know if you feel I'm making any major/minor faux pas. Thanks.
Ruby - 2.5.3
Rails - 5.0.3
I have an existing ActiveRecord data model. Fields in a data model have become redundant to manually update as the information is available in an API. I want to retrieve, populate, and cache some of these fields from the external API.
As most entities use the data model CRUD, I was to modify the data model to always check for the cached data, and if the TTL lapses, do a fresh pull from the API.
Is there an existing in Rails or Ruby mechanism that would allow me to do this?
There appear to be ActiveRecord validation hooks for updating, but no hooks I can use for retrieving.
I'm still new to Ruby on Rails and the results from my searching haven't been great.
Much appreciation for any help you may provide!
I was able to use the after_find hook to be able to prepopulate a result and save it if the updated time was after some configurable period. Unfortunately, this didn't scale well if I was going to do an API call for each result (cough, all of them).
I ended up creating a rake task that was run periodically that would periodically call the external API to update parts of my record's results.
This doesn't seem to qualify as an objective answer to what I was looking for, so I won't mark this as the result. Thanks for anyone who viewed and considered answering this question.

Generate and send xml on model save

I need to generate xml from a model and send it to a web service on model save.
I'm sure this is a common case and should be straight forward. Just create a job on after_save callback that generates the xml and sends it to the endpoint.
Since I'm new to Ruby on Rails I'm not to sure how to handle this though. My questions are more about code organization. It's not unlikely that this api connection will be discontinued in the future so I need a clean modular way to get rid of it. Would it be best practice/convention to put this in a separate gem? Can gems actually add jobs to an existing rails queue? Can gems create migrations on install? I'll probably need to add a model to keep track of the api sync. How about dropping a table on gem uninstall? Or should I not use a gem for this at all?
I realize these are broad and basic Ruby on Rails questions but I'm kind of drowning in documentation. I'm just hoping for some examples and/or advice and maybe some pointers to relevant documentation. Thanks.
Gem installs/uninstalls are unrelated to apps, they live on different level and do not khow anything about your app code, db and so on unless they are loaded.
Gems for rails can provide rake tasks and/or generators, for example you can look into devise gem structure on how it does this.
But i'd advise against moving code to a gem before you know you have to, like for example when you need to reuse it in different project.
To reuse code inside single project - use mixins/concerns
In general:
don't make it a gem
it's an unnecessary world of pain, pretty much always,
never make anything a gem unless you intend to use it in the same way in 3+ applications
don't extract it into a concern either,
it doesn't seem very likely that you'll do the same operation on multiple models, code reuse seems to not be an issue here and you can actually reuse code more efficiently using service classes too
a lot of experienced Rails programmers regard this practice as concerning, forgive the pun. It seems this view is not shared by the Rails development team, but at least from my experience writing service classes seems like unnecessary complexity until your project grows enough and then you need to refactor a BUNCH of stuff and you realize you would have been better off ditching concerns from the start
use a service class instead and delegate the necessary methods to it from the model
this will leave you with a clean interface to extract later and will also allow you to use dependency injection if you need to mock your XML service for tests
don't tie API requests to model callbacks, there's usually just 2-3 places where you need to do something with the API and a bunch of other cases where that may not be the case, imagine:
or if you get a requirement to implement cache column,
or a "number of visits" column
or a gem like Paperclip that thought that it wanted to add something to the model but changed his mind and instead of that just touched updated_at
or any such trickery which will make you a grandiose API spammer and a sufferer of VERRRRY slow database updates
if you DO tie API requests to model callbacks,
then you better make sure that error handling is done properly and that timeouts etc don't rollback or delay your DB operation,
best way from my experience is to run these things through ActiveJob + one of the backends (though obviously not the :inline backend and ideally one of the backends which don't use your main database and allow asynchronous job submission - sidekiq comes to mind as a candidate)

Correct rails place for no-db data fetching code

I'm looking for the "rails" design pattern for code that fetches data from other websites.
I have a rails controller in my app that fetches data not from the database, but from external API's or scraped from the web.
Where's the "rails" place to put this code.
For quick implementation, I just stuck it in a model, but the model doesn't interact with the database - or support standard model functionality - so that feels wrong, but my understanding of rails and ruby isn't yet solid enough to know where it should go.
The way the code works roughly is
controller calls model.fetchData args
the model uses HTTParty or similar to make the call
processes data
passes it back to the controller
Any advice?
Broadly-speaking I think there are two possible ways to do this:
Create a plain ruby class to contain the methods for making requests to the API(s) and processing responses from it(them). You can include the HTTParty module in this class with include HTTParty. The usual place to put this code is in lib/ (make sure that wherever you put it, the path is in autoload_paths).
If you're doing anything really complex, or the API itself is complex, you might want to consider creating a separate gem to handle interaction with the API(s). The term for this type of gem is an "API wrapper" -- if you look around, you'll see there are lots of them out there for popular services (Twitter, LinkedIn, Flickr, etc.)
Notice I haven't mentioned activerecord. If you're not going to be saving anything to the DB, I don't see any need to even create any activerecord models. You can get by with just controllers and views, and then (if needed) pick and choose components from activemodel (validations, internationalization, etc.) to make your ruby API wrapper class feel more like a Rails model. For example, one thing that I've done in an app I'm working on is to apply validations to query strings before actually making requests to an external API, which is a bit like running validations on database queries before querying a DB. See this article by Yehuda Katz for more on how to make plain ruby objects feel like activerecord models.
Hope that helps. I answered another question very similar to this one just yesterday, you might want to have a look at that answer as well: Using rails to consume web services/apis

In-memory ActiveRecord for production use

I'm currently extending some functionality from Redmine 1.4 issue tracker (it uses Rails 2.3.14 and Ruby 1.8.7).
One thing I don't really like about it for my current use case is that some classes that encapsulate business logic (roles, workflows) are database based instead of code based - our customer shouldn't be able to change roles and workflows without our intervention, and while I could just preload a pre-baked set of db data with the roles and workflows I want, I still think it would be a solution which is not the best for maintainability's sake.
What I'd like to do is something like that:
class Person < SomeInMemoryActiveRecordBaseClass
p = => "Somebody)
And then I'd like to be able to invoke ActiveRecord methods on any Person object and from the Person class, even though there's no real database behind it.
This may seem a silly thing to do (If I were creating the project from scratch I'd simply not use an AR-based object, but since I'm building on something that already exists this is not an option), but the objects I need to work with in-memory are used in plenty of places and they're supposed to be AR-based; changing their usage everywhere would really be time consuming.
I've seen some projects, like nulldb, which are test-oriented, not production-oriented, and they don't implement all methods. Besides that, the AR interface seems quite sql-oriented and I don't know if it's really feasible to get an sql-emulation layer "right".
Is there any library that could suit my use-case of creating a fully-functional activerecord in-memory database?
(I've already thought about using a different connection and leveraging an inmemory sqlite db, but it seems a bit overengineered to me).

How to create a user customizable database (like Zoho creator) in Rails?

I'm learning Rails, and the target of my experiments is to realize something similar to Zoho Creator, Flexlist or Mytaskhelper, i.e. an app where the user can create his own database schema and views. What's the best strategy to pursue this?
I saw something about the Entity-Attribute-Value (EAV) but I'm not sure whether it's the best strategy or if there is some support in Rails for it.
If there was any tutorial in Rails about a similar project it would be great.
Probably it's not the easiest star for learning a new language and framework, but it would be something I really plan to do since a long time.
Your best bet will be MongoDB. It is easy to learn (because the query language is JavaScript) and it provides a schema-less data store. I would create a document for each form that defines the structure of the form. Then, whenever a user submits the data, you can put the data into a generic structure and store it in a collection based on the name of the form. In MongoDB collections are like tables, but you can create them on the fly. You can also create indexes on the fly to speed searches.
The problem you are trying to solve is one of the primary use cases for document oriented databases which MongoDB is. There are several other document oriented databases out there, but in my opinion MongoDB has the best API at the moment.
Give the MongoDB Ruby tutorial a read and I am sure you will want to give it a try.
Do NOT use a relational database to do this. Creating tables on the fly will be miserable and is a security hazard, not just for your system, but for the data of your users as well. You can avoid creating tables on the fly by creating a complex schema that tracks the form structures and each field type would require its own table. Rails makes this less painful with polymorphic associations, but it definitely is not pretty.
I think it's not exactly what you want, but this but apparently this does something similar and you may get some idea to get started.
Using a document store like mongodb or couchdb would be the best way forward, as they are schema-less.
It should be possible to generate database tables by sending DDL-statements directly to the server or by dynamical generating a migration. Then you can generate the corresponding ActiveRecord models using do ... end. In principle this should work, but it has to be done with some care. But this definitely no job for a beginner.
A second solution could be to use MongoMapper and MongoDB. My idea is to use a collection to store the rows of your table and since MongoDB is schema less you can simply add attributes.
Using EntryAttributeValue allows you to store any schema data in a set amount of tables, however the performance implications and maintenance issues this creates may very well not be worth it.
Alternately you could store your data in XML and generate an XML schema to validate against.
All "generic" solutions will have issues with foreign keys or other constraints, uless you do all of that validation in memory before storage.
