HOw can I access two database in single .edmx file? -

I have created mvc3 application.
I have one .edmx already created which is based on Db1 but now
I have created a view which is based on Database2 and I need to use this view inside my project.
For that I need to update my EF .edmx file.
but when I right click and select option Update model from Database
i'm only getting all tables , view ,sps fromDb1` its obvious
But as i need to use view which is fromDatabase2how can i add it into my model.edmx` file?
please help.

If two edmx want to merge then make partial class same for both edmx file (there will be two designer classes). Add another constructor and make it parametrized, for other edmx file. Parameter to identify which edmx want to load.
Add another class file in Business layer create object of edmx partial class in this class file, Under this class when ever you want to load whom so ever edmx file pass some argument in constructor of edmx partial class constructor to identify which connection needs to open.
Pass parameter in constructor of edmx designer class, based on decided page name (custom logic or table name; That edmx will get loaded.
In web config file multiple connection strings will available for multiple edmx file.

Entity Framework does not support mapping more than one database to one model/.edmx file (see See : unify two models (edmx) with visual studio 2010)
So you'd need to create a separate .edmx file/model for the other database, and reference each model with separate contexts. You'll need 2 connection strings in your projects as well.

One "hack" might be, for i.e. MS SQL to link these two servers and expose the data from other one on first one, i.e. via view. But I think it's manageable only for few tables. With huge models this will be pain. Other databases (Firebird, Oracle, ...) support this in similar way.

What I have done , created stored procedure in db A and accessed the db B through that SP , say select * from db2.table.then create a function import for that particular SP .
This approach works well if you have both databases on same server. In case these are on different servers you can create Linked Server on B to access A using the same stored procedure approach.

Using ctx As New Entity()
ctx.Database.Connection.ConnectionString = conString
End Using


Entity Framework Multiple EDMX file sharing same tables

Environment : EF 6, SQL 2012
Setup: Database First, LazyLoading disabled
The question might appear more generic but will try to explain it in the best possible way.
I have a large application using ASP.NET MVC and grouped the entity based on the logical functionality. Hence we built multiple EDMX files
There is scenario in which we have to use the similar entity in two EDMX file.
School has relation to Teachers and Students.In first EDMX file, i used school and Teachers.In Second EDMX file, i used school and students
But only one Entity class getting created. If i run the custom tool on second EDMX context file, then the entity(school.cs) on my first edmx getting disappeared and it appears on the second one..
Why this strange behaviour occurs?
Here is the code in my first EDMX file
As you see here, i m not accessing school entity and also i disabled Lazyloading. But it complains that it couldnt find school file. Note: Courses has navigation property to school. But i didnt include it here.. Why its occuring so?
var courses=
.Select(e =>
new CourseDTO()
CourseID= e.CourseID,
Name= e.CourseName,
Desc= e.Desc,
isActive= e.isActive
.OrderBy(e => e.CourseID);
The problem is, I m able to include one entity in the EDMX file only..
In first EDMX, it has navigation property to Teachers
In second EDMX , it has navigation property related to Students. But only Entity file exists at a time.. With only one Entity file, the code breaks
Note: This is just sample..Not my original application
Thanks #GertArnold. Meanwhile, i tried to create folders and kept the EDMX file inside it. Means i created seperate folder for each logical group and then included edmx file inside it. This in turn made the edmx file entities have different name space(i mean the entity classes) and also it enabled to have the same entity across multiple EDMX files. It sounds to have resolved my problem.
I didnt try to have them included under different namespace.. The whole idea started when i realized that even though i have two EDMX files, the associated entities(.csfiles) are created in the same physical location. I tried to create sub folders and included the EDMX files. It resolved the problem and i found it is having different name space

How to use entity framework in other modules?

I am currently developing project using C# MVC and entity framework, I want to use the entity framework in other modules ,
i.e security module , Utility module ,
i want to call the db using the entity frame work, how do i do this ?
i am new to this are please explain in detail, idea is to break the project into presentation layer, business layer and data access layer..
i don't know how to archive this.
Try this way,
There are three ways to work around entity framework, Database First, Model First & Code First.
Database First: If you already have database, then entity framework can generate a data model that consists of classes & properties that correspond to existing database objects such as tables & columns.
The information of database structure, conceptual data model & mapping between them is store in the xml in an .edmx file.
Model First: If you don't have database, you can start creating model using vs entity framework designer. This approach also use the .edmx file.
Code First: In this approach, we don't need .edmx file. Mapping between store schema & conceptual data model is represented by code, handled by code convention & special mapping API.
Here I have used the Database First approach.
In order to use the Dal class lib, add the reference in the business logic layer and initialize the entities class. For example
Find the entity framework object.
Initialize the entity framework object in other class lib.
FrameworkEntities entities = new FrameworkEntities();
Please let me know, if you want to use model first or code first approach.
Get started from the below link for the Entity Frame Work

Code First and Model First in the same project?

I have two databases that I am accessing. The first is against a contact database which I connected to using EF Model First; creating the edmx. I have since begun to learn the virtue of CODE First when working with Entity Framework, so I decided I would, in the same project, write the Product database using Code First techniques, allowing the database to be generated from the code I am writing.
Everything compiles fine. The problem occurs when I hit my harness and it attempts to create the Product database and retreive a list of values from one of the tables...
I get the folowing error "Could not find the conceptual model type for 'Core.Data.Account'", when I attempt to enumerate the ProductLines property (Line3 below).
1. using (var ctx = new ProductDb())
2. {
3. var lines = ctx.ProductLines.ToList();
4. this.litOne.Text = lines.Count.ToString();
5. }
After some research it appears that this message may be occuring because of multiple entities with the same name (regardless of namespace), however there is nothing in the ProductDb context with the name "Account".
There is a class in the OTHER context created by the Model First approach named "Account". But how/why would that make a difference? They each point to different databases i.e. different connection strings. Why would the ProductDb be attempting to create a table called Account, when it should be completely unaware of it's exstence?
Thank you as always!,
- G
I bumped into the same problem, but the other way around: first a DbContext + generated database and then generated an edmx off the database (just for a little presentation). It appeared to be a restriction in EF: EF currently has a restriction that POCO classes can't be loaded from an assembly that contains classes with the EF attributes.
The only thing you can do for now is keep the contexts in separate assemblies.

Are there Visual Studio Tools For Creating DTO/ViewModel

I'm trying to introduce ASP.Net MVC to my department. I am encouraging them to have a ViewModel per View and AutoMapper for our larger projects (and ideally in general).
Sometimes this means having one large entity and picking 5 of its properties and creating the ViewModel. This is done by looking at the the edmx model (many projects were existing so it was DB first) and then creating matching properties in a ViewModel class. Obviously names etc have to match for AutoMapper to work. Also for navigation properties you have to add the navigation name first. Ideally also being able to type in a display name etc.
I'm trying to ease them into doing this (what they see as extra work). Is there any tool that would load a list of fields and allow you to select via checkbox etc and create the class from that?
I guess the same would apply to DTOs etc
Have you tried this
you can create a template of the dto and then it will generate the files/dto's for you as needed from any kind of datasource.

EF CTP4 - create tables, but not drop DB

I have a single hosted SQL Server DB and I don't have permissions to drop it. How do I make EF create tables from my domain classes? RecreateDatabaseIfModelChanges and AlwaysRecreateDatabase try to drop DB, CreateDatabaseOnlyIfNotExists doesn't create the tables.
CreateDatabaseOnlyIfNotExists is the default strategy. It means you don't need to even set it through the Database.SetInitializer. EF Code First will check the database and if couldn't find one with the same name as your context's fully qualified name, it will create one for you.
