asp .net mvc custom model binding fails -

I wrote a custom binder, but i can't seem to get it running.
Here's my code:
public abstract class SlideItem
public string PlaceHolderName { get; set; }
public uint PlaceHolderID { get; set; }
public uint ItemType { get; set; }
public class TitleSlideItem : SlideItem
public TitleSlideItem()
ItemType = 1;
public class ParagraphSlideItem : SlideItem
public ParagraphSlideItem()
ItemType = 2;
public class SlideItemBinder : IModelBinder
public object BindModel(ControllerContext controllerContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("BindModel is working");
var values = (ValueProviderCollection)bindingContext.ValueProvider;
var placeHolderName = (string)values.GetValue("PlaceHolderName").ConvertTo(typeof(string));
var placeHolderID = (uint)values.GetValue("PlaceHolderID").ConvertTo(typeof(uint));
var itemType = (uint)values.GetValue("ItemType").ConvertTo(typeof(uint));
switch (itemType)
case 1:
return (SlideItem)new TitleSlideItem { PlaceHolderName = placeHolderName };
case 2:
return (SlideItem)new ParagraphSlideItem { PlaceHolderName = placeHolderName };
case 3:
return (SlideItem)new TextSlideItem { PlaceHolderName = placeHolderName };
case 4:
return (SlideItem)new PictureSlideItem { PlaceHolderName = placeHolderName };
System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("this should never-ever-ever-ever happen");
//this should never-ever-ever-ever happen
return (SlideItem)new TextSlideItem { PlaceHolderName = placeHolderName };
I added this to my global.asax.cs:
ModelBinders.Binders.Add(new KeyValuePair<Type, IModelBinder>(typeof(SlideItem), new SlideItemBinder()));
but when i try to run this:
public HttpResponseMessage Create(IList<SlideContent> l)
i still get a System.MissingMethodException saying: cannot create abstract class
Where am i going wrong?

Check this might find the solution here: ASP.NET MVC 2 - Binding To Abstract Model
The answer has a custom model binder.


CustomModelBinder on properties of a Dto class

I have a DtoClass which has properties of a specific class, I don't want to have a CustomModelBinder for the DtoClass but for the class of its properties; I am using core 3.1.
My ModelBinder Class is:
public class SessionIdModelBinder : IModelBinder
public Task BindModelAsync(ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
Guard.Against.Null(bindingContext, nameof(bindingContext));
var modelName = bindingContext.ModelName;
var valueProviderResult = bindingContext.ValueProvider.GetValue(modelName);
if (valueProviderResult == ValueProviderResult.None)
return Task.CompletedTask;
var sessionId = SessionId.Parse(valueProviderResult.FirstValue);
if (sessionId.IsFailure)
bindingContext.ModelState.AddModelError(modelName, sessionId.Errors.First().Message);
bindingContext.Result = ModelBindingResult.Failed();
return Task.CompletedTask;
bindingContext.Result = ModelBindingResult.Success(sessionId.Data);
return Task.CompletedTask;
The Dto class is like:
public class MergeSessionsDto
[ModelBinder(BinderType = typeof(SessionIdModelBinder), Name = nameof(OldSession))]
public SessionId OldSession { get; set; }
[ModelBinder(BinderType = typeof(SessionIdModelBinder), Name = nameof(NewSession))]
// [BindProperty(BinderType = typeof(SessionIdModelBinder), Name = nameof(NewSession))]
public SessionId NewSession { get; set; }
The action in my controller is:
public async Task<IActionResult> MergeSessions([FromBody] MergeSessionsDto dto)
var result = DoTheMerge(dto.OldSession, dto.NewSession);
return result;
in the startup class I also registered the ModelBinderProvider :
services.AddControllers(options=> options.ModelBinderProviders.Insert(0, new MyCustomModelBinderProvider()))
which is like:
public sealed class MyCustomModelBinderProvider : IModelBinderProvider
public IModelBinder GetBinder(ModelBinderProviderContext context)
Guard.Against.Null(context, nameof(context));
if (context.Metadata.ModelType == typeof(SessionId))
return new BinderTypeModelBinder(typeof(SessionIdModelBinder));
return null;
No matter which approach I am using, either [ModelBinder], [BindProperty] attributes, or global registration, SessionModelBinder is not called, and I am getting this error:
Exception: Invalid error serialization: 'The dto field is required.'

I did dependency injection but the value is returning null in mvc

public class HomeController : Controller
private readonly IUserDAService _user = DependencyResolver.Current.GetService<IUserDAService>();
public ActionResult About()
return View();
_user returns null. So _user.GetAdminUser(1) also gives System.NullReferenceException error.
public interface IUserDAService
int GetAdminUser(int id);
public class UserDAService : IUserDAService
public int GetAdminUser(int id)
using (var connection= DBConnection.CreateConnection())
return connection.CacheQuery<int>(StoredProcedure.GetAdminUser, new { Id = id }, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure).FirstOrDefault();

How to create DbModificationClause with CASE WHEN .... THEN

I was create IDbCommandTreeInterceptor and got the problem: EF provider wrong sql generation. As a result, I want to get this SQL
UPDATE [dbo].[Devices] SET [DeletedDate] = CASE
ELSE [DeletedDate] END
Code for testing. Interseptor class for fake delettion.
public class SoftDeleteInterseptor : IDbCommandTreeInterceptor
private const string DELETED_DATE_COLUMN = "DeletedDate";
public void TreeCreated(DbCommandTreeInterceptionContext interceptionContext)
if (interceptionContext.OriginalResult.DataSpace != DataSpace.SSpace)
var deleteCommand = interceptionContext.OriginalResult as DbDeleteCommandTree;
if (deleteCommand != null)
interceptionContext.Result = HandleDeleteCommand(deleteCommand);
private DbCommandTree HandleDeleteCommand(DbDeleteCommandTree deleteCommand)
if (!IsPropertyExists(deleteCommand, DELETED_DATE_COLUMN))
return deleteCommand;
var deletedProperty = DbExpressionBuilder.Property(
DbExpressionBuilder.Variable(deleteCommand.Target.VariableType, deleteCommand.Target.VariableName),
var caseValue = DbExpressionBuilder.Case(
new DbExpression[] { deletedProperty.IsNull() },
new DbExpression[] { EdmFunctions.CurrentUtcDateTime() },
var setClauses = new List<DbModificationClause> { DbExpressionBuilder.SetClause(deletedProperty, caseValue) };
return new DbUpdateCommandTree(
setClauses.AsReadOnly(), null);
private bool IsPropertyExists(DbModificationCommandTree command, string property)
var table = (EntityType)command.Target.VariableType.EdmType;
return table.Properties.Any(p => p.Name == property);
Create configuration class for register DbInterseptor.
public class CustomDbConfiguration : DbConfiguration
public CustomDbConfiguration()
AddInterceptor(new SoftDeleteInterseptor());
public partial class CustomDbContext : DbContext
static IDCompleteDbContext()
DbConfiguration.SetConfiguration(new CustomDbConfiguration());
public virtual DbSet<CommandEntity> CommandEntities { get; set; }
public class CommandEntity
public int Id {get; set;}
public DateTime? DeletedDate {get; set;}
public string Name {get; set;}
When delete entity, entity did not deleted
var context = new CustomDbContext();
var entity = context.CommandEntities.First();
Did not work. EF provider generate wrong SQL: UPDATE [dbo].[Devices] SET [DeletedDate] = [DeletedDate] IS NULL#0[DeletedDate] WHERE ([Id] = #1) #0: '01.05.2018 7:45:22' (Type = DateTime2) #1: '20' (Type = Int32)

Castle.Windsor - How to implement TypedFactoryFacility

Recently, I developed a component , using factory pattern. However, I did a research. on how to improve it using TypedFactoryFacility, since we are using Castle.WIndsor.
Can you please provide a simple complete example? I have read few of them but still can't really fully understand . SO far, my code looks like that :
public class DynamoStoreService : IDynamoStoreService
private IDynamoStoreFactory _dynamoStoreFactory;
public DynamoStoreService(IDynamoStoreFactory dynamoStoreFactory)
public IDynamoStore GetProductDataDynamoStore(string storageAccount)
return _dynamoStoreFactory.Create(storageAccount);
public class DynamoStoreFactory : IDynamoStoreFactory
private IStorageAccountSelector _storageAccountSelector;
public DynamoStoreFactory(IStorageAccountSelector storageAccountSelector)
_storageAccountSelector = storageAccountSelector;
public IDynamoStore Create(string storageAccount)
return new AzureKeyValueStore(_storageAccountSelector.GetCredentials(storageAccount).StorageAccount, "pointerfiles");
public class StorageAccountSelector : IStorageAccountSelector
private readonly IConfigurationSettings _settings;
public StorageAccountSelector(IConfigurationSettings settings)
_settings = settings;
BlobCredentials IStorageAccountSelector.GetCredentials(string storageAccount)
return new BlobCredentials()
Container = string.Empty,
StorageAccount = GetStorageAccount(storageAccount)
private string GetStorageAccount(string storageAccount)
switch (storageAccount)
case "CustomerPolarisingCategoryBlobStorageAccountKey":
return _settings.CustomerPolarisingCategoryBlobStorageAccount;
case "CustomerPolarisingSegmentBlobStorageAccountKey":
return _settings.CustomerPolarisingSegmentBlobStorageAccount;
case "P2ProductSimilarityBlobStorageAccountKey":
return _settings.P2ProductSimilarityBlobStorageAccount;
case "ProductPolarisingCategoryBlobStorageAccountKey":
return _settings.ProductPolarisingCategoryBlobStorageAccount;
case "ProductPolarisingSegmentBlobStorageAccountKey":
return _settings.ProductPolarisingSegmentBlobStorageAccount;
case "SignalBlobStorageAccountKey":
return _settings.SignalBlobStorageAccount;
return string.Empty;
So basically, the IDynamostore , whenvever called, we need to be able to pass a different connection string. I have figured out the above design.. could this be improved using TypedFactoryFacility?
Maybe the code below can give you an idea about how to use the TypedFactoryFacility. If you have studied it and have questions about it, please let me know.
Kind regards,
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Castle.Facilities.TypedFactory;
using Castle.MicroKernel;
using Castle.MicroKernel.Registration;
using Castle.Windsor;
namespace ConsoleApplication3
public class TypedFactoryComponentSelector : DefaultTypedFactoryComponentSelector
private readonly StorageAccountSelector _storageAccountSelector;
public TypedFactoryComponentSelector(StorageAccountSelector storageAccountSelector)
_storageAccountSelector = storageAccountSelector;
protected override System.Collections.IDictionary GetArguments(MethodInfo method, object[] arguments)
var dictionary = new Dictionary<string, object>();
dictionary.Add("mappedStorageAccount", _storageAccountSelector.GetCredentials((string)arguments[0]).StorageAccount);
dictionary.Add("files", "pointerfiles");
return dictionary;
public interface IDynamoStore
public class AzureKeyValueStore : IDynamoStore
public AzureKeyValueStore(string mappedStorageAccount, string files)
public class BlobCredentials
public string Container { get; set; }
public string StorageAccount { get; set; }
public interface IDynamoStoreFactory
IDynamoStore Create(string storageAccount);
public class StorageAccountSelector
public BlobCredentials GetCredentials(string storageAccount)
return new BlobCredentials()
Container = string.Empty,
StorageAccount = GetStorageAccount(storageAccount)
public string GetStorageAccount(string storageAccount)
return storageAccount + "Mapped";
return string.Empty;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var container = new WindsorContainer();
Component.For<IDynamoStoreFactory>().AsFactory(new TypedFactoryComponentSelector(new StorageAccountSelector())),
var factory = container.Resolve<IDynamoStoreFactory>();

Get custom attribute for parameter when model binding

I've seen a lot of similar posts on this, but haven't found the answer specific to controller parameters.
I've written a custom attribute called AliasAttribute that allows me to define aliases for parameters during model binding. So for example if I have: public JsonResult EmailCheck(string email) on the server and I want the email parameter to be bound to fields named PrimaryEmail or SomeCrazyEmail I can "map" this using the aliasattribute like this: public JsonResult EmailCheck([Alias(Suffix = "Email")]string email).
The problem: In my custom model binder I can't get a hold of the AliasAttribute class applied to the email parameter. It always returns null.
I've seen what the DefaultModelBinder class is doing to get the BindAttribute in reflector and its the same but doesn't work for me.
Question: How do I get this attribute during binding?
public class AliasModelBinder : DefaultModelBinder
public static ICustomTypeDescriptor GetTypeDescriptor(Type type)
return new AssociatedMetadataTypeTypeDescriptionProvider(type).GetTypeDescriptor(type);
public override object BindModel(ControllerContext controllerContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
var value = base.BindModel(controllerContext, bindingContext);
var descriptor = GetTypeDescriptor(bindingContext.ModelType);
// this next statement returns null!
AliasAttribute attr = (AliasAttribute)descriptor.GetAttributes()[typeof(AliasAttribute)];
if (attr == null)
return null;
HttpRequestBase request = controllerContext.HttpContext.Request;
foreach (var key in request.Form.AllKeys)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(attr.Prefix) == false)
if (key.StartsWith(attr.Prefix, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(attr.Suffix) == false)
if (key.EndsWith(attr.Suffix, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
return request.Form.Get(key);
return request.Form.Get(key);
else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(attr.Suffix) == false)
if (key.EndsWith(attr.Suffix, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
return request.Form.Get(key);
if (attr.HasIncludes)
foreach (var include in attr.InlcludeSplit)
if (key.Equals(include, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
return request.Form.Get(include);
return null;
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.Class, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = true)]
public class AliasAttribute : Attribute
private string _include;
private string[] _inlcludeSplit = new string[0];
public string Prefix { get; set; }
public string Suffix { get; set; }
public string Include
return _include;
_include = value;
_inlcludeSplit = SplitString(_include);
public string[] InlcludeSplit
return _inlcludeSplit;
public bool HasIncludes { get { return InlcludeSplit.Length > 0; } }
internal static string[] SplitString(string original)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(original))
return new string[0];
return (from piece in original.Split(new char[] { ',' })
let trimmed = piece.Trim()
where !string.IsNullOrEmpty(trimmed)
select trimmed).ToArray<string>();
public JsonResult EmailCheck([ModelBinder(typeof(AliasModelBinder)), Alias(Suffix = "Email")]string email)
// email will be assigned to any field suffixed with "Email". e.g. PrimaryEmail, SecondaryEmail and so on
Gave up on this and then stumbled across the Action Parameter Alias code base that will probably allow me to do this. It's not as flexible as what I started out to write but probably can be modified to allow wild cards.
what I did was make my attribute subclass System.Web.Mvc.CustomModelBinderAttribute which then allows you to return a version of your custom model binder modified with the aliases.
public class AliasAttribute : System.Web.Mvc.CustomModelBinderAttribute
public AliasAttribute()
public AliasAttribute( string alias )
Alias = alias;
public string Alias { get; set; }
public override IModelBinder GetBinder()
var binder = new AliasModelBinder();
if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( Alias ) )
binder.Alias = Alias;
return binder;
which then allows this usage:
public ActionResult Edit( [Alias( "somethingElse" )] string email )
// ...
